Example #1
class PreassemblyManager(object):
    """Class used to manage the preassembly pipeline

    n_proc : int
        Select the number of processes that will be used when performing
        preassembly. Default is 1.
    batch_size : int
        Select the maximum number of statements you wish to be handled at a
        time. In general, a larger batch size will somewhat be faster, but
        require much more memory.
    def __init__(self, n_proc=1, batch_size=10000):
        self.n_proc = n_proc
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.pa = Preassembler(hierarchies)
        self.__tag = 'Unpurposed'

    def _get_latest_updatetime(self, db):
        """Get the date of the latest update."""
        update_list = db.select_all(db.PreassemblyUpdates)
        if not len(update_list):
            logger.warning("The preassembled corpus has not been initialized, "
                           "or else the updates table has not been populated.")
            return None
        return max([u.run_datetime for u in update_list])

    def _pa_batch_iter(self, db, in_mks=None, ex_mks=None):
        """Return an iterator over batches of preassembled statements.

        This avoids the need to load all such statements from the database into
        RAM at the same time (as this can be quite large).

        You may limit the set of pa_statements loaded by providing a set/list of
        matches-keys of the statements you wish to include.
        if in_mks is None and ex_mks is None:
            db_stmt_iter = db.select_all(db.PAStatements.json,
        elif ex_mks is None and in_mks:
            db_stmt_iter = db.select_all(db.PAStatements.json,
        elif in_mks is None and ex_mks:
            db_stmt_iter = db.select_all(
        elif in_mks and ex_mks:
            db_stmt_iter = db.select_all(
            db_stmt_iter = db.select_all(db.PAStatements.json,

        pa_stmts = (_stmt_from_json(s_json) for s_json, in db_stmt_iter)
        return batch_iter(pa_stmts, self.batch_size, return_func=list)

    def _get_unique_statements(self, db, stmt_tpls, num_stmts, mk_done=None):
        """Get the unique Statements from the raw statements."""
        if mk_done is None:
            mk_done = set()

        new_mk_set = set()
        stmt_batches = batch_iter(stmt_tpls, self.batch_size, return_func=list)
        num_batches = num_stmts / self.batch_size
        for i, stmt_tpl_batch in enumerate(stmt_batches):
            self._log("Processing batch %d/%d of %d/%d statements." %
                      (i, num_batches, len(stmt_tpl_batch), num_stmts))
            unique_stmts, evidence_links = \
            new_unique_stmts = []
            for s in unique_stmts:
                s_hash = s.get_hash(shallow=True)
                if s_hash not in (mk_done | new_mk_set):
            insert_pa_stmts(db, new_unique_stmts)
            db.copy('raw_unique_links', evidence_links,
                    ('pa_stmt_mk_hash', 'raw_stmt_id'))
        self._log("Added %d new pa statements into the database." %
        return new_mk_set

    def create_corpus(self, db, continuing=False):
        """Initialize the table of preassembled statements.

        This method will find the set of unique knowledge represented in the
        table of raw statements, and it will populate the table of preassembled
        statements (PAStatements/pa_statements), while maintaining links between
        the raw statements and their unique (pa) counterparts. Furthermore, the
        refinement/support relationships between unique statements will be found
        and recorded in the PASupportLinks/pa_support_links table.

        For more detail on preassembly, see indra/preassembler/__init__.py
        self.__tag = 'create'
        # Get the statements
        stmt_ids = distill_stmts(db, num_procs=self.n_proc)
        if continuing:
            self._log("Getting set of statements already de-duplicated...")
            checked_raw_stmt_ids, pa_stmt_hashes = \
            stmt_ids -= set(checked_raw_stmt_ids)
            done_pa_ids = set(pa_stmt_hashes)
            self._log("Found %d preassembled statements already done." %
            done_pa_ids = set()
        stmts = ((sid, _stmt_from_json(s_json)) for sid, s_json in
                 db.select_all([db.RawStatements.id, db.RawStatements.json],
        self._log("Found %d statements in all." % len(stmt_ids))

        # Get the set of unique statements
        if stmt_ids:
            self._get_unique_statements(db, stmts, len(stmt_ids), done_pa_ids)

        # If we are continuing, check for support links that were already found.
        if continuing:
            self._log("Getting pre-existing links...")
            db_existing_links = db.select_all([
            existing_links = {tuple(res) for res in db_existing_links}
            self._log("Found %d existing links." % len(existing_links))
            existing_links = set()

        # Now get the support links between all batches.
        support_links = set()
        for outer_batch in self._pa_batch_iter(db):
            # Get internal support links
            some_support_links = self._get_support_links(outer_batch,
            outer_mk_hashes = {s.get_hash(shallow=True) for s in outer_batch}

            # Get links with all other batches
            for inner_batch in self._pa_batch_iter(db, ex_mks=outer_mk_hashes):
                split_idx = len(inner_batch)
                full_list = inner_batch + outer_batch
                some_support_links |= \
                    self._get_support_links(full_list, split_idx=split_idx,

            # Add all the new support links
            support_links |= (some_support_links - existing_links)

            # There are generally few support links compared to the number of
            # statements, so it doesn't make sense to copy every time, but for
            # long preassembly, this allows for better failure recovery.
            if len(support_links) >= self.batch_size:
                self._log("Copying batch of %d support links into db." %
                db.copy('pa_support_links', support_links,
                        ('supported_mk_hash', 'supporting_mk_hash'))
                existing_links |= support_links
                support_links = set()

        # Insert any remaining support links.
        if support_links:
            self._log("Copying final batch of %d support links into db." %
            db.copy('pa_support_links', support_links,
                    ('supported_mk_hash', 'supporting_mk_hash'))

        return True

    def _get_new_stmt_ids(self, db):
        """Get all the uuids of statements not included in evidence."""
        old_id_q = db.filter_query(
            db.RawStatements.id == db.RawUniqueLinks.raw_stmt_id)
        new_sid_q = db.filter_query(db.RawStatements.id).except_(old_id_q)
        all_new_stmt_ids = {sid for sid, in new_sid_q.all()}
        self._log("Found %d new statement ids." % len(all_new_stmt_ids))
        return all_new_stmt_ids

    def supplement_corpus(self, db, continuing=False):
        """Update the table of preassembled statements.

        This method will take any new raw statements that have not yet been
        incorporated into the preassembled table, and use them to augment the
        preassembled table.

        The resulting updated table is indistinguishable from the result you
        would achieve if you had simply re-run preassembly on _all_ the
        raw statements.
        self.__tag = 'supplement'
        last_update = self._get_latest_updatetime(db)
        self._log("Latest update was: %s" % last_update)

        # Get the new statements...
        self._log("Loading info about the existing state of preassembly. "
                  "(This may take a little time)")
        new_ids = self._get_new_stmt_ids(db)

        # If we are continuing, check for support links that were already found.
        if continuing:
            self._log("Getting pre-existing links...")
            db_existing_links = db.select_all([
            existing_links = {tuple(res) for res in db_existing_links}
            self._log("Found %d existing links." % len(existing_links))
            existing_links = set()

        # Weed out exact duplicates.
        stmt_ids = distill_stmts(db, num_procs=self.n_proc)
        new_stmt_ids = new_ids & stmt_ids
        self._log("There are %d new distilled raw statement ids." %
        new_stmts = ((sid, _stmt_from_json(s_json))
                     for sid, s_json in db.select_all(
                         [db.RawStatements.id, db.RawStatements.json],

        # Get the set of new unique statements and link to any new evidence.
        old_mk_set = {mk for mk, in db.select_all(db.PAStatements.mk_hash)}
        self._log("Found %d old pa statements." % len(old_mk_set))
        new_mk_set = self._get_unique_statements(db, new_stmts,
                                                 len(new_stmt_ids), old_mk_set)
        self._log("Found %d new pa statements." % len(new_mk_set))

        # Now find the new support links that need to be added.
        new_support_links = set()
        for npa_batch in self._pa_batch_iter(db, in_mks=new_mk_set):
            some_support_links = set()

            # Compare internally
            some_support_links |= self._get_support_links(npa_batch)

            # Compare against the other new batch statements.
            diff_new_mks = new_mk_set - {
                for s in npa_batch
            for diff_npa_batch in self._pa_batch_iter(db, in_mks=diff_new_mks):
                split_idx = len(npa_batch)
                full_list = npa_batch + diff_npa_batch
                some_support_links |= \
                    self._get_support_links(full_list, split_idx=split_idx,

            # Compare against the existing statements.
            for opa_batch in self._pa_batch_iter(db, in_mks=old_mk_set):
                split_idx = len(npa_batch)
                full_list = npa_batch + opa_batch
                some_support_links |= \
                    self._get_support_links(full_list, split_idx=split_idx,

            new_support_links |= (some_support_links - existing_links)

            # There are generally few support links compared to the number of
            # statements, so it doesn't make sense to copy every time, but for
            # long preassembly, this allows for better failure recovery.
            if len(new_support_links) >= self.batch_size:
                self._log("Copying batch of %d support links into db." %
                db.copy('pa_support_links', new_support_links,
                        ('supported_mk_hash', 'supporting_mk_hash'))
                existing_links |= new_support_links
                new_support_links = set()

        # Insert any remaining support links.
        if new_support_links:
            self._log("Copying batch final of %d support links into db." %
            db.copy('pa_support_links', new_support_links,
                    ('supported_mk_hash', 'supporting_mk_hash'))
            existing_links |= new_support_links

        return True

    def _log(self, msg, level='info'):
        """Applies a task specific tag to the log message."""
        getattr(logger, level)("(%s) %s" % (self.__tag, msg))

    def _make_unique_statement_set(self, stmt_tpls):
        """Perform grounding, sequence mapping, and find unique set from stmts.

        This method returns a list of statement objects, as well as a set of
        tuples of the form (uuid, matches_key) which represent the links between
        raw (evidence) statements and their unique/preassembled counterparts.
        stmts = []
        uuid_sid_dict = {}
        for sid, stmt in stmt_tpls:
            uuid_sid_dict[stmt.uuid] = sid
        stmts = ac.map_grounding(stmts)
        stmts = ac.map_sequence(stmts)
        stmt_groups = self.pa._get_stmt_matching_groups(stmts)
        unique_stmts = []
        evidence_links = defaultdict(lambda: set())
        for _, duplicates in stmt_groups:
            # Get the first statement and add the evidence of all subsequent
            # Statements to it
            for stmt_ix, stmt in enumerate(duplicates):
                if stmt_ix == 0:
                    first_stmt = stmt.make_generic_copy()
                    stmt_hash = first_stmt.get_hash(shallow=True)
            # This should never be None or anything else
            assert isinstance(first_stmt, type(stmt))
        return unique_stmts, flatten_evidence_dict(evidence_links)

    def _get_support_links(self, unique_stmts, **generate_id_map_kwargs):
        """Find the links of refinement/support between statements."""
        id_maps = self.pa._generate_id_maps(unique_stmts,
        return {
                [unique_stmts[idx].get_hash(shallow=True) for idx in idx_pair])
            for idx_pair in id_maps