def _setFakeConfig(self, custom): """ Sets a fake configuration for the current process, using a temporary directory """ config = Config.getInstance() test_config = TestConfig.getInstance() temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="indico_") self._info('Using %s as temporary dir' % temp) os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp, 'log')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp, 'archive')) indicoDist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('indico') htdocsDir = indicoDist.get_resource_filename('indico', 'indico/htdocs') etcDir = indicoDist.get_resource_filename('indico', 'etc') # minimal defaults defaults = { 'BaseURL': 'http://localhost:8000/indico', 'BaseSecureURL': '', 'UseXSendFile': False, 'AuthenticatorList': ['Local'], 'SmtpServer': ('localhost', 58025), 'SmtpUseTLS': 'no', 'DBConnectionParams': ('localhost', TestConfig.getInstance().getFakeDBPort()), 'LogDir': os.path.join(temp, 'log'), 'XMLCacheDir': os.path.join(temp, 'cache'), 'HtdocsDir': htdocsDir, 'ArchiveDir': os.path.join(temp, 'archive'), 'UploadedFilesTempDir': os.path.join(temp, 'tmp'), 'ConfigurationDir': etcDir } defaults.update(custom) # set defaults config.reset(defaults) Config.setInstance(config) self._cfg = config # re-configure logging and template generator, so that paths are updated from MaKaC.common import TemplateExec from MaKaC.common.logger import Logger TemplateExec.mako = TemplateExec._define_lookup() Logger.reset()
def _runSeleniumCycle(self): """ Run selenium over the existing test suite (or a specific test) """ test_config = TestConfig.getInstance() mode = self.options.valueOf('mode', test_config.getRunMode()) browser = self.options.valueOf('browser') if browser: browsers = [browser] elif mode == 'local': browsers = [test_config.getStandaloneBrowser()] else: browsers = test_config.getGridBrowsers() args = self._buildArgs() # Execute the tests result = True os.environ['INDICO_TEST_MODE'] = mode or '' os.environ['INDICO_TEST_URL'] = self.options.valueOf('server_url') or '' for browser in browsers: os.environ['INDICO_TEST_BROWSER'] = browser testResult = result = result and testResult self._info("%s: %s\n" % \ (browser, testResult and 'OK' or 'Error')) return result
def setUpModule(): global webd config = TestConfig.getInstance() browser = os.environ['INDICO_TEST_BROWSER'] mode = os.environ['INDICO_TEST_MODE'] server_url = os.environ.get('INDICO_TEST_URL') if mode == 'remote': capabilities = { 'firefox': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, 'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, 'ie': DesiredCapabilities.INTERNETEXPLORER, 'ipad': DesiredCapabilities.IPAD, 'iphone': DesiredCapabilities.IPHONE, 'android': DesiredCapabilities.ANDROID, 'htmlunit': DesiredCapabilities.HTMLUNITWITHJS } cap = capabilities[browser] webd = webdriver.Remote(server_url, desired_capabilities=cap) else: drivers = { 'firefox': webdriver.Firefox, 'chrome': webdriver.Chrome, 'ie': webdriver.Ie } webd = drivers[browser](); webd.implicitly_wait(15)
def setUpModule(): global webd config = TestConfig.getInstance() browser = os.environ['INDICO_TEST_BROWSER'] mode = os.environ['INDICO_TEST_MODE'] server_url = os.environ.get('INDICO_TEST_URL') if mode == 'remote': capabilities = { 'firefox': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, 'chrome': DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX, 'ie': DesiredCapabilities.INTERNETEXPLORER, 'ipad': DesiredCapabilities.IPAD, 'iphone': DesiredCapabilities.IPHONE, 'android': DesiredCapabilities.ANDROID, 'htmlunit': DesiredCapabilities.HTMLUNITWITHJS } cap = capabilities[browser] webd = webdriver.Remote(server_url, desired_capabilities=cap) else: drivers = { 'firefox': webdriver.Firefox, 'chrome': webdriver.Chrome, 'ie': webdriver.Ie } webd = drivers[browser](); webd.implicitly_wait(25)
def _runFakeWebServer(self): """ Spawn a new refserver-based thread using the test db """ config = TestConfig.getInstance() refserver = RefServer(config.getWebServerHost(), int(config.getWebServerPort())) t = threading.Thread( t.setDaemon(True) t.start() return refserver.addr
def _setFakeConfig(self, custom): """ Sets a fake configuration for the current process, using a temporary directory """ config = Config.getInstance() temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="indico_") self._info('Using %s as temporary dir' % temp) os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp, 'log')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp, 'archive')) indicoDist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('indico') htdocsDir = indicoDist.get_resource_filename('indico', 'indico/htdocs') etcDir = indicoDist.get_resource_filename('indico', 'etc') # minimal defaults defaults = { 'Debug': True, 'BaseURL': 'http://localhost:8000', 'BaseSecureURL': '', 'AuthenticatorList': [('Local', {})], 'SmtpServer': ('localhost', 58025), 'SmtpUseTLS': 'no', 'DBConnectionParams': ('', TestConfig.getInstance().getFakeDBPort()), 'LogDir': os.path.join(temp, 'log'), 'XMLCacheDir': os.path.join(temp, 'cache'), 'HtdocsDir': htdocsDir, 'ArchiveDir': os.path.join(temp, 'archive'), 'UploadedFilesTempDir': os.path.join(temp, 'tmp'), 'ConfigurationDir': etcDir } defaults.update(custom) # set defaults config.reset(defaults) Config.setInstance(config) self._cfg = config # Update assets environment ='/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()) core_env.load_path = [path.replace('/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()) for path in core_env.load_path] core_env.url_mapping = {path.replace('/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()): url for path, url in core_env.url_mapping.iteritems()} core_env.config['PYSCSS_LOAD_PATHS'] = [x.replace('/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()) for x in core_env.config['PYSCSS_LOAD_PATHS']] # re-configure logging and template generator, so that paths are updated from MaKaC.common import TemplateExec from MaKaC.common.logger import Logger TemplateExec.mako = TemplateExec._define_lookup() Logger.reset()
def _runFakeWebServer(self): """ Spawn a new refserver-based thread using the test db """ config = TestConfig.getInstance() server = WerkzeugServer(config.getWebServerHost(), int(config.getWebServerPort()), use_debugger=False) server.make_server() t = threading.Thread( t.setDaemon(True) t.start() return server.addr
def _runFakeWebServer(self): """ Spawn a new refserver-based thread using the test db """ config = TestConfig.getInstance() server = WerkzeugServer(make_app(), config.getWebServerHost(), int(config.getWebServerPort()), use_debugger=False) server.make_server() t = threading.Thread( t.setDaemon(True) t.start() return server.addr
def setup(cls): # lazy import because we don't want it to be imported by default # (as the plugin system currently loads all submodules) from indico.tests.config import TestConfig PluginsHolder().loadAllPlugins() testConfig = TestConfig.getInstance() vidyoOptions = CollaborationTools.getPlugin("Vidyo").getOptions() vidyoOptions["indicoUsername"].setValue(testConfig.getCollaborationOptions()["Vidyo"]["indicoUsername"]) vidyoOptions["indicoPassword"].setValue(testConfig.getCollaborationOptions()["Vidyo"]["indicoPassword"]) cls._setupDone = True
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Options can be passed as kwargs, currently the following is supported: """ self.err = None self.out = None # make a TestConfig instance available everywhere self.config = TestConfig.getInstance() # initialize allowed options self.options = OptionProxy(self._runnerOptions) self.options.configure(**kwargs) self._logger = logging.getLogger('test')
def _startManageDB(self): port = TestConfig.getInstance().getFakeDBPort() self._info("Starting fake DB in port %s" % port) self._startFakeDB('localhost', port)
def _run(self): #conf file used at run time try: #Starting js-test-driver server server = subprocess.Popen(["java", "-jar", os.path.join(self.setupDir, 'javascript', 'unit', TestConfig.getInstance(). getJSUnitFilename()), "--port", "9876", "--browser", "firefox"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) time.sleep(2) #constructing conf file depending on installed plugins and #coverage activation success = self.buildConfFile(JSTEST_CFG_FILE, self.coverage) if success != "": self._error(success) return False #switching directory to run the tests os.chdir(os.path.join(self.setupDir, 'javascript', 'unit')) #check if server is ready for i in range(5): jsDryRun = commands.getstatusoutput(("java -jar " "%s" " --config " "%s" " --tests Fake.dryRun") %\ (TestConfig.getInstance(). getJSUnitFilename(), JSTEST_CFG_FILE)) # Not very nice error checking, but how to do it nicely? if "browsers" in jsDryRun[1] or \ "Connection refused" in jsDryRun[1]: print "Js-test-driver server has not started yet. " \ "Attempt #%s\n" % (i+1) time.sleep(5) else: #server is ready break else: raise Exception('Could not start js unit tests because ' 'js-test-driver server cannot be started.\n') #setting tests to run toTest = "" if self.specify: toTest = self.specify else: toTest = "all" command = ("java -jar %s " "--config %s " "--verbose " "--tests %s ") % \ (TestConfig.getInstance().getJSUnitFilename(), JSTEST_CFG_FILE, toTest) if self.coverage: # path relative to the jar file command += "--testOutput %s" % \ os.path.join('..', '..', 'report', 'jscoverage') #running tests jsTest = commands.getoutput(command) #delete built conf file os.unlink(JSTEST_CFG_FILE) #restoring directory os.chdir(self.setupDir) except OSError, e: self._error("[ERR] Could not start js-test-driver server - command " "\"java\" needs to be in your PATH. (%s)\n" % e)
def buildConfFile(self, confFilePath, coverage): """ Builds a driver config file """ confTemplateDir = os.path.join(self.setupDir, 'javascript', 'unit') confTemplatePath = os.path.join(confTemplateDir, 'confTemplate.conf') absoluteTestsDir = os.path.join(self.setupDir, "javascript", "unit", "tests") absolutePluginDir = os.path.join(self.setupDir, "..", "..", "indico", "MaKaC", "plugins") try: #lines needed to activate coverage plugin coverageConf = """\nplugin: - name: \"coverage\" jar: \"plugins/%s\" module: \"\"""" % \ TestConfig.getInstance().getJSCoverageFilename() except KeyError: return "Please, specify a JSCoverageFilename in tests.conf\n" try: #retrieve and store the template file f = open(confTemplatePath) confTemplate = f.close() #adding tests files from tests folder for root, __, files in os.walk(absoluteTestsDir): for name in files: if name.endswith(".js"): absoluteFilePath = os.path.join(root, name) relativeFilePath = relpathto(confTemplateDir, absoluteFilePath) confTemplate += "\n - %s" % os.path.join(relativeFilePath) #adding plugins test files for root, __, files in os.walk(absolutePluginDir): for name in files: if name.endswith(".js") and \ root.find("/tests/javascript/unit") > 0: absoluteFilePath = os.path.join(root, name) relativeFilePath = relpathto(confTemplateDir, absoluteFilePath) confTemplate += "\n - %s" % os.path.join('..', '..', relativeFilePath) #addind coverage if necessary if coverage: confTemplate += coverageConf #writing the complete configuration in a file confFile = open(os.path.join(self.setupDir, 'javascript', 'unit', confFilePath), 'w') confFile.write(confTemplate) confFile.close() return "" except IOError, e: return "JS Unit Tests - Could not open a file. (%s)" % e
def _setFakeConfig(self, custom): """ Sets a fake configuration for the current process, using a temporary directory """ config = Config.getInstance() temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="indico_") self._info('Using %s as temporary dir' % temp) os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp, 'log')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp, 'archive')) indicoDist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('indico') htdocsDir = indicoDist.get_resource_filename('indico', 'indico/htdocs') etcDir = indicoDist.get_resource_filename('indico', 'etc') # minimal defaults defaults = { 'Debug': True, 'BaseURL': 'http://localhost:8000', 'BaseSecureURL': '', 'AuthenticatorList': [('Local', {})], 'SmtpServer': ('localhost', 58025), 'SmtpUseTLS': 'no', 'DBConnectionParams': ('', TestConfig.getInstance().getFakeDBPort()), 'LogDir': os.path.join(temp, 'log'), 'XMLCacheDir': os.path.join(temp, 'cache'), 'HtdocsDir': htdocsDir, 'ArchiveDir': os.path.join(temp, 'archive'), 'UploadedFilesTempDir': os.path.join(temp, 'tmp'), 'ConfigurationDir': etcDir } defaults.update(custom) # set defaults config.reset(defaults) Config.setInstance(config) self._cfg = config # Update assets environment = '/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()) core_env.load_path = [ path.replace('/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()) for path in core_env.load_path ] core_env.url_mapping = { path.replace('/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()): url for path, url in core_env.url_mapping.iteritems() } core_env.config['PYSCSS_LOAD_PATHS'] = [ x.replace('/opt/indico/htdocs', config.getHtdocsDir()) for x in core_env.config['PYSCSS_LOAD_PATHS'] ] # re-configure logging and template generator, so that paths are updated from MaKaC.common import TemplateExec from MaKaC.common.logger import Logger TemplateExec.mako = TemplateExec._define_lookup() Logger.reset()