Example #1
def setup_belief(include_more_specific=False):
    # Make a model
    lr = LogisticRegression()
    # Get all the sources
    source_list = CountsScorer.get_all_sources(test_stmts_cur)
    cs = CountsScorer(lr,
    # Train on curated stmt data
    if include_more_specific:
        extra_evidence = [[
            ev for supp in stmt.supports for ev in supp.evidence
        ] for stmt in test_stmts_cur]
        extra_evidence = None
    # Fit with extra evidence, if any
    cs.fit(test_stmts_cur, y_arr_stmts_cur, extra_evidence)
    # Run predictions on test statements without extra evidence to get prior
    # probs
    probs = cs.predict_proba(test_stmts_cur)[:, 1]
    # Now check if we get these same beliefs set on the statements when we
    # run with the belief engine:
    # Get scorer and belief engine instances for trained model
    be = BeliefEngine(scorer=cs)
    # Make a shallow copy of the test stmts so that we don't change beliefs
    # of the global instances as a side-effect of this test
    test_stmts_copy = copy(test_stmts_cur)
    return be, test_stmts_copy, probs
Example #2
def test_fit_stmts_predict_stmts():
    lr = LogisticRegression()
    source_list = ['reach', 'sparser', 'signor']
    cw = CountsScorer(lr, source_list)
    cw.fit(test_stmts, y_arr_stmts)
    probs = cw.predict_proba(test_stmts)
    assert probs.shape == (len(test_stmts), 2), \
        'prediction results should have dimension (# stmts, # classes)'
    log_probs = cw.predict_log_proba(test_stmts)
    assert log_probs.shape == (len(test_stmts), 2), \
        'prediction results should have dimension (# stmts, # classes)'
    preds = cw.predict(test_stmts)
    assert preds.shape == (len(test_stmts),), \
        'prediction results should have dimension (# stmts)'
Example #3
def test_hybrid_scorer():
    # First instantiate and train the SimpleScorer on readers
    # Make a model
    lr = LogisticRegression()
    # Get all the sources
    source_list = CountsScorer.get_all_sources(test_stmts_cur)
    # The sources for this sample (test_stmts_cur) include only: trips,
    # sparser, medscan, hprd, and reach. Of these, we'll set aside hprd to be
    # scored by the simplescorer and the other to be scored by the CountsScorer
    skl_sources = ['trips', 'sparser', 'medscan', 'reach']
    cs = CountsScorer(lr, skl_sources)
    # Train on curated stmt data
    cs.fit(test_stmts_cur, y_arr_stmts_cur)
    # Run predictions on test statements for later comparison
    cs_beliefs = cs.predict_proba(test_stmts_cur)[:, 1]
    # Next, get the default SimpleScorer:
    ss = default_scorer
    # Let's check the prior probability associated with HPRD
    hprd_rand = ss.prior_probs['rand']['hprd']
    hprd_syst = ss.prior_probs['syst']['hprd']
    # Now instantiate a HybridScorer
    hs = HybridScorer(cs, ss)
    # Check that sources are accounted for
    # Score the statements with the HybridScorer
    hybrid_beliefs = hs.score_statements(test_stmts_cur)
    # Look at each statement and check that the belief is what's expected
    # based on the skl-predicted belief and the HPRD evidence from the
    # simple scorer
    expected_beliefs = []
    for ix, stmt in enumerate(test_stmts_cur):
        # Check the sources
        stmt_sources = Counter([ev.source_api for ev in stmt.evidence])
        # If statement has no HPRD evidence, we expect the belief to be
        # the same as the skl-predicted belief
        if 'hprd' not in stmt_sources:
        # Otherwise, calculate belief incorporating HPRD evidences
            # How many HPRD evidences?
            hprd_count = stmt_sources['hprd']
            print("hprd_count", hprd_count)
            hprd_belief = 1 - (hprd_syst + hprd_rand**hprd_count)
            expected_beliefs.append(1 - (1 - cs_beliefs[ix]) *
                                    (1 - hprd_belief))
            print(expected_beliefs[ix], hybrid_beliefs[ix])

    assert np.allclose(hybrid_beliefs, expected_beliefs)
def setup_belief():
    # Make a model
    lr = LogisticRegression()
    # Get all the sources
    source_list = CountsScorer.get_all_sources(test_stmts_cur)
    cs = CountsScorer(lr, source_list)
    # Train on curated stmt data
    cs.fit(test_stmts_cur, y_arr_stmts_cur)
    # Run predictions on test statements
    probs = cs.predict_proba(test_stmts_cur)[:, 1]
    # Now check if we get these same beliefs set on the statements when we
    # run with the belief engine:
    # Get scorer and belief engine instances for trained model
    be = BeliefEngine(scorer=cs)
    # Make a shallow copy of the test stmts so that we don't change beliefs
    # of the global instances as a side-effect of this test
    test_stmts_copy = copy(test_stmts_cur)
    return be, test_stmts_copy, probs