async def start(bot, cmd): usr_cmdall1 = cmd.text if usr_cmdall1.startswith("/start subinps"): if AUTH_CHANNEL: invite_link = await bot.create_chat_invite_link(int(AUTH_CHANNEL)) try: user = await bot.get_chat_member(int(AUTH_CHANNEL), if user.status == "kicked": await bot.send_message(, text="Sorry Sir, You are Banned to use me.", parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True) return except UserNotParticipant: ident, file_id = cmd.text.split("_-_-_-_") await bot.send_message(, text="**Please Join My Updates Channel to use this Bot!**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[ InlineKeyboardButton("🤖 Join Updates Channel", url=invite_link.invite_link) ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( " 🔄 Try Again", callback_data=f"checksub#{file_id}") ]]), parse_mode="markdown") return except Exception: await bot.send_message(, text="Something went Wrong.", parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True) return try: ident, file_id = cmd.text.split("_-_-_-_") filedetails = await get_file_details(file_id) for files in filedetails: title = files.file_name size = files.file_size f_caption = files.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name=title, file_size=size, file_caption=f_caption) except Exception as e: print(e) f_caption = f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{files.file_name}" buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Search again', switch_inline_query_current_chat=''), InlineKeyboardButton('More Bots', url='') ]] await bot.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, caption=f_caption, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) except Exception as err: await cmd.reply_text(f"Something went wrong!\n\n**Error:** `{err}`" ) elif len(cmd.command) > 1 and cmd.command[1] == 'subscribe': invite_link = await bot.create_chat_invite_link(int(AUTH_CHANNEL)) await bot.send_message(, text="**Please Join My Updates Channel to use this Bot!**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton("🤖 Join Updates Channel", url=invite_link.invite_link) ]])) else: await cmd.reply_text( START_MSG, parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton("Search Here", switch_inline_query_current_chat=''), InlineKeyboardButton("Other Bots", url="") ], [InlineKeyboardButton("About", callback_data="about")]]))
async def answer(bot, query): """Show search results for given inline query""" if AUTH_CHANNEL and not await is_subscribed(bot, query): await query.answer(results=[], cache_time=0, switch_pm_text='You have to subscribe my channel to use the bot', switch_pm_parameter="subscribe") return results = [] if '|' in query.query: string, file_type = query.query.split('|', maxsplit=1) string = string.strip() file_type = file_type.strip().lower() else: string = query.query.strip() file_type = None offset = int(query.offset or 0) reply_markup = get_reply_markup(query=string) files, next_offset = await get_search_results(string, file_type=file_type, max_results=10, offset=offset) for file in files: title=file.file_name size=file.file_size f_caption=file.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption=CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format(file_name=title, file_size=size, file_caption=f_caption) except Exception as e: print(e) f_caption=f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{file.file_name}" results.append( InlineQueryResultCachedDocument( title=file.file_name, file_id=file.file_id, caption=f_caption, description=f'Size: {get_size(file.file_size)}\nType: {file.file_type}', reply_markup=reply_markup)) if results: switch_pm_text = f"{emoji.FILE_FOLDER} Results" if string: switch_pm_text += f" for {string}" try: await query.answer(results=results, is_personal = True, cache_time=cache_time, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter="start", next_offset=str(next_offset)) except Exception as e: logging.exception(str(e)) await query.answer(results=[], is_personal=True, cache_time=cache_time, switch_pm_text=str(e)[:63], switch_pm_parameter="error") else: switch_pm_text = f'{emoji.CROSS_MARK} No results' if string: switch_pm_text += f' for "{string}"' await query.answer(results=[], is_personal = True, cache_time=cache_time, switch_pm_text=switch_pm_text, switch_pm_parameter="okay")
async def cb_handler(client: Client, query: CallbackQuery): clicked = try: typed = except: typed = pass if (clicked == typed): if"next"): ident, index, keyword ="_") try: data = BUTTONS[keyword] except KeyError: await query.answer( "You are using this for one of my old message, please send the request again.", show_alert=True) return if int(index) == int(data["total"]) - 2: buttons = data['buttons'][int(index) + 1].copy() buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "⏪ BACK", callback_data=f"back_{int(index)+1}_{keyword}") ]) buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( f"📃 Pages {int(index)+2}/{data['total']}", callback_data="pages") ]) await query.edit_message_reply_markup( reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) return else: buttons = data['buttons'][int(index) + 1].copy() buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "⏪ BACK", callback_data=f"back_{int(index)+1}_{keyword}"), InlineKeyboardButton( "NEXT ⏩", callback_data=f"next_{int(index)+1}_{keyword}") ]) buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( f"📃 Pages {int(index)+2}/{data['total']}", callback_data="pages") ]) await query.edit_message_reply_markup( reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) return elif"back"): ident, index, keyword ="_") try: data = BUTTONS[keyword] except KeyError: await query.answer( "You are using this for one of my old message, please send the request again.", show_alert=True) return if int(index) == 1: buttons = data['buttons'][int(index) - 1].copy() buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "NEXT ⏩", callback_data=f"next_{int(index)-1}_{keyword}") ]) buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( f"📃 Pages {int(index)}/{data['total']}", callback_data="pages") ]) await query.edit_message_reply_markup( reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) return else: buttons = data['buttons'][int(index) - 1].copy() buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( "⏪ BACK", callback_data=f"back_{int(index)-1}_{keyword}"), InlineKeyboardButton( "NEXT ⏩", callback_data=f"next_{int(index)-1}_{keyword}") ]) buttons.append([ InlineKeyboardButton( f"📃 Pages {int(index)}/{data['total']}", callback_data="pages") ]) await query.edit_message_reply_markup( reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) return elif == "about": buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Update Channel', url=''), InlineKeyboardButton( 'Source Code', url='') ]] await query.message.edit( text= "<b>Developer : <a href=''>SUBIN</a>\nLanguage : <code>Python3</code>\nLibrary : <a href=''>Pyrogram asyncio</a>\nSource Code : <a href=''>Click here</a>\nUpdate Channel : <a href=''>XTZ Bots</a> </b>", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons), disable_web_page_preview=True) elif"subinps"): ident, file_id ="#") filedetails = await get_file_details(file_id) for files in filedetails: title = files.file_name size = files.file_size f_caption = files.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name=title, file_size=size, file_caption=f_caption) except Exception as e: print(e) f_caption = f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{files.file_name}" buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('More Bots', url=''), InlineKeyboardButton('Update Channel', url='') ]] await query.answer() await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, caption=f_caption, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) elif"checksub"): if AUTH_CHANNEL and not await is_subscribed(client, query): await query.answer( "I Like Your Smartness, But Don't Be Oversmart 😒", show_alert=True) return ident, file_id ="#") filedetails = await get_file_details(file_id) for files in filedetails: title = files.file_name size = files.file_size f_caption = files.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name=title, file_size=size, file_caption=f_caption) except Exception as e: print(e) f_caption = f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{title}" buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('More Bots', url=''), InlineKeyboardButton('Update Channel', url='') ]] await query.answer() await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, caption=f_caption, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)) elif == "pages": await query.answer() else: await query.answer("കൌതുകും ലേശം കൂടുതൽ ആണല്ലേ👀", show_alert=True)
async def start(client, message: pyrogram.types.Message): if in ['group', 'supergroup']: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Developers', url=''), InlineKeyboardButton( 'Source Code 🧾', url='') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( '➕ Add Me To Your Groups ➕', url=f'{temp.U_NAME}?startgroup=true') ], [InlineKeyboardButton('Help ⚙', callback_data='admin')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) if not START_IMAGE_URL: await message.reply(script.START_TXT.format( (message.from_user.mention if message.from_user else, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME, ), reply_markup=reply_markup) else: await message.reply_photo( photo=START_IMAGE_URL, caption=script.START_TXT.format( (message.from_user.mention if message.from_user else, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME, ), reply_markup=reply_markup) await asyncio.sleep( 2 ) # 😢 😬 wait a bit, before checking. if not await db.get_chat( total = await client.get_chat_members_count( await client.send_message( LOG_CHANNEL, script.LOG_TEXT_G.format(,, total, "Unknown")) await db.add_chat(, return if not await db.is_user_exist( await db.add_user(, message.from_user.first_name) await client.send_message( LOG_CHANNEL, script.LOG_TEXT_P.format(, message.from_user.mention)) if len(message.command) != 2: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Developers', url=''), InlineKeyboardButton( 'Source Code 🧾', url='') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( '➕ Add Me To Your Groups ➕', url=f'{temp.U_NAME}?startgroup=true') ], [InlineKeyboardButton('Help ⚙', callback_data='admin')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) await message.reply_photo( photo=START_IMAGE_URL if START_IMAGE_URL else random.choice(PICS), caption=script.START_TXT.format( (message.from_user.mention if message.from_user else, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME, ), reply_markup=reply_markup) return if AUTH_CHANNEL and not await is_subscribed(client, message): try: invite_link = await client.create_chat_invite_link( int(AUTH_CHANNEL)) except ChatAdminRequired: logger.error("Make sure Bot is admin in Forcesub channel") return btn = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("🤖 Join Updates Channel", url=invite_link.invite_link) ]] if message.command[1] != "subscribe": kk, file_id = message.command[1].split("_", 1) pre = 'checksubp' if kk == 'filep' else 'checksub' btn.append([ InlineKeyboardButton(" 🔄 Try Again", callback_data=f"{pre}#{file_id}") ]) await client.send_message(, text="**Please Join My Updates Channel to use this Bot!**", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(btn), parse_mode="markdown") return if len(message.command) == 2 and message.command[1] in [ "subscribe", "error", "okay", "help" ]: buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('Developers', url=''), InlineKeyboardButton( 'Source Code 🧾', url='') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( '➕ Add Me To Your Groups ➕', url=f'{temp.U_NAME}?startgroup=true') ], [InlineKeyboardButton('Help ⚙', callback_data='admin')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) await message.reply_photo( photo=START_IMAGE_URL if START_IMAGE_URL else random.choice(PICS), caption=script.START_TXT.format(message.from_user.mention, temp.U_NAME, temp.B_NAME), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode='html') return data = message.command[1] try: pre, file_id = data.split('_', 1) except: file_id = data pre = "" if data.split("-", 1)[0] == "BATCH": sts = await message.reply("Please wait") file_id = data.split("-", 1)[1] msgs = BATCH_FILES.get(file_id) if not msgs: file = await client.download_media(file_id) try: with open(file) as file_data: msgs = json.loads( except: await sts.edit("FAILED") return await client.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, "UNABLE TO OPEN FILE.") os.remove(file) BATCH_FILES[file_id] = msgs for msg in msgs: title = msg.get("title") size = get_size(int(msg.get("size", 0))) f_caption = msg.get("caption", "") if BATCH_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = BATCH_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name='' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='' if f_caption is None else f_caption) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption = f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{title}" try: await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=msg.get("file_id"), caption=f_caption, protect_content=msg.get('protect', False), ) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) logger.warning(f"Floodwait of {e.x} sec.") await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=msg.get("file_id"), caption=f_caption, protect_content=msg.get('protect', False), ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e, exc_info=True) continue await asyncio.sleep(1) await sts.delete() return elif data.split("-", 1)[0] == "DSTORE": sts = await message.reply("Please wait") b_string = data.split("-", 1)[1] decoded = ( base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b_string + "=" * (-len(b_string) % 4))).decode("ascii") try: f_msg_id, l_msg_id, f_chat_id, protect = decoded.split("_", 3) except: f_msg_id, l_msg_id, f_chat_id = decoded.split("_", 2) protect = "/pbatch" if PROTECT_CONTENT else "batch" diff = int(l_msg_id) - int(f_msg_id) async for msg in client.iter_messages(int(f_chat_id), int(l_msg_id), int(f_msg_id)): if media = getattr(msg, if BATCH_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = BATCH_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name=getattr(media, 'file_name', ''), file_size=getattr(media, 'file_size', ''), file_caption=getattr(msg, 'caption', '')) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption = getattr(msg, 'caption', '') else: media = getattr(msg, file_name = getattr(media, 'file_name', '') f_caption = getattr(msg, 'caption', file_name) try: await msg.copy(, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) await msg.copy(, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) continue elif msg.empty: continue else: try: await msg.copy(, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except FloodWait as e: await asyncio.sleep(e.x) await msg.copy(, protect_content=True if protect == "/pbatch" else False) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) continue await asyncio.sleep(1) return await sts.delete() files_ = await get_file_details(file_id) if not files_: pre, file_id = (( base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data + "=" * (-len(data) % 4))).decode("ascii")).split( "_", 1) try: msg = await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, protect_content=True if pre == 'filep' else False, ) filetype = file = getattr(msg, filetype) title = file.file_name size = get_size(file.file_size) f_caption = f"<code>{title}</code>" if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name='' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='') except: return await msg.edit_caption(f_caption) return except: pass return await message.reply('No such file exist.') files = files_[0] title = files.file_name size = get_size(files.file_size) f_caption = files.caption if CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION: try: f_caption = CUSTOM_FILE_CAPTION.format( file_name='' if title is None else title, file_size='' if size is None else size, file_caption='' if f_caption is None else f_caption) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) f_caption = f_caption if f_caption is None: f_caption = f"{files.file_name}" await client.send_cached_media(, file_id=file_id, caption=f_caption, protect_content=True if pre == 'filep' else False, )