def test_save_crops(self): "Save crops" with temp_directory_with_files(TESTDATA / 'shapes.inselect', TESTDATA / 'shapes.png') as tempdir: main([str(tempdir)]) crops = tempdir / 'shapes_crops' self.assertEqual(5, len(list(crops.glob('*jpg'))))
def test_save_crops_with_existing(self): "Attempt to save crops over an existing directory" with temp_directory_with_files(TESTDATA / 'shapes.inselect', TESTDATA / 'shapes.png') as tempdir: # Create crops dir crops = tempdir / 'shapes_crops' crops.mkdir() main([str(tempdir)]) # nose hooks up stdout to a file-like object stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue() self.assertIn('exists - skipping', stdout)
def test_save_crops_with_template(self): "Save crops using a metadata template" with temp_directory_with_files(TESTDATA / 'shapes.inselect', TESTDATA / 'shapes.png') as tempdir: main([str(tempdir), '--template={0}'.format(TESTDATA / 'test.inselect_template')]) # nose hooks up stdout to a file-like object # TODO this is not true if nosetests is run with '--nocapture' stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue() self.assertIn('because there are validation problems', stdout) self.assertIn('Box [1] [0001] lacks mandatory field [Taxonomy]', stdout) self.assertIn('Box [1] [0001] lacks mandatory field [Location]', stdout) self.assertIn( 'Could not parse value of [catalogNumber] [1] for box [1] [0001]', stdout ) crops = tempdir / 'shapes_crops' self.assertFalse(crops.is_dir())