# coding=utf-8

import unittest
import interface_factory
import api_details

interface = interface_factory.get_interface_obj()

# TODO: implement the paypal account log-in as web-based? somehow implement with a bare-bones python web client so it's programmable?
class TestExpressCheckout(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.returnurl = 'http://www.paypal.com'
        self.cancelurl = 'http://www.ebay.com'

    def test_sale(self):

    def test_authorize_and_delayed_capture(self):
        Tests a four-step checkout process involving the following flow::

            One or more calls to `SetExpressCheckout`.
            --- User goes to PayPal, logs in, and confirms shipping, taxes,
                and total amount. ---
            A call to `GetExpressCheckoutDetails`.
            A call to `DoExpressCheckoutPayment`.
            A call to `DoAuthorization`.
            A call to `DoCapture`.
        setexp = interface.set_express_checkout(amt='10.00', returnurl=self.returnurl, \
# coding=utf-8

import unittest
from paypal import PayPalAPIResponseError
import interface_factory
#import api_details

interface = interface_factory.get_interface_obj()

class TestDirectPayment(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.credit_card = {
            'amt': '10.00',
            'creditcardtype': 'Visa',
            'acct': api_details.VISA_ACCOUNT_NO,
            'expdate': api_details.VISA_EXPIRATION,
            'cvv2': '123',
            'firstname': 'John',
            'lastname': 'Doe',
            'street': '1313 Mockingbird Lane',
            'city': 'Beverly Hills',
            'state': 'CA',
            'zip': '90110',
            'countrycode': 'US',
            'currencycode': 'USD',

    def test_sale(self):
        sale = interface.do_direct_payment('Sale', **self.credit_card)