Example #1
def get_eidos_scorer() -> SimpleScorer:
    """Return a SimpleScorer based on Eidos curated precision estimates.

    scorer :
        A SimpleScorer instance loaded with default prior probabilities as
        well as prior probabilities derived from curation-based counts.
    with open(get_resource_file('default_belief_probs.json'), 'r') as fh:
        prior_probs = json.load(fh)

    table = load_eidos_curation_table()

    # Get the overall precision
    total_num = table['COUNT of RULE'].sum()
    weighted_sum = table['COUNT of RULE'].dot(table['% correct'])
    precision = weighted_sum / total_num
    # We have to divide this into a random and systematic component, for now
    # in an ad-hoc manner
    syst_error = 0.05
    rand_error = 1 - precision - syst_error
    prior_probs['rand']['eidos'] = rand_error
    prior_probs['syst']['eidos'] = syst_error

    # Get a dict of rule-specific errors.
    subtype_probs = {
        'eidos': {
            k: 1.0 - min(v, 0.95) - syst_error
            for k, v in zip(table['RULE'], table['% correct'])
    scorer = SimpleScorer(prior_probs, subtype_probs)
    return scorer
Example #2
def calculate_belief(stmts):
    scorer = SimpleScorer(subtype_probs={
        'biopax': {'pc11': 0.2, 'phosphosite': 0.01},
    be = BeliefEngine(scorer=scorer)
    return {str(s.get_hash()): s.belief for s in stmts}
def test_score_statement():
    """Check that we can correctly score a single statement."""
    prior_probs = {'rand': {'reach': 0.1, 'trips': 0.2},
                   'syst': {'reach': 0,   'trips': 0}}

    scorer = SimpleScorer(prior_probs)
    # ev1 is from "reach"
    st1 = Phosphorylation(None, Agent('a'), evidence=[ev1])
    belief = scorer.score_statement(st1)
    assert belief == 0.9
    # try extra_evidence empty list:
    belief = scorer.score_statement(st1, extra_evidence=[])
    assert belief == 0.9
    # Now we try extra_evidence from trips.
    # Expected result is 1 - (0.1 * 0.2) = 0.98
    belief = scorer.score_statement(st1, extra_evidence=[ev2])
    assert belief == 0.98
Example #4
def test_evidence_random_noise_prior():
    type_probs = {'biopax': 0.9, 'geneways': 0.2}
    biopax_subtype_probs = {'reactome': 0.4, 'biogrid': 0.2}
    geneways_subtype_probs = {'phosphorylate': 0.5, 'bind': 0.7}
    subtype_probs = {
        'biopax': biopax_subtype_probs,
        'geneways': geneways_subtype_probs

    ev_geneways_bind = Evidence(source_api='geneways',
                                annotations={'actiontype': 'bind'})
    ev_biopax_reactome = Evidence(source_api='biopax',
                                  annotations={'source_sub_id': 'reactome'})
    ev_biopax_pid = Evidence(source_api='biopax',
                             annotations={'source_sub_id': 'pid'})

    # Random noise prior for geneways bind evidence is the subtype prior,
    # since we specified it
    assert evidence_random_noise_prior(ev_geneways_bind, \
                                       type_probs, subtype_probs) == 0.7

    # Random noise prior for reactome biopax evidence is the subtype prior,
    # since we specified it
    assert evidence_random_noise_prior(ev_biopax_reactome, \
                                       type_probs, subtype_probs) == 0.4

    # Random noise prior for pid evidence is the subtype prior,
    # since we specified it
    assert evidence_random_noise_prior(ev_biopax_pid, type_probs,
                                       subtype_probs) == 0.9

    # Make sure this all still works when we go through the belief engine
    statements = []
    members = [Agent('a'), Agent('b')]
    statements.append(Complex(members, evidence=ev_geneways_bind))
    statements.append(Complex(members, evidence=ev_biopax_reactome))
    statements.append(Complex(members, evidence=ev_biopax_pid))
    p = {'rand': type_probs, 'syst': {'biopax': 0, 'geneways': 0}}

    scorer = SimpleScorer(p, subtype_probs)
    engine = BeliefEngine(scorer)
    assert statements[0].belief == 1 - 0.7
    assert statements[1].belief == 1 - 0.4
    assert statements[2].belief == 1 - 0.9
Example #5
def test_default_probs_override():
    """Make sure default probs are overriden by constructor argument."""
    prior_probs = {'rand': {'assertion': 0.5}}
    scorer = SimpleScorer(prior_probs)

    be = BeliefEngine(scorer)
    for err_type in ('rand', 'syst'):
        for k, v in scorer.prior_probs[err_type].items():
            if err_type == 'rand' and k == 'assertion':
                assert v == 0.5
                assert default_probs[err_type][k] == v
Example #6
def test_default_probs_extend():
    """Make sure default probs are extended by constructor argument."""
    prior_probs = {'rand': {'new_source': 0.1}, 'syst': {'new_source': 0.05}}
    scorer = SimpleScorer(prior_probs)

    be = BeliefEngine(scorer)
    for err_type in ('rand', 'syst'):
        assert 'new_source' in scorer.prior_probs[err_type]
        for k, v in scorer.prior_probs[err_type].items():
            if err_type == 'rand' and k == 'new_source':
                assert v == 0.1
            elif err_type == 'syst' and k == 'new_source':
                assert v == 0.05
                assert default_probs[err_type][k] == v
def test_negative_evidence():
    prior_probs = {'rand': {'new_source': 0.1},
                   'syst': {'new_source': 0.05}}
    getev = lambda x: Evidence(source_api='new_source',
                               epistemics={'negated': x})
    evs1 = [getev(x) for x in [True, True, False]]
    evs2 = [getev(x) for x in [False, False, False]]
    evs3 = [getev(x) for x in [True, True, True]]
    stmts = [Phosphorylation(None, Agent('a'), evidence=e)
             for e in [evs1, evs2, evs3]]
    scorer = SimpleScorer(prior_probs)
    engine = BeliefEngine(scorer)
    pr = prior_probs['rand']['new_source']
    ps = prior_probs['syst']['new_source']
    assert_close_enough(stmts[0].belief, ((1-pr)-ps)*(1-((1-pr*pr)-ps)))
    assert_close_enough(stmts[1].belief, (1-pr*pr*pr)-ps)
    assert stmts[2].belief == 0
Example #8
import json
import logging
from os import path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
from decimal import Decimal

import indra
from indra.belief import SimpleScorer
from indra.statements import Evidence
from indra.statements import Statement

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
simple_scorer = SimpleScorer()
NP_PRECISION = 10 ** -np.finfo(np.longfloat).precision  # Numpy precision

default_sign_dict = {'Activation': 0,
                     'Inhibition': 1,
                     'IncreaseAmount': 0,
                     'DecreaseAmount': 1}

INDRA_ROOT = path.abspath(path.dirname(path.abspath(indra.__file__)))
INDRA_RESOURCES = path.join(INDRA_ROOT, 'resources')
with open(path.join(INDRA_RESOURCES, 'source_mapping.json'), 'r') as f:
    db_source_mapping = json.load(f)

class IndraNet(nx.MultiDiGraph):