Example #1
def integral_x(n, z_final=0.505, res=1000):
    #--------------------- input data --------------------------------
    x1, x2 = 0, 1.611
    z1, z2 = 0, 0.505

    #------------------ main program ---------------------------
    def function(x):
        y = spline_interpolator(matrix, nodes, x)
        return y

    nodes = np.linspace(x1, x2, len(aero_data[0]))
    solution = []
    for row in aero_data:
        matrix = spline_coefficient(nodes, row)
        a = def_integral(function, x1, x2, res)

    if n > 2:
        for i in range(n - 2):
            nodes = np.linspace(z1, z2, len(solution))
            matrix = spline_coefficient(nodes, solution)
            solution = indef_integral(function, z1, z2, res)

    if n > 1:
        nodes = np.linspace(z1, z2, len(solution))
        matrix = spline_coefficient(nodes, solution)
        solution = def_integral(function, z1, z_final, res)

    return solution
Example #2
def integral_z(n, x_final=1.611, z_sc=0, res=1000):
    #--------------------- input data --------------------------------
    """ boundaries of the integration """
    x1, x2 = 0, 1.611
    z1, z2 = 0, 0.505

    for row in range(len(grid)):
        for element in range(len(row)):
            z = element * 0.505 / 80
            grid[row][element] = grid[row][element] * (z - z_sc)

    #------------------ main program ---------------------------
    start_time = time.time()  # to calculate runtime of the program
    """ The program can only calculate integrals of functions, not matrixes or wathever.
    This function can only have one variable as input: x-value. It also outputs only one value: y-value (=interpolated aero_data)
    The following defenitinion makes such a function that can later be used in the integral"""
    def function(x):
        y = spline_interpolator(matrix, nodes, x)
        return y

    """ the function 'spline_coefficient(nodes,row)' converts an array of x-values (=nodes) and an array of y-values (=column of the aero_data) into a matrix. This matrix is necessary to use the function 'spline_interpolator'. (see interpolation file for explenation) """
    nodes = np.linspace(z1, z2, len(grid[0]))
    solution = []
    for row in grid:
        matrix = spline_coefficient(nodes, row)
        """ This calculates the definite integral from z1 to z2 of 'function' """
        a = def_integral(function, z1, z2, res)
        """ The result is a 1D array of data corresponding to the values of the definite integrals of interpolated columns of the aero_data """

    if n > 2:
        for i in range(n - 2):
            nodes = np.linspace(x1, x2, len(solution))
            matrix = spline_coefficient(nodes, solution)
            solution = indef_integral(function, x1, x2, res)
    """ This can be used to check the results for when n=1 (only integrated once w.r.t. z-axis) or an intermediate step of another integration"""
    plot_to_show = 2  # Show the plot of the n'th integral. plot_to_show = 0 for no plots.
    if n == 1 or n - 1 == plot_to_show:
        x = np.linspace(0, 1.611, len(solution))
        plt.plot(x, solution)

    if n > 1:
        nodes = np.linspace(x1, x2, len(solution))
        matrix = spline_coefficient(nodes, solution)
        solution = def_integral(function, x1, x_final, res)

    end_time = time.time()
    run_time = end_time - start_time  # print run_time to see the time it took the program to compute
    return solution
def integral_x(n, res=1000):
    newgrid = copy.deepcopy(aero_data)
    x1, x2 = 0, 1.611
    z1, z2 = 0, 0.505

    def cubic_function(x):
        y = cubic_interpolator(matrix, nodes, row, x)
        return y

    nodes = nodes_x
    solution = []
    for row in newgrid:
        matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, row)
        a = def_integral(cubic_function, x1, x2, res)

    if n == 1:
        x = np.linspace(0, 1.611, len(solution))
        plt.plot(x, solution)
        return solution

    nodes = nodes_z
    if n == 2:
        row = solution
        matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, solution)
        solution = def_integral(cubic_function, z1, z2, res)

        for i in range(n - 2):
            row = solution
            matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, solution)
            solution = indef_integral(cubic_function, z1, z2, res)
            nodes = np.linspace(z1, z2, len(solution))

        row = solution
        matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, solution)
        solution = def_integral(cubic_function, z1, z2, res)

#    return solution
    return 0
Example #4
def integral_z(n, x_final=1.611, z_sc=None, res=1000):
    # --------------------- input data --------------------------------
    newgrid = copy.deepcopy(grid)
    """ boundaries of the integration """
    x1, x2 = 0, 1.611
    z1, z2 = 0, 0.505

    if z_sc != None:
        aero_data_z = times_z(aero_data, nodes_z, z_sc)
        newgrid = transpose(aero_data_z)

        plt.imshow(transpose(newgrid), extent=coord_sys,interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.gist_rainbow)

        # ------------------ main program ---------------------------
    start_time = time.time()  # to calculate runtime of the program

    """ The program can only calculate integrals of functions, not matrixes or wathever.
    This function can only have one variable as input: x-value. It also outputs only one value: y-value (=interpolated aero_data)
    The following defenitinion makes such a function that can later be used in the integral"""

    def cubic_function(x):
        y = cubic_interpolator(matrix, nodes,row, x)
        return y

    """ the function 'spline_coefficient(nodes,row)' converts an array of x-values (=nodes) and an array of y-values (=column of the aero_data) into a matrix. This matrix is necessary to use the function 'spline_interpolator'. (see interpolation file for explenation) """
    nodes = nodes_z
    solution = []
    for row in newgrid:
        matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, row)
        """ This calculates the definite integral from z1 to z2 of 'function' """
        a = def_integral(cubic_function, z1, z2, res)
        """ The result is a 1D array of data corresponding to the values of the definite integrals of interpolated columns of the aero_data """

    """ This can be used to check the results for when n=1 """
    if n == 1:
        x = np.linspace(0, 1.611, len(solution))
        plt.plot(x, solution)
        return solution

    nodes = nodes_x
    if n == 2:
        row = solution
        matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, solution)
        solution = def_integral(cubic_function, x1, x_final, res)

        for i in range(n - 2):
            row = solution
            matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, solution)
            solution = indef_integral(cubic_function, x1, x2, res)
            nodes = np.linspace(x1, x2, len(solution))

        row = solution
        matrix = cubic_coefficients(nodes, solution)
        solution = def_integral(cubic_function, x1, x_final, res)

    end_time = time.time()
    run_time = end_time - start_time  # print run_time to see the time it took the program to compute

    return solution