Example #1
class ProjectDatasetBuilder(object):
    def __init__(self, project, commit):
        self.project = project
        self.commit = commit
        self.act = ActFactory().bake("go-code-inspection")

    def build(self):
        data = {
            "type": "upstream_source_code",
            "project": self.project,
            "commit": self.commit,
            "ipprefix": self.project,
            "directories_to_skip": [],

        builder = DatasetBuilder()

            artefact = self.act.call(data)
        except FunctionFailedError as e:
            raise DatasetError("Unable to create dataset: %s" % e)


        return builder.build().dataset()
class LocalProjectDatasetBuilder(object):

	def __init__(self, directory, ipprefix):
		self.directory = directory
		self.ipprefix = ipprefix
		self.act = ActFactory().bake("go-code-inspection")

	def build(self):
		data = {
			"type": "user_directory",
			"ipprefix": self.ipprefix,
			"directories_to_skip": [],
			"resource": self.directory

		builder = DatasetBuilder()

			artefact = self.act.call(data)
		except FunctionFailedError as e:
			raise DatasetError("Unable to create dataset: %s" % e)


		return builder.build().dataset()
Example #3
class DistributionBuildsFetcher(object):

	def __init__(self, pkgdb_client):
		self.pkgdb_client = pkgdb_client

		self.artefactreaderact = ActFactory().bake("artefact-reader")
		self.artefactwriteract = ActFactory().bake("artefact-writer")
		self.scan_act = ActFactory().bake("scan-distribution-package")

	def fetch(self, distributions, since = 0, to = int(time.time() + 86400)):
		"""Collect list of builds since a given date for each package
		whose builds is younger than since.

		:param distributions: list of distributions to fetch builds from
		:type  distributions: [distribution]
		:param since: since timestamp from which to collect new builds
		:type  since: int
		:param to: timestamp to which collect new builds
		:type  to: int

		collections = self.pkgdb_client.getCollections()
		for distribution in distributions:
			if distribution["product"] not in collections:
				logging.error("Product '%s' unknown" % distribution["product"])
			if distribution["version"] not in collections[ distribution["product"] ]:
				logging.error("Version '%s' unknown" % distribution["version"])

		# get list of packages to scan
		for distribution in distributions:
			dist_tag = collections[distribution["product"]][distribution["version"]]["dist_tag"]

			print "%sScanning %s %s ...%s" % (BLUE, distribution["product"], distribution["version"], ENDC)
				data = self.artefactreaderact.call({
					"distribution": distribution
			except ActFailedError:

			builds = DistributionSnapshot().read(data).builds()
			for build in builds:
				if builds[build]["build_ts"] >= since:
					print "%s  Scanning %s ...%s" % (BLUE, build, ENDC)
					# get package's items info artefact
						items_info = self.artefactreaderact.call({
							"product": distribution["product"],
							"distribution": dist_tag,
							"package": build
					except ActFailedError as e:
						items_info = None

					# if items_info artefact for package is found, take the build timestamp
					# of the youngest covered build
					if items_info == None:
						start_ts = since
						start_ts = 0
						for coverage in items_info["coverage"]:
							start_ts = max(coverage["end"], start_ts)
						# end is always > 0
						start_ts = start_ts - 1

							"package": build,
							"product": distribution["product"],
							"distribution": dist_tag,
							"start_timestamp": start_ts,
							"end_timestamp": to
					except ActFailedError as e:
						logging.error("%s: %s" (build, e))
class DistributionSnapshotChecker(object):
	"""Checkout the ecosystem for new builds
	1. get the latest snapshot of each requested distribution
	2. get the current shapshot for each requested distribution
	3. compare both snapshots
	4. scan new rpms

	def __init__(self, koji_client, pkgdb_client):

		:param koji_client: Koji client
		:type  koji_client: KojiClient or FakeKojiClient
		:param pkgdb_client: PkgDB client
		:type  pkgdb_client: PkgDBClient or FakePkgDBClient
		self.koji_client = koji_client
		self.pkgdb_client = pkgdb_client

		self.artefactreaderact = ActFactory().bake("artefact-reader")
		self.artefactwriteract = ActFactory().bake("artefact-writer")
		self.scanbuildact = ActFactory().bake("scan-distribution-build")

		self._failed = {}
		self._scanned = {}

	def _scanRpms(self, snapshot):
		"""Scan rpms captured in snapshot

		:param snapshot: distribution snapshot or difference
		:type  snapshot: DistributionSnapshot
		distribution = snapshot.distribution()
		key = "%s:%s" % (distribution["product"], distribution["version"])
		self._failed[key] = []
		self._scanned[key] = 0

		print "%sScanning %s %s ...%s" % (BLUE, distribution["product"], distribution["version"], ENDC)
		total = len(snapshot.json()["builds"])
		index = 1
		for package in snapshot.json()["builds"]:
			# scan devel and unit-tests only
			rpms = filter(lambda l: GolangRpm(package["build"], l).provideSourceCode(), package["rpms"])

			if rpms == []:

			data = {
				"product": distribution["product"],
				"distribution": distribution["version"],
				"build": {
					"name": package["build"],
					"rpms": map(lambda l: {"name": l}, rpms)

			print "%sScanning %s ... [%s/%s]%s" % (WHITE, package["build"], index, total, ENDC)
			index = index + 1
			except ActFailedError as e:
			except FunctionFailedError as e:

			self._scanned[key] = self._scanned[key] + 1

		print "%sscanned %s, failed %s%s" % (YELLOW, self._scanned[key], len(self._failed[key]), ENDC)
		print ""

	def _distroKey(self, distribution):
		return "%s:%s" % (distribution["product"], distribution["version"])

	def check(self, distributions, custom_packages, blacklist = [], skip_failed = True, full_check = False):

		:param distributions: list of distributions, each item as {"product": ..., "version": ...}
		:type  distributions: [{}]
		:param custom_packages: list of golang packages not prefixed with golang-*
		:type  custom_packages: [string]
		:param skip_failed: even if any rpm scan fails, store the latest snapshot, default True
		:type  skip_failed: boolean
		:param full_scan: don't check the current snapshot and scan all rpms in the latest snapshot
		:type  full_scan: boolean
		# read all latest snapshots and get a list of all packages across them
		distro_packages = []
		for distribution in distributions:
			print distribution

				data = self.artefactreaderact.call({
					"distribution": distribution
			except ActFailedError:

			distro_packages = distro_packages + DistributionSnapshot().read(data).builds().keys()

		known_packages = list(set(distro_packages + custom_packages))

		# capture the current distribution snapshot
		capturer = EcoCapturer(self.koji_client, self.pkgdb_client)

		snapshots = capturer.captureLatest(distributions, known_packages, blacklist).snapshots()

		for snapshot in snapshots:
			new_snapshot = snapshots[snapshot]["snapshot"]

			# get the latest distribution snapshot
			latest_snapshot = {}

			if not full_check:
					data = self.artefactreaderact.call({
						"distribution": snapshots[snapshot]["distribution"]
					latest_snapshot = DistributionSnapshot().read(data)
				except ActFailedError:
					# TODO(jchaloup): catch additional exception once extended

			# scan new rpms
			# the latest snapshot not found => no comparison
			if latest_snapshot == {}:
				diff_snapshot = new_snapshot
				diff_snapshot = new_snapshot.compare(latest_snapshot)


			# Set the latest snapshot
			write = True
			if not skip_failed:
				distribution = snapshots[snapshot]["distribution"]
				key = "%s:%s" % (distribution["product"], distribution["version"])
				if self._failed[key] > 0:
					write = False

			if write:
				data = new_snapshot.json()
				except ActFactory:
					logging.error("Unable to store snapshot for %s:%s" % (distribution["product"], distribution["version"]))
Example #5
class SnapshotChecker(object):

	def __init__(self):
		self.ipparser = ImportPathParserBuilder().buildWithLocalMapping()
		self.artefactreaderact = ActFactory().bake("artefact-reader")
		self.commitreaderact = ActFactory().bake("scan-upstream-repository")

	def _getCommitDate(self, repository, commit):
			artefact = self.commitreaderact.call({
				"repository": repository,
				"commit": commit
		except ValueError as e:
			return {}

		return artefact["commits"][commit]

	def _comparePackages(self, package, upstream_commit, distro_commit):
		if upstream_commit["cdate"] == distro_commit["cdate"]:
			return "%s%s is up-to-date%s" % (GREEN, package, ENDC)
		elif upstream_commit["cdate"] < distro_commit["cdate"]:
			return "%s%s is newer in distribution%s" % (BLUE, package, ENDC)
		elif upstream_commit["cdate"] > distro_commit["cdate"]:
			return "%s%s is outdated in distribution%s" % (RED, package, ENDC)

	def _checkPackageCoverage(self, product, distribution, build, rpm, ipprefix, packages):
		data = {
			"product": product,
			"distribution": distribution,
			"build": build,
			"rpm": rpm
		artefact = self.artefactreaderact.call(data)

		# get list of defined packages
		for ipprefix_class in artefact["data"]:
			if ipprefix_class["ipprefix"] == ipprefix:
				# All packages covered?
				return list(set(packages) - set(ipprefix_class["packages"]))

	def check(self, snapshot, product, distribution):
		"""Check if a given snapshot is covered in a distribution
		:param snapshot: project snapshot
		:type  snapshot: Snapshot
		:param distribution: OS distribution, e.g. f23, f25, rawhide, centos7, ...
		:type  distribution: string

		packages = snapshot.packages()

		ipprefixes = {}
		providers = {}
		rpms = {}
		upstream = {}
		not_recognized = []
		for package in packages:
			except ValueError:

			ipprefix = self.ipparser.getImportPathPrefix()
			except KeyError:
				ipprefixes[ipprefix] = [package]

			# store ipprefix commit (assuming all packages with the same prefix has the same commit)
			upstream[ipprefix] = packages[package]

			# iprefix -> provider prefix
			providers[ipprefix] = self.ipparser.getProviderSignature()

			# ipprefix -> rpm
			data = {
				"distribution": "rawhide",
				"product": "Fedora",
				"ipprefix": ipprefix
			# if ipprefix2rpm artefact does not exist => report it and continue, no fallback
			# TODO(jchaloup): FF: fallback to generic mapping if ipprefix to pkg name
			# and report that "maybe" the ipprefix is provided by this package
				rpms[ipprefix] = self.artefactreaderact.call(data)
			except ActFailedError as e:
				logging.error("Unable to get mapping for %s" % package)

		for ipprefix in ipprefixes:
			if ipprefix not in providers:
				print "%sUnable to find provider for '%s' ipprefix%s" % (WHITE, ipprefix, ENDC)

			if ipprefix not in rpms:
				print "%sUnable to find ipprefix2rpm mapping '%s' ipprefix%s" % (WHITE, ipprefix, ENDC)

			upstream_commit = self._getCommitDate(providers[ipprefix], upstream[ipprefix])
			distro_commit = self._getCommitDate(providers[ipprefix], rpms[ipprefix]["commit"])

			if upstream_commit == {}:
				logging.error("Unable to retrieve commit info for %s %s" % (package, packages[package]))

			if distro_commit == {}:
				logging.error("Unable to retrieve commit info for %s %s" % (package, rpms[package]["commit"]))

			# compare commits
			comparison = self._comparePackages(ipprefix, upstream_commit, distro_commit)

			# check if packages in ipprefix class are covered in distribution
			not_covered = self._checkPackageCoverage(product, distribution, rpms[ipprefix]["build"], rpms[ipprefix]["rpm"], ipprefix, ipprefixes[ipprefix])

			if not_covered != []:
				print "%s: %snot covered: %s%s" % (comparison, RED, not_covered, ENDC)
				print comparison
Example #6
class DistributionLatestBuildGraphDataset:
    def __init__(self, distribution, packages):
        """The graph can be built from all packages or from selected.
		The decision is up to user of the class.

		:param distribution: OS distribution
		:type  distribution: string
		:param packages: list of packages in question
		:type  packages: [string]
        # TODO(jchaloup):
        # - inject the product together with buildsystem client
        self.product = "Fedora"
        self.distribution = distribution
        self.packages = packages
        # TODO(jchaloup):
        # - inject the client so the class can be used with Brew and CentOS as well
        self.client = FakeKojiClient()
        # TODO(jchaloup):
        # - inject the act and replace it with datasource instead
        #   so the artefact/data can be picked from more sources
        self.act = ActFactory().bake("scan-distribution-build")

    def build(self):
        """Build dataset for a given list of buildes
        # TODO(jchaloup): specify json schema for a dataset
        # get a list of latest rpms for selected packages
        counter = 0

        builder = DatasetBuilder()
        for pkg in self.packages:
            if pkg in [

                data = self.client.getLatestRPMS("rawhide", pkg)
            except ValueError as e:
                logging.error("ValueError: %s" % e)
            except KeyError as e:
                logging.error("KeyError: %s" % e)

            rpms = []
            for rpm in data["rpms"]:
                rpm_name = Rpm(data["name"], rpm["name"]).name()
                # if not rpm_name.endswith("devel"): # and not rpm["name"].endswith("unit-test"):
                # 	continue

                rpms.append({"name": rpm["name"]})

                # get artefact
            data = {
                "product": self.product,
                "distribution": self.distribution,
                "build": {"name": data["name"], "rpms": rpms},

                artefacts = self.act.call(data)
            except FunctionFailedError as e:

            for rpm in artefacts["packages"]:
                builder.addArtefact(artefacts["packages"][rpm], rpm)

                # if counter == 40:
                # 	break

                # counter = counter + 1

        return builder.build().dataset()
Example #7
class SnapshotReconstructor(object):

	def __init__(self):
		# parsers
		self.ipparser = ImportPathParserBuilder().buildWithLocalMapping()

		# acts
		self.go_code_inspection_act = ActFactory().bake("go-code-inspection")
		self.scan_upstream_repository_act = ActFactory().bake("scan-upstream-repository")

		# snapshot
		self._snapshot = Snapshot()

		# dependency space
		self.detected_projects = {}
		self.unscanned_projects = {}
		self.scanned_projects = {}

	def _getCommitTimestamp(self, repository, commit):
		"""Retrieve commit from a repository, returns its commits date

		:param repository: repository
		:type  repository: dict
		:param commit: commit
		:type  commit: hex string
		data = {
			"repository": repository,
			"commit": commit
		# TODO(jchaloup): catch exception if the commit is not found
		commit_data = self.scan_upstream_repository_act.call(data)
		return commit_data["commits"][commit]["cdate"]

	def _findYoungestCommits(self, commits):
		# sort commits
		commits = map(lambda l: {"c": l, "d": commits[l]["cdate"]}, commits)
		commits = sorted(commits, key = lambda commit: commit["d"])

		return commits[-1]

	def _findClosestCommit(self, repository, timestamp):
		"""Get the oldest commits from the repository that is at most old as timestamp.

		:param repository: repository
		:type  repository: dict
		:param timestamp: commit timestamp
		:type  timestamp: integer
		# TODO(jchaloup): search for commits only on master branch!!!
		# other branches can be in inconsystem state with experimental features
		# and get picked unintensionaly
		data = {
			"repository": repository,
			"end_timestamp": timestamp

		DAY = 3600*24
		# try the last day, week, last month, last year
		for delta in [1, 7, 30, 365]:
			data["start_timestamp"] = timestamp - delta*DAY
			rdata = self.scan_upstream_repository_act.call(data)
			if rdata["commits"] != {}:
				return self._findYoungestCommits(rdata["commits"])

		# unbound start_timestamp
		del data["start_timestamp"]
		rdata = self.scan_upstream_repository_act.call(data)
		if rdata["commits"] != {}:
			return self._findYoungestCommits(rdata["commits"])

		# no commit foud => raise exception
		raise KeyError("Commit not found")

	def _detectNextDependencies(self, dependencies, ipprefix, commit_timestamp):
		dependencies = list(set(dependencies))
		# normalize paths
		normalizer = ImportPathNormalizer()
		dependencies = map(lambda l: normalizer.normalize(l), dependencies)

		decomposer = ImportPathsDecomposerBuilder().buildLocalDecomposer()
		prefix_classes = decomposer.getClasses()

		next_projects = {}

		for prefix in prefix_classes:
			# filter out Native prefix
			if prefix == "Native":

			# filter out project's import path prefix
			if prefix == ipprefix:

			logging.warning("Processing %s ..." % prefix)

			# for each imported path get a list of commits in a given interval
				# ipprefix already covered?
				if self.ipparser.getImportPathPrefix() in self.detected_projects:
					# ip covered in the prefix class?
					not_covered = []
					for ip in prefix_classes[prefix]:
						if ip not in self.detected_projects[prefix]:

					if not_covered == []:
						logging.warning("Prefix %s already covered" % prefix)

						logging.warning("Some paths '%s' not yet covered in '%s' prefix" % (str(not_covered), prefix))
					# scan only ips not yet covered
					prefix_classes[prefix] = not_covered

				provider = self.ipparser.getProviderSignature()
				provider_prefix = self.ipparser.getProviderPrefix()
			except ValueError as e:
				raise ReconstructionError("Prefix provider error: %s" % e)

				closest_commit = self._findClosestCommit(provider, commit_timestamp)
			except KeyError as e:
				raise ReconstructionError("Closest commit to %s timestamp for %s not found" % (commit_timestamp, provider_prefix))

			# update packages to scan
			next_projects[prefix] = {
				"ipprefix": prefix,
				"paths": map(lambda l: str(l), prefix_classes[prefix]),
				"provider": provider,
				"commit": closest_commit["c"],
				#"timestamp": closest_commit["d"],
				"provider_prefix": provider_prefix

		return next_projects

	def _detectDirectDependencies(self, repository, commit, ipprefix, commit_timestamp, mains, tests):
		data = {
			"type": "upstream_source_code",
			"project": "github.com/coreos/etcd",
			"commit": commit,
			"ipprefix": ipprefix,
			"directories_to_skip": []

		packages_artefact = self.go_code_inspection_act.call(data)

		# collect dependencies
		direct_dependencies = []
		for package in packages_artefact["data"]["dependencies"]:
			direct_dependencies = direct_dependencies + map(lambda l: l["name"], package["dependencies"])

		if mains != []:
			paths = {}
			for path in packages_artefact["data"]["main"]:
				paths[path["filename"]] = path["dependencies"]

			for main in mains:
				if main not in paths:
					raise ReconstructionError("Main package file %s not found" % main)

				direct_dependencies = direct_dependencies + paths[main]

		if tests:
			for dependencies in map(lambda l: l["dependencies"], packages_artefact["data"]["tests"]):
				direct_dependencies = direct_dependencies + dependencies

		# remove duplicates
		direct_dependencies = list(set(direct_dependencies))

		next_projects = self._detectNextDependencies(direct_dependencies, ipprefix, commit_timestamp)

		# update detected projects
		for project in next_projects:
			self.detected_projects[project] = next_projects[project]["paths"]

		# update packages to scan
		for prefix in next_projects:
			if prefix in self.unscanned_projects:

			self.unscanned_projects[prefix] = copy.deepcopy(next_projects[prefix])
			self.scanned_projects[prefix] = copy.deepcopy(next_projects[prefix])

	def _detectIndirectDependencies(self, ipprefix, commit_timestamp):
		nodes = []
		next_projects = {}
		for prefix in self.unscanned_projects:
			# get dataset
			dataset = ProjectDatasetBuilder(

			# construct dependency graph from the dataset
			graph = DatasetDependencyGraphBuilder().build(dataset, LEVEL_GOLANG_PACKAGES)

			# get the subgraph of evolved dependency's packages
			subgraph = GraphUtils.truncateGraph(graph, self.unscanned_projects[prefix]["paths"])

			# get dependencies from the subgraph
			package_nodes = filter(lambda l: l.startswith(self.unscanned_projects[prefix]["ipprefix"]), subgraph.nodes())
			label_edges = dataset.getLabelEdges()
			for node in package_nodes:
				nodes = nodes + label_edges[node]

		nodes = list(set(nodes))

		next_projects = self._detectNextDependencies(nodes, ipprefix, commit_timestamp)
		if next_projects == {}:
			return False

		# update packages to scan
		one_at_least = False
		self.unscanned_projects = {}

		for prefix in next_projects:
			# prefix already covered? Just extend the current coverage
			if prefix in self.detected_projects:
				for ip in next_projects[prefix]["paths"]:
					if str(ip) not in self.detected_projects[prefix]:

			one_at_least = True
			self.unscanned_projects[prefix] = copy.deepcopy(next_projects[prefix])
			self.scanned_projects[prefix] = copy.deepcopy(next_projects[prefix])
			self.detected_projects[prefix] = copy.deepcopy(next_projects[prefix]["paths"])

		return one_at_least

	def reconstruct(self, repository, commit, ipprefix, mains = [], tests = False):
		"""Reconstruct snapshot
		:param repository: project repository
		:type  repository: dict
		:param commit: repository commit
		:type  commit: string
		:param ipprefix: import path prefix
		:type  ipprefix: string
		:param mains: list of main packages with root path to go file to cover, implicitly no main package, just devel
		:type  mains: [string]
		:param tests: cover unit tests as well, default is False
		:type  tests: boolean

		# clear snapshot

		# get commit date of project's commit
		commit_timestamp = self._getCommitTimestamp(repository, commit)
		# get direct dependencies
		self._detectDirectDependencies(repository, commit, ipprefix, commit_timestamp, mains, tests)

		# scan detected dependencies
		while self._detectIndirectDependencies(ipprefix, commit_timestamp):

		# create snapshot
		for prefix in self.scanned_projects:
			for ip in sorted(self.scanned_projects[prefix]["paths"]):
				self._snapshot.addPackage(ip, self.scanned_projects[prefix]["commit"])

		return self

	def snapshot(self):
		return self._snapshot