Example #1
def runFrankWolfe(G, nsamples, k, log_file, opt_file, num_fw_iter, p, num_influ_iter, if_herd):

    N = nx.number_of_nodes(G)

    x = Variable(torch.Tensor([1.0*k/N]*N))
    bufsize = 0

    f = open(log_file, 'w', bufsize)

    influ_obj = Influence(G, p, num_influ_iter)

    tic = time.clock()

    iter_num = 0
    obj = getRelax(G, x, nsamples, influ_obj, if_herd)
    toc = time.clock()

    influ_val = []
    influ_val_best = []
    influ_best = -10

    print "Iteration: ", iter_num, "    obj = ", obj.item(), "  time = ", (toc - tic),  "   Total/New/Cache: ", influ_obj.itr_total , influ_obj.itr_new , influ_obj.itr_cache

    f.write(str(toc - tic) + " " + str(obj.item()) + " " + str(influ_obj.itr_total) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_new) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_cache) + "\n") 

    for iter_num in np.arange(1, num_fw_iter):


        grad = getGrad(G, x, nsamples, influ_obj, if_herd)

        x_star = getCondGrad(grad, k)

        step = 2.0/(iter_num + 2) 

        x = step*x_star + (1 - step)*x

        obj = getRelax(G, x, nsamples, influ_obj, if_herd)
        toc = time.clock()

        print "Iteration: ", iter_num, "    obj = ", obj.item(), "  time = ", (toc - tic),  "   Total/New/Cache: ", influ_obj.itr_total , influ_obj.itr_new , influ_obj.itr_cache

        f.write(str(toc - tic) + " " + str(obj.item()) + " " + str(influ_obj.itr_total) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_new) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_cache) + "\n") 

        if iter_num % 10 == 0:

            #Round the current solution and get function values
            top_k = Variable(torch.zeros(N)) #conditional grad
            sorted_ind = torch.sort(x, descending = True)[1][0:k]
            top_k[sorted_ind] = 1
            influ = submodObj(G, top_k, p, 100)
            if influ > influ_best:
                influ_best = influ


    x_opt = x

    #Round the optimum solution and get function values
    top_k = Variable(torch.zeros(N)) #conditional grad
    sorted_ind = torch.sort(x_opt, descending = True)[1][0:k]
    top_k[sorted_ind] = 1
    gt_val = submodObj(G, top_k, p, 100)

    #Save optimum solution and value
    f = open(opt_file, 'w')

    for i in range(len(influ_val)):
        f.write(str(influ_val[i].item()) + ' ' + str(influ_val_best[i].item()) + '\n')

    f.write(str(gt_val.item()) + '\n')
    for x_t in x_opt:
        f.write(str(x_t.item()) + '\n')

    return x
Example #2
def fw_reduced_nodes(G, nsamples, k, log_file, opt_file, iterates_file, num_fw_iter, p, num_influ_iter, if_herd, x_good, a):

    N = nx.number_of_nodes(G)

    D = 200

    influ_obj = Influence(G, p, num_influ_iter)

    important_nodes = getImportantNodes(G, D)

    x = Variable(torch.Tensor([1e-4]*N))

    x[important_nodes] = 1.0*k/D

    bufsize = 0

    f = open(log_file, 'w', bufsize)
    f2 = open(iterates_file, 'w', bufsize)

    tic = time.clock()

    iter_num = 0
    obj = getImportanceRelax(G, x_good, x, nsamples, influ_obj, if_herd, a)
    toc = time.clock()

    print "Iteration: ", iter_num, "    obj = ", obj.item(), "  time = ", (toc - tic),  "   Total/New/Cache: ", influ_obj.itr_total , influ_obj.itr_new , influ_obj.itr_cache

    f.write(str(toc - tic) + " " + str(obj.item()) + " " + str(influ_obj.itr_total) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_new) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_cache) + "\n") 

    for x_t in x:
        f2.write(str(x_t.item()) + '\n')

    for iter_num in np.arange(1, num_fw_iter):


        grad = getReducedPrunedGrad(G, x_good, x,nsamples, influ_obj, if_herd, a, important_nodes)

        x_star = getCondGrad(grad, k)

        step = 2.0/(iter_num + 2) 

        x = step*x_star + (1 - step)*x

        obj = getImportanceRelax(G, x_good, x, nsamples, influ_obj, if_herd, a)
        toc = time.clock()

        print "Iteration: ", iter_num, "    obj = ", obj.item(), "  time = ", (toc - tic),  "   Total/New/Cache: ", influ_obj.itr_total , influ_obj.itr_new , influ_obj.itr_cache

        f.write(str(toc - tic) + " " + str(obj.item()) + " " + str(influ_obj.itr_total) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_new) + '/' + str(influ_obj.itr_cache) + "\n") 

        for x_t in x:
            f2.write(str(x_t.item()) + '\n')


    x_opt = x

    #Round the optimum solution and get function values
    top_k = Variable(torch.zeros(N)) #conditional grad
    sorted_ind = torch.sort(x_opt, descending = True)[1][0:k]
    top_k[sorted_ind] = 1
    gt_val = submodObj(G, top_k, p, 100)

    #Save optimum solution and value
    f = open(opt_file, 'w')

    f.write(str(gt_val.item()) + '\n')

    for x_t in x_opt:
        f.write(str(x_t.item()) + '\n')

    return x_opt