Example #1
def server_token(context: Context,
                 client_types: "string[]" = ["agent"]) -> "string":
    token = Config.get("compiler_rest_transport", "token", "")
    if token == "":
        return ""

    # Request a new token for this agent
    token = ""
        client = context.get_client()

        env = Config.get("config", "environment", None)
        if env is None:
            raise Exception(
                "The environment of this model should be configured in config>environment"

        def call():
            return client.create_token(tid=env,

        result = context.run_sync(call)

        if result.code == 200:
            token = result.result["token"]
            logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Unable to get a new token")
            raise Exception("Unable to get a valid token")
    except ConnectionRefusedError:
        logging.getLogger(__name__).exception("Unable to get a new token")
        raise Exception("Unable to get a valid token")

    return token
Example #2
def getfact(context: Context, resource: "any", fact_name: "string", default_value: "any"=None) -> "any":
        Retrieve a fact of the given resource
    resource_id = resources.to_id(resource)
    if resource_id is None:
        raise Exception("Facts can only be retreived from resources.")

    # Special case for unit testing and mocking
    if hasattr(context.compiler, "refs") and "facts" in context.compiler.refs:
        if resource_id in context.compiler.refs["facts"] and fact_name in context.compiler.refs["facts"][resource_id]:
            return context.compiler.refs["facts"][resource_id][fact_name]

        fact_value = Unknown(source=resource)
        unknown_parameters.append({"resource": resource_id, "parameter": fact_name, "source": "fact"})

        if default_value is not None:
            return default_value
        return fact_value
    # End special case

    fact_value = None
        client = context.get_client()

        env = Config.get("config", "environment", None)
        if env is None:
            raise Exception("The environment of this model should be configured in config>environment")

        def call():
            return client.get_param(tid=env, id=fact_name, resource_id=resource_id)

        result = context.run_sync(call)

        if result.code == 200:
            fact_value = result.result["parameter"]["value"]
            logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Param %s of resource %s is unknown", fact_name, resource_id)
            fact_value = Unknown(source=resource)
            unknown_parameters.append({"resource": resource_id, "parameter": fact_name, "source": "fact"})

    except ConnectionRefusedError:
        logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Param %s of resource %s is unknown because connection to server was refused",
                                            fact_name, resource_id)
        fact_value = Unknown(source=resource)
        unknown_parameters.append({"resource": resource_id, "parameter": fact_name, "source": "fact"})

    if isinstance(fact_value, Unknown) and default_value is not None:
        return default_value

    return fact_value
Example #3
def is_instance(ctx: Context, obj: "any", cls: "string") -> "bool":
    t = ctx.get_type(cls)
    except RuntimeException:
        return False
    return True
Example #4
def generate_password(context: Context,
                      pw_id: "string",
                      length: "number" = 20) -> "string":
    Generate a new random password and store it in the data directory of the
    project. On next invocations the stored password will be used.

    :param pw_id: The id of the password to identify it.
    :param length: The length of the password, default length is 20
    data_dir = context.get_data_dir()
    pw_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "passwordfile.txt")

    if "=" in pw_id:
        raise Exception("The password id cannot contain =")

    records = get_passwords(pw_file)

    if pw_id in records:
        return records[pw_id]

    rnd = random.SystemRandom()
    pw = ""
    while len(pw) < length:
        x = chr(rnd.randint(33, 126))
        if re.match("[A-Za-z0-9]", x) is not None:
            pw += x

    # store the new value
    records[pw_id] = pw
    save_passwords(pw_file, records)

    return pw
Example #5
def get_private_key(context: Context, name: "string") -> "string":
    Create or return if it already exists a key with the given name. The
    private key is returned.
    priv, pub = get_or_create_key(context.get_data_dir(), name)
    return priv
Example #6
def environment_server(ctx: Context) -> "string":
        Return the address of the management server
    client = ctx.get_client()
    server_url = client._transport_instance._get_client_config()
    match = re.search("^http[s]?://([^:]+):", server_url)
    if match is not None:
        return match.group(1)
    return Unknown(source=server_url)
Example #7
def get_putty_key(context: Context, name: "string") -> "string":
    priv_key = os.path.join(context.get_data_dir(), name)
    if not os.path.exists(priv_key):
        get_private_key(context, name)

    ppk_key = priv_key + ".ppk"
    subprocess.check_output(["puttygen", priv_key, "-o", ppk_key])

    with open(ppk_key, "r") as fd:
        return fd.read()
Example #8
def environment_name(ctx: Context) -> "string":
        Return the name of the environment (as defined on the server)
    env = environment()

    def call():
        return ctx.get_client().get_environment(id=env)
    result = ctx.run_sync(call)
    if result.code != 200:
        return Unknown(source=env)
    return result.result["environment"]["name"]
Example #9
def get_param(ctx: Context, name: "string") -> "string":
        Get a parameter from the SO
    env = config.Config.get("config", "environment", None)

    def get():
        return ctx.get_client().get_param(tid=env, id=name)

    result = ctx.run_sync(get)

    if result.code == 200:
        return result.result["parameter"]["value"]
    return None
Example #10
def get_vnf_instances(ctx: Context, vnf_name):
    env = config.Config.get("config", "environment", None)

    def get_instances():
        return ctx.get_client().list_params(env, {"module": "state"})

    result = ctx.run_sync(get_instances)
    vnfs = []
    params = {}
    if result.code != 200:
        return None
        for p in result.result["parameters"]:
            if p["name"].startswith("fsm_" + vnf_name):
                params[p["name"]] = p

    return vnfs, params
Example #11
def password(context: Context, pw_id: "string") -> "string":
        Retrieve the given password from a password file. It raises an exception when a password is not found

        :param pw_id: The id of the password to identify it.
    data_dir = context.get_data_dir()
    pw_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "passwordfile.txt")

    if "=" in pw_id:
        raise Exception("The password id cannot contain =")

    records = get_passwords(pw_file)

    if pw_id in records:
        return records[pw_id]

        raise Exception("Password %s does not exist in file %s" % (pw_id, pw_file))
Example #12
def template(ctx: Context, path: "string"):
        Execute the template in path in the current context. This function will
        generate a new statement that has dependencies on the used variables.
    jinja_env = _get_template_engine(ctx)
    template_path = _extend_path(ctx, path)
    if template_path in tcache:
        template = tcache[template_path]
        template = jinja_env.get_template(template_path)
        tcache[template_path] = template

    resolver = ctx.get_resolver()

        out = template.render({"{{resolver": resolver})
        return out
    except UndefinedError as e:
        raise NotFoundException(ctx.owner, None, e.message)
Example #13
def set_param(ctx: Context,
              name: "string",
              value: "string",
              recompile: "bool" = False) -> "string":
        Set a parameter on the SO
    env = config.Config.get("config", "environment", None)

    def setp():
        return ctx.get_client().set_param(tid=env,
                                          metadata={"module": "clearwater"},

    result = ctx.run_sync(setp)

    if result.code != 200:
        raise Exception(result.result)
Example #14
def get_public_key(context: Context, name: "string") -> "string":
    See get_private_key
    priv, pub = get_or_create_key(context.get_data_dir(), name)
    return pub