Example #1
    def __init__(self, courseid, content, template_content, course_fs, task_factory, hook_manager):
        super(WebAppTemplate, self).__init__(courseid, content, template_content, course_fs, task_factory, hook_manager)

            self._name = self._content['name']
            raise Exception("Template has an invalid name: " + self.get_id())

        if self._content.get('nofrontend', False):
            raise Exception("That template is not allowed to be displayed directly in the webapp")

            self._editors = self._content.get("editors", [])
            self._description = self._content.get('description', '')
            self._private = self._content.get("private", True)
            self._tags = {key: Tag(key, tag_dict, self.gettext) for key, tag_dict in self._content.get("tags", {}).items()}
            raise Exception("Template has an invalid YAML spec: " + self.get_id())

            short_desc = self._template_content.get("short_description", "No description available.")
            self._short_description = short_desc[:250] if len(short_desc) > 250 else short_desc
            self._template_description = self._template_content.get("description", "No description available.")
            self._template_skills = self._template_content.get("skills", [])
            raise Exception("Template has an invalid description: " + self.get_id())

        self.course_page = "template"
        self.admin_page = "edit_template"
        self.has_student = False
Example #2
    def __init__(self,
        # We load the descriptor of the task here to allow plugins to modify settings of the task before it is read by the Task constructor
        if not id_checker(taskid):
            raise Exception("Task with invalid id: " + course.get_id() + "/" +

        task_problem_types = task_problem_types or {
            "code": DisplayableCodeProblem,
            "code-file": DisplayableCodeFileProblem,
            "code-single-line": DisplayableCodeSingleLineProblem,
            "multiple-choice": DisplayableMultipleChoiceProblem,
            "match": DisplayableMatchProblem

        super(WebAppTask, self).__init__(course, taskid, content, task_fs,
                                         hook_manager, task_problem_types)

        self._name = self._data.get('name', 'Task {}'.format(self.get_id()))

        self._context = self._data.get('context', "")

        # Authors
        if isinstance(self._data.get('author'),
                      str):  # verify if author is a string
            self._author = self._data['author']
            self._author = ""

        # Submission storage
        self._stored_submissions = int(self._data.get("stored_submissions", 0))

        # Default download
        self._evaluate = self._data.get("evaluate", "best")

        # Grade weight
        self._weight = float(self._data.get("weight", 1.0))

        # _accessible
        self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._data.get("accessible", None))

        # Group task
        self._groups = bool(self._data.get("groups", False))

        # Submission limits
        self._submission_limit = self._data.get("submission_limit", {
            "amount": -1,
            "period": -1

        # Tags
        self._tags = Tag.create_tags_from_dict(self._data.get("tags", {}))
Example #3
    def __init__(self, course, taskid, content, task_fs, translations_fs,
                 hook_manager, task_problem_types):
        # We load the descriptor of the task here to allow plugins to modify settings of the task before it is read by the Task constructor
        if not id_checker(taskid):
            raise Exception("Task with invalid id: " + course.get_id() + "/" +

              self).__init__(course, taskid, content, task_fs, translations_fs,
                             hook_manager, task_problem_types)

        self._name = self._data.get('name', 'Task {}'.format(self.get_id()))

        self._context = self._data.get('context', "")

        # Authors
        if isinstance(self._data.get('author'),
                      str):  # verify if author is a string
            self._author = self._data['author']
            self._author = ""

        # Submission storage
        self._stored_submissions = int(self._data.get("stored_submissions", 0))

        # Default download
        self._evaluate = self._data.get("evaluate", "best")

        # Grade weight
        self._weight = float(self._data.get("weight", 1.0))

        # _accessible
        self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._data.get("accessible", None))

        # Group task
        self._groups = bool(self._data.get("groups", False))

        # Submission limits
        self._submission_limit = self._data.get("submission_limit", {
            "amount": -1,
            "period": -1

        # Input random
        self._input_random = int(self._data.get("input_random", 0))

        # Regenerate input random
        self._regenerate_input_random = bool(
            self._data.get("regenerate_input_random", False))

        # Tags
        self._tags = Tag.create_tags_from_dict(self._data.get("tags", {}))
Example #4
    def __init__(self, courseid, content, course_fs, task_factory, hook_manager):
        super(WebAppCourse, self).__init__(courseid, content, course_fs, task_factory, hook_manager)

            self._name = self._content['name']
            raise Exception("Course has an invalid name: " + self.get_id())

        if self._content.get('nofrontend', False):
            raise Exception("That course is not allowed to be displayed directly in the webapp")

            self._admins = self._content.get('admins', [])
            self._tutors = self._content.get('tutors', [])
            self._description = self._content.get('description', '')
            self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._content.get("accessible", None))
            self._registration = AccessibleTime(self._content.get("registration", None))
            self._registration_password = self._content.get('registration_password', None)
            self._registration_ac = self._content.get('registration_ac', None)
            if self._registration_ac not in [None, "username", "binding", "email"]:
                raise Exception("Course has an invalid value for registration_ac: " + self.get_id())
            self._registration_ac_list = self._content.get('registration_ac_list', [])
            self._groups_student_choice = self._content.get("groups_student_choice", False)
            self._allow_unregister = self._content.get('allow_unregister', True)
            self._allow_preview = self._content.get('allow_preview', False)
            self._is_lti = self._content.get('is_lti', False)
            self._lti_url = self._content.get('lti_url', '')
            self._lti_keys = self._content.get('lti_keys', {})
            self._lti_send_back_grade = self._content.get('lti_send_back_grade', False)
            self._tags = {key: Tag(key, tag_dict, self.gettext) for key, tag_dict in self._content.get("tags", {}).items()}
            raise Exception("Course has an invalid YAML spec: " + self.get_id())

        # Force some parameters if LTI is active
        if self.is_lti():
            self._accessible = AccessibleTime(True)
            self._registration = AccessibleTime(False)
            self._registration_password = None
            self._registration_ac = None
            self._registration_ac_list = []
            self._groups_student_choice = False
            self._allow_unregister = False
            self._lti_keys = {}
            self._lti_url = ''
            self._lti_send_back_grade = False

        self.course_page = "course"
        self.admin_page = "admin"
        self.has_student = True
Example #5
    def __init__(self, course, taskid, content, task_fs, translations_fs, hook_manager, task_problem_types):
        # We load the descriptor of the task here to allow plugins to modify settings of the task before it is read by the Task constructor
        if not id_checker(taskid):
            raise Exception("Task with invalid id: " + course.get_id() + "/" + taskid)

        super(WebAppTask, self).__init__(course, taskid, content, task_fs, translations_fs, hook_manager, task_problem_types)

        self._name = self._data.get('name', 'Task {}'.format(self.get_id()))

        self._context = self._data.get('context', "")

        # Authors
        if isinstance(self._data.get('author'), str):  # verify if author is a string
            self._author = self._data['author']
            self._author = ""

        # Submission storage
        self._stored_submissions = int(self._data.get("stored_submissions", 0))

        # Default download
        self._evaluate = self._data.get("evaluate", "best")

        # Grade weight
        self._weight = float(self._data.get("weight", 1.0))

        # _accessible
        self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._data.get("accessible", None))

        # Group task
        self._groups = bool(self._data.get("groups", False))

        # Submission limits
        self._submission_limit = self._data.get("submission_limit", {"amount": -1, "period": -1})
        # Input random
        self._input_random = int(self._data.get("input_random", 0))
        # Regenerate input random
        self._regenerate_input_random = bool(self._data.get("regenerate_input_random", False))

        # Tags
        self._tags = Tag.create_tags_from_dict(self._data.get("tags", {}))
Example #6
    def __init__(self, courseid, content, course_fs, task_factory, plugin_manager, task_dispensers):
        self._id = courseid
        self._content = content
        self._fs = course_fs
        self._task_factory = task_factory
        self._plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        self._translations = {}
        translations_fs = self._fs.from_subfolder("$i18n")
        if translations_fs.exists():
            for f in translations_fs.list(folders=False, files=True, recursive=False):
                lang = f[0:len(f) - 3]
                if translations_fs.exists(lang + ".mo"):
                    self._translations[lang] = gettext.GNUTranslations(translations_fs.get_fd(lang + ".mo"))
                    self._translations[lang] = gettext.NullTranslations()

            self._name = self._content['name']
            raise Exception("Course has an invalid name: " + self.get_id())

        if self._content.get('nofrontend', False):
            raise Exception("That course is not allowed to be displayed directly in the webapp")

        _migrate_from_v_0_6(content, self._task_factory.get_all_tasks(self))

            self._admins = self._content.get('admins', [])
            self._tutors = self._content.get('tutors', [])
            self._description = self._content.get('description', '')
            self._accessible = AccessibleTime(self._content.get("accessible", None))
            self._registration = AccessibleTime(self._content.get("registration", None))
            self._registration_password = self._content.get('registration_password', None)
            self._registration_ac = self._content.get('registration_ac', None)
            if self._registration_ac not in [None, "username", "binding", "email"]:
                raise Exception("Course has an invalid value for registration_ac: " + self.get_id())
            self._registration_ac_list = self._content.get('registration_ac_list', [])
            self._groups_student_choice = self._content.get("groups_student_choice", False)
            self._allow_unregister = self._content.get('allow_unregister', True)
            self._allow_preview = self._content.get('allow_preview', False)
            self._is_lti = self._content.get('is_lti', False)
            self._lti_url = self._content.get('lti_url', '')
            self._lti_keys = self._content.get('lti_keys', {})
            self._lti_send_back_grade = self._content.get('lti_send_back_grade', False)
            self._tags = {key: Tag(key, tag_dict, self.gettext) for key, tag_dict in self._content.get("tags", {}).items()}
            task_dispenser_class = task_dispensers.get(self._content.get('task_dispenser', 'toc'), TableOfContents)
            # Here we use a lambda to encourage the task dispenser to pass by the task_factory to fetch course tasks
            # to avoid them to be cached along with the course object. Passing the task factory as argument
            # would require to pass the course too, and have a useless reference back.
            self._task_dispenser = task_dispenser_class(lambda: self._task_factory.get_all_tasks(self), self._content.get("dispenser_data", ''))
            raise Exception("Course has an invalid YAML spec: " + self.get_id())

        # Force some parameters if LTI is active
        if self.is_lti():
            self._accessible = AccessibleTime(True)
            self._registration = AccessibleTime(False)
            self._registration_password = None
            self._registration_ac = None
            self._registration_ac_list = []
            self._groups_student_choice = False
            self._allow_unregister = False
            self._lti_keys = {}
            self._lti_url = ''
            self._lti_send_back_grade = False

        # Build the regex for the ACL, allowing for fast matching. Only used internally.
        self._registration_ac_regex = self._build_ac_regex(self._registration_ac_list)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, courseid, content, course_fs, task_factory,

        self._id = courseid
        self._content = content
        self._fs = course_fs
        self._task_factory = task_factory
        self._plugin_manager = plugin_manager

        self._translations = {}
        translations_fs = self._fs.from_subfolder("$i18n")
        if translations_fs.exists():
            for f in translations_fs.list(folders=False,
                lang = f[0:len(f) - 3]
                if translations_fs.exists(lang + ".mo"):
                    self._translations[lang] = gettext.GNUTranslations(
                        translations_fs.get_fd(lang + ".mo"))
                    self._translations[lang] = gettext.NullTranslations()

            self._name = self._content['name']
            raise Exception("Course has an invalid name: " + self.get_id())

        if self._content.get('nofrontend', False):
            raise Exception(
                "That course is not allowed to be displayed directly in the webapp"

            self._admins = self._content.get('admins', [])
            self._tutors = self._content.get('tutors', [])
            self._description = self._content.get('description', '')
            self._accessible = AccessibleTime(
                self._content.get("accessible", None))
            self._registration = AccessibleTime(
                self._content.get("registration", None))
            self._registration_password = self._content.get(
                'registration_password', None)
            self._registration_ac = self._content.get('registration_ac', None)
            if self._registration_ac not in [
                    None, "username", "binding", "email"
                raise Exception(
                    "Course has an invalid value for registration_ac: " +
            self._registration_ac_list = self._content.get(
                'registration_ac_list', [])
            self._groups_student_choice = self._content.get(
                "groups_student_choice", False)
            self._allow_unregister = self._content.get('allow_unregister',
            self._allow_preview = self._content.get('allow_preview', False)
            self._is_lti = self._content.get('is_lti', False)
            self._lti_url = self._content.get('lti_url', '')
            self._lti_keys = self._content.get('lti_keys', {})
            self._lti_send_back_grade = self._content.get(
                'lti_send_back_grade', False)
            self._tags = {
                key: Tag(key, tag_dict, self.gettext)
                for key, tag_dict in self._content.get("tags", {}).items()
            if 'toc' in self._content:
                self._toc = SectionsList(self._content['toc'])
                tasks = self._task_factory.get_all_tasks(self)
                ordered_task_list = OrderedDict(
                           key=lambda t:
                           (t[1].get_old_order(), t[1].get_id())))
                indexed_task_list = {
                    taskid: rank
                    for rank, taskid in enumerate(ordered_task_list.keys())
                self._toc = SectionsList([{
                    "id": "tasks-list",
                    "title": _("List of exercises"),
                    "rank": 0,
                    "tasks_list": indexed_task_list
            raise Exception("Course has an invalid YAML spec: " +

        # Force some parameters if LTI is active
        if self.is_lti():
            self._accessible = AccessibleTime(True)
            self._registration = AccessibleTime(False)
            self._registration_password = None
            self._registration_ac = None
            self._registration_ac_list = []
            self._groups_student_choice = False
            self._allow_unregister = False
            self._lti_keys = {}
            self._lti_url = ''
            self._lti_send_back_grade = False