def FanAlert(curtemp, status): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'../fishtank.conf') # send push notification app = App(appid=config.get('push', 'app_id'), secret=config.get('push', 'app_secret')) app.notify(event_name='FanAlert', trackers={ 'curtemp': curtemp, 'status': status})
def ControlAlert(channel, status): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'../fishtank.conf') # send push notification app = App(appid=config.get('push', 'app_id'), secret=config.get('push', 'app_secret')) app.notify(event_name='ControlAlert', trackers={ 'channel': channel, 'status': status})
def pushMessage(event_name, message): ''' Args: event_name: 发送到instapush对应的App名称 message: 要推送的信息, dict类型,{key1:value1, key2:value2},对应于instapush相应的trackers ''' app = App(appid=App_ID, secret=App_secret) app.notify(event_name=event_name, trackers=message)
def send_via_insta(msg): ''' need correct appid and secret, or this script could not work ''' global appid global secret app = App(appid=appid, secret=secret) # event_name is pre-configured at # 'message' is also pre-configured app.notify(event_name='rpi3b', trackers={'message': msg})
def notify(title, check_num=0, type_info=1): app = App(appid=os.getenv('instapush_id'), secret=os.getenv('instapush_secret')) try: if type_info == 1: res = app.notify(event_name='get_list', trackers={'title': title, 'check_num':check_num}) else: date_info = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') res = app.notify(event_name='zhihufav', trackers={'title': title, 'date':date_info}) print(res) except Exception, e: print(Exception) print(e)
def TempAlert(sensor, curtemp, maxtemp, mintemp): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()'../fishtank.conf') # send push notification app = App(appid=config.get('push', 'app_id'), secret=config.get('push', 'app_secret')) app.notify(event_name='TempsAlert', trackers={ 'sensor': sensor, 'curtemp': curtemp, 'maxtemp': maxtemp, 'mintemp': mintemp}) # send email notification sender = config.get('email', 'sender') receiver = [ config.get('email', 'receiver') ] smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP(config.get('email', 'smtp')) smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receiver, message % (sender, receiver, sensor, sensor,, curtemp, maxtemp, mintemp)) smtpObj.quit()
async def main(): init() app = App(appid='5972ed6da4c48a4118de80b2', secret='3acda6333f7422e45f24ecbc5aa971d5') print("loading webdriver...") drv = webdriver.PhantomJS() while True: print("fetching danawa...") l = drv.get("") result = drv.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@class="big_price"]') date = drv.find_element_by_xpath('//span[@class="product_date"]') t = result.text t = re.sub(',', '', t) date = date.text print(t) with db.get_conn(): o = p = [] for i in o: with db.get_conn(): p.append(i.price) if len(p) == 0: p.append('0') v = int(t) - int(p[-1]) now ='%Y%m%d-%H%M') d = {'date': date, 'localdate': now, 'title': 'Toshiba 3T', 'price': t} #with db.get_conn(): with db.atomic(): Price.insert_many([d]).execute() msg = "toshiba 3T: {} ( {})\n(<--{}won<---{}won)".format( t, v, p[-1], p[-2]) # 가격변동이 있을 때만 InstaPushing 합니다 if v != 0 or int(t) < 90000: print('price is different. instapushing!!!') app.notify(event_name='alarm', trackers={'msg': msg}) #app.notify(event_name = 'alarm', trackers={'msg': msg}) print('sleep {} secs'.format(INTERVAL)) # cpu load를 없애기 위함입니다. danawa 페이지 왜저리 자원을 많이 먹죠? ㄷㄷㄷ drv.get('') await asyncio.sleep(INTERVAL)
def notify(title, message, event_name, appid, secret, trackers, retcode=None): """ Required parameter: * ``event_name`` - Instapush event (the notification template) * ``appid`` - The appid found on the dashboard * ``secret`` - The secret found on the dashboard * ``traskers`` - List of the placeholders for the selected event """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _msgs = re.split(r'(?<!\\):', message) msgs = [] for msg in _msgs: msg = msg.replace("\\:", ":") msgs.append(msg) if len(msgs) != len(trackers): logger.error(('Wrong number of messages! There are {} trackers so you ' 'have to provide {} messages. Remember to separate each ' 'message with \':\' (example: send "msg1:msg2")').format( len(trackers), len(trackers))) raise WrongMessageCountException() to_send = {} for tracker, msg in zip(trackers, msgs): to_send[tracker] = msg app = App(appid=appid, secret=secret) res = app.notify(event_name=event_name, trackers=to_send) if res["status"] != 200: logger.error(res["msg"]) raise ApiException()
def send_push_notification(self, alarmMesssage): # pip install instapush #insta = Instapush(user_token='57c5f710a4c48a6d45ee19ce') #insta.list_app() #List all apps #insta.add_app(title='Home Surveillance') #Create a app named title app = App(appid='57c5f92aa4c48adc4dee19ce', secret='2ed5c7b8941214510a94cfe4789ddb9f') #app.list_event() #List all event #app.add_event(event_name='FaceDetected', trackers=['message'], # message='{message} face detected.') app.notify(event_name='FaceDetected', trackers={ 'message': "NOTIFICATION ALERT\n================\n" + alarmMesssage })
class MongoPipeline(object): collection_name = "recipe_item" def __init__(self, mongo_uri, mongo_db, instapush_appid, instapush_secret): self.mongo_uri = mongo_uri self.mongo_db = mongo_db self.instapush_app = None if instapush_appid and instapush_secret: from instapush import App self.instapush_app = App(appid=instapush_appid, secret=instapush_secret) @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler): return cls(mongo_uri=crawler.settings.get("MONGO_URI"), mongo_db=crawler.settings.get("MONGO_DATABASE"), instapush_appid=crawler.settings.get("INSTAPUSH_APPID", ""), instapush_secret=crawler.settings.get( "INSTAPUSH_SECRET", "")) def open_spider(self, spider): self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.mongo_uri) self.db = self.client[self.mongo_db] if self.instapush_app: self.instapush_app.notify(event_name='spider_events', trackers={'event': 'starts'}) def close_spider(self, spider): self.client.close() if self.instapush_app: self.instapush_app.notify(event_name='spider_events', trackers={'event': 'stops'}) def process_item(self, item, spider): self.db[self.collection_name].insert_one(dict(item)) return item
def save_data(self, trigger_id, **data): """ let's save the data :param trigger_id: trigger ID from which to save data :param data: the data to check to be used and save :type trigger_id: int :type data: dict :return: the status of the save statement :rtype: boolean """ title, content = super(ServiceInstapush, self).save_data(trigger_id, **data) instance = InstapushModel.objects.get(trigger_id=trigger_id) Instapush(user_token=self.token) app = App(appid=instance.app_id, secret=instance.app_secret) trackers = {instance.tracker_name: content} status = app.notify(event_name=instance.event_name, trackers=trackers) return status
def Pushinformation(Ip_address_Eth0,Ip_address_wlan0,Ip_address_internet,Exist_Eth,Exist_wlan,Exist_Internet) : # This function can push information to mobile phone. # Note the app tag, It need to be changed to your own tag before you use it, or I will receive your Ip address... app = App(appid = '561bac12a4c48a31793792b5', secret = '5b3446093d50511955f95b589988c541') local_time = time.localtime() string_time = 'Now Time is : ' + str(local_time[3]) + ' : ' + str(local_time[4]) app.notify(event_name = 'Report_IP_address_of_raspberry_pi', trackers ={'Message': string_time}) if Exist_Eth: string_Eth0 = 'Eth Ip address : ' + Ip_address_Eth0 app.notify(event_name = 'Report_IP_address_of_raspberry_pi', trackers ={'Message': string_Eth0}) if Exist_wlan: string_wlan0 = 'Wlan Ip address : ' + Ip_address_wlan0 app.notify(event_name = 'Report_IP_address_of_raspberry_pi', trackers ={'Message': string_wlan0}) if Exist_Internet: string_internet = 'Internet Ip address : ' + Ip_address_internet app.notify(event_name = 'Report_IP_address_of_raspberry_pi', trackers ={'Message': string_internet})
class Pusher: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config = App(appid=self.config['APPID'], secret=self.config['SECRET']) def push(self, msg): try: ret =['EVENT_NAME'], trackers={self.config['TRACKERS']: str(msg)}) except Exception: Log.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) return False if ret == None: Log.log_error('Unknown error.') return False if ret['error']: Log.log_error('Push error, msg: {}'.format(ret['msg'])) return False return True
def notify(title, message, event_name, appid, secret, trackers, retcode=None): """ Required parameter: * ``event_name`` - Instapush event (the notification template) * ``appid`` - The appid found on the dashboard * ``secret`` - The secret found on the dashboard * ``traskers`` - List of the placeholders for the selected event """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _msgs = re.split(r"(?<!\\):", message) msgs = [] for msg in _msgs: msg = msg.replace("\\:", ":") msgs.append(msg) if len(msgs) != len(trackers): logger.error( ( "Wrong number of messages! There are {} trackers so you " "have to provide {} messages. Remember to separate each " "message with ':' (example: send \"msg1:msg2\")" ).format(len(trackers), len(trackers)) ) raise WrongMessageCountException() to_send = {} for tracker, msg in zip(trackers, msgs): to_send[tracker] = msg app = App(appid=appid, secret=secret) res = app.notify(event_name=event_name, trackers=to_send) if res["status"] != 200: logger.error(res["msg"]) raise ApiException()
while True: if ( gpio.input(door_pin) and door == 1 ): logging.debug("Checking Opened") result = bluetooth.lookup_name('', timeout=5) if (result != None): logging.debug("Tim opened door") doorChange('tim', 1, 0) process = subprocess.Popen(welcomeHomeBash.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] else: logging.debug("Unknown opened door") process = subprocess.Popen(intruderOpenBash.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] appPush.notify(event_name='Test', trackers={ 'event': 'Door Opened'}) doorChange('unknown', 1,3) door = 0 time.sleep(1) if ( gpio.input(door_pin) == False and door!= 1): logging.debug("Checking Closed") result = bluetooth.lookup_name('', timeout=5) if (result != None): logging.debug("Tim closed the door") doorChange('tim', 0, 0) process = subprocess.Popen(goodbyeHomeBash.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] else:
output_file = open(".added_history", "r+") added_history = output_file_human = open("added_history", "r+") added_history_human = turl = Config.get('Transmission', 'url') tusr = Config.get('Transmission', 'usr') tpwd = Config.get('Transmission', 'pwd') SESSID = subprocess.check_output("curl --silent --anyauth --user " + tusr + ":" + tpwd + " " + turl + " | sed 's/.*<code>//g;s/<\/code>.*//g'", shell=True) loG(1, SESSID) if "X-Transmission-Session-Id:" not in SESSID: loG(1, "ERROR - SESSID non valido!!") app.notify(event_name='error', trackers={'message': 'SESSID non valido!!'}) quit() emailsub = '[pyTorrent] Torrent aggiunto!' emailmsg = '<h1>pyTorrent</h1>' #loG(1,d.entries) for ee in d.entries: loG(2, '__Valutando__ ' + ee.title) for serie in utili: path = Series.get(serie, 'path') ignorez = Series.get(serie, 'ignore') nyd = Series.get(serie, 'needed') if dim(ee.title, serie, ignorez.split(','), nyd): a += 1 loG(1, ' Published: ' + ee.published) loG(1, ' Title: ' + ee.title) loG(1, ' Filename: ' + ee.torrent_filename)
if (gpio.input(door_pin) and door == 1): logging.debug("Checking Opened") result = bluetooth.lookup_name('', timeout=5) if (result != None): logging.debug("Tim opened door") doorChange('tim', 1, 0) process = subprocess.Popen(welcomeHomeBash.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] else: logging.debug("Unknown opened door") process = subprocess.Popen(intruderOpenBash.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0] appPush.notify(event_name='Test', trackers={'event': 'Door Opened'}) doorChange('unknown', 1, 3) door = 0 time.sleep(1) if (gpio.input(door_pin) == False and door != 1): logging.debug("Checking Closed") result = bluetooth.lookup_name('', timeout=5) if (result != None): logging.debug("Tim closed the door") doorChange('tim', 0, 0) process = subprocess.Popen(goodbyeHomeBash.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.communicate()[0]
# -*- coding:utf8 -*- import sys reload(sys) from instapush import Instapush,App app=App(appid='5716c8375659e3a956080a46',secret='ae9a83ef6a5ffbc976309d9cc3f911f6') #app.notify('Gec',{'isim':'Namık ERDOĞAN','tarih':'2016-04-20','gir':'giriş','saat':'9:51'}) a1="Namık ERDOĞAN" a2="22:12:00" a3="2014/04/20" appnot={'plu':a1} app.notify(event_name='sat',trackers=appnot)
def call_me(message): app = App(appid='566572b8a4c48a7953d79bf8', secret='de395badf71ff5ebb6bc8275ba7184e7') app.notify(event_name='message', trackers={ 'message': message})
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Author : ATIME # @License : GNU General Public License # @Contact : [email protected] # @Time : 2017/12/19 10:33 # @File : # @Version : Python2.7.14 from instapush import Instapush, App # insta = Instapush(user_token='xxxxxxx') # # insta.list_app() #List all apps # # insta.add_app(title='title') #Create a app named title app = App(appid='5a387736a4c48a6e16fc3061', secret='a3aad896c2f71175cb64b6f515bd7624') print(app.list_event()) app.add_event(event_name='signups', trackers=['email'], message='{email} hia hia hia') app.notify(event_name='signups', trackers={'email': '*****@*****.**'})
def instapush(username,time,content): app = App(appid='appid',secret='app secret') app.notify(event_name='Weibo',trackers={"username":username,"time":time,"weibo":content}) return
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import os.path from instapush import Instapush, App GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) input_state = GPIO.input(4) if input_state == False and os.path.isfile('active') == False: open('active', 'a') app = App(appid='xxxxxxxx', secret='xxxxxxxx') app.notify(event_name='Baby_Monitor', trackers={'Baby': 'Louis'}) time.sleep(600) os.remove('active')
subreddit = r.get_subreddit('bapcsalescanada') def get_titles( subreddit ): try: submissions = subreddit.get_new(limit=5) except: print "Error getting submissions." return [] titles = [] try: for post in submissions: titles.append(post.title.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')) except: print "Error parsing titles" return titles previous = [] while not previous: previous = get_titles(subreddit) sleep(10) while True: current = get_titles(subreddit) if not current: continue for title in list(set(current) - set(previous)): print title app.notify(event_name='newpost', trackers={'title': title}) previous = current sleep(10)
def push(): app = App(appid='595713a2a4c48ae3b8b70aa0', secret='78fbc7d58e750b37773b3dbd13c967c5') app.notify(event_name='alarm', trackers={'msg': '하핫'})
def notify(): babyname, appid, secret = Notify.readcfg() app = App(appid=appid, secret=secret) app.notify(event_name='BabyCam', trackers={'Baby': babyname}) time.sleep(600)
def instapush(self,username,time,status): action = {'W_chat_stat_online':'上线了','W_chat_stat_offline':'下线了'} app = App(appid='appid',secret='secret') app.notify(event_name='WeiboStat',trackers={"username":username,"time":time,"status":action[status]})
def push_notification(message): app = App(appid=INSTAPUSH_ID, secret=INSTAPUSH_SECRET) app.notify(event_name='ThermAlert', trackers={ 'message': message})