def testPolicy(self,symbol = "JPM", sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), ed=dt.datetime(2009,12,31), sv = 100000): # Lookback window lookback = 14 # Get the date range dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) # Get the symbol in a list symbols = [] symbols.append(symbol) symbol_SPY = [] symbol_SPY.append("SPY") # Get all the prices of the symbols price = get_data(symbols, dates) # automatically adds SPY # Forward fill and Backward fill price = price.fillna(method='ffill') price = price.fillna(method='bfill') price_symbol = price[symbols] # only portfolio symbols # Calculate the Technical Indicators (Price/SMA ratio, Bollinger Band Percentage, Stochastic Oscillator) sma = ind.calculate_price_SMA_ratio(price_symbol, symbols, lookback) bbp = ind.calculate_bbp(price_symbol, symbols, lookback) momentum = ind.calculate_momentum(price, symbols, lookback) # Create a binnary array showing when price is above SMA sma_cross = pd.DataFrame(0, index=sma.index, columns=sma.columns) sma_cross[sma >= 1] = 1 # Turn that array into one that only shows the crossings (-1 is cross down, +1 is cross up) sma_cross[1:] = sma_cross.diff() sma_cross.ix[0] = 0 # df_trades starts as a NAN array df_trades = price_symbol.copy() df_trades.ix[:,:] = np.NaN # Now calculate the df_trades # Stock may be oversold, BUY df_trades[(sma < 0.95) & (bbp < 0) & (momentum < -0.05) ] = 1000 # Stock may be overbought, SELL df_trades[(sma > 1.05) & (bbp > 1) & (momentum > 0.05) ] = -1000 # Apply exit order conditions df_trades[(sma_cross != 0)] = 0 # All other days with NaN mean hold whatever you have, do nothing. # Forward fill NaNs with previous values, then fill remaining NaNs with 0 df_trades.ffill(inplace=True) df_trades.fillna(0, inplace=True) # Now take the diff, which will give us an order to place only when the target shares changed. df_trades[1:] = df_trades.diff() df_trades.ix[0] = 0 # Drop all rows with non-zero values (no orders) df_trades = df_trades.loc[(df_trades != 0).any(axis=1)] # Now we have only the days that have orders. return df_trades
def addEvidence(self, symbol = "IBM", \ sd=dt.datetime(2008,1,1), \ ed=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ sv = 10000): # Get the past data to lookback and calculate the indicators sd_lookback = sd - dt.timedelta(days=self.lookback+15) ed_nday = ed + dt.timedelta(days=self.ndays+10) # Create training data syms=[symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd_lookback, ed_nday) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Forward fill and Backward fill prices = prices.fillna(method='ffill') prices = prices.fillna(method='bfill') # Calculate the Technical Indicators (Price/SMA ratio, Bollinger Band Percentage, Stochastic Oscillator) sma = ind.calculate_price_SMA_ratio(prices, syms, self.lookback) bbp = ind.calculate_bbp(prices, syms, self.lookback) momentum = ind.calculate_momentum(prices, syms, self.lookback) #Slice the indicators between the actual start date & end date sma = sma.loc[sd:ed] bbp = bbp.loc[sd:ed] momentum = momentum.loc[sd:ed] # Join all the indicators to form train X data trainX = np.concatenate((sma,bbp,momentum),axis=1) # Calculate N day returns as N day returns = Price[today+Ndays]/Price[today] - 1.0 nday_ret = (prices.shift(-self.ndays)/prices) - 1.0 # Slice the nday returns between the actual start & end dates nday_ret = nday_ret.loc[sd:ed] # Let us get the prices of the actual start date & end date prices_actual = prices.loc[sd:ed] YBUY = 0.02 YSELL = -0.02 # Construct train Y data trainY = prices_actual.copy() trainY = trainY.values * 0 # Go LONG if returns > threshold trainY[nday_ret > YBUY+self.impact] = +1 # Go SHORT if returns < threshold trainY[nday_ret < YSELL-self.impact] = -1 # Convert trainY into a 1D numpy array trainY = np.hstack(trainY) # Train the BagLearner with data self.learner.addEvidence(trainX, trainY)
def addEvidence(self, symbol="IBM", \ sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), \ ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), \ sv=10000): # add your code to do learning here # example usage of the old backward compatible util function syms = [symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later if self.verbose: print(prices) # Get Indicators used from Project 6 - Manual Strategy ( sma = ind.calculate_sma(prices) bb_upper, bb_lower, bb_ratio = ind.calculate_bb(prices) window = 10 momentum = ind.calculate_momentum(prices, window) indicators = pd.concat((sma, bb_ratio, momentum), axis=1) indicators.columns = ['SMA', 'BBR', 'MOM'] indicators.fillna(0, inplace=True) indicators = indicators[:-5] trainX = indicators.values # Create the Training Set for Y Values based on the indicators # We use market variance as 2% and use N = 5 days N = 5 YBUY = 0.02 + self.impact YSELL = -0.02 - self.impact prices = prices / prices.iloc[0] trainY = np.zeros(prices.shape[0] - N) # Normalize Prices for t in range(prices.shape[0] - N): # ret = (price[t+N]/price[t]) - 1.0 ret = (prices.ix[t + N, symbol] / prices.ix[t, symbol]) - 1.0 if ret > YBUY: trainY[t] = 1 # LONG elif ret < YSELL: trainY[t] = -1 # SHORT else: trainY[t] = 0 # CASH # Feed our bag learner the training data to learn a strategy self.learner.addEvidence(trainX, trainY)
def get_indicators_df(self, prices): N = self.N # Calculate indicators sma, sma_ratio = calculate_sma(prices, N) mtm = calculate_momentum(prices, N) top_band, bot_band, bbp = calculate_bbp(prices, N) x_train = np.zeros((len(prices) - N, 3)) bbp_flat = bbp.as_matrix().flatten()[N:] sma_flat = sma_ratio.as_matrix().flatten()[N:] mtm_flat = mtm.as_matrix().flatten()[N:] x_train[:, 0] = bbp_flat x_train[:, 1] = sma_flat x_train[:, 2] = mtm_flat # Change Nans to zeros where_nan = np.isnan(x_train) x_train[where_nan] = 0 return x_train
def testPolicy(self, sym='JPM', sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31), sv=100000): lookback = 20 shares = 1000 dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) price = get_data([sym], dates).drop(['SPY'], axis=1) price = price.fillna(method='ffill') price = price.fillna(method='bfill') # debugg pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000) sma, sma_ratio = calculate_sma(price, lookback) mtm = calculate_momentum(price, lookback) top_band, bot_band, bbp = calculate_bbp(price, lookback) orders1 = [] for day in range(lookback + 1, price.shape[0]): if (sma_ratio.iloc[day][sym] < 0.95) and ( bbp.iloc[day][sym] < 0) and (mtm.iloc[day][sym] < -0.095): orders1.append([price.index[day].date(), sym, 'BUY', shares]) elif sma_ratio.iloc[day][sym] > 1.05 and bbp.iloc[day][ sym] > 1 and (mtm.iloc[day][sym] > 0.095): orders1.append([price.index[day].date(), sym, 'SELL', shares]) elif (mtm.iloc[day][sym] > 0.095) & (mtm.iloc[day][sym] > -0.095): orders1.append([price.index[day].date(), sym, 'BUY', 0]) df_trades = pd.DataFrame(orders1, columns=['Date', 'Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares']) return df_trades
def testPolicy(self, symbol="IBM", \ sd=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), \ ed=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), \ sv=10000): syms = [symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols # prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Get Indicators used from Project 6 - Manual Strategy ( sma = ind.calculate_sma(prices) bb_upper, bb_lower, bb_ratio = ind.calculate_bb(prices) window = 10 momentum = ind.calculate_momentum(prices, window) indicators = pd.concat((sma, bb_ratio, momentum), axis=1) indicators.columns = ['SMA', 'BBR', 'MOM'] indicators.fillna(0, inplace=True) indicators = indicators[:-5] testX = indicators.values # Based on the trained learner, get the predicted Y values testY = self.learner.query(testX) # Make the dataframe for trades df_trades = pd.DataFrame(index=prices_all.index, columns=[symbol]) df_trades.loc[:] = 0 current_holding = 0 for i in range(testY.shape[0]): # Buy the stock i.e. LONG if testY[i] > 0: if current_holding == 0: df_trades.values[i, :] = 1000 current_holding += 1000 elif current_holding == -1000: df_trades.values[i, :] = 2000 current_holding += 2000 elif current_holding == 1000: df_trades.values[i, :] = 0 # Sell the stock i.e. SHORT elif testY[i] < 0: if current_holding == 0: df_trades.values[i, :] = -1000 current_holding -= 1000 elif current_holding == 1000: df_trades.values[i, :] = -2000 current_holding -= 2000 elif current_holding == -1000: df_trades.values[i, :] = 0 # HOLD the Stock elif testY[i] == 0: if current_holding == 1000: df_trades.values[i, :] = -1000 current_holding -= 1000 elif current_holding == -1000: df_trades.values[i, :] = 1000 current_holding += 1000 elif current_holding == 0: df_trades.values[i, :] = 0 if current_holding == -1000: df_trades.values[prices.shape[0] - 1, :] = 1000 elif current_holding == 1000: df_trades.values[prices.shape[0] - 1, :] = -1000 if self.verbose: print(type(df_trades)) # it better be a DataFrame! if self.verbose: print(df_trades) if self.verbose: print(prices_all) return df_trades
def testPolicy(symbol="JPM", sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31), sv=100000): # Get the prices for SPY and JPM dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed) window = 10 prices_all = util.get_data([symbol], dates) prices_all = prices_all / prices_all.iloc[0] # Normalize the prices prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] prices_JPM = prices_all['JPM'] # Get the indicators sma = ind.calculate_sma(prices_JPM) upper_band, lower_band, bb_ratio = ind.calculate_bb(prices_JPM) momentum = ind.calculate_momentum(prices_JPM, window=10) # Set thresholds for the indicators sma_threshold = (0.93, 1.08) # (Low, High) bbratio_threshold = (-1.0, 1.0) momentum_threshold = (-0.3, 0.3) # Make the dataframe for trades df_trades = pd.DataFrame(index=prices_SPY.index, columns=[symbol]) current_holding = 0 date_last = None for date in prices_SPY.index: # For SMA, BB and Momentum, our window is 10 days # so we need to make no trades until we have the indicators established if date_last is None or date <= sd + dt.timedelta(days=window): df_trades.loc[date] = 0 date_last = date continue # Sell the stock i.e. SHORT if (sma.loc[date] > sma_threshold[1] and momentum.loc[date] > momentum_threshold[1])\ or (bb_ratio.loc[date] > bbratio_threshold[1]): if current_holding == 0: df_trades.loc[date] = -1000 current_holding -= 1000 elif current_holding == 1000: df_trades.loc[date] = -2000 current_holding -= 2000 elif current_holding == -1000: df_trades.loc[date] = 0 # Buy the stock i.e. LONG elif (sma.loc[date] < sma_threshold[0] and momentum.loc[date] < momentum_threshold[0])\ or (bb_ratio.loc[date] < bbratio_threshold[0]): if current_holding == 0: df_trades.loc[date] = 1000 current_holding += 1000 elif current_holding == -1000: df_trades.loc[date] = 2000 current_holding += 2000 elif current_holding == 1000: df_trades.loc[date] = 0 else: df_trades.loc[date] = 0 date_last = date return df_trades
def testPolicy(self, symbol = "IBM", \ sd=dt.datetime(2009,1,1), \ ed=dt.datetime(2010,1,1), \ sv = 10000): # Get data for previous days to lookback and calculate the indicators sd_lookback = sd - dt.timedelta(days=self.lookback+15) # Get data for next days to calculate N day returns ed_nday = ed + dt.timedelta(days=self.ndays+10) # Get the prices syms = [symbol] dates = pd.date_range(sd_lookback, ed_nday) prices_all = ut.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols # Forward fill and Backward fill prices = prices.fillna(method='ffill') prices = prices.fillna(method='bfill') # Calculate the Technical Indicators (Price/SMA ratio, Bollinger Band Percentage, Stochastic Oscillator) sma = ind.calculate_price_SMA_ratio(prices, syms, self.lookback) bbp = ind.calculate_bbp(prices, syms, self.lookback) momentum = ind.calculate_momentum(prices, syms, self.lookback) #Slice the indicators between the actual start date & end date sma = sma.loc[sd:ed] bbp = bbp.loc[sd:ed] momentum = momentum.loc[sd:ed] # Join all the indicators to form test X data testX = np.concatenate((sma,bbp,momentum),axis=1) # Query the Baglearner to get the trade predictions predY = self.learner.query(testX) # get the predictions # Let us get the prices of the actual start date & end date prices_actual = prices.loc[sd:ed] # Create the trades dataframe trades = prices_actual.copy() # only portfolio symbols trades_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later # Clear out the Dataframe so we can accumulate values into it for day in range(trades.shape[0]): trades.ix[day] = 0.0 # Holdings (At any given day, the holdings should be only be either -1000, 0 or 1000) holdings = 0 # Iterate through the dataframe to add trades for day in range(trades.shape[0]): # Go LONG if +1 if (predY[day] > 0) and (holdings < 1000): # BUY 1000 shares first trades.ix[day] = 1000.0 holdings = holdings + 1000 # Even then, if the holdings sums upto only 0, BUY a 1000 more shares if (holdings == 0): trades.ix[day] = trades.ix[day] + 1000 holdings = holdings + 1000 # Go SHORT if -1 elif (predY[day] < 0) and (holdings > -1000): # SELL 1000 shares first trades.ix[day] = -1000.0 holdings = holdings - 1000 # Even then, if the holdings comes to only 0, SELL a 1000 more shares if (holdings == 0): trades.ix[day] = trades.ix[day] - 1000 holdings = holdings - 1000 """ trades.values[:,:] = 0 # set them all to nothing trades.values[0,:] = 1000 # add a BUY at the start trades.values[40,:] = -1000 # add a SELL trades.values[41,:] = 1000 # add a BUY trades.values[60,:] = -2000 # go short from long trades.values[61,:] = 2000 # go long from short trades.values[-1,:] = -1000 #exit on the last day """ if self.verbose: print type(trades) # it better be a DataFrame! if self.verbose: print trades if self.verbose: print prices_all return trades