async def profile(ctx, nation: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): try: with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase(nation): if 'descrip' in n: embed = discord.Embed(title=nation.upper(), description=n['descrip'], color=0xeee657) else: embed = discord.Embed( title=nation.upper(), description=wiki.getSummary( titleCase(nation).replace(' ', '%20')), color=0xeee657) embed.add_field(name="Head of State", value=idToName(ctx, n['hos']), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Capital City", value=n['cap'], inline=False) embed.add_field(name="ISO Code", value=n['iso'], inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Central Bank", value=n['bank'], inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Population", value=str(len(n['members'])) + '; use `.citizens "' + titleCase(nation) + '"` to see citizens', inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Cities", value=str(len(n['cities'])) + '; use `.cities "' + titleCase(nation) + '"` to see cities', inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') except ValueError: await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')
async def leave(ctx, nation: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): if valExists(ctx, 'name', titleCase(nation)): if valExists(ctx, 'members', with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase(nation): if in n['members']: n['members'].remove( if n['hos'] == if len(n['members']) >= 1: n['hos'] = n['members'][0] await ctx.send( + '! You are the Head of State. You will be preceded by ' + idToName(n['members'][0]) + '.') else: data['nations'].remove(n) await ctx.send( + '! You are the last member of this nation. ' + titleCase(nation) + ' will be disbanded.') else: await ctx.send( + '! You are not a member of that nation.') return os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' left the nation of ' + titleCase(nation) + '.') else: await ctx.send( + '! You are currently stateless.') else: await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')
async def join(ctx, nation: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): if valExists(ctx, 'name', titleCase(nation)): if not valExists(ctx, 'members', with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase(nation): n['members'].append( os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' joined the nation of ' + titleCase(nation) + '.') else: await ctx.send( + '! You are already in a nation.') else: await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')
async def cities(ctx, nation: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): try: stage = '```CITIES OF ' + nation.upper() + '\n' with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase(nation): for cit in n['cities']: stage += ' - ' + cit + '\n' stage += '```' await ctx.send(stage) return await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') except ValueError: await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')
async def establish(ctx, nation: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): if not valExists(ctx, 'name', titleCase(nation)): if not valExists(ctx, 'members', currISO = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open('game/isolog' + str( + '.txt') ] iso = setISO(nation, currISO) city = titleCase(nation) + random.choice([ ' City', 'shire', ' Town', 'berg', 'borough', 'grad', 'jing', 'kyo', 'ville', 'field', 'view', 'town', 'fast' ]) bank = 'Bank of ' + titleCase(nation) if hos = else: hos = try: with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) data['nations'].append({ 'name': titleCase(nation), 'iso': iso, 'hos': hos, 'members': [], 'cap': city, 'cities': [city], 'bank': bank }) except ValueError: data = {} data['nations'] = [] data['nations'].append({ 'name': titleCase(nation), 'iso': iso, 'hos': hos, 'members': [], 'cap': city, 'cities': [city], 'bank': bank }) f = open('game/isolog' + str( + '.txt', 'a') f.write(iso + '\n') f.close() os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' established the growing nation of ' + titleCase(nation) + '.') else: await ctx.send( + '! You are already in a nation.') else: await ctx.send( + '! That nation has already been established.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')
async def bank(ctx, nation: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): try: total = 0 total_e = 0 stage = '' with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase(nation): stage = '```' + n['bank'] + '\n' if 'usd' in n and 'eur' in n and 'curr' in n: stage += '1 USD is ' + str( n['usd'] ) + ' ' + n['curr'] + '.\n1 EUR is ' + str( n['eur']) + ' ' + n['curr'] + '\n' with open('game/users' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for u in data['users']: if u['id'] in n['members']: with open('data/dataRecord.json', 'r') as rf: rates = json.load(rf) networth = 0 networth_e = 0 ratelist = list(u['balance'].keys()) for r in range(len(ratelist)): if ratelist[r] != 'USD': networth += u['balance'][ ratelist[r]] / rates['usd'][ len(rates['usd']) - 1]['rates'][ ratelist[r]] else: networth += u['balance'][ ratelist[r]] if ratelist[r] != 'EUR': networth_e += u['balance'][ ratelist[r]] / rates['eur'][ len(rates['eur']) - 1]['rates'][ ratelist[r]] else: networth_e += u['balance'][ ratelist[r]] total += networth total_e += networth_e stage += 'National net worth (USD): ' + str( "%.2f" % total) + '\nNational net worth (EUR): ' + str( "%.2f" % total_e) + '```' await ctx.send(stage) return await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') except ValueError: await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')
async def set(ctx, item: str, nation: str, content: str): if os.path.exists('game/data' + str( + '.json'): if valExists(ctx, 'name', titleCase(nation)): if item == 'description': with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase( nation) and n['hos'] == n['descrip'] = content f.close() os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open( 'game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' changed the national desription.') return await ctx.send( + '! You are not the Head of State of that nation.') elif item == 'iso': currISO = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open('game/isolog' + str( + '.txt') ] with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase( nation) and n['hos'] == if content not in currISO: if (len(content) == 2 or len(content) == 3) and content.isalpha( ) and content == content.upper(): n['iso'] = content f.close() f = open( 'game/isolog' + str( + '.txt', 'a') f.write(content + '\n') f.close() os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open( 'game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' changed the ISO code.') else: await ctx.send( + '! That is an incorrect ISO code format. ISO codes must be 2 to 3 uppercase Latin letters.' ) else: await ctx.send( + '! That ISO code already exists.') return await ctx.send( + '! You are not the Head of State of that nation.') elif item == 'capital': with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase(nation) and n[ 'hos'] == and titleCase( content) in n['cities']: n['cap'] = titleCase(content) f.close() os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open( 'game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' changed the capital city.') return await ctx.send( + '! You are not the Head of State of that nation.') elif item == 'bank': with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase( nation) and n['hos'] == n['bank'] = titleCase(content) f.close() os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open( 'game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' changed the central bank.') return await ctx.send( + '! You are not the Head of State of that nation.') elif item == 'city': with open('game/data' + str( + '.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for n in data['nations']: if n['name'] == titleCase( nation) and n['hos'] == if len(n['members']) // 3 >= len(n['cities']): if titleCase(content) not in n['city']: n['city'].append(titleCase(content)) f.close() os.remove('game/data' + str( + '.json') with open( 'game/data' + str( + '.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) await ctx.send( + ' added the city of ' + titleCase(content) + '.') return await ctx.send( + '! That city already exists.') return await ctx.send( + '! You need a population of at least ' + str(len(n['cities']) * 3) + ' to establish another city') return await ctx.send( + '! You are not the Head of State of that nation.') return else: await ctx.send( + '! This nation does not exist.') else: await ctx.send( + '! Civilization has yet to be dawned.')