Example #1
 def test_text_tags(self):
     text = "On Monday, president Barack Obama will be..."
     results = text_tags(text)
     max_keys = sorted(results.keys(), key=lambda x:results.get(x), reverse=True)
     assert 'political_discussion' in max_keys[:5]
     results = text_tags(text, top_n=5)
     assert len(results) is 5
     results = text_tags(text, threshold=0.1)
     for v in results.values():
         assert v >= 0.1
def add_indico_text_tags(batch):
    article_texts = [article['content'] for article in batch]
    text_tags_dicts = indicoio.text_tags(article_texts, threshold=0.1)
    for i in range(len(batch)):
        text_tag_dict = text_tags_dicts[i]
        batch[i]['text_tags'] = text_tag_dict.items()
    return batch
Example #3
def scrape(arg):
	results = {}
	twitter = Twython(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET, oauth_version=2)
	ACCESS_TOKEN = twitter.obtain_access_token()

	twitter = Twython(APP_KEY, access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN)
	friends = twitter.get_friends_ids(screen_name = arg)
	#hard cap for time
	limit = 10

	for follower_id in friends['ids']:
		if limit > 0 :
			params = {'user_id':follower_id, 'count':3 }
			tweets = twitter.get_user_timeline(**params)
			for tweet in tweets:
				encoded = tweet['text'].encode("utf8")
				results = dict(Counter(results) + Counter(text_tags(encoded)))
			limit = limit - 1
		#print results
	key = max(results.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
	n = random.choice(news)
	return [key, n]
Example #4
def analysis(data):
    sentiment = ind.sentiment_hq(data)
    tags = sort(ind.text_tags(data))
    languages = sort(ind.language(data))
    politics = sort(ind.political(data))
    keywords = sort(ind.keywords(data))
    names = sort(ind.named_entities(data))

    print "Sentiment", sentiment

    print "\n\n\nTags"
    for t in tags:
        print t[0], float(t[1]) * 100

    print "\n\n\nLanguages"
    for l in languages:
        print l[0], float(l[1]) * 100

    print "\n\n\nPolitical"
    for p in politics:
        print p[0], float(p[1]) * 100
    print "\n\nkeywords"
    for k in keywords:
        print k[0], float(k[1]) * 100
Example #5
def identify_keywords(text):
  text = text.encode("ascii", "ignore")
  print len(text)
  x = indicoio.text_tags(text, threshold = 0.01, top_n = NUM_RESULTS)
  y = indicoio.keywords(text, threshold = 0.01, top_n = NUM_RESULTS)
  return x
Example #6
def tweetCategory(getDF=False,insta=False):

    :return: (text_classAndSenti,text_list)
        text_classAndSenti (selected samples,2): (:,0)=1 indicates that this tweets 1) is related to food 2) is positive.
                                                (:,0)=0 otherwise
        text_list: original lists of tweets
    if not(insta):
        os.system('curl "https://boiling-fire-6168.firebaseio.com/twitter_data.json?print=pretty" > twitter_data.json')
        with open('twitter_data.json') as json_data:
            data = json.load(json_data)
        os.system('curl "https://boiling-fire-6168.firebaseio.com/twitter_data.json?print=pretty" > instagram_data.json')
        with open('instagram_data.json') as json_data:
            data = json.load(json_data)
    # JSON -> list of texts
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
    df = df.transpose()
    lat = df['coordinate_1']
    lng = df['coordinate_2']
    in_toronto = []
    for idx,x  in enumerate(lat):
        in_toronto = in_toronto + [geo_results.is_in_circle(geo_results.TORONTO.latitude, geo_results.TORONTO.longitude, geo_results.radius, lng[idx], lat[idx])]
    print in_toronto
    df['in_toronto'] = in_toronto
    df = df[df['in_toronto'] == 1]
    print df
    text_list = df['text'].values.tolist()

    # Get topics
    indicoio.config.api_key = 'dfd155c0984bed63c78aef5ce44763bf'
    topics = indicoio.text_tags(text_list,top_n = 5)

    def topIncluded(topics,cat):
        # test if at least one element in topics is in cat
        for i in topics:
            if i in cat:
                return True
        return False

    # get sentiment analysis
    text_classAndSenti = np.zeros((len(text_list),2))
    text_classAndSenti[:,1] = indicoio.sentiment(text_list)

    # put text into classes (Food is 1; otherwise, 0)
    for i,t in enumerate(topics):
        top_topics = t.keys()
        if topIncluded(top_topics,FOOD) and text_classAndSenti[i,1]>.5:
            text_classAndSenti[i,0] = 1
            text_classAndSenti[i,1] = 0 # clear sentiment info of non-food tweets

    if getDF:
        return text_classAndSenti,text_list,df
        return text_classAndSenti,text_list
Example #7
 def score(self, slide_length, window_length, AItype='tags'):
     self.parse(slide_length, window_length)
     if AItype == 'tags':
         self.scores['tags'] = [indicoio.text_tags(i) for i in self.strings]
     elif AItype == 'keywords':
         self.scores['keywords'] = [indicoio.keywords(i) for i in self.strings]
     elif AItype == 'names':
         self.scores['names'] = [indicoio.named_entities(i) for i in self.strings]
         raise Exception('Warning: {} not a valid category'.format(category))
Example #8
def parse(message, number):
	store(message, number)
	userProf = analyzeUser(number)

	if comparePrev(message, number):
		return "Message Sent"
		ent = entityMatch(message)
		if  ent == "None":
			print "keywords"
			print indicoio.keywords(message, version=2)
			print "tags"
			print indicoio.text_tags(message, threshold = .03)
			print "relevance"
			print indicoio.relevance("Renowned soccer legend Pele will be visiting...", ["Germany", "relocation", "Food", "Safety", "Family", "Transportation", "clothing"])

			"Found Entity, directing there"
			ticketCreate(message, number, ent)
Example #9
def main():
    resultFileName = 'result.txt'
    indicoio.config.api_key = 'dfdb33f299507185178450a350d1a40a'
    questionStr = sys.argv[1]

    resDict= indicoio.text_tags(questionStr)
    maxTag = max(resDict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
    with open(resultFileName, 'w') as f:
Example #10
    def post(self):

        data = json.loads(self.request.body)
        api = data.get('api')
        data = data.get('data')

        if api == 'sentiment':
            result = indicoio.sentiment(data)
            result = [aggregate_score(scores, api) for scores in indicoio.text_tags(data)]

Example #11
 def test_text_tags(self):
     expected_keys = set(['fashion', 'art', 'energy', 'economics', 'entrepreneur', 
                          'books', 'politics', 'gardening', 'nba', 'conservative', 
                          'technology', 'startups', 'relationships', 'education',
                          'humor', 'psychology', 'bicycling', 'investing', 'travel',
                          'cooking', 'christianity', 'environment', 'religion', 'health', 
                          'hockey', 'pets', 'music', 'soccer', 'guns', 'gaming', 'jobs',
                          'business', 'nature', 'food', 'cars', 'photography', 'philosophy',
                          'geek', 'sports', 'baseball', 'news', 'television', 'entertainment',
                          'parenting', 'comics', 'science', 'nfl','programming',
                          'personalfinance', 'atheism', 'movies', 'anime', 'fitness',
                          'military', 'realestate', 'history'])
     text = "On Monday, president Barack Obama will be..."
     results = text_tags(text)
     max_keys = sorted(results.keys(), key=lambda x:results.get(x), reverse=True)
     assert 'politics' in max_keys[:3]
     self.assertFalse(set(results.keys()) - expected_keys)
def gimme_the_goods(text, tag_count=3, persona_count=3):
    # Consume some of that api for analysis
    sentiment = indicoio.sentiment(text)
    # TODO figure out a better way to handle this bug
    political = indicoio.political(text[0:1100])
    personality = indicoio.personality(text)
    personas = indicoio.personas(text)
    tags = indicoio.text_tags(text, top_n=tag_count)

    # Sort the personas to grab top ones
    top_personas = dict(sorted(personas.items(),
    # Truncate the values to 3 decimals for cleanliness
    roundness = 3
    sentiment = truncate_values(sentiment, roundness)
    political = truncate_values(political, roundness)
    personality = truncate_values(personality, roundness)
    top_personas = truncate_values(top_personas, roundness)
    tags = truncate_values(tags, roundness)
    # Rearrange the personas a bit
    final_personas = []
    for key, value in top_personas.items():
            'type': persona_mapping[key],
            'name': key,
            'value': value,
    return_dict = {
        'sentiment': sentiment,
        'political': political,
        'personality': personality,
        'personas': final_personas,
        'tags': tags

    return return_dict
def gimme_the_goods(text, tag_count=3, persona_count=3):

    # Consume some of that api for analysis
    sentiment = indicoio.sentiment(text)
    # TODO figure out a better way to handle this bug
    political = indicoio.political(text[0:1100])
    personality = indicoio.personality(text)
    personas = indicoio.personas(text)
    tags = indicoio.text_tags(text, top_n=tag_count)

    # Sort the personas to grab top ones
    top_personas = dict(
        sorted(personas.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),

    # Truncate the values to 3 decimals for cleanliness
    roundness = 3
    sentiment = truncate_values(sentiment, roundness)
    political = truncate_values(political, roundness)
    personality = truncate_values(personality, roundness)
    top_personas = truncate_values(top_personas, roundness)
    tags = truncate_values(tags, roundness)

    # Rearrange the personas a bit
    final_personas = []
    for key, value in top_personas.items():
            'type': persona_mapping[key],
            'name': key,
            'value': value,

    return_dict = {
        'sentiment': sentiment,
        'political': political,
        'personality': personality,
        'personas': final_personas,
        'tags': tags

    return return_dict
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:

    inname = sys.argv[1]
    outname = sys.argv[2]

    with open(inname, mode='r') as inFile:
        tweets = json.load(inFile)
        count = 0

        for tweet in tweets:
            result = indicoio.text_tags(tweet['text'])
            count += 1

            if count % 100 == 0:
                with open(outname, 'w') as outfile:
                    json.dump(tweets, outfile)

        with open(outname, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(tweets, outfile)
def get_user_interests(statement):
    tag_dict = indicoio.text_tags(statement, top_n=5)
    sorted_tags = sorted(tag_dict.items(), key=lambda tup: -tup[1])
    return sorted_tags
Example #16
import indicoio
import operator

indicoio.config.api_key = 'b94312524aff44f47c4cc57b9e56c5e6'

# single example
#print indicoio.keywords("Where do I get food in Lesbos?", version=2)
#returns the words that are deemed most relevant
print indicoio.relevance("Where do I get food in Lesbos?", ["food", "general_food"]) 
#returns list of proportions representing how relevant the word is to the string
keyword_dictionary = indicoio.text_tags("Where do I get food in Lesbos?")
top_word = max(keyword_dictionary.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
second_top_word = 

# batch example
#print indicoio.keywords([
#    "How do I get water nearby?",
#    "Where did my family go?"
#], version=2)
#returns the words that are deemed most relevant
#print indicoio.relevance(["How do I get water nearby?", "Where did my family go?"], ["family"])
#returns list of proportions representing how relevant the word is to the string
#print indicoio.text_tags([
#    "The most common form of arrow consists of a shaft with an arrowhead attached to the front end and with fletchings and a nock attached to the other end.",
#    "Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise, it has a meditative and spiritual core."
 def text_tags_extraction(self, text):
     self.text_tags = text_tags(text)
Example #18
def en_topics(s):
    tag_dict = indicoio.text_tags(s)
    return sorted(tag_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: tag_dict[x], reverse=True)[:5]
Example #19
import indicoio
indicoio.config.api_key = "13aaf3fb916e24d4d31bc4bf3e79cd6f"

tag_dict = indicoio.text_tags("Iran Agrees to Nuclear Limits, But Key Issues Are Unresolved")

print(sorted(tag_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: tag_dict[x], reverse=True)[:5])

# find amount of positivity.
print( indicoio.sentiment('indico is so easy to use!') )
# 0.07062467665597527
Example #20
string1 = fd.read()
#fd = open("BBC.txt", "r")
#string1 += fd.read()
string1 = string1.replace("\xe2\x80\x9c", "\"")
string1 = string1.replace("\xe2\x80\x9d", "\"")
string1 = string1.replace("\xe2\x80\x99", "\'")
keywordList = []
tagList = []
entityList = []

myList = string1.split("\n", size)

for x in range(0, size):
    keywordList.append(indicoio.keywords(myList[x], top_n=10,
    tagList.append(indicoio.text_tags(myList[x], threshold=.05))
    #print indicoio.text_tags(myList[x], threshold=.1)
    #print indicoio.keywords(myList[x], top_n=6, independent=True)

## build 2-d array of weights
matrix = [[0 for x in range(size)] for x in range(size)]

for x in range(0, size):
    for y in range(0, size):
        matrix[x][y] = 1000 * compareKeywords(
            keywordList[x], keywordList[y]) * compareTags(
                tagList[x], tagList[y]) * compareEntities(
                    entityList[x], entityList[y])
        #print str(x) + " " + str(y) + " " + str(matrix[x][y])
Example #21
import indicoio

# single example

text = '''
С питанием связаны все жизненно важные функции организма. 
Оно — источник развития тканей и клеток, их постоянного обновления, 
насыщения человека энергией. Неправильное питание ― как избыточное, 
так и недостаточное ― способно нанести существенный вред здоровью 
человека в любом возрасте. Это выражается в снижении уровня 
физического и умственного развития, быстрой утомляемости, неспособности 
оказывать сопротивление воздействию неблагоприятных факторов окружающей среды, 
снижении работоспособности и даже преждевременном старении и 
сокращении продолжительности жизни. Кстати, каждой женщине, 
которая следит за собой, известно, что состояние кожи напрямую 
зависит от состояния пищеварительной системы, в частности кишечника, 
а значит, и от здорового питания.

sen = indicoio.sentiment(text, language="russian")
a = indicoio.text_tags(text, language="russian")

items = sorted(a.items(), key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True)

print(f'sentiment = {sen}')
for item in items:
    print(f'{item[0]:30} {item[1]:1.3f}')
Example #22
def indicoTags(tweet):
    tag_dict = indicoio.text_tags(tweet)
    return sorted(tag_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: tag_dict[x], reverse=True)[:3]
Example #23
def execute(USERNAME, target, refresh):

    r_data = io_helper.read_raw(USERNAME, target)

    og = sys.stdout
    fpath = io_helper.out_path(USERNAME, target)

    def analysis(raw='', limit=5, text='', percent=True):
        global meta_dict
        # print lines if input is a list of non-dicts
        # if input is list of dicts, merge dicts and resend to analysis
        if isinstance(raw, list):
            for item in raw:
                if not isinstance(item, dict):
            analysis(meta_dict, limit, text, percent)

        # if input is dict: print k, v pairs
        # optional args for return limit and description text
        if isinstance(raw, dict):
            ct = 0
            for v in sorted(raw, key=raw.get, reverse=True):
                ct += 1
                if ct > limit: break
                if isinstance(raw[v], float):
                    if percent: per = r'%'
                    else: per = ''
                    print("    " + v, str(round(raw[v] * 100, 2)) + per)
                    print(v, raw[v])

    def create_meta_dict(item):
        # merge list of dicts into master dict
        global meta_dict
        meta_dict[item['text']] = item['confidence']
        return meta_dict

    rClean = ''
    for i in range(len(r_data)):
        if r_data[i - 1] == '\\':
            rClean = rClean[:-1]
            if r_data[i] != "'":

        if r_data[i] == '*':
            rClean += ' '
            rClean += r_data[i]

    r_data = rClean
    del rClean
    indicoio.config.api_key = keycheck.get_key()

    # Big 5
    big5 = {
        'text': "Big 5 personality inventory matches: ",
        "payload": indicoio.personality(r_data)

    # Meyers briggs
    mbtiLabels = indicoio.personas(r_data)
    mbti_dict = {
        'architect': 'intj',
        'logician': 'intp',
        'commander': 'entj',
        'debater': 'entp',
        'advocate': 'infj',
        'mediator': 'infp',
        'protagonist': 'enfj',
        'campaigner': 'enfp',
        'logistician': 'istj',
        'defender': 'isfj',
        'executive': 'estj',
        'consul': 'esfj',
        'virtuoso': 'istp',
        'adventurer': 'isfp',
        'entrepreneur': 'estp',
        'entertainer': 'esfp'

    def replace_mbti():
        for k, v in mbtiLabels.items():
            k = k.replace(k, mbti_dict[k])
            yield k

    k = (list(replace_mbti()))
    v = map(lambda x: x, mbtiLabels.values())
    payload = (dict(zip(k, v)))

    mbti = {
        'text': "Most likely personalilty styles: ",
        "payload": payload,
        'ct': 5,
        'percent': True

    # Political
    pol = {
        'text': "Political alignments: ",
        "payload": indicoio.political(r_data, version=1)
    # Sentiment
    sen = {
        'text': "Sentiment: ",
        "payload": {
            'Percent positive': indicoio.sentiment(r_data)
        'ct': 3

    # Emotion
    emo = {
        'text': "Predominant emotions:",
        "payload": indicoio.emotion(r_data),
        'ct': 5

    # Keywords
    kw = {'text': "Keywords: ", "payload": indicoio.keywords(r_data), 'ct': 5}
    # Text tags
    tt = {
        'text': "Text tags: ",
        "payload": indicoio.text_tags(r_data),
        'ct': 10
    # Place
    pla = {
        'text': "Key locations: ",
        'payload': indicoio.places(r_data, version=2),
        'ct': 3,
        'percent': True

    def Karma(USERNAME):
        import praw
        import collections
        kList = []
        user_agent = ("N2ITN")
        r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent)
        thing_limit = 100

        user = r.get_redditor(USERNAME)
        gen = user.get_submitted(limit=thing_limit)
        karma_by_subreddit = {}
        for thing in gen:
            subreddit = thing.subreddit.display_name
            karma_by_subreddit[subreddit] = (
                karma_by_subreddit.get(subreddit, 0) + thing.score)

        for w in sorted(karma_by_subreddit,
            kList.append(str(w) + ': ' + str(karma_by_subreddit[w]))
        kList.insert(0, 'Karma by Sub')


    def show(results):
        # Accepts bag of dicts, or single dict
        if not isinstance(results, dict):
            for X in results:
            if results == pla and pla['payload'] == []:
                print("Not enough information to infer place of origin")

                i = results
                analysis(raw=i.get('payload', ''),
                         limit=i.get('ct', 5),
                         text=i.get('text', ''),
                         percent=i.get('percent', True))

    with open(fpath, 'w') as outtie:
        sys.stdout = outtie
        print(target + USERNAME)
        show([kw, pla, big5, emo, sen, pol, mbti, tt])

        sys.stdout = og
Example #24
def get_user_interests(statement):
    tag_dict = indicoio.text_tags(statement, top_n=5)
    sorted_tags = sorted(tag_dict.items(), key=lambda tup: -tup[1])
    return sorted_tags
Example #25
def get_topics(text):
    if not text: return []
    tag_dictionary = indicoio.text_tags(text)
    return [key for key in sorted(tag_dictionary.keys(), key=lambda x: tag_dictionary[x], reverse=True)]
Example #26
 def test_batch_texttags(self):
     test_data = ["On Monday, president Barack Obama will be..."]
     response = text_tags(test_data, api_key=self.api_key)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, list))
def identify_keywords(text):
  x = indicoio.text_tags(text, threshold = 0.01, top_n = NUM_RESULTS)
  y = indicoio.keywords(text, threshold = 0.01, top_n = NUM_RESULTS)
  return x
Example #28
def execute(USERNAME, target, refresh):

    r_data = io_helper.read_raw(USERNAME, target)

    og = sys.stdout
    fpath = io_helper.out_path(USERNAME, target)

    def analysis(raw='', limit=5, text='', percent=True):
        global meta_dict
        # print lines if input is a list of non-dicts
        # if input is list of dicts, merge dicts and resend to analysis
        if isinstance(raw, list):
            for item in raw:
                if not isinstance(item, dict):
            analysis(meta_dict, limit, text, percent)

        # if input is dict: print k, v pairs
        # optional args for return limit and description text
        if isinstance(raw, dict):
            ct = 0
            for v in sorted(raw, key=raw.get, reverse=True):
                ct += 1
                if ct > limit: break
                if isinstance(raw[v], float):
                    if percent: per = r'%'
                    else: per = ''
                    print("    " + v, str(round(raw[v] * 100, 2)) + per)
                    print(v, raw[v])

    def create_meta_dict(item):
        # merge list of dicts into master dict
        global meta_dict
        meta_dict[item['text']] = item['confidence']
        return meta_dict

    rClean = ''
    for i in range(len(r_data)):
        if r_data[i - 1] == '\\':
            rClean = rClean[:-1]
            if r_data[i] != "'":

        if r_data[i] == '*':
            rClean += ' '
            rClean += r_data[i]

    r_data = rClean
    del rClean
    indicoio.config.api_key = keycheck.get_key()

    # Big 5
    big5 = {'text': "Big 5 personality inventory matches: ", "payload": indicoio.personality(r_data)}

    # Meyers briggs
    mbtiLabels = indicoio.personas(r_data)
    mbti_dict = {
        'architect': 'intj',
        'logician': 'intp',
        'commander': 'entj',
        'debater': 'entp',
        'advocate': 'infj',
        'mediator': 'infp',
        'protagonist': 'enfj',
        'campaigner': 'enfp',
        'logistician': 'istj',
        'defender': 'isfj',
        'executive': 'estj',
        'consul': 'esfj',
        'virtuoso': 'istp',
        'adventurer': 'isfp',
        'entrepreneur': 'estp',
        'entertainer': 'esfp'

    def replace_mbti():
        for k, v in mbtiLabels.items():
            k = k.replace(k, mbti_dict[k])
            yield k

    k = (list(replace_mbti()))
    v = map(lambda x: x, mbtiLabels.values())
    payload = (dict(zip(k, v)))

    mbti = {'text': "Most likely personalilty styles: ", "payload": payload, 'ct': 5, 'percent': True}

    # Political
    pol = {'text': "Political alignments: ", "payload": indicoio.political(r_data, version=1)}
    # Sentiment
    sen = {'text': "Sentiment: ", "payload": {'Percent positive': indicoio.sentiment(r_data)}, 'ct': 3}

    # Emotion 
    emo = {'text': "Predominant emotions:", "payload": indicoio.emotion(r_data), 'ct': 5}

    # Keywords
    kw = {'text': "Keywords: ", "payload": indicoio.keywords(r_data), 'ct': 5}
    # Text tags
    tt = {'text': "Text tags: ", "payload": indicoio.text_tags(r_data), 'ct': 10}
    # Place
    pla = {
        'text': "Key locations: ",
        'payload': indicoio.places(r_data, version=2),
        'ct': 3,
        'percent': True

    def Karma(USERNAME):
        import praw
        import collections
        kList = []
        user_agent = ("N2ITN")
        r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent)
        thing_limit = 100

        user = r.get_redditor(USERNAME)
        gen = user.get_submitted(limit=thing_limit)
        karma_by_subreddit = {}
        for thing in gen:
            subreddit = thing.subreddit.display_name
            karma_by_subreddit[subreddit] = (karma_by_subreddit.get(subreddit, 0) + thing.score)

        for w in sorted(karma_by_subreddit, key=karma_by_subreddit.get, reverse=True):
            kList.append(str(w) + ': ' + str(karma_by_subreddit[w]))
        kList.insert(0, 'Karma by Sub')


    def show(results):
        # Accepts bag of dicts, or single dict
        if not isinstance(results, dict):
            for X in results:
            if results == pla and pla['payload'] == []:
                print("Not enough information to infer place of origin")

                i = results
                    raw=i.get('payload', ''),
                    limit=i.get('ct', 5),
                    text=i.get('text', ''),
                    percent=i.get('percent', True)

    with open(fpath, 'w') as outtie:
        sys.stdout = outtie
        print(target + USERNAME)
        show([kw, pla, big5, emo, sen, pol, mbti, tt])
        # Karma(USERNAME)

        sys.stdout = og
Example #29
def get_texttags():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        data = dict(request.form)['data_to_analyze']
        return json.dumps({
            'text_tags': sort(indicoio.text_tags(data)[0])[0:3]