Example #1
    def _startIOCapture(self):
        Start capturing stdout and stderr to StringIOs
        If options['verbose'] has been set, the data will be output to the
        stdout/stderr as well

        if self.options.valueOf('silent'):
            # just capture it
            self.err = StringIO.StringIO()
            self.out = self.err
            # capture I/O but display it as well
            self.out = TeeStringIO(sys.stdout)
            self.err = TeeStringIO(sys.stderr, targetStream = self.out)
        sys.stderr = self.err
        sys.stdout = self.out
Example #2
class BaseTestRunner(IOMixin):
    Base class for all other TestRunners.
    A TestRunner runs a specific kind of test (i.e. UnitTestRunner)

    # overloaded for each runner, contains allowed options for each runner

    # for this case:
    #   * silent - True if the output shouldn't be redirected to the console

    _runnerOptions = {'silent': Option}

    # path to this current file
    setupDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Options can be passed as kwargs, currently the following is supported:


        self.err = None
        self.out = None

        # make a TestConfig instance available everywhere
        self.config = TestConfig.getInstance()

        # initialize allowed options
        self.options = OptionProxy(self._runnerOptions)
        self._logger = logging.getLogger('test')

    def _run(self):
        This method should be overloaded by inheriting classes.
        It should provide the code that executes the actual tests,
        returning output information.

    def run(self):
        Executes the actual test code
        # get the description from the first lines
        # of the docstring
        description =  self.__doc__.strip().split('\n')[0]


        self._info("Running %s" % description)

        result = self._run()

        if result:
            self._success("%s successful!" % description)
            self._error("%s failed!" % description)

        # ask the option handlers to compute a final message

        return result

    def _startIOCapture(self):
        Start capturing stdout and stderr to StringIOs
        If options['verbose'] has been set, the data will be output to the
        stdout/stderr as well

        if self.options.valueOf('silent'):
            # just capture it
            self.err = StringIO.StringIO()
            self.out = self.err
            # capture I/O but display it as well
            self.out = TeeStringIO(sys.stdout)
            self.err = TeeStringIO(sys.stderr, targetStream = self.out)
        sys.stderr = self.err
        sys.stdout = self.out

    def _finishIOCapture(self):
        Restore stdout/stderr and return the captured data
        sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

        return self.out.getvalue()

    def findPlugins():
        Goes throught the plugin directories, and adds
        existing unit test dirs
        dirs = []

        for epoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('indico.ext_types'):

        for epoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('indico.ext'):

        return dirs

    def _redirectPipeToStdout(pipe):
        Redirect a given pipe to stdout
        while True:
            data = pipe.readline()
            if not data:
            print data,

    def _writeReport(self, filename, content):
        Write the test report, using the filename and content that are passed
        filePath = os.path.join(self.setupDir, 'report', filename + ".txt")
            f = open(filePath, 'w')
        except IOError:
            return "Unable to write in %s, check your file permissions." % \
                    os.path.join(self.setupDir, 'report', filename + ".txt")

        self._info("report in %s" % filePath)

    def walkThroughFolders(rootPath, foldersPattern):
        Scan a directory and return folders which match the pattern

        rootPluginsPath = os.path.join(rootPath)
        foldersArray = []

        for root, __, __ in os.walk(rootPluginsPath):
            if root.endswith(foldersPattern) > 0:

        return foldersArray

    def _callOptions(self, method, *args):
        Invokes the option proxy, providing the hot spot with name 'method',
        that options should have extended

        # invoke the option proxy
        self.options.call(self, method, *args)