Example #1
    def training(self, head, x, proposals, bbx, cat, iscrowd, ids, msk,
        x = x[self.min_level:self.min_level + self.levels]

            if proposals.all_none:
                raise Empty

            # Match proposals to ground truth
            with torch.no_grad():
                proposals, match = self.proposal_matcher(
                    proposals, bbx, cat, iscrowd)
                cls_lbl, bbx_lbl, msk_lbl = self._match_to_lbl(
                    proposals, bbx, cat, ids, msk, match)

            if proposals.all_none:
                raise Empty

            # Run head
            set_active_group(head, active_group(True))
            proposals, proposals_idx = proposals.contiguous
            cls_logits, bbx_logits, msk_logits = self._head(
                head, x, proposals, proposals_idx, img_size, True, True)

            # Calculate losses
            cls_loss, bbx_loss = self.bbx_loss(cls_logits, bbx_logits, cls_lbl,
            msk_loss = self.msk_loss(msk_logits, cls_lbl, msk_lbl)
        except Empty:
            cls_loss = bbx_loss = msk_loss = sum(x_i.sum() for x_i in x) * 0

        return cls_loss, bbx_loss, msk_loss
Example #2
    def training(self, head, x, labels, img_size):

        x = self._get_level(x)

            # Run head
            set_active_group(head, active_group(True))

            labels, labels_idx = labels.contiguous

            ret_pred = self._head(head, x)

            # Calculate losses
            ret_loss = self.loss(ret_pred, labels, labels_idx)

        except Empty:
            ret_loss = sum(x_i.sum() for x_i in x) * 0

        return ret_loss, ret_pred
    def forward(self, head_coarse, head_fine, x1, x2, kpts, scores, img_size_1,
                img_size_2, valid_size_1, valid_size_2, intrinsics1,
                intrinsics2, extrinsics1, extrinsics2):

        # select fpn levels
        x1_f, x1_c = self._get_level(x1)
        x2_f, x2_c = self._get_level(x2)

        data = {
            'B': x1[0].size(0),
            'img_size_1': img_size_1,
            'img_size_2': img_size_2,
            'coarse_size_1': x1_c.shape[2:],
            'coarse_size_2': x2_c.shape[2:],
            'fine_size_1': x1_f.shape[2:],
            'fine_size_2': x2_f.shape[2:],
            'dim_c': head_coarse.embedding_size,
            'dim_f': head_fine.embedding_size,
            'win_size': self.win_size

            # 1. sparse annotation generation

            if kpts.all_none:
                raise Empty

            with torch.no_grad():
                # Compute F and P matrices
                P, E, F = self.get_transformation(intrinsics1, intrinsics2,
                                                  extrinsics1, extrinsics2)

                # Keypoint Generator
                kpts = self.generator(kpts, scores, valid_size_2, intrinsics1,
                                      intrinsics2, F, P)

            if kpts.all_none:
                raise Empty

            # Get contiguious view and valid transformations
            kpts, kpts_idx = kpts.contiguous

            # 2. coarse-level module
            # add featmap with positional encoding, then flatten it to sequence [N, HW, C]
            desc_c1 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(x1_c),
                                'n c h w -> n (h w) c')
            desc_c2 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(x2_c),
                                'n c h w -> n (h w) c')

            mask_c0 = mask_c1 = None  # mask is useful in training
            # if 'mask0' in data:
            #     mask_c0, mask_c1 = data['mask0'].flatten(-2), data['mask1'].flatten(-2)

            # Run coarse head
            set_active_group(head_coarse, active_group(True))
            desc_c1, desc_c2 = head_coarse(desc_c1, desc_c2, mask_c0, mask_c1)

            # 3. match coarse-level
            matches = self.coarse_matching(desc_c1,

            # 4. coarse to fine refinement
            # feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.fine_preprocess(feat_f0, feat_f1, feat_c0, feat_c1, data)
            desc_f1, desc_f2 = self.get_fine_windows_prediction(
                desc_c1, desc_c2, x1_f, x2_f, matches, data)

            # 5. fine-level module
            if desc_f1.size(0) != 0:  # at least one coarse level predicted
                # Run fine head
                set_active_group(head_fine, active_group(True))
                desc_f1, desc_f2 = head_fine(desc_f1, desc_f2)

            # 6. match fine-level
            matches = self.fine_matching(desc_f1, desc_f2, matches, data)

            # Compute Loss
            F, _ = F.contiguous
            P, _ = P.contiguous

            epipolar_loss = self.loss(kpts, F[kpts_idx], P[kpts_idx], matches,

        except Empty:
            epipolar_loss = sum(x_i.sum() for x_i in x1) * 0

        return epipolar_loss
Example #4
    def training(self, head, x, rpn_proposals, bbx, cat, iscrowd, ids, msk,
                 img_size, valid_size):
        x = x[self.min_level:self.min_level + self.levels]

        cls_loss_sum, bbx_loss_sum, msk_loss_sum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        y = None

            #### Zero  pooling ###
            if rpn_proposals.all_none:
                raise Empty

            #Match proposals to ground truth
            with torch.no_grad():
                # get stage proposals Top 512 samples
                proposals, match, rpn_proposals, indices = self.proposal_matcher(
                    rpn_proposals, bbx, cat, iscrowd, 0)
                #np.savetxt('rpn_proposals_original', rpn_proposals[0].cpu(), fmt='%1.2f')
                cls_lbl, bbx_lbl, msk_lbl = self._match_to_lbl(
                    proposals, bbx, cat, ids, msk, match)

            if proposals.all_none:
                raise Empty

            _proposals, _proposals_idx = proposals.contiguous

            for stage in range(len(self.stage_loss_weights)):

                #print('__ {} __'.format(stage))

                # Current head and its  weighted loss coefficient lw
                current_head = head[stage]
                lw = self.stage_loss_weights[stage]

                ### Run Current head for BBox training & loss calculation  ###
                set_active_group(current_head, active_group(True))

                cls_logits, bbx_logits, _, _ = self._head(
                    current_head, x, y, _proposals, _proposals_idx, img_size,
                    True, False)

                cls_loss, bbx_loss = self.bbx_loss(cls_logits, bbx_logits,
                                                   cls_lbl, bbx_lbl)

                cls_loss_sum += lw * cls_loss
                bbx_loss_sum += lw * bbx_loss

                #print('cls_loss_{} ='.format(stage), cls_loss.item())
                #print('bbx_loss_{} ='.format(stage), bbx_loss.item())

                ### Get new proposals for next stage ###
                _proposals, _indices = self._inference(x, _proposals,
                                                       bbx_logits, cls_logits,
                                                       valid_size, indices,

                if _proposals.all_none:
                    raise Empty

                # Flip to replace repeated indices with best scoring bbox
                rpn_proposals_augument = []

                for _proposals_i, _indices_i, rpn_proposals_i in zip(
                        _proposals, _indices, rpn_proposals):
                    rpn_proposals_i[_indices_i.flip(0)] = _proposals_i.flip(0)

                ### New proposals for next stage ###
                rpn_proposals = PackedSequence(rpn_proposals_augument)

                if rpn_proposals.all_none:
                    raise Empty

                #with torch.no_grad():
                #np.savetxt('rpn_proposals_augument_{}.txt'.format(stage), rpn_proposals_augument[0].cpu().numpy(),
                #          fmt='%1.2f')

                #### Stage pooling ###
                with torch.no_grad():

                    # get stage proposals Top 512 samples
                    proposals, match, rpn_proposals, indices = self.proposal_matcher(
                        rpn_proposals, bbx, cat, iscrowd, stage)
                    #np.savetxt('rpn_proposals_{}'.format(stage), rpn_proposals[0].cpu(), fmt='%1.2f')

                    cls_lbl, bbx_lbl, msk_lbl = self._match_to_lbl(
                        proposals, bbx, cat, ids, msk, match)

                # Run Previous head for Mask training & loss calculation
                _proposals, _proposals_idx = _proposals.contiguous

                set_active_group(current_head, active_group(True))

                _, _, msk_logits, y = self._head(current_head, x, y,
                                                 _proposals, _proposals_idx,
                                                 img_size, False, True)

                msk_loss = self.msk_loss(msk_logits, cls_lbl, msk_lbl)
                msk_loss_sum += lw * msk_loss

                #print('msk_loss_{} ='.format(stage), msk_loss.item())

        except Empty:
            cls_loss_sum = bbx_loss_sum = msk_loss_sum = sum(x_i.sum()
                                                             for x_i in x) * 0

        return cls_loss_sum, bbx_loss_sum, msk_loss_sum