def settingsScreen(self): self.header("Settings") inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Easy", "2": "Medium", "3": "Hard"}) self.difficulty = inputTool.getInput() inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Main Menu", "6": "Exit"}) self.screen = inputTool.getInput()
def mainMenu(self): self.header("Minesweeper") inputTool = InputTool({"2": "Play", "3": "Help", "4": "Settings", "5": "High Scores", "6": "Exit"}) self.screen = inputTool.getInput() # set up and reset the game if (self.screen == "2"): self.firstTurn = True if (self.difficulty == "1"): self.num_rows = 9 self.num_cols = 9 self.num_mines = 10 self.mines_remaining = 10 elif (self.difficulty == "2"): self.num_rows = 12 self.num_cols = 12 self.num_mines = 24 self.mines_remaining = 24 elif (self.difficulty == "3"): self.num_rows = 16 self.num_cols = 16 self.num_mines = 40 self.mines_remaining = 40 self.game_board = GameBoard(self.num_rows, self.num_cols, self.num_mines) self.game_board.createBoard() self.game_board.placeMines() self.game_board.fillBoard() self.start_time = time.time()
def loseScreen(self): self.header("Game Over!") self.game_board.revealMines() print(self.game_board) inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Main Menu", "6": "Exit"}) self.screen = inputTool.getInput()
def highScoreScreen(self): self.header("High Scores") hs = HighScores().outputData() for i, s in enumerate(hs): name, score = s print(str(i + 1) + ") " + name + ("." * (25 - len(name))) + str(score)) inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Main Menu", "6": "Exit"}) self.screen = inputTool.getInput()
def winScreen(self): self.header("You Win!") print("Score: " + str(self.score)) print(self.game_board) = input("Enter your name: ") # add score to JSON file HighScores().addData(, self.score) inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Main Menu", "6": "Exit"}) self.screen = inputTool.getInput()
def helpScreen(self): self.header("Help") instructions = [ "* To win, open all the cells which do not contain a mine.", "* Try to win as quickly as possible.", "* If you guess a cell with a mine, you lose.", "* Every non-mine cell will tell you the total number of mines in the eight neighboring cells.", "* To open a square, point at the square and click on it.", "* To mark a square you think is a mine with a flag, point and right-click.", "* Right-click twice to mark a cell that you are unsure about.", "* The first square you open is never a mine.", "* The upper left corner contains the number of mines left to find.", "* The upper right corner contains a time counter.", "* Good luck sweeping!" ] for i in instructions: print(i) inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Main Menu", "6": "Exit"}) self.screen = inputTool.getInput()
def playGameScreen(self): self.header("Play") current_time = time.time() self.score = int(current_time - self.start_time) print("Score - " + str(self.score)) print("Mines Remaining - " + str(self.mines_remaining)) # display of the back end 2D array of the game board from the GameBoard class print(self.game_board) inputTool = InputTool({"1": "Flip", "2": "Flag/Mark"}) action = inputTool.getInput() # validate input for column and row while True: try: icol = int(input("[ENTER] || Column | - ")) - 1 except: continue if (0 <= icol < self.num_cols): break while True: try: irow = int(input("[ENTER] || Row | - ")) - 1 except: continue if (0 <= irow < self.num_rows): break # guarantee that the user guesses an empty space on the first guess if (self.firstTurn): self.game_board.guaranteeEmptyCell(irow, icol) # flipping if (action == "1" and not (self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isFlagged or self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isMarked)): # flip the tile the user guessed self.game_board.board[irow][icol].flip() # if the user guesses an empty tile... if (self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isEmpty()): self.game_board.clearEmptyCells(irow, icol) # if the users loses... if (self.game_board.hasLost(irow, icol)): self.screen = "7" # if the user wins... if (self.game_board.hasWon()): current_time = time.time() self.score = int(current_time - self.start_time) self.screen = "8" self.firstTurn = False # flagging elif (action == "2" and self.firstTurn == False and self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isFlipped == False): self.game_board.board[irow][icol].clicks += 1 if (self.game_board.board[irow][icol].clicks % 3 == 1): self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isFlagged = True self.mines_remaining -= 1 elif (self.game_board.board[irow][icol].clicks % 3 == 2): self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isMarked = True self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isFlagged = False self.mines_remaining += 1 else: self.game_board.board[irow][icol].isMarked = False