Example #1
    def test_text_in_file(self, dummy_text):
        dummy_text = repr(dummy_text)
        filename = "/ZLPB20100101145823.xml"
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmppath:
            with open(tmppath + filename, "w") as opus_file:

            settings = {"integrations.opus.import.xml_path": tmppath}
            ofr = get_opus_filereader(settings=settings)
            files_list = ofr.list_opus_files()
            assert len(files_list) == 1
            text_in = ofr.read_latest()
            assert text_in == dummy_text
Example #2
def parser(target_file: Path,
           opus_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[List, List]:
    """Read an opus file and return units and employees"""
    text_input = get_opus_filereader().read_file(target_file)

    data = xmltodict.parse(text_input)
    data = data["kmd"]
    units = data.get("orgUnit", [])
    employees = data.get("employee", [])
    if opus_id is not None:
        employees = list(filter(lambda x: int(x["@id"]) == opus_id, employees))
        units = list(filter(lambda x: int(x["@id"]) == opus_id, units))
    return units, employees
Example #3
def find_type(opus_id, full_history):
    """Check if the object with the given id is a unit or an employee."""
    dumps = get_opus_filereader().list_opus_files()
    # Search in newest file first
    opus_files = sorted(dumps, reverse=True)
    if not full_history:
        opus_files = [first(opus_files)]
    for f in opus_files:
        units, employees = opus_helpers.parser(dumps[f], opus_id=opus_id)
        employees, terminated_employees = opus_helpers.split_employees_leaves(
        employees = list(employees)
        if units:
            return "organisationenhed", only(units)
        elif employees:
            return "bruger", only(employees)

    terminated_employees = list(terminated_employees)
    if terminated_employees:
        msg = "Employee was terminated, try --full-history"
        msg = f"No object with {opus_id=} was found."
    raise ValueError(msg)
Example #4
    def test_empty_path(self):
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmppath:
            settings = {"integrations.opus.import.xml_path": tmppath}

            ofr = get_opus_filereader(settings=settings)
            assert len(ofr.list_opus_files()) == 0
Example #5
 def test_local(self):
     settings = {}
     ofr = get_opus_filereader(settings=settings)
     assert isinstance(ofr, LocalOpusReader)
Example #6
def read_available_dumps() -> Dict[datetime.datetime, str]:
    dumps = get_opus_filereader().list_opus_files()
    assert len(dumps) > 0, "No Opus files found!"
    return dumps