def test_rollback(self): # cache is not invalidated on rollback. This test confirms that behavior. tx = db.transaction() p = PropertyManager(db) pid = p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title", create=True) tx.rollback() assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title") == pid
def test_get_property_id(self): p = PropertyManager(db) assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title") == None pid = p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title", create=True) assert pid is not None assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title") == pid assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title", create=True) == pid
def test_copy(self): p = PropertyManager(db) pid = p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title", create=True) # copy should inherit the cache p2 = p.copy() assert p2.get_property_id("/type/object", "title") == pid # changes to the cache of the copy shouldn't effect the source. tx = db.transaction() p2.get_property_id("/type/object", "title2", create=True) tx.rollback() assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title2") is None
def test_get_property_id(self): p = PropertyManager(db) assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title") is None pid = p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title", create=True) assert pid is not None assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title") == pid assert p.get_property_id("/type/object", "title", create=True) == pid
class DBSiteStore(common.SiteStore): """ """ def __init__(self, db, schema): self.db = db self.schema = schema self.sitename = None self.indexer = Indexer() = store.Store(self.db) self.seq = sequence.SequenceImpl(self.db) self.cache = None self.property_manager = PropertyManager(self.db) def get_store(self): return def set_cache(self, cache): self.cache = cache def get_metadata(self, key, for_update=False): # postgres doesn't seem to like Reference objects even though Reference extends from unicode. if isinstance(key, common.Reference): key = text_type(key) if for_update: d = self.db.query( 'SELECT * FROM thing WHERE key=$key FOR UPDATE NOWAIT', vars=locals()) else: d = self.db.query('SELECT * FROM thing WHERE key=$key', vars=locals()) return d and d[0] or None def get_metadata_list(self, keys): if not keys: return {} result ='thing', what='*', where="key IN $keys", vars=locals()).list() d = dict((r.key, r) for r in result) return d def new_thing(self, **kw): return self.db.insert('thing', **kw) def get_metadata_from_id(self, id): d = self.db.query('SELECT * FROM thing WHERE id=$id', vars=locals()) return d and d[0] or None def get_metadata_list_from_ids(self, ids): if not ids: return {} result ='thing', what='*', where="id IN $ids", vars=locals()).list() d = dict((, r) for r in result) return d def new_key(self, type, kw): seq = self.schema.get_seq(type) if seq: # repeat until a non-existing key is found. # This is required to prevent error in cases where an object with the next key is already created. while True: value = self.db.query("SELECT NEXTVAL($ as value", vars=locals())[0].value key = seq.pattern % value if self.get_metadata(key) is None: return key else: return common.SiteStore.new_key(self, type, kw) def get(self, key, revision=None): if self.cache is None or revision is not None: json = self._get(key, revision) else: json = self.cache.get(key) if json is None: json = self._get(key, revision) if json: self.cache[key] = json return process_json(key, json) def _get(self, key, revision): metadata = self.get_metadata(key) if not metadata: return None revision = revision or metadata.latest_revision d = self.db.query( 'SELECT data FROM data WHERE thing_id=$ AND revision=$revision', vars=locals()) json = d and d[0].data or None return json def get_many_as_dict(self, keys): if not keys: return {} query = 'SELECT thing.key, from thing, data' \ + ' WHERE data.revision = thing.latest_revision and' \ + ' AND thing.key IN $keys' return dict( (row.key, for row in self.db.query(query, vars=locals())) def get_many(self, keys): if not keys: return '{}' xkeys = [web.reparam('$k', dict(k=k)) for k in keys] query = 'SELECT thing.key, from thing, data ' \ + 'WHERE data.revision = thing.latest_revision and ' \ + ' AND thing.key IN (' + self.sqljoin(xkeys, ', ') + ')' def process(query): yield '{\n' for i, r in enumerate(self.db.query(query)): if i: yield ',\n' yield simplejson.dumps(r.key) yield ": " yield process_json(r.key, yield '}' return "".join(process(query)) def save_many(self, docs, timestamp, comment, data, ip, author, action=None): docs = list(docs) action = action or "bulk_update" logger.debug( "saving %d docs - %s", len(docs), dict(timestamp=timestamp, comment=comment, data=data, ip=ip, author=author, action=action)) s = SaveImpl(self.db, self.schema, self.indexer, self.property_manager) # Hack to allow processing of json before using. Required for OL legacy. s.process_json = process_json docs = common.format_data(docs) changeset =, timestamp=timestamp, comment=comment, ip=ip, author=author, action=action, data=data) # update cache. # Use the docs from result as they contain the updated revision and last_modified fields. for doc in changeset.get('docs', []): web.ctx.new_objects[doc['key']] = simplejson.dumps(doc) return changeset def save(self, key, doc, timestamp=None, comment=None, data=None, ip=None, author=None, transaction_id=None, action=None): logger.debug("saving %s", key) timestamp = timestamp or datetime.datetime.utcnow return self.save_many([doc], timestamp, comment, data, ip, author, action=action or "update") def reindex(self, keys): s = SaveImpl(self.db, self.schema, self.indexer, self.property_manager) # Hack to allow processing of json before using. Required for OL legacy. s.process_json = process_json return s.reindex(keys) def get_property_id(self, type, name): return self.property_manager.get_property_id(type, name) def things(self, query): type = query.get_type() if type: type_metedata = self.get_metadata(type) if type_metedata: type_id = else: # Return empty result when type not found return [] else: type_id = None # type is required if there are conditions/sort on keys other than [key, type, created, last_modified] common_properties = ['key', 'type', 'created', 'last_modified'] _sort = query.sort and query.sort.key if _sort and _sort.startswith('-'): _sort = _sort[1:] type_required = bool([ c for c in query.conditions if c.key not in common_properties ]) or (_sort and _sort not in common_properties) if type_required and type is None: raise common.BadData("Type Required") class DBTable: def __init__(self, name, label=None): = name self.label = label or name def sql(self): if self.label != return "%s as %s" % (, self.label) else: return def __repr__(self): return self.label class Literal: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return self.value tables = {} def get_table(datatype, key): if key not in tables: assert type is not None, "Missing type" table = self.schema.find_table(type, datatype, key) label = 'd%d' % len(tables) tables[key] = DBTable(table, label) return tables[key] wheres = [] def process(c, ordering_func=None): # ordering_func is used when the query contains emebbabdle objects # # example: {'links': {'title: 'foo', 'url': ''}} if c.datatype == 'ref': metadata = self.get_metadata(c.value) if metadata is None: # required object is not found so the query result will be empty. # Raise StopIteration to indicate empty result. raise StopIteration c.value = if c.op == '~': op = Literal('LIKE') c.value = c.value.replace('*', '%').replace('_', r'\_') else: op = Literal(c.op) if c.key in ['key', 'type', 'created', 'last_modified']: #@@ special optimization to avoid join with thing.type when there are non-common properties in the query. #@@ Since type information is already present in property table, #@@ getting property id is equivalent to join with type. if c.key == 'type' and type_required: return if isinstance(c.value, list): q = web.sqlors('thing.%s %s ' % (c.key, op), c.value) else: q = web.reparam('thing.%s %s $c.value' % (c.key, op), locals()) xwheres = [q] # Add thing table explicitly because get_table is not called tables['_thing'] = DBTable("thing") else: table = get_table(c.datatype, c.key) key_id = self.get_property_id(type, c.key) if not key_id: raise StopIteration q1 = web.reparam('%(table)s.key_id=$key_id' % {'table': table}, locals()) if isinstance(c.value, list): q2 = web.sqlors('%s.value %s ' % (table, op), c.value) else: q2 = web.reparam('%s.value %s $c.value' % (table, op), locals()) xwheres = [q1, q2] if ordering_func: xwheres.append(ordering_func(table)) wheres.extend(xwheres) def make_ordering_func(): d = def f(table): d.table = d.table or table if d.table == table: # avoid a comparison when both tables are same. it fails when ordering is None return "1 = 1" else: return '%s.ordering = %s.ordering' % (table, d.table) return f import readquery def process_query(q, ordering_func=None): for c in q.conditions: if isinstance(c, readquery.Query): process_query(c, ordering_func or make_ordering_func()) else: process(c, ordering_func) def process_sort(query): """Process sort field in the query and returns the db column to order by.""" if query.sort: sort_key = query.sort.key if sort_key.startswith('-'): ascending = " desc" sort_key = sort_key[1:] else: ascending = "" if sort_key in ['key', 'type', 'created', 'last_modified']: order = 'thing.' + sort_key # make sure c.key is valid # Add thing table explicitly because get_table is not called tables['_thing'] = DBTable("thing") else: table = get_table(query.sort.datatype, sort_key) key_id = self.get_property_id(type, sort_key) if key_id is None: raise StopIteration q = '%(table)s.key_id=$key_id' % {'table': table} wheres.append(web.reparam(q, locals())) order = table.label + '.value' return order + ascending else: return None try: process_query(query) # special care for case where query {}. if not tables: tables['_thing'] = DBTable('thing') order = process_sort(query) except StopIteration: return [] def add_joins(): labels = [t.label for t in tables.values()] def get_column(table): if table == 'thing': return '' else: return table + '.thing_id' if len(labels) > 1: x = labels[0] xwheres = [ get_column(x) + ' = ' + get_column(y) for y in labels[1:] ] wheres.extend(xwheres) add_joins() wheres = wheres or ['1 = 1'] table_names = [t.sql() for t in tables.values()] t = self.db.transaction() if config.query_timeout: self.db.query( "SELECT set_config('statement_timeout', $query_timeout, false)", dict(query_timeout=config.query_timeout)) if 'thing' in table_names: result = what='thing.key', tables=table_names, where=self.sqljoin(wheres, ' AND '), order=order, limit=query.limit, offset=query.offset, ) keys = [r.key for r in result] else: result = what='d0.thing_id', tables=table_names, where=self.sqljoin(wheres, ' AND '), order=order, limit=query.limit, offset=query.offset, ) ids = [r.thing_id for r in result] rows = ids and self.db.query( 'SELECT id, key FROM thing where id in $ids', vars={"ids": ids}) d = dict((, r.key) for r in rows) keys = [d[id] for id in ids] t.commit() return keys def sqljoin(self, queries, delim): return web.SQLQuery.join(queries, delim) def recentchanges(self, query): """Returns the list of changes matching the given query. Sample Queries: {"limit": 10, "offset": 100} {"limit": 10, "offset": 100, "key": "/authors/OL1A"} {"limit": 10, "offset": 100, "author": "/people/foo"} """ engine = RecentChanges(self.db) limit = query.pop("limit", 1000) offset = query.pop("offset", 0) keys = "key", "author", "ip", "kind", "bot", "begin_date", "end_date", "data" kwargs = dict((k, query[k]) for k in keys if k in query) return engine.recentchanges(limit=limit, offset=offset, **kwargs) def get_change(self, id): """Return the info about the requested change. """ engine = RecentChanges(self.db) return engine.get_change(id) def versions(self, query): what = 'thing.key, version.revision, transaction.*' where = 'version.thing_id = AND version.transaction_id =' if config.get('use_machine_comment'): what += ", version.machine_comment" def get_id(key): meta = self.get_metadata(key) if meta: return else: raise StopIteration for c in query.conditions: key, value = c.key, c.value assert key in [ 'key', 'type', 'author', 'ip', 'comment', 'created', 'bot', 'revision' ] try: if key == 'key': key = 'thing_id' value = get_id(value) elif key == 'revision': key = 'version.revision' elif key == 'type': key = 'thing.type' value = get_id(value) elif key == 'author': key = 'transaction.author_id' value = get_id(value) else: # 'bot' column is not enabled if key == 'bot' and not config.use_bot_column: bots = get_bot_users(self.db) if value == True or str(value).lower() == "true": where += web.reparam( " AND transaction.author_id IN $bots", {"bots": bots}) else: where += web.reparam( " AND (transaction.author_id NOT IN $bots OR transaction.author_id IS NULL)", {"bots": bots}) continue else: key = 'transaction.' + key except StopIteration: # StopIteration is raised when a non-existing object is referred in the query return [] where += web.reparam(' AND %s=$value' % key, locals()) sort = query.sort if sort and sort.startswith('-'): sort = sort[1:] + ' desc' sort = 'transaction.' + sort t = self.db.transaction() if config.query_timeout: self.db.query( "SELECT set_config('statement_timeout', $query_timeout, false)", dict(query_timeout=config.query_timeout)) result =['thing', 'version', 'transaction'], what=what, where=where, offset=query.offset, limit=query.limit, order=sort) result = result.list() author_ids = list(set(r.author_id for r in result if r.author_id)) authors = self.get_metadata_list_from_ids(author_ids) t.commit() for r in result: = r.author_id and authors[r.author_id].key return result def get_user_details(self, key): """Returns a storage object with user email and encrypted password.""" metadata = self.get_metadata(key) if metadata is None: return None d = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE thing_id=$", vars=locals()) return d and d[0] or None def update_user_details(self, key, **params): """Update user's email and/or encrypted password.""" metadata = self.get_metadata(key) if metadata is None: return None for k, v in params.items(): assert k in ['bot', 'active', 'verified', 'email', 'password'] if v is None: del params[k] self.db.update('account', where='thing_id=$', vars=locals(), **params) def register(self, key, email, enc_password): metadata = self.get_metadata(key) self.db.insert('account', False, email=email, password=enc_password, def transact(self, f): t = self.db.transaction() try: f() except: t.rollback() raise else: t.commit() def find_user(self, email): """Returns the key of the user with the specified email.""" d ='account', where='email=$email', vars=locals()) thing_id = d and d[0].thing_id or None return thing_id and self.get_metadata_from_id(thing_id).key def initialize(self): if not self.initialized(): t = self.db.transaction() id = self.new_thing(key='/type/type') last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow() data = dict(key='/type/type', type={'key': '/type/type'}, last_modified={ 'type': '/type/datetime', 'value': last_modified }, created={ 'type': '/type/datetime', 'value': last_modified }, revision=1, latest_revision=1, id=id) self.db.update('thing', type=id, where='id=$id', vars=locals()) self.db.insert('version', False, thing_id=id, revision=1) self.db.insert('data', False, thing_id=id, revision=1, data=simplejson.dumps(data)) t.commit() def initialized(self): return self.get_metadata('/type/type') is not None def delete(self): t = self.db.transaction() self.db.delete('data', where='1=1') self.db.delete('version', where='1=1') self.db.delete('transaction', where='1=1') self.db.delete('account', where='1=1') for table in self.schema.list_tables(): self.db.delete(table, where='1=1') self.db.delete('property', where='1=1') self.db.delete('thing', where='1=1') t.commit() self.cache.clear()