def visit_Import(self, node):
        pat = P.Import([P.alias("incoq.runtime", P.PatVar("_ALIAS"))])
        match = P.match(pat, node)
        if match is None:
            return node

        # Remove the import. Record the alias to remove its uses.
        if match["_ALIAS"] is not None:
            qual = P.Name(match["_ALIAS"], P.Load())
        return []
    def visit_Import(self, node):
        pat = P.Import([P.alias('incoq.runtime', P.PatVar('_ALIAS'))])
        match = P.match(pat, node)
        if match is None:
            return node

        # Remove the import. Record the alias to remove its uses.
        if match['_ALIAS'] is not None:
            qual = P.Name(match['_ALIAS'], P.Load())
        return []