def do_install( self, repository_dict ):
     admin_email = '*****@*****.**'
     admin_username = '******'
     self.login( email=admin_email, username=admin_username )
     admin_user = test_db_util.get_user( admin_email )
     assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email %s from the database' % admin_email
     test_db_util.get_private_role( admin_user )
     # Install the repository through the web interface using twill.  The install_repository() method may
     # actually install more than this singe repository because repository dependencies can be installed.
     self.install_repository( repository_dict )
 def do_installation( self, repository_info_dict ):
     self.login( email='*****@*****.**', username='******' )
     admin_user = test_db_util.get_user( '*****@*****.**' )
     assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email %s from the database' % admin_email
     admin_user_private_role = test_db_util.get_private_role( admin_user )
     # Install the repository through the web interface using twill.
     self.install_repository( repository_info_dict )
 def do_installation(self, repository_info_dict):
     self.login(email='*****@*****.**', username='******')
     admin_user = test_db_util.get_user('*****@*****.**')
     assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email %s from the database' % admin_email
     admin_user_private_role = test_db_util.get_private_role(admin_user)
     # Install the repository through the web interface using twill.
Example #4
 def do_install(self, repository_dict):
     self.login(email='*****@*****.**', username='******')
     admin_user = test_db_util.get_user('*****@*****.**')
     assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email %s from the database' % admin_email
     admin_user_private_role = test_db_util.get_private_role(admin_user)
     # Install the repository through the web interface using twill.  The install_repository() method may
     # actually install more than this singe repository because repository dependencies can be installed.
 def do_deactivate_or_uninstall( self, repository_info_dict, deactivate=False ):
     self.login( email='*****@*****.**', username='******' )
     admin_user = test_db_util.get_user( '*****@*****.**' )
     assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email %s from the database' % admin_email
     # Get the repository from the database.
     repository = test_db_util.get_installed_repository_by_name_owner_changeset_revision( repository_info_dict[ 'name' ],
                                                                                          repository_info_dict[ 'owner' ],
                                                                                          repository_info_dict[ 'changeset_revision' ] )
     admin_user_private_role = test_db_util.get_private_role( admin_user )
     # Uninstall the repository through the web interface using twill.
     self.deactivate_or_uninstall_repository( repository, deactivate )
 def do_uninstallation(self, repository_info_dict):
     self.login(email='*****@*****.**', username='******')
     admin_user = test_db_util.get_user('*****@*****.**')
     assert admin_user is not None, 'Problem retrieving user with email %s from the database' % admin_email
     # Get the repository from the database.
     repository = test_db_util.get_installed_repository_by_name_owner_changeset_revision(
         repository_info_dict['name'], repository_info_dict['owner'],
     admin_user_private_role = test_db_util.get_private_role(admin_user)
     # Uninstall the repository through the web interface using twill.