Example #1
def get_chair_mask(i_subject, i_seq, i_cam, i_frame):
    p = f'{paths.DATA_ROOT}/3dhp/S{i_subject}/Seq{i_seq}/ChairMasks/img_{i_cam}_{i_frame:06d}.jpg'
    chroma_frame = improc.imread_jpeg(p)
    is_fg = chroma_frame[..., 0] < 32
    mask, objbox = improc.largest_connected_component(is_fg)
    encoded_mask = improc.encode_mask(mask)
    return encoded_mask
Example #2
def get_mask(i_subject, i_seq, i_cam, i_frame):
    chroma_frame = improc.imread_jpeg(
    person_box = get_box(i_subject, i_seq, i_cam, i_frame)

    is_fg = chroma_frame[..., 0] > 100
    n_labels, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(
        is_fg.astype(np.uint8), 4, cv2.CV_32S)
    component_boxes = stats[:, :4]
    ious = [
        boxlib.iou(component_box, person_box)
        for component_box in component_boxes
    ious[0] = 0
    person_label = np.argmax(ious)
    mask = (labels == person_label).astype(np.uint8)

    # Remove foreground pixels that are far from the person box
    intbox = boxlib.intersect(boxlib.full_box((2048, 2048)),
                              boxlib.expand(person_box, 1.3)).astype(int)
    mask[:intbox[1]] = 0
    mask[:, :intbox[0]] = 0
    mask[:, intbox[0] + intbox[2]:] = 0
    mask[intbox[1] + intbox[3]:] = 0
    encoded_mask = improc.encode_mask(mask)
    return encoded_mask
Example #3
def get_connected_component_with_highest_iou(mask, person_box):
    """Finds the 4-connected component in `mask` with the highest bbox IoU with the `person box`"""
    mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)
    _, labels, stats, _ = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(mask, 4, cv2.CV_32S)
    component_boxes = stats[:, :4]
    ious = [boxlib.iou(component_box, person_box) for component_box in component_boxes]
    person_label = np.argmax(ious)
    return improc.encode_mask(labels == person_label)
Example #4
def make_efficient_example(ex, root_muco, i_person):
    image_relpath = ex.image_path
    max_rotate = np.pi / 6
    padding_factor = 1 / 0.85
    scale_up_factor = 1 / 0.85
    scale_down_factor = 1 / 0.85
    shift_factor = 1.2
    base_dst_side = 256
    box_center = boxlib.center(ex.bbox)
    s = np.sin(max_rotate)
    c = np.cos(max_rotate)
    rot_bbox_size = (np.array([[c, s], [s, c]]) @ ex.bbox[2:, np.newaxis])[:, 0]
    side = np.max(rot_bbox_size)
    rot_bbox_size = np.array([side, side])
    rot_bbox = boxlib.box_around(box_center, rot_bbox_size)

    scale_factor = min(base_dst_side / np.max(ex.bbox[2:]) * scale_up_factor, 1)
    expansion_factor = padding_factor * shift_factor * scale_down_factor
    expanded_bbox = boxlib.expand(rot_bbox, expansion_factor)
    expanded_bbox = boxlib.intersect(expanded_bbox, boxlib.full_box([2048, 2048]))

    new_camera = ex.camera.copy()
    new_camera.intrinsic_matrix[:2, 2] -= expanded_bbox[:2]

    dst_shape = improc.rounded_int_tuple(scale_factor * expanded_bbox[[3, 2]])
    new_im_path = f'{root_muco}_downscaled/{image_relpath[:-4]}_{i_person:01d}.jpg'
    if not (util.is_file_newer(new_im_path, "2020-02-15T23:28:26")):
        im = improc.imread_jpeg(f'{root_muco}/{image_relpath}')
        new_im = cameralib.reproject_image(im, ex.camera, new_camera, dst_shape, antialias_factor=4)
        imageio.imwrite(new_im_path, new_im, quality=95)

    new_bbox_topleft = cameralib.reproject_image_points(ex.bbox[:2], ex.camera, new_camera)
    new_bbox = np.concatenate([new_bbox_topleft, ex.bbox[2:] * scale_factor])

    if ex.mask is None:
        noext, ext = os.path.splitext(image_relpath[:-4])
        noext = noext.replace('unaugmented_set_001/', '')
        mask = improc.decode_mask(util.load_pickle(f'{root_muco}/masks/{noext}.pkl'))
        mask = ex.mask

    if mask is False:
        new_mask_encoded = None
        new_mask = cameralib.reproject_image(mask, ex.camera, new_camera, dst_shape)
        new_mask_encoded = improc.encode_mask(new_mask)

    return p3ds.Pose3DExample(
        os.path.relpath(new_im_path, paths.DATA_ROOT), ex.world_coords.astype(np.float32),
        new_bbox.astype(np.float32), new_camera, mask=new_mask_encoded,
Example #5
def save_overall_mask(people, i_out):
    def _get_mask(i):
        i_subject, i_seq, i_cam, i_frame = people[i]
        encoded_mask = get_mask(int(i_subject), int(i_seq), int(i_cam),
        return improc.decode_mask(encoded_mask)

    def _get_chair_mask(i):
        i_subject, i_seq, i_cam, i_frame = people[i]
        encoded_mask = get_chair_mask(int(i_subject), int(i_seq), int(i_cam),
        return improc.decode_mask(encoded_mask)

    overall_mask = _get_mask(0)
    np.maximum(overall_mask, _get_chair_mask(0), out=overall_mask)

    for i in range(1, 4):
        np.maximum(overall_mask, _get_mask(i), out=overall_mask)
        np.maximum(overall_mask, _get_chair_mask(i), out=overall_mask)

    s = f'{i_out + 1:06d}'
    out_path = f'{paths.DATA_ROOT}/muco/masks/{s[:2]}/{s[:4]}/{s}.pkl'
    util.dump_pickle(improc.encode_mask(overall_mask), out_path)
Example #6
def empty_mask():
    return improc.encode_mask(np.zeros((2048, 2048), dtype=np.uint8))