Example #1
def test_intcode():
    assert Executor(
    ).complete() == [
        109, 1, 204, -1, 1001, 100, 1, 100, 1008, 100, 16, 101, 1006, 101, 0,
    assert Executor(Code('1102,34915192,34915192,7,4,7,99,0')).complete() == [
    assert Executor(
        Code('104,1125899906842624,99')).complete() == [1125899906842624]
Example #2
def part2(data):
    code = Code(data)
    code[0] = 2  # free play
    exe = Executor(code)
    ball = 0
    paddle = 0

    def track_ball():
        # simple strategy - paddle tracks ball
        if ball < paddle:
            return -1
        elif ball > paddle:
            return 1
        return 0

    exe.input_next = track_ball
    for x, y, t in zip(exe.runner, exe.runner, exe.runner):
        if (x, y) == (-1, 0):
            print("\033[1;45H%10d" % t)
        if t == 4:
            ball = x
        elif t == 3:
            paddle = x
        print("\033[%d;%dH%s" % (y + 1, x + 1, ch[t]))

Example #3
def part1(data):
    exe = Executor(Code(data))
    it = iter(exe.complete())
    tiles = list(zip(it, it, it))
    mx = max(x for x, _, _ in tiles) + 1
    my = max(y for _, y, _ in tiles) + 1
    board = np.zeros((my, mx))
    for x, y, i in tiles:
        board[y, x] = i
    return (board == 2).sum()
Example #4
def part1(data):
    code = Code(data)
    computers = [Executor(code, [i, -1]) for i in range(50)]
    while True:
        for i, computer in enumerate(computers):
            addr, x, y = computer.executen(3)
            if addr == 255:
                return y
            if addr is not None:
                computers[addr].inputs.extend([x, y])

    return None
Example #5
def walk(data):
    exe = Executor(Code(data))
    grid = {}
    queue = [Point(0, 0, [])]
    draw(0, 0, '.')
    breadth = True
    while True:
        p = queue.pop(0)
        # check each direction
        for i in (1, 2, 3, 4):
            nx = p.x + dx[i]
            ny = p.y + dy[i]
            if (nx, ny) in grid:
            # try this direction
            resp = exe.execute(i)
            assert resp in (0, 1, 2)
            if resp == 0:
                # wall, unchanged
                grid[nx, ny] = '#'
                draw(nx, ny, '#')
            elif resp in (1, 2):
                if resp == 2:
                    part1 = len(p.walk) + 1
                    breadth = False
                c = '.' if resp == 1 else 'O'
                grid[nx, ny] = c
                draw(nx, ny, c)
                # moved - add to explore list
                if resp == 1:
                    # Odd, if you explore from the oxygen we get an
                    # assertion failure (ie position is off).
                    if breadth:
                        queue.append(Point(nx, ny, p.walk + [i]))
                        queue.insert(0, Point(nx, ny, p.walk + [i]))
                # retrace step
                assert exe.execute(rev[i]) == 1

        if not queue:

        # optimisation: return to common point in next point
        np = queue[0]
        i = prefix(np.walk, p.walk)
        for j in reversed(p.walk[i:]):
            assert exe.execute(rev[j]) == 1
        for j in np.walk[i:]:
            assert exe.execute(j) == 1

    return part1, grid
Example #6
def part2(data):
    code = Code(data)

    def point(x, y):
        exe = Executor(code)
        return exe.execute(x, y)

    left = 0
    for row in itertools.count(100):
        # find left edge of this row
        left = next(x for x in itertools.count(left) if point(x, row))
        # check if top right corner is inside beam
        if point(left + 99, row - 99):
            return left * 10000 + (row - 99)  # top left

    # incorrect: 13021155
    return None
Example #7
def part1(data):
    code = Code(data)
    exe = Executor(code)

    def point(x, y):
        exe = Executor(code)
        return exe.execute(x, y)

    def search(start, end, step):
        edge = start
        for row in range(start, end, step):
                edge = next(x for x in range(edge, end, step) if point(x, row))
                yield edge
            except StopIteration:

    lefts = list(search(0, 50, 1))
    rights = list(search(49, -1, -1))
    return sum(rights) - sum(lefts) + len(lefts)
Example #8
def part2(data):
    code = Code(data)
    exe = Executor(code)
    # 0________ = 1  ~A
    # _0_______ = 1  ~B
    # ___1_____ = 1  & D
    # __0__0___ = 1  ~C & ~F
    # __0____1_ = 1  ~C & H
    lines = [
        # Jump if C and F are both holes (~C & ~F)
        'NOT C J',
        'NOT F T',
        'AND T J',

        # Jump if C is a hole and H is not a hole (~C & H)
        'NOT C T',
        'AND H T',
        'OR T J',

        # Jump if B is a hole (~B)
        'NOT B T',
        'OR T J',

        # Jump if A is a hole (~A)
        'NOT A T',
        'OR T J',

        # Walk if D is a hole (D)
        'AND D J',

    for line in lines:
        exe.inputs.extend(map(ord, line))

    for ch in exe.runner:
        if ch > 255:
            return ch
        print(chr(ch), end='')
Example #9
def part2(data):
    code = Code(data)
    computers = [Executor(code, [i, -1]) for i in range(50)]
    nat = []
    ys = set()
    while True:
        blocked = 0
        for i, computer in enumerate(computers):
            addr, x, y = computer.executen(3)
            if addr is None:
                blocked += 1
            if addr == 255:
                nat = [x, y]
                computers[addr].inputs.extend([x, y])

        if blocked == 50:
            if nat[1] in ys:
                return nat[1]
Example #10
def part2(data):
    code = Code(data)
    exe = Executor(code)
    output = ''.join(map(chr, exe.complete()))

    code[0] = 2
    exe = Executor(code)
    # manually devised sequence!
    main = 'A,B,A,B,A,C,B,C,A,C'
    a = 'R,4,L,10,L,10'
    b = 'L,8,R,12,R,10,R,4'
    c = 'L,8,L,8,R,10,R,4'
    live = 'n'  #'y'

    for line in (main, a, b, c, live):
        exe.inputs.extend(map(ord, line))

    for ch in exe.runner:
        if ch > 255:
            return ch
        print(chr(ch), end='')
Example #11
def part1(data):
    code = Code(data)
    exe = Executor(code)
    # 0001 = 1
    # 0010 = X
    # 0011 = X
    # 0100 = X
    # 0101 = 1
    # 0110 = X
    # 0111 = 1
    # 1000 = 0
    # 1001 = 1
    # 1010 = 0
    # 1011 = 1
    # 1100 = 0
    # 1101 = 1
    # 1110 = 0
    # 1111 = 0
    # ~A | (~B & D) | (~C & D)
    lines = [
        'NOT A J',
        'NOT B T',
        'AND D T',
        'OR T J',
        'NOT C T',
        'AND D T',
        'OR T J',
    for line in lines:
        exe.inputs.extend(map(ord, line))

    for ch in exe.runner:
        if ch > 255:
            return ch
        print(chr(ch), end='')
Example #12
def test_day09_part1():
    code = Code(open('input09.txt'))
    assert day09.part1(code) == [3340912345]
Example #13
    exe.inputs = [initial]
    for colour, move in zip(exe.runner, exe.runner):
        grid[pos] = colour
        if move == 0:  # left
            step = (step[1], -step[0])
            step = (-step[1], step[0])
        pos = (pos[0] + step[0], pos[1] + step[1])
        exe.inputs = [grid.get(pos, 0)]
    return grid

def part1(data):
    return len(robot(Executor(code)))

def part2(data):
    grid = robot(Executor(code), initial=1)
    paint = np.array([(pos[1], pos[0]) for pos, colour in grid.items()
                      if colour])
    size = paint.max(axis=0) + [1, 1]
    panel = np.full(size, '.')
    panel[paint[:, 0], paint[:, 1]] = '#'
    return '\n'.join(''.join(row) for row in panel)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    code = Code(open('input11.txt'))
Example #14
#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np

from intcode import Code, Executor

def part1(code):
    return Executor(code).complete(1)

def part2(code):
    return Executor(code).complete(2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    code = Code(open('input09.txt').read())
Example #15
def part1(data):
    exe = Executor(Code(data))
    output = ''.join(map(chr, exe.complete()))
    return part1_map(output)
Example #16
 def __init__(self, data):
     self.exe = Executor(Code(data))
Example #17
def part1(text):
    code = Code(text)
    max_signal = max(
        chain(code, phases) for phases in itertools.permutations(range(5)))
    return max_signal
Example #18
def test_day09_part2():
    code = Code(open('input09.txt'))
    assert day09.part2(code) == [51754]
Example #19
def part2(text):
    code = Code(text)
    max_signal = max(
        feedback(code, phases)
        for phases in itertools.permutations(range(5, 10)))
    return max_signal