Example #1
 def test_load_url_string(self):
     url1 = "https://httpbin.org/get"
     data1 = Commons.load_url_string(url1)
     data1split = data1.split("\n")
     assert data1split[0] == "{", "First line incorrect."
     assert data1split[1] == "  \"args\": {}, ", "String response incorrect."
     url2 = "https://httpbin.org/headers"
     headers2 = [["User-Agent", "Example data"]]
     data2 = Commons.load_url_string(url2, headers2)
     data2split = data2.split("\n")
     assert data2split[0] == "{", "First line incorrect."
     assert data2split[1] == "  \"headers\": {", "String response incorrect."
     assert "\"User-Agent\": \"Example data\"" in data2, "Headers missing from request."
Example #2
 def check_feed(self):
     Checks the feed for any updates
     :return: list of ElementTree XML elements
     rss_data = Commons.load_url_string(self.url)
     rss_elem = ElementTree.fromstring(rss_data)
     channel_elem = rss_elem.find("channel")
     new_items = []
     # Update title
     title_elem = channel_elem.find("title")
     self.title = title_elem.text
     # Loop elements, seeing when any match the last item's hash
     latest_hash = None
     for item_elem in channel_elem.findall("item"):
         item_xml = ElementTree.tostring(item_elem)
         item_hash = hashlib.md5(item_xml).hexdigest()
         if latest_hash is None:
             latest_hash = item_hash
         if item_hash == self.last_item_hash:
     # Update last item hash
     self.last_item_hash = latest_hash
     self.last_check = datetime.now()
     # Return new items
     return new_items
Example #3
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     api_key = user_obj.get_server().get_hallo().get_api_key("thecatapi")
     if api_key is None:
         return "No API key loaded for cat api."
     url = "http://thecatapi.com/api/images/get?format=xml&api_key=" + api_key + "&type=gif"
     xml_string = Commons.load_url_string(url)
     doc = minidom.parseString(xml_string)
     cat_url = doc.getElementsByTagName("url")[0].firstChild.data
     return cat_url
Example #4
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj):
     # Get input
     feed_url = line.split()[0]
     feed_period = "PT3600S"
     if len(line.split()) > 1:
         feed_period = line.split()[1]
     # Get current RSS feed list
     function_dispatcher = user_obj.server.hallo.function_dispatcher
     feed_check_class = function_dispatcher.get_function_by_name("rss check")
     feed_check_obj = function_dispatcher.get_function_object(feed_check_class)  # type: FeedCheck
     feed_list = feed_check_obj.rss_feed_list
     # Check link works
         Commons.load_url_string(feed_url, [])
     except urllib.error.URLError:
         return "Error, could not load link."
     # Check period is valid
         feed_delta = Commons.load_time_delta(feed_period)
     except ISO8601ParseError:
         return "Error, invalid time period."
     # Create new rss feed
     rss_feed = RssFeed()
     rss_feed.server_name = user_obj.server.name
     rss_feed.url = feed_url
     rss_feed.update_frequency = feed_delta
     if destination_obj.is_channel():
         rss_feed.channel_name = destination_obj.name
         rss_feed.user_name = destination_obj.name
     # Update feed
     except ParseError:
         return "Error, RSS feed could not be parsed."
     # Add new rss feed to list
     # Save list
     # Return output
     return "I have added new RSS feed titled \"" + rss_feed.title + "\""
Example #5
 def get_rss_data(self):
     headers = None
     # Tumblr feeds need "GoogleBot" in the URL, or they'll give a GDPR notice
     if "tumblr.com" in self.url:
         headers = [["User-Agent", "Hallo IRCBot [email protected] (GoogleBot/4.5.1)"]]
     # Actually get the data
     rss_data = Commons.load_url_string(self.url, headers)
     # PHDComics doesn't always escape ampersands correctly
     if "phdcomics" in self.url:
         rss_data = rss_data.replace("& ", "& ")
     # Chainsaw suit has a blank first line
     if "chainsawsuit" in self.url and rss_data.startswith("\r\n"):
         rss_data = rss_data[2:]
     return rss_data
Example #6
 def run(self, line, user_obj, destination_obj=None):
     rgb_list = Commons.get_random_int(0, 256, 3)
     hex_code = (hex(rgb_list[0])[2:] + hex(rgb_list[1])[2:] + hex(rgb_list[2])[2:]).upper()
     url = "http://www.perbang.dk/rgb/" + hex_code + "/"
     url_data = Commons.load_url_string(url)
     colour_match = re.search('<meta name="Description" content="([A-Za-z ]+)#', url_data, re.M)
     if colour_match is None or colour_match.group(1) is None:
         output = "Randomly chosen colour is: #" + hex_code + " or rgb(" + str(rgb_list[0]) + "," + str(
                 rgb_list[1]) + "," + str(rgb_list[2]) + ") " + url
         colour_name = colour_match.group(1)
         output = "Randomly chosen colour is: " + colour_name + " #" + hex_code + " or rgb(" + str(
                 rgb_list[0]) + "," + str(rgb_list[1]) + "," + str(rgb_list[2]) + ") " + url
     return output