def pipe_gray3d_slic_features_gmm_graphcut(image, nb_classes=4, spacing=(12, 1, 1), sp_size=15, sp_regul=0.2, gc_regul=0.1, dict_features=FTS_SET_SIMPLE): """ complete pipe-line for segmentation using superpixels, extracting features and graphCut segmentation :param ndarray img: input RGB image :param int sp_size: initial size of a superpixel(meaning edge lenght) :param float sp_regul: regularisation in range(0;1) where "0" gives elastic and "1" nearly square segments :param int nb_classes: number of classes to be segmented(indexing from 0) :param (int, int, int) spacing: :param float gc_regul: regularisation for GC :return [[int]]: segmentation matrix maping each pixel into a class >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> image = np.random.random((5, 125, 150)) / 2. >>> image[:, :, :75] += 0.5 >>> segm = pipe_gray3d_slic_features_gmm_graphcut(image) >>> segm.shape (5, 125, 150) """'PIPELINE Superpixels-Features-GraphCut') slic = seg_sp.segment_slic_img3d_gray(image, sp_size=sp_size, rltv_compact=sp_regul, space=spacing) # plt.imshow(segments)'extract segments/superpixels features.') # f = features.computeColourMean(image, segments) features, _ = seg_fts.compute_selected_features_gray3d( image, slic, dict_features) # merge features together logging.debug('list of features RAW: %s', repr(features.shape)) features[np.isnan(features)] = 0'norm all features.') features, _ = seg_fts.norm_features(features) logging.debug('list of features NORM: %s', repr(features.shape)) model = seg_gc.estim_class_model_gmm(features, nb_classes) proba = model.predict_proba(features) logging.debug('list of probabilities: %s', repr(proba.shape)) # resultGraph = graphCut.segment_graph_cut_int_vals(segments, prob, gcReg) graph_labels = seg_gc.segment_graph_cut_general(slic, proba, image, features, gc_regul) return graph_labels[slic]
def test_count_transitions_segment(self): img = self.img[:, :, 0] annot = self.annot.astype(int) slic = segment_slic_img2d(img, sp_size=15, relative_compact=0.2) label_hist = histogram_regions_labels_norm(slic, annot) labels = np.argmax(label_hist, axis=1) trans = count_label_transitions_connected_segments({'a': slic}, {'a': labels}) path_csv = os.path.join(PATH_OUTPUT, 'labels_transitions.csv') pd.DataFrame(trans).to_csv(path_csv) gc_regul = compute_pairwise_cost_from_transitions(trans, 10.) np.random.seed(0) features = np.tile(labels, (5, 1)).T.astype(float) features += np.random.random(features.shape) - 0.5 gmm = estim_class_model_gmm(features, 4) proba = gmm.predict_proba(features) segment_graph_cut_general(slic, proba, gc_regul)