def filter_db_by_crime(db, key='Primary Type'):
    Receives a dataframe, asks user which crimes is interested in,
    filters and returns the database accordingly.
    key optional argument indicates which is the column where the crimes are listed.

    :param db
    :return db

    if not isinstance(db, pd.DataFrame):
        raise TypeError('Invalid object received. Expecting pandas.DataFrame')

    if key not in db.columns:
        raise ValueError('Database does not contain "{}" label to filter.'.format(key))

    # Show available crime types, receive selections from user and filter accordingly.
    selected_crimes = get_options_from_user(db['Primary Type'].unique(), multiple=True)
    db = db[db['Primary Type'].isin(selected_crimes) == True]

    return db
Example #2
def filter_db_by_crime(db, key='Primary Type'):
    Receives a dataframe, asks user which crimes is interested in,
    filters and returns the database accordingly.
    key optional argument indicates which is the column where the crimes are listed.

    :param db
    :return db

    if not isinstance(db, pd.DataFrame):
        raise TypeError('Invalid object received. Expecting pandas.DataFrame')

    if key not in db.columns:
        raise ValueError(
            'Database does not contain "{}" label to filter.'.format(key))

    # Show available crime types, receive selections from user and filter accordingly.
    selected_crimes = get_options_from_user(db['Primary Type'].unique(),
    db = db[db['Primary Type'].isin(selected_crimes) == True]

    return db
Example #3
def main():
    # Maximum number of addresses for analysis allowed


    # Load DB of crimes. If Database is not clean, the program will clean it and the user will have the option to save it
    crimes_database = databases_utils.get_crimes_db()

    # Ask for user to choose a range of years and filter the Database accordingly
    crimes_database = databases_utils.filter_db_by_timeframe(crimes_database)

    # Ask for user to choose one or more types of crime and filter the Database accordingly
    crimes_database = databases_utils.filter_db_by_crime(crimes_database)

    # Create an instance of the CrimesDataFrame class with the filtered Database. This class is in charge of Statistics
    crimes_database = CrimesDataFrame(crimes_database)

    # Create lists to save addresses and addresses names of interest
    user_addresses = []
    user_addresses_names = []

    # Create interface Options
    interface_options = ['Add another address','Delete saved address',
                        'View saved address', 'Comparative analysis','Quit']
    option = 'Add another address'

    # Main loop of the program. It will ask for user input and show maps and analyses until 'Quit' is introduced
    while 1:

        if (not user_addresses) or option == 'Add another address':

                # Create an instance of Address class. It will ask user to input an address, validate it through
                # Google Maps, and calculate/save several attributes of that address.
                address = Address()

            except NoInternetAccess:
                print('No Internet connection found')
                if interface_utils.yesno_question('Continue?'):
                    address = None # Continue with the normal loop without saving the address
                    raise QuitProgram    

            # Create a District Heat Map with maps_builder class and show it.
            if address:
                address.summary = address_analysis(crimes_database, address)
                address_analysis_output(address, crimes_database)

            # User will have the option to save/discard the address after reviewing the Map and Statistics.
            if interface_utils.yesno_question('Keep this address for comparative analysis?'):
                if len(user_addresses) == MAX_ADDRESSES:
                    print 'Maximum number of addresses to save reached, delete one location before adding a new address'
                    if address not in user_addresses:

        # This option will allow the user to review the Map and Stats of an address that was saved.
        elif option == 'View saved address':
            option = interface_utils.get_options_from_user(user_addresses_names + ['Back'], multiple=False)

            if option != 'Back':
                address = user_addresses[user_addresses_names.index(option)]
                address_analysis_output(address, crimes_database)                

        # This option will allow the user to delete one of the saved addresses.
        elif option == 'Delete saved address':
            option = interface_utils.get_options_from_user(user_addresses_names + ['Back'], multiple=False)
            if option != 'Back':

        # This option will create a comparative Map and statistics to analyze and compare the saved addresses.
        elif option == 'Comparative analysis':
            comparative_analysis_output(crimes_database, user_addresses)

        # This option is the only way to end the loop and finish the program
        elif option == 'Quit':
            raise QuitProgram

        # If user_addresses is empty start the loop again directly to ask for an address
        # If there are addresses in user_addresses, offer options on how to continue
        if user_addresses:
            option = interface_utils.get_options_from_user(interface_options, multiple=False)
Example #4
def main():
    # Maximum number of addresses for analysis allowed


    # Load DB of crimes. If Database is not clean, the program will clean it and the user will have the option to save it
    crimes_database = databases_utils.get_crimes_db()

    # Ask for user to choose a range of years and filter the Database accordingly
    crimes_database = databases_utils.filter_db_by_timeframe(crimes_database)

    # Ask for user to choose one or more types of crime and filter the Database accordingly
    crimes_database = databases_utils.filter_db_by_crime(crimes_database)

    # Create an instance of the CrimesDataFrame class with the filtered Database. This class is in charge of Statistics
    crimes_database = CrimesDataFrame(crimes_database)

    # Create lists to save addresses and addresses names of interest
    user_addresses = []
    user_addresses_names = []

    # Create interface Options
    interface_options = [
        'Add another address', 'Delete saved address', 'View saved address',
        'Comparative analysis', 'Quit'
    option = 'Add another address'

    # Main loop of the program. It will ask for user input and show maps and analyses until 'Quit' is introduced
    while 1:

        if (not user_addresses) or option == 'Add another address':

                # Create an instance of Address class. It will ask user to input an address, validate it through
                # Google Maps, and calculate/save several attributes of that address.
                address = Address()

            except NoInternetAccess:
                print('No Internet connection found')
                if interface_utils.yesno_question('Continue?'):
                    address = None  # Continue with the normal loop without saving the address
                    raise QuitProgram

            # Create a District Heat Map with maps_builder class and show it.
            if address:
                address.summary = address_analysis(crimes_database, address)
                address_analysis_output(address, crimes_database)

            # User will have the option to save/discard the address after reviewing the Map and Statistics.
            if interface_utils.yesno_question(
                    'Keep this address for comparative analysis?'):
                if len(user_addresses) == MAX_ADDRESSES:
                    print 'Maximum number of addresses to save reached, delete one location before adding a new address'
                    if address not in user_addresses:

        # This option will allow the user to review the Map and Stats of an address that was saved.
        elif option == 'View saved address':
            option = interface_utils.get_options_from_user(
                user_addresses_names + ['Back'], multiple=False)

            if option != 'Back':
                address = user_addresses[user_addresses_names.index(option)]
                address_analysis_output(address, crimes_database)

        # This option will allow the user to delete one of the saved addresses.
        elif option == 'Delete saved address':
            option = interface_utils.get_options_from_user(
                user_addresses_names + ['Back'], multiple=False)
            if option != 'Back':

        # This option will create a comparative Map and statistics to analyze and compare the saved addresses.
        elif option == 'Comparative analysis':
            comparative_analysis_output(crimes_database, user_addresses)

        # This option is the only way to end the loop and finish the program
        elif option == 'Quit':
            raise QuitProgram

        # If user_addresses is empty start the loop again directly to ask for an address
        # If there are addresses in user_addresses, offer options on how to continue
        if user_addresses:
            option = interface_utils.get_options_from_user(interface_options,