#Allowable twist of 90-foot (27.432m) length of chain twist=61875/Dmm twist360=twist/360 #Effective Elastic Modulus (EEM) [kN/sqm] # R3 chain EEMR3=(5.40-0.0040*Dmm)*10**7 # R4 chain EEMR4=(5.45-0.0025*Dmm)*10**7 # R5 chain EEMR5=(6.0-0.0033*Dmm)*10**7 #locker volume in cum per m of chain locker=VL(Dmm) #writing results-studless chain fname="studless.txt" fn=open(fname, 'a') inout.write_file(fn, "Link Diameter of Studless Chain [mm]: ", Dmm) inout.write_file(fn, "Outer Diameter [mm]: ", ODmm) inout.write_file(fn, "Contact Diameter [mm]: ", CDmm) inout.write_file(fn, "Mass per unit length [t/m]: ", ML) inout.write_file(fn, "Submerged weight of chain [t/m]: ", SW) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial Stiffness [kN]: ", AS) inout.write_file(fn, "Bending Stiffness [kN*sqm]: ", BS) inout.write_file(fn, "Normal Drag Coefficient: ", NDC) inout.write_file(fn, "Normal Drag Diameter [mm]: ", NDD) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial Drag Coefficient: ",ADC) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial Drag Diameter [mm]: ", ADD) inout.write_file(fn, "Normal Added mass Coeff: ", NAMC) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial Added mass Coeff: ", AADMC) fn.write("\n") inout.write_file(fn, "Breaking Load - ORQ Chain [kN]: ", BLORQ) inout.write_file(fn, "Breaking Load - R3 Chain [kN]: ", BLR3)
#Breaking Load [kN] - MBL #Nylon Ropes dry - MBLNd MBLNd = 163950*D**2 #Nylon rope wet - MBLNw MBLNw = 139357*D**2 #Polyester ropes - MBLP MBLP = 170466*D**2 #Polypropylene rope - MBLPp MBLPp = 105990*D**2 #Wire ropes with fibre core - MBLWf MBLWf = 584175*D**2 MBLWw = 633358*D**2 #writing results fname = "ropes.txt" fn = open(fname, 'a') inout.write_file(fn, "Diameter of rope [mm]: ", Dmm) fn.write("\nNylon Rope Data") inout.write_file(fn, "Outer Diameter [mm]: ", ODN) inout.write_file(fn, "Rope weight in Air [kN/m]: ", WLN) inout.write_file(fn, "Rope weight in Water [kN/m]: ", WLNw) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial stiffness [kN]: ", ASN) inout.write_file(fn, "Minimum Breaking Load of Dry Nylon Rope [kN]: ", MBLNd) inout.write_file(fn, "Minimum Breaking Load of Wet Nylon Rope [kN]: ", MBLNw) fn.write("\n") fn.write("\nPolyester rope Data") inout.write_file(fn, "Outer Diameter [mm]: ", ODP) inout.write_file(fn, "Rope weight in Air [kN/m]: ", WLP) inout.write_file(fn, "Rope weight in Water [kN/m]: ", WLPw) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial stiffness [kN]: ", ASP) inout.write_file(fn, "Minimum Breaking Load of Polyester Rope [kN]: ", MBLP) fn.write("\n")
ThetA=math.atan(H/Va) ThetB=math.atan(H/Vb) ThetAd=ThetA*180/math.pi; ThetBd=ThetB*180/math.pi; # establishing A, B and P in coordinate system # index "a" corresponding to point "A", "b" to "B"-point and "P" to lowest caten. point zb=za-d zp=za-ha xa=La xp=0 xb=-Lb # writting results to file fname='catenary_res.txt' fn=open(fname, 'a') write_file(fn, "Horizontal Distance between supports in meters: ", round(L,3)) write_file(fn, "Catenary length in meters: ", round(S,3)) write_file(fn, "Vertical Distance Between supports in meters: ", round(d,3)) write_file(fn, "Unit Weight of Catenary line in kg/m: ", round(w,3)) write_file(fn, "Elevation of higher support (A) from reference plane in meters: ", round(za,3)) write_file(fn, "\Catenary coef.: ", round(a,5)) write_file(fn, "Horizontal tension in kg (constant along line: ", round(H,3)) write_file(fn, "Vertical tension in A in kg: ", round(Va,3)) write_file(fn, "Total tension in A in kg: ", round(TA,3)) write_file(fn, "Total tension in B in kg: ", round(TB,3)) write_file(fn, "Inclination angle from vertical at A in radians: ", round(ThetA,3)) write_file(fn, "Inclination angle from vertical at B in radians: ", round(ThetB,3)) write_file(fn, "Inclination angle from vertical at A in degrees: ", round(ThetAd,3)) write_file(fn, "Inclination angle from vertical at B in degrees: ", round(ThetBd,3)) fn.close()
Tr=inout.get_float("Heating Period [h] - press '0' for 96 h: ", 96) Sin=inout.get_float("Steam pressure on inlet [kg/sqm] - press '0' for 80000 kg/sqm or input: ", 80000) Sout=inout.get_float("Steam pressure on outlet [kg/sqm] - press '0' for 50000 kg/sqm or input: ", 50000) Eni=inout.get_float("Enthalpy of steam on inlet [kcal/kg] - press '0' for 660 kcal/kg or input: ", 660) Eno=inout.get_float("Enthalpy of steam on outlet [kcal/kg] - press '0' for 150 kcal/kg or input: ", 150) Spv=inout.get_float("Specific volume of Steam on inlet [cum/kg] - press '0' for 0.24 cum/kg: ", 0.24) Idmm=inout.get_float("Pipe inner Diameter [mm] - press '0' for 54mm: ", 54) Odmm=inout.get_float("Pipe outer Diameter [mm] - press '0' for 60mm: ", 60) Id=float(Idmm/1000) #in meters Od=float(Odmm/1000) #in meters filename=pname+'.txt' fn=open(filename, 'a') fn.write(pname) fn.write("\n\nInput Data:") ##writing input data inout.write_file (fn, "Heat Transfer Coef of Heating Pipe [kcal/(sqm*degC)]: ", Ks) inout.write_file (fn, "Average Steam Temperature [degC]: ", Ats) inout.write_file (fn, "Temperature of Sea Water [degC]: ", Dw) inout.write_file (fn, "Temperature of Outer air [degC]: ", Dai) inout.write_file (fn, "Temperature of air in Ship [degC]: ", Ds) inout.write_file (fn, "Temperature of Oil after heating [degC]: ", Da) inout.write_file (fn, "Temperature of Oil before heating [degC]: ", Dh) inout.write_file (fn, "Temperature of Oil before heating [degC]: ", Spwt) inout.write_file (fn, "Specific Heat of Oil [kcal/(kg*degC)]: ", Sph) inout.write_file (fn, "Heating Period [h]: ", Tr) inout.write_file (fn, "Steam pressure on inlet [kg/sqm]: ", Sin) inout.write_file (fn, "Steam pressure on outlet [kg/sqm]: ", Sout) inout.write_file (fn, "Enthalpy of steam on inlet [kcal/kg]: ", Eni) inout.write_file (fn, "Enthalpy of steam on outlet [kcal/kg]: ", Eno) inout.write_file (fn, "Specific volume of Steam on inlet [cum/kg]: ", Spv) inout.write_file (fn, "Pipe inner Diameter [mm]: ", Idmm)
# calculating mass per meter HPmass = 0.73253 * ID # high pressure hoses LPmass = 0.3642 * ID # low pressure hoses FFmass = 0.1844 * ID # fold-flat hoses # calculating Axial Stiffness HPas = ID * 2.8 * 10 ** 6 # high pressure hoses LPas = ID * 3.4 * 10 ** 6 # low pressure hoses FFas = ID * 6.56 * 10 ** 6 # fold-flat hoses # calculating Bending Stiffness HPbs = 30000 * ID ** 4 # high pressure hoses LPbs = 600 * ID ** 3 # low pressure hoses FFbs = 100 * ID ** 3 # fold-flat hoses # writing results to a file "hoses.txt" fname = "hoses.txt" fn = open(fname, "a") inout.write_file(fn, "Inner Diameter of Hose [mm] : ", IDmm) fn.write("\n") fn.write("\nHigh Pressure Hoses Properties:") inout.write_file(fn, "Outer Diameter [mm]: ", HPod) inout.write_file(fn, "Mass per meter [t/m]: ", HPmass) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial Stiffness [kN]: ", HPas) inout.write_file(fn, "Bending Stiffness [kN*sqm]: ", HPbs) fn.write("\n") fn.write("\nLow Pressure Hoses Properties:") inout.write_file(fn, "Outer Diameter [mm]: ", LPod) inout.write_file(fn, "Mass per meter [t/m]: ", LPmass) inout.write_file(fn, "Axial Stiffness [kN]: ", LPas) inout.write_file(fn, "Bending Stiffness [kN*sqm]: ", LPbs) fn.write("\n") fn.write("\nFold - Flat Hoses Properties:") inout.write_file(fn, "Outer Diameter [mm]: ", FFod)
def results(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11): inout.write_file(fn, "Moment of inertia X-X axis[cm^4]: ", Ix) inout.write_file(fn, "Moment of inertia Y-Y axis[cm^4]: ", Iy) inout.write_file(fn, "Area of section[cm^2]: ", A) inout.write_file(fn, "Section modulus X-X axis [cm^3]: ", Sx) inout.write_file(fn, "Section modulus Y-Y axis [cm^3]: ", Sy) inout.write_file(fn, "Radius of gyration X-X axis [cm]: ", rx) inout.write_file(fn, "Radius of gyration Y-Y axis [cm]: ", ry) inout.write_file(fn, "Ixy [cm]: ", Ixy) inout.write_file(fn, "Ip [cm]: ", Ip) inout.write_file(fn, "xc [cm]: ", xc) inout.write_file(fn, "yc [cm]: ", yc) return