Example #1
def calculate_solution_runs(instance: Instance, solution, matrix):
    '''Calculates the timeline for every schedule in the solution.'''
    runs = []
    torpedoes = []

    def _get_idle_torpedo(time):
        for torpedo in torpedoes:
            if time >= torpedo.current_run.start_empty_buffer:
                return torpedo
        torpedo = _Torpedo(len(torpedoes))
        return torpedo

    for bf_id, converter_id in enumerate(solution):
        if converter_id == -1:
            start, end, start_bf, end_bf = instance.get_emergency_interval(
            torpedo = _get_idle_torpedo(start)
            if torpedo.current_run is not None:
                torpedo.current_run.end_empty_buffer = start

            run = _EmergencyTorpedoRun(
                torpedo.torpedo_id, bf_id, start_bf, end_bf, end, -1)
            torpedo.current_run = run
            schedule = matrix[converter_id].sparse_list[bf_id]
            start = schedule.start_time
            torpedo = _get_idle_torpedo(start)
            if torpedo.current_run is not None:
                torpedo.current_run.end_empty_buffer = start
            run = _TorpedoRun.compile(instance, schedule, torpedo.torpedo_id)
            torpedo.current_run = run

    latest_time = instance.get_latest_time()
    for torpedo in torpedoes:
        torpedo.current_run.end_empty_buffer = latest_time

    return runs, torpedoes
Example #2
 def create(instance: Instance, solution, matrix):
     '''Create a timeline with state distribution
     for each time slot of the instance.
     timeline = timeline = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
                            for t in range(instance.get_latest_time() + 1)]
     for bf_id, converter_id in enumerate(solution):
         if converter_id == -1:
             start_time, schedule_timeline \
                 = create_emergency_timeline(instance, bf_id)
             i = start_time
             for state in schedule_timeline:
                 timeline[i][state] += 1
                 i += 1
             schedule = matrix[converter_id].sparse_list[bf_id]
             schedule_timeline \
                 = create_schedule_timeline(instance, schedule)
             i = schedule.start_time
             for state in schedule_timeline:
                 timeline[i][state] += 1
                 i += 1
     return ConflictTimeline(instance, timeline)