def test_add_institution(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['positions'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_institution(institution='Colgate University', start_date='1994-02-01', end_date='1995-01-31', rank='PHD', record={"$ref": "http://180"}, curated=True, current=False) expected = [{ "institution": 'Colgate University', "start_date": u'1994-02-01', "end_date": u'1995-01-31', "rank": 'PHD', "record": { "$ref": "http://180" }, "curated_relation": True, "current": False }] result = author.obj['positions'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_project(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['project_membership'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_project(name='pariatur', start_date='1997-05-01', end_date='2001-12-31', record={"$ref": "http://180"}, curated=True, current=True) expected = [{ "name": 'pariatur', "start_date": u'1997-05-01', "end_date": u'2001-12-31', "record": { "$ref": "http://180" }, "curated_relation": True, "current": True }] result = author.obj['project_membership'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_arxiv_category(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['arxiv_categories'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_arxiv_category('math.CV') expected = ["math.CV"] result = author.obj['arxiv_categories'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_bai(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['ids'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_bai('T.Zivko.1') expected = [{"value": "T.Zivko.1", "schema": "INSPIRE BAI"}] result = author.obj['ids'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_advisor_normalizes_name(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['advisors'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_advisor('Riccardo Torres Jr') expected = [{"name": 'Torres, Riccardo, Jr.', "curated_relation": False}] result = author.obj['advisors'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_twitter(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['ids'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_twitter('') expected = [{"value": "", "schema": "TWITTER"}] result = author.obj['ids'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_orcid(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['ids'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_orcid('0000-0002-7638-5686') expected = [{"value": "0000-0002-7638-5686", "schema": "ORCID"}] result = author.obj['ids'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_blog(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['urls'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_blog('') expected = [{"value": "", "description": "blog"}] result = author.obj['urls'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_author_builder_set_name_normalizes_name(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['name'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_name('Riccardo Torre') expected = {'value': 'Torre, Riccardo'} result = author.obj['name'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_set_status(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['status'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_status('active') expected = 'active' result = author.obj['status'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_url_without_description(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['urls'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_url('') expected = [{"value": ""}] result = author.obj['urls'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_email_address(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['email_addresses'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_email_address('*****@*****.**') expected = [{"value": '*****@*****.**'}] result = author.obj['email_addresses'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_private_note_without_source(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['_private_notes'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_private_note('this is an example') expected = [{"value": 'this is an example'}] result = author.obj['_private_notes'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_institution_sorts_by_start_date(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['positions'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_institution(institution='First University', start_date='1950-02-01') author.add_institution(institution='Dateless University') author.add_institution(institution='Colgate University', start_date='1994-02-01') expected = [{ "institution": 'Colgate University', "start_date": u'1994-02-01', "curated_relation": False, "current": False }, { "institution": 'First University', "start_date": u'1950-02-01', "curated_relation": False, "current": False }, { "institution": 'Dateless University', "curated_relation": False, "current": False }] result = author.obj['positions'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_email_addresses_with_hidden_parameter(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['email_addresses'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_email_address('*****@*****.**', hidden=True) expected = [{ "value": '*****@*****.**', "hidden": True, }] result = author.obj['email_addresses'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_linkedin(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['ids'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_linkedin('') expected = [{ "value": "", "schema": "LINKEDIN" }] result = author.obj['ids'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_advisor(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['advisors'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_advisor(name='Torres, Riccardo', ids=[{ "schema": "DESY", "value": "DESY-55924820881" }, { "schema": "SCOPUS", "value": "7039712595" }, { "schema": "SCOPUS", "value": "8752067273" }], degree_type='bachelor', record={ "$ref": "http://180" }, curated=True) expected = [{ "name": 'Torres, Riccardo', "ids": [{ "schema": "DESY", "value": "DESY-55924820881" }, { "schema": "SCOPUS", "value": "7039712595" }, { "schema": "SCOPUS", "value": "8752067273" }], "degree_type": 'bachelor', "record": { "$ref": "http://180" }, "curated_relation": True }] result = author.obj['advisors'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_author_builder_default_constructor(): expected = { '_collections': ['Authors'], } result = AuthorBuilder() assert expected == result.obj
def test_add_project_normalizes_end_date(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['project_membership'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_project(name='pariatur', end_date='5 2016 January') expected = [{ "name": 'pariatur', "end_date": u'2016-01-05', "curated_relation": False, "current": False }] result = author.obj['project_membership'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_institution_normalizes_end_date(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['positions'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_institution(institution='Colgate University', end_date='31 January 2005') expected = [{ "institution": 'Colgate University', "end_date": u'2005-01-31', "curated_relation": False, "current": False }] result = author.obj['positions'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_institution_normalizes_start_date(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['positions'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_institution(institution='Colgate University', start_date='February 1 1994') expected = [{ "institution": 'Colgate University', "start_date": u'1994-02-01', "curated_relation": False, "current": False }] result = author.obj['positions'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_project_normalizes_start_date(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['project_membership'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_project(name='pariatur', start_date='1999 February') expected = [{ "name": 'pariatur', "start_date": u'1999-02', "curated_relation": False, "current": False, "hidden": False }] result = author.obj['project_membership'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_project_sorts_by_start_date(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['project_membership'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_project(name='earliest one', start_date='1949-05-01') author.add_project(name='pariatur', start_date='1997-05-01') expected = [ { 'name': 'pariatur', 'start_date': u'1997-05-01', 'curated_relation': False, 'current': False, }, { 'name': 'earliest one', 'start_date': '1949-05-01', 'curated_relation': False, 'current': False, }, ] result = author.obj['project_membership'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_set_display_name_can_be_called_multiple_times(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['name'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_name('Torre, Riccardo') author.set_display_name('Ricardo') author.set_display_name('Rick') expected = {'value': 'Torre, Riccardo', 'preferred_name': 'Rick'} result = author.obj['name'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_multiple_native_names(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['name'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_name('Torre, Riccardo') author.add_native_name('Rick') author.add_native_name('Torrecillas') author.add_native_name('Ricardo') expected = { 'value': 'Torre, Riccardo', 'native_names': [ 'Rick', 'Torrecillas', 'Ricardo', ] } result = author.obj['name'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_acquisition_source(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['acquisition_source'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_acquisition_source( method='submitter', submission_number='12', internal_uid=1, email='*****@*****.**', orcid='0000-0001-8528-2091', ) expected = { 'method': 'submitter', 'submission_number': '12', 'internal_uid': 1, 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'orcid': '0000-0001-8528-2091', } result = author.obj['acquisition_source'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_arxiv_category_accepts_multiple_categories(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['arxiv_categories'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.add_arxiv_category('math.CV') author.add_arxiv_category('astro-ph.HE') author.add_arxiv_category('econ.EM') expected = [ "math.CV", "astro-ph.HE", "econ.EM", ] result = author.obj['arxiv_categories'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_name_variant(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['name'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_name('Abad, Francisco Jose Garcia') author.add_native_name('Garcia Abad') author.add_native_name('Francisco Jose') # record 1653906 expected = { 'value': 'Abad, Francisco Jose Garcia', 'native_names': ['Garcia Abad', 'Francisco Jose'] } result = author.obj['name'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_author_builder_set_name_can_be_called_multiple_times(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['name'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_name('Richard Tower') author.set_name('Riccardo Torre') expected = {'value': 'Torre, Riccardo'} result = author.obj['name'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result
def test_add_previous_name(): schema = load_schema('authors') subschema = schema['properties']['name'] author = AuthorBuilder() author.set_name('Bannanje Sripath Acharya') author.add_previous_name('Do not confuse with Acharya, Bobby Samir') expected = { 'value': 'Acharya, Bannanje Sripath', 'previous_names': ['Do not confuse with Acharya, Bobby Samir'] } result = author.obj['name'] assert validate(result, subschema) is None assert expected == result