def segmentTubes2(img_labeled, img_intensity): """ Parameters ========== :img_labeled: labeled image before segmentation img_intensity: intensity image Returns ======= labeld image segmented by Otsu's binarization by each region. * This function do not perform histogram equalization by each region. If you want to do that before the segmentation, use 'segementation1' function. """ img_seg = np.zeros_like(img_intensity) labels = np.unique(img_labeled.flatten()) for cell_id in labels[1:]: bin_region = (img_labeled == cell_id) region = bin_region * img_intensity region, _ = imtools.histeq(region) # segmentation T = otsu(np.uint(region), ignore_zeros=True) img_seg += (np.uint(region) > T) labeled, counts = label(img_seg) return labeled, counts
def test3(): im = array( + 'AquaTermi_lowcontrast.JPG').convert('L')) im2, cdf = imtools.histeq(im) figure() subplot(321) hist(im.flatten(), 128) subplot(322) hist(im2.flatten(), 128) subplot(323) imshow(im) gray() subplot(324) imshow(im2) gray() print cdf.shape subplot(325) plot(cdf) show()
def process_image(imagename, resultname, histeq=False, params='--edge-thresh 10 --peak-thresh 5'): if not imagename.endswith('pgm') or histeq: im ='L') if histeq: import imtools im = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(imtools.histeq(numpy.array(im))[0]))'out_tmp.pgm') imagename = 'out_tmp.pgm' # Assumes that vlfeat's sift binary is in PATH. cmd = ' '.join(['sift', imagename, '--output=' + resultname, params]) os.system(cmd) # Re-write as .mat file, which loads faster. f = numpy.loadtxt(resultname) sio.savemat(resultname + '.mat', {'f':f}, oned_as='row')
def process_image(imagename, resultname, histeq=False, params='--edge-thresh 10 --peak-thresh 5'): if not imagename.endswith('pgm') or histeq: im ='L') if histeq: import imtools im = Image.fromarray( numpy.uint8(imtools.histeq(numpy.array(im))[0]))'out_tmp.pgm') imagename = 'out_tmp.pgm' # Assumes that vlfeat's sift binary is in PATH. cmd = ' '.join(['sift', imagename, '--output=' + resultname, params]) os.system(cmd) # Re-write as .mat file, which loads faster. f = numpy.loadtxt(resultname) sio.savemat(resultname + '.mat', {'f': f}, oned_as='row')
def fitSky(center, distances, pa, ba, img, mask, name): #limit = findClosestEdge(distances, center) band = Settings.getConstants().band #start = Photometry.getStart(CALIFA_ID) - 500 start = 10 radius = 30 step = 5 fluxSlopeM = -10 #init fluxSlope = -10 while fluxSlopeM < 0: fluxData = Photometry.growEllipses(img, distances, center, start, start+radius, pa, ba, mask) #fitting unmasked xi = fluxData[:, 0] #isoA A = np.array([xi, np.ones(len(fluxData))]) y = np.divide(fluxData[:, 1], fluxData[:, 2]) #flux ppx #print np.mean(y), start w = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T,y)[0] # obtaining the parameters fluxSlope = w[0] line = w[0]*xi+w[1] # regression line #print fluxSlope, 'slope' #fitting masked #print 'fitting masked' xi = fluxData[:, 0] #isoA A = np.array([xi, np.ones(len(fluxData))]) yM = np.divide(fluxData[:, 3],fluxData[:, 4]) #flux ppx w = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T,yM)[0] # obtaining the parameters fluxSlopeM = w[0] #print np.mean(yM), np.mean(y), start, fluxSlope, np.sum(fluxData[:, 2]), np.sum(fluxData[:, 4]) line = w[0]*xi+w[1] # regression line print fluxSlopeM, 'slope', start+radius start = start + step img_c = img.copy() currentPixels = ellipse.draw_ellipse(img.shape, center[0], center[1], pa, start-step, ba) img_c[currentPixels] = 10 img_c, cdf = imtools.histeq(img_c) scipy.misc.imsave('vimos/img/snapshots/'+band+"/"+name+'.png', img_c) return np.mean(y), fluxSlope, np.mean(yM), fluxSlopeM, fluxData[-1, 0]
def segmentTubes3(img_labeled, img_intensity): """ Parameters ========== :img_labeled: labeled image before segmentation img_intensity: intensity image Returns ======= labeld image segmented by mean-intensity by each region. * This function perform histogram equalization by each region before segmentation. """ img_seg = np.zeros_like(img_intensity) labels = np.unique(img_labeled.flatten()) for cell_id in labels[1:]: bin_region = (img_labeled == cell_id) region = bin_region * img_intensity region, _ = imtools.histeq(region) # segmentation T = np.mean(, 0)) img_seg += (region > T) labeled, counts = label(img_seg) return labeled, counts
subplot(232) title('当前值域%d', fontproperties=font) imshow(rev_im) im3 = (100 / 255) * im + 100 subplot(233) title(u'试试', fontproperties=font) imshow(im3) im4 = (im / 255)**2 * 255 subplot(234) imshow(im4) #对像素值求平方后得到的图像 ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #直方图均衡化 import imtools def histeq(im, nbr_bins=256): imhist, bins = histogram(im.flatten(), nbr_nbins, normed=True) cdf = imhist.cumsum() cdf = 255 * cdf / cdf[-1] im2 = interp(im.flatten(), bins[:-1], cdf) return im2.reshape(im.shape), cdf im2, cdf = imtools.histeq(im) subplot(235) hist(im2.flatten(), 128, normed=true) show()
#coding: utf-8 ''' Created on 2015年7月23日 @author: Administrator ''' from PIL import Image from numpy import * import imtools from pylab import * from matplotlib.pyplot import show, imshow, figure im = array('sunset.jpg').convert('L')) im2,cdf = imtools.histeq(im) im2=255.0*(im2/255.0)**2 gray() imshow(im2) figure() hist(im.flatten(),128) show()
imshow(im) subplot(222) title('Histogram of red color') hist(im[:, :, 0].flatten(), bins=256) #红色通道直方图 subplot(223) title('Histogram of green color') hist(im[:, :, 1].flatten(), bins=256) #绿色通道直方图 subplot(224) title('Histogram of blue color') hist(im[:, :, 2].flatten(), bins=256) #蓝色通道直方图 im = imread('handsome.jpg') showImage(im) #显示图像和直方图 #分别调整r、g、b通道的对比度 red, rcdf = imtools.histeq(im[:, :, 0]) green, gcdf = imtools.histeq(im[:, :, 1]) blue, bcdf = imtools.histeq(im[:, :, 2]) #将调整后的值赋值给原图像 im[:, :, 0] = red im[:, :, 1] = green im[:, :, 2] = blue showImage(im) #显示图像和直方图 #绘制cdf曲线 figure() subplot(311) plot(rcdf / 255) #重新归一化cdf的值域范围为[0,1]之间 subplot(312) plot(gcdf / 255) #重新归一化cdf的值域范围为[0,1]之间 subplot(313) plot(bcdf / 255) #重新归一化cdf的值域范围为[0,1]之间
hist(pil_img.flatten(),128) show() figure(3) im2 = 255 - pil_img im3=(100/255.0)*pil_img+100 im4 = 255.0*(pil_img/255.0)**2 subplot(221) imshow(pil_img,cmap=cm.Greys_r) subplot(222) imshow(im2,cmap=cm.Greys_r) subplot(223) imshow(im3,cmap=cm.Greys_r) subplot(224) imshow(im4,cmap=cm.Greys_r) figure(4) im5,cdf = imtools.histeq(pil_img) subplot(221) imshow(pil_img,cmap=cm.Greys_r) subplot(222) imshow(im5,cmap=cm.Greys_r) subplot(223) plot(cdf) ########################################################### close("all") # pca imlist = imtools.get_imlist('gwb_cropped') im = array([0])) m,n = im.shape[0:2] imnbr = len(imlist) immatrix = array([array( for im in imlist],'f')
def calculateGrowthCurve(listFile, dataDir, i): CALIFA_ID = str(i+1) inputImage = Photometry.getInputFile(listFile, dataDir, i) dbDir = '../db/' imgDir = 'img/'+setBand()+'/' center = Photometry.getCenter(listFile, i, dataDir) distances = Photometry.createDistanceArray(listFile, i, dataDir) #hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(distances) #hdu.writeto('distances.fits') sky = inputImage[np.where(distances > int(round(Photometry.iso25D)))] skyMean = np.mean(sky) skySD = np.std(sky) #i+1 in the next line reflects the fact that CALIFA id's start with 1 pa = db.dbUtils.getFromDB('PA', dbDir+'CALIFA.sqlite', 'nadine', ' where califa_id = '+ CALIFA_ID)[0][0] #parsing tuples ba = db.dbUtils.getFromDB('ba', dbDir+'CALIFA.sqlite', 'nadine', ' where califa_id = '+ CALIFA_ID)[0][0]#parsing tuples #ba = 1 #r_mag = db.dbUtils.getFromDB('r_mag', dbDir+'CALIFA.sqlite', 'nadine', ' where califa_id = '+ CALIFA_ID)[0][0]#parsing tuples #r_e = db.dbUtils.getFromDB('re', dbDir+'CALIFA.sqlite', 'nadine', ' where califa_id = '+ CALIFA_ID)[0][0]#parsing tuples #lucy_re = db.dbUtils.getFromDB('re', dbDir+'CALIFA.sqlite', 'lucie', ' where id = '+ CALIFA_ID)[0][0]#parsing tuples #l_SkyMean = db.dbUtils.getFromDB('sky', dbDir+'CALIFA.sqlite', 'lucie', ' where id = '+ CALIFA_ID)[0][0] - 1000#parsing tuples # print 'ba', ba #fluxData = Photometry.buildGrowthCurve(inputImage, center, distances, skyMean, pa, ba) #isoA = fluxData.shape[0] # --------------------------------------- starting GC photometry in circular annuli print 'CIRCULAR APERTURE' #circFlux, circFluxData = Photometry.circularFlux(inputImage, center, distances, skyMean) circFlux, circFluxData, gc_sky = Photometry.buildGrowthCurve(inputImage, center, distances, skyMean, pa, 1, str(i+1)) circRadius = circFluxData.shape[0] #print circRadius, 'circle radius' #otherFlux = circFluxData[-1, 1] #print 'fluxes: mask:', circFlux, 'sum', otherFlux try: circHLR = circFluxData[np.where(np.floor(circFlux/circFluxData[:,1]) == 1)][0][0] - 1 #Floor() -1 -- last element where the ratio is 2 except IndexError as e: circHLR = str(e) circMag = Photometry.calculateFlux(circFlux, listFile, i) # --------------------------------------- starting ellipse GC photometry print 'ELLIPTICAL APERTURE' totalFlux, fluxData, gc_sky = Photometry.buildGrowthCurve(inputImage, center, distances, skyMean, pa, ba, CALIFA_ID, e=True) otherFlux = fluxData[fluxData.shape[0]-1, 6] elMajAxis = fluxData.shape[0] #print totalFlux - otherFlux, 'flux diff' #print 't', totalFlux, 'o', otherFlux diff = [CALIFA_ID, totalFlux - otherFlux] utils.writeOut(diff, 'fluxdiff.txt') elMag = Photometry.calculateFlux(totalFlux, listFile, i) try: elHLR = fluxData[np.where(np.floor(totalFlux/fluxData[:, 1]) == 1)][0][0] - 1 #Floor() -1 -- last element where the ratio is 2 print elHLR except IndexError as e: print 'err' elHLR = e plotGrowthCurve.plotGrowthCurve(fluxData, CALIFA_ID) # --------------------- writing output jpg file with both outermost annuli outputImage = inputImage circpix = ellipse.draw_ellipse(inputImage.shape, center[0], center[1], pa, circRadius, 1) elPix = ellipse.draw_ellipse(inputImage.shape, center[0], center[1], pa, elMajAxis, ba) outputImage[circpix] = 0 outputImage[elPix] = 0 outputImage, cdf = imtools.histeq(outputImage) #scipy.misc.imsave('img/output/'+CALIFA_ID+'.jpg', outputImage) scipy.misc.imsave(imgDir+'snapshots/'+CALIFA_ID+'_gc.jpg', outputImage) #hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(outputImage) #outputName = 'CALIFA'+CALIFA_ID+'.fits' #hdu.writeto(outputName) # ------------------------------------- formatting output row output = [CALIFA_ID, elMag, elHLR, circMag, circHLR, np.mean(sky), gc_sky] print output #print skyMean, oldSky, 'sky' return output
from PIL import Image from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import imtools import numpy as np # SET ALL PLOTS TO GRAY plt.gray() im = np.array('empire.jpg').convert('L')) im_eq, cdf = imtools.histeq(im) plt.figure(6) plt.imshow(im_eq) plt.figure(7) plt.hist(im_eq.flatten(), 128) plt.figure(8) plt.hist(im.copy().flatten(), 128) #invert image im2 = 255 - im # Clamp to interval 100....200 im3 = (100.0/255.0) * im + 100 # squared (This is a quadratic function that lowers values of darker pixels) im4 = 255.0 * (im/255.0)**2 print(im)
def buildGrowthCurve(center, distances, pa, ba, CALIFA_ID): band = Settings.getConstants().band sky = Settings.getSkyFitValues(str(CALIFA_ID)).sky isoA_max = Settings.getSkyFitValues(str(CALIFA_ID)).isoA inputImage = Photometry.getInputFile(int(CALIFA_ID) - 1, band) #masked input array mask = Photometry.getMask(int(CALIFA_ID)-1) mask = getCroppedMask(mask, int(CALIFA_ID)-1) inputImageM =, mask=mask) ellipseMask = np.zeros((inputImage.shape), dtype=np.uint8) ellipseMaskM = ellipseMask.copy() fluxData = Photometry.initFluxData(inputImage, center, distances) #currentPixels = center #currentFlux = inputImage[center] Npix = 1 #init growthSlope = 200 #init for isoA in range(1, int(isoA_max)+1): #draw ellipse for all pixels: currentPixels = ellipse.draw_ellipse(inputImage.shape, center[0], center[1], pa, isoA, ba) #Npix = inputImage[currentPixels].shape[0] #currentFlux = np.sum(inputImage[currentPixels]) ellipseMask[currentPixels] = 1 Npix = inputImage[currentPixels].shape[0] #draw ellipse for masked pixels only: currentPixelsM = ellipse.draw_ellipse(inputImageM.shape, center[0], center[1], pa, isoA, ba) ellipseMaskM[currentPixelsM] = 1 maskedPixels = inputImageM[np.where((ellipseMaskM == 1) & (mask == 0))] #NpixM = inputImageM[currentPixelsM].compressed().shape[0] #currentFluxM = np.sum(inputImageM.filled(0)[currentPixelsM]) #print Npix - NpixM, currentFlux-currentFluxM #growthSlope = utils.getSlope(oldFlux, currentFlux, isoA-1, isoA) #print 'isoA', isoA fluxData[isoA, 0] = isoA fluxData[isoA, 1] = np.sum(inputImage[np.where(ellipseMask == 1)])# cumulative flux fluxData[isoA, 2] = inputImage[np.where(ellipseMask == 1)].shape[0] fluxData[isoA, 3] = np.sum(maskedPixels)# cumulative flux, without masked pixels fluxData[isoA, 4] = maskedPixels.shape[0] #print Npix, NpixM, fluxData[isoA, 2], fluxData[isoA, 4] isoA = isoA +1 #gc_sky = np.mean(fluxData[isoA-width:isoA-1, 2]) #flux = np.sum(inputImage[np.where(ellipseMask == 1)]) - sky*inputImage[np.where(ellipseMask == 1)].shape[0] fluxData = fluxData[0:isoA-1,:] #the last isoA value was incremented, so it should be subtracted #fluxData[:, 1] = fluxData[:, 1] - sky*fluxData[:, 5]#cumulative flux, _sky_subtracted #fluxData[:, 3] = fluxData[:, 3] - sky*fluxData[:, 4] #fluxData[:, 2] = fluxData[:, 2] - sky #sky-subtracted flux per pixel #print inputImage[np.where(ellipseMask == 1)].shape[0], '***************************************' # --------------------------------------- writing an ellipse of counted points, testing only #hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(ellipseMask) #hdu.writeto('masks/ellipseMask'+CALIFA_ID+'.fits', clobber=True) # --------------------- writing output jpg file with both outermost annuli outputImage = inputImage elPix = ellipse.draw_ellipse(inputImage.shape, center[0], center[1], pa, isoA-1, ba) outputImage[elPix] = 0 outputImage, cdf = imtools.histeq(outputImage) scipy.misc.imsave('img/2/snapshots/'+band+"/"+CALIFA_ID+'.jpg', outputImage) np.savetxt('growth_curves/2/'+Settings.getConstants().band+'/gc_profile'+CALIFA_ID+'.csv', fluxData)
from PIL import Image import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import imtools im = np.array('building.jpg').convert('L')) im2,cdf,cdf2 = imtools.histeq(im) plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(131), plt.hist(im.flatten(), 256, normed=True) plt.title('histogram of original image'), plt.xlabel('pixel depth') plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.subplot(132), plt.plot(cdf) plt.title('cdf') plt.subplot(133), plt.plot(cdf2) plt.title('normalized cdf') plt.figure(2) plt.subplot(121), plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray'), plt.axis('off') plt.title('original image') plt.subplot(122), plt.imshow(im2, cmap='gray'), plt.axis('off') plt.title('processed image')
from PIL import Image from numpy import * import imtools # read image to array im = array('data/empire.jpg')) print im.shape, im.dtype im = array('data/empire.jpg').convert('L'), 'f') print im.shape, im.dtype im = array('data/empire.jpg').convert('L')) # invert image im2 = 255 - im # clamp to interval 100...200 im3 = (100.0 / 255) * im + 100 # squared im4 = 255.0 * (im / 255.0)**2 print int(im4.min()), int(im4.max()) # ==================================== im = array('data/AquaTermi_lowcontrast.JPG').convert('L')) im5, cdf = imtools.histeq(im)
from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import array, histogram, interp import imtools def showImage(im): # create a image in plt plt.figure() # no color plt.gray() # show image from left plt.contour(im, origin='image') plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') plt.figure() plt.hist(im.flatten(), 128) # convert to gray and read into array im = array('test.jpg')).convert('L')) showImage(im) im1 = array('test.jpg')).convert('L')) a = im1.flatten() im2, cdf = imtools.histeq(a, im1, 256) showImage(im2)
__author__ = '7times6' import imtools from PIL import Image import numpy as np import pylab as mp filename = 'center_stan.jpg' im = np.array('L')) im_he, cdf = imtools.histeq(im) mp.gray() mp.figure() mp.imshow(im) mp.title('Original') mp.figure() mp.imshow(im_he) mp.title('Equalized') Image.fromarray(np.uint8(im_he)).save('eq_' + filename)
from imtools import histeq from PIL import Image from numpy import * import os import sys sys.path.append('C:\\Project\\Python\\Image Recognition\\cp1') im = array('../data/AquaTermi_lowcontrast.jpg').convert('L')) im2, cdf = histeq(im)
def detectMyotube(self, segmentationMethod='seg1', sizeThresh=0, tophat=True, tophatImgList=[]): if tophat == True and tophatImgList == []: tophatImgList = self.tophatAllPlanes() elif tophat == True and tophatImgList != []: #tophatImgList = tophatImgList[tophatImgList.keys()[0]] tophatImgList = tophatImgList[0] elif tophat == False: tophatImgList = self.images # median -> histeq -> otsu -> segmentation (histeq and otsu by region) if segmentationMethod == 'seg1': img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList) img_median = self.smooth(img_mip) img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median) T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq), ignore_zeros=True) img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T) img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin) markers, counts = self.segmentTubes1(img_labeled, img_histeq) # segmentation by watershed img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers) result = { 'MIP': img_mip, 'median': img_median, 'histEq': img_histeq, 'otsu': T, 'bin': img_bin } # median -> otsu -> segmentation (histeq and otsu by region) elif segmentationMethod == 'seg2': img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList) img_median = self.smooth(img_mip) T = otsu(np.uint(img_median), ignore_zeros=True) img_bin = (np.uint(img_median) > T) img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin) markers, counts = self.segmentTubes2(img_labeled, img_median) # segmentation by watershed img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers) result = { 'MIP': img_mip, 'median': img_median, 'otsu': T, 'bin': img_bin } # median -> histeq -> otsu -> segmentation (histeq and cut regions less than mean-intensity by region) elif segmentationMethod == 'seg3': img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList) img_median = self.smooth(img_mip) img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median) T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq), ignore_zeros=True) img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T) img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin) markers, counts = self.segmentTubes3(img_labeled, img_histeq) # segmentation by watershed img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers) result = { 'MIP': img_mip, 'median': img_median, 'histEq': img_histeq, 'otsu': T, 'bin': img_bin } # median -> histeq -> otsu -> segmentation (cut regions less than mean-intensity by region) elif segmentationMethod == 'seg4': img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList) img_median = self.smooth(img_mip) img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median) T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq), ignore_zeros=True) img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T) img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin) markers, counts = self.segmentTubes4(img_labeled, img_histeq) # segmentation by watershed img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers) result = { 'MIP': img_mip, 'median': img_median, 'histEq': img_histeq, 'otsu': T, 'bin': img_bin } # median -> otsu -> segmentation (cut regions less than mean-intensity by region) elif segmentationMethod == 'seg5': img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList) img_median = self.smooth(img_mip) T = otsu(np.uint(img_median), ignore_zeros=True) img_bin = (np.uint(img_median) > T) img_labeled, _ = label(img_bin) markers, counts = self.segmentTubes4(img_labeled, img_median) # segmentation by watershed img_labeled = img_bin * cwatershed(-distance(img_bin), markers) result = { 'MIP': img_mip, 'median': img_median, 'otsu': T, 'bin': img_bin } # non-segmentation else: img_mip = self.maximumIntensityProjection(tophatImgList) img_median = self.smooth(img_mip) img_histeq, _ = imtools.histeq(img_median) T = otsu(np.uint(img_histeq)) img_bin = (np.uint(img_histeq) > T) img_labeled, counts = label(img_bin) result = { 'MIP': img_mip, 'median': img_median, 'histEq': img_histeq, 'otsu': T, 'bin': img_bin } print('non-segmentation') print('Otsu\'s threshold:', T) print('Found {} objects.'.format(counts)) sizes = labeled_size(img_labeled) img_labeled = remove_regions_where( img_labeled, sizes < sizeThresh) #origin 10000, triangle 8585 img_relabeled, counts = relabel(img_labeled) result['label'] = img_relabeled result['count'] = counts print('After filtering and relabeling, there are {} objects left.'. format(counts)) result['labeledSkeleton'] = self.labeledSkeleton(img_relabeled) return ProcessImages(result)
from PIL import Image from pylab import * import sys import imtools imo =[1]) im = array(imo.convert('L')) im2, cdf, cdf0, bins = imtools.histeq(im) #print Image.fromArray(im) #imshow(Image.fromarray(uint8(im))) subplot(2,2,1) plot(bins[:-1], cdf0) subplot(2,2,2) plot(bins[:-1], cdf) subplot(2,2,3) imshow(Image.fromarray(im).convert('LA')) subplot(2,2,4) imshow(Image.fromarray(im2).convert('LA')) show()
import imtools # read image to array im = array('data/empire.jpg')) print im.shape, im.dtype im = array('data/empire.jpg').convert('L'), 'f') print im.shape, im.dtype im = array('data/empire.jpg').convert('L')) # invert image im2 = 255 - im # clamp to interval 100...200 im3 = (100.0/255) * im + 100 # squared im4 = 255.0 * (im/255.0)**2 print int(im4.min()), int(im4.max()) # ==================================== im = array('data/AquaTermi_lowcontrast.JPG').convert('L')) im5, cdf = imtools.histeq(im)
from PIL import Image from pylab import * import sift import sys #import imtools imname = 'board.jpeg' if len(sys.argv) > 1: imname = sys.argv[1] histeq = False sift.process_image(imname, 'out_sift.txt', histeq=histeq) l1, d1 = sift.read_features_from_file('out_sift.txt') im1 = array('L')) if histeq: import imtools im1 = uint8(imtools.histeq(array(im1))[0]) print 'image size {}, {} features'.format(im1.shape, len(l1)) figure() gray() sift.plot_features(im1, l1, circle=False) show()