Example #1
    def recalculate_metrics(self,
                            sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                            ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1)):
        dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(40), ed)
        df = util.get_data([symbol], dates)[symbol]
        #print df.index
        normalized = df  #/df.ix[sd:][0]#df.loc[sd]#df.ix[0]
        sma = normalized.rolling(20).mean()
        std = normalized.rolling(20).std()
        bb = (normalized - (sma - std * 2)) / ((sma + std * 2) -
                                               (sma - std * 2))

        #this is very hacky
        STOK_df = indicators.stochastic_oscillator_20(symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed)
        STOKD = STOK_df['%D']

        df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normalized=normalized).assign(
            SMA=sma).assign(PSMA=normalized /
        daily_returns = df[symbol].copy()
        daily_returns[1:] = (df[symbol].ix[1:] /
                             df[symbol].ix[:-1].values) - 1  # from lecture
        daily_returns.ix[0] = 0
        df = df.assign(dr=daily_returns)

        self.market = df
        self.current_stats = self.market

        self.trades = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
        self.trades['trade'] = 0.0  #reset trades
Example #2
    def __init__(self, \
                 variables = [0.5, 0.2, 1], \
                 symbol="JPM", \
                 sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), \
                 ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1),
                 commission = 0,
                 impact = 0.005,

        self.variables = variables
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.sv = sv
        self.cash = sv
        self.sd = sd
        self.ed = ed
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.commission = commission
        self.impact = impact

        self.shares = 0

        self.stock_price_library = None  #attempt to pre-cache something

        dates = pd.date_range(sd - dt.timedelta(40), ed)
        df = util.get_data([symbol], dates)[symbol]
        #print df.index
        normalized = df  #/df.ix[sd:][0]#df.loc[sd]#df.ix[0]
        sma = normalized.rolling(20).mean()
        std = normalized.rolling(20).std()
        bb = (normalized - (sma - std * 2)) / ((sma + std * 2) -
                                               (sma - std * 2))

        #this is very hacky
        STOK_df = indicators.stochastic_oscillator_20(symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed)
        STOKD = STOK_df['%D']

        df = pd.DataFrame(df).assign(normalized=normalized).assign(
            SMA=sma).assign(PSMA=normalized /
        daily_returns = df[symbol].copy()
        daily_returns[1:] = (df[symbol].ix[1:] /
                             df[symbol].ix[:-1].values) - 1  # from lecture
        daily_returns.ix[0] = 0
        df = df.assign(dr=daily_returns)

        self.market = df
        #print df
        self.current_stats = self.market

        self.trades = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
        self.trades['trade'] = 0.0
Example #3
def testPolicy(symbol="JPM",
               sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
               ed=dt.datetime(2009, 12, 31),
    orders_df = market.make_df_to_match_trading_days(
        colnames=['Date', 'Symbol', 'Order', 'Shares'],

    stock_price_library = market.get_stock_prices([symbol], sd, ed)
    #iterate through stock price library and short before all the drops and buy for all the gains

    orders_df['Symbol'] = symbol  #assign to JPM
    orders_df['Order'] = ""  #initialize with no orders
    orders_df['Shares'] = 0.0  #initialize with no shares
    orders_df['Date'] = orders_df.index

    state = 0
    short_price = 0.0
    days_in_short = 0

    #load indicators
    bollinger_df = indicators.get_bollinger(symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed)
    STOK_df = indicators.stochastic_oscillator_20(symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed)
    SMA_df = indicators.SMA(symbol, sd=sd, ed=ed)

    for row in orders_df.itertuples(index=True):
        order_date = getattr(row, 'Date')
        symbol = getattr(row, 'Symbol')
        # print "The symbol is ", symbol
        order = getattr(row, 'Order')
        shares = getattr(row, 'Shares')

        bollinger_high_today = bollinger_df.loc[order_date]['bb1']
        bollinger_low_today = bollinger_df.loc[order_date]['bb2']
        STOK_D_today = STOK_df.loc[order_date]['%D']
        stock_price_today = stock_price_library.loc[order_date][symbol]
        P_over_SMA_today = SMA_df.loc[order_date]['P/SMA']

        total_votes = []
        bb_vote = 0
        bb_weight = 1
        stochastic_vote = 0
        stochastic_weight = 1
        sma_vote = 0
        sma_weight = 0.5

        if stock_price_today > bollinger_high_today:
            bb_vote = -1  #sell!

        elif stock_price_today < bollinger_low_today:
            bb_vote = 1  #buy!

        if STOK_D_today < 20:
            stochastic_vote = 1  #buy!

        elif STOK_D_today > 80:
            stochastic_vote = -1  #get out of there!

        if P_over_SMA_today < 0.7:
            sma_vote = -1  #looks like a selling opp

        total_votes.append(bb_vote * bb_weight)
        total_votes.append(stochastic_vote * stochastic_weight)
        total_votes.append(sma_vote * sma_weight)

        average_vote = sum(total_votes) / len(total_votes)

        if state < 0:
            days_in_short += 1

        if state < 0 and stock_price_today > 1.2 * short_price or days_in_short > 45:
            #if the price has risen 20% above our short price
            #or if we have been in a short position for more than 45
            #get out of our position and wait for next move.
            orders_df.set_value(order_date, 'Order', 'BUY')
            orders_df.set_value(order_date, 'Shares', abs(0 - state))
            state = 0  #reset
            days_in_short = 0


            if average_vote < 0:  #this means I want to sell
                if abs(-1000 -
                       state) == 0:  #legality check for sale transaction
                    orders_df.set_value(order_date, 'Order', 'SELL')
                    orders_df.set_value(order_date, 'Shares',
                                        abs(-1000 - state))
                    short_price = stock_price_today
                    state = -1000  #short state

            if average_vote > 0:  #this means I want to buy
                if abs(1000 - state) == 0:  #legality check for buy transaction
                    orders_df.set_value(order_date, 'Order', 'BUY')
                    orders_df.set_value(order_date, 'Shares',
                                        abs(1000 - state))
                    state = 1000  #long state
                    days_in_short = 0

        #my best policy (based on seeing the future)

    return orders_df