Example #1
def main(url, username, password, target_filepath, imagery_dir):
    """Program to load targets and upload via interoperability.

        url: The interoperability URL.
        username: The interoperability username.
        password: The interoperability password.
        target_filepath: Filepath to the tab-delimited target file.
        imagery_dir: Base to form paths to imagery files.
    # Load target details.
    targets = load_target_file(target_filepath)

    # Form full imagery filepaths.
    targets = [(t, os.path.join(imagery_dir, i)) for t, i in targets]
    # Validate filepath for each image.
    for _, image_filepath in targets:
        if not os.path.exists(image_filepath):
            raise ValueError('Could not find imagery file: %s' %
    # Validate type of each image.
    for _, image_filepath in targets:
        image_type = imghdr.what(image_filepath)
        if image_type not in ['jpeg', 'png']:
            raise ValueError('Invalid imagery type: %s' % image_type)

    # Create client and upload targets.
    client = Client(url, username, password)
    for target, image_filepath in targets:
        image_data = None
        with open(image_filepath, 'rb') as f:
            image_data = f.read()
        target = client.post_target(target)
        client.put_target_image(target.id, image_data)
Example #2
def main(url, username, password, target_filepath, imagery_dir):
    """Program to load targets and upload via interoperability.

        url: The interoperability URL.
        username: The interoperability username.
        password: The interoperability password.
        target_filepath: Filepath to the tab-delimited target file.
        imagery_dir: Base to form paths to imagery files.
    # Load target details.
    targets = load_target_file(target_filepath)

    # Form full imagery filepaths.
    targets = [(t, os.path.join(imagery_dir, i)) for t, i in targets]
    # Validate filepath for each image.
    for _, image_filepath in targets:
        if not os.path.exists(image_filepath):
            raise ValueError('Could not find imagery file: %s' %
    # Validate type of each image.
    for _, image_filepath in targets:
        image_type = imghdr.what(image_filepath)
        if image_type not in ['jpeg', 'png']:
            raise ValueError('Invalid imagery type: %s' % image_type)

    # Create client and upload targets.
    client = Client(url, username, password)
    for target, image_filepath in targets:
        image_data = None
        with open(image_filepath, 'rb') as f:
            image_data = f.read()
        target = client.post_target(target)
        client.put_target_image(target.id, image_data)
Example #3
from interop import Client

c = Client('htts://', 'losangeles', '9886843481')

f = open('test.png', 'rb')
c.put_target_image(1, f)