Example #1
def useNotifyByPubsubMessage(publisher=None, all=True, **kwargs):
    '''Will cause all of pubsub's notifications of pubsub "actions" (such as
    new topic created, message sent, listener subscribed, etc) to be sent
    out as messages. Topic will be 'pubsub' subtopics, such as
    'pubsub.newTopic', 'pubsub.delTopic', 'pubsub.sendMessage', etc.

    The 'all' and kwargs args are the same as pubsub's setNotificationFlags(), 
    except that 'all' defaults to True.
    The publisher is rarely needed:

    * The publisher only needs to be specfied if pubsub is not installed
      on the system search path (ie from pubsub import ... would fail or
      import wrong pubsub -- such as if pubsub is within wxPython's
      wx.lib package). Then pbuModule is the pub module to use::

        from wx.lib.pubsub import pub
        from wx.lib.pubsub.utils import notification

    if publisher is None:
        from intraimport import parentImport
        pub = parentImport('pub')
        publisher = pub.getDefaultPublisher()
    topicMgr = publisher.getTopicMgr()
    notifHandler = NotifyByPubsubMessage(topicMgr)

    publisher.setNotificationFlags(all=all, **kwargs)
def printTreeDocs(rootTopic=None, topicMgr=None, **kwargs):
    '''Print out the topic tree to a file (or file-like object like a
    StringIO), starting at rootTopic. If root topic should be root of
    whole tree, get it from pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot().
    The treeVisitor is an instance of pub.TopicTreeTraverser.

    Printing the tree docs would normally involve this::

        from pubsub import pub
        from pubsub.utils.topictreeprinter import TopicTreePrinter
        traverser = pub.TopicTreeTraverser( TopicTreePrinter(**kwargs) )
        traverser.traverse( pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot() )

    With printTreeDocs, it looks like this::

        from pubsub import pub
        from pubsub.utils import printTreeDocs

    The kwargs are the same as for TopicTreePrinter constructor:
    extra(None), width(70), indentStep(4), bulletTopic, bulletTopicItem,
    bulletTopicArg, fileObj(stdout). If fileObj not given, stdout is used.'''
    if rootTopic is None:
        if topicMgr is None:
            from intraimport import parentImport
            pub = parentImport('pub')
            topicMgr = pub.getDefaultTopicMgr()
        rootTopic = topicMgr.getRootTopic()

    printer = TopicTreePrinter(**kwargs)
    from core.topictreetraverser import TopicTreeTraverser
    traverser = TopicTreeTraverser(printer)
Example #3
def useNotifyByPubsubMessage(publisher=None, all=True, **kwargs):
    '''Will cause all of pubsub's notifications of pubsub "actions" (such as
    new topic created, message sent, listener subscribed, etc) to be sent
    out as messages. Topic will be 'pubsub' subtopics, such as
    'pubsub.newTopic', 'pubsub.delTopic', 'pubsub.sendMessage', etc.

    The 'all' and kwargs args are the same as pubsub's setNotificationFlags(), 
    except that 'all' defaults to True.
    The publisher is rarely needed:

    * The publisher only needs to be specfied if pubsub is not installed
      on the system search path (ie from pubsub import ... would fail or
      import wrong pubsub -- such as if pubsub is within wxPython's
      wx.lib package). Then pbuModule is the pub module to use::

        from wx.lib.pubsub import pub
        from wx.lib.pubsub.utils import notification

    if publisher is None:
        from intraimport import parentImport
        pub = parentImport('pub')
        publisher = pub.getDefaultPublisher()
    topicMgr = publisher.getTopicMgr()
    notifHandler = NotifyByPubsubMessage( topicMgr )
    publisher.setNotificationFlags(all=all, **kwargs)
Example #4
def printTreeDocs(rootTopic=None, topicMgr=None, **kwargs):
    '''Print out the topic tree to a file (or file-like object like a
    StringIO), starting at rootTopic. If root topic should be root of
    whole tree, get it from pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot().
    The treeVisitor is an instance of pub.TopicTreeTraverser.

    Printing the tree docs would normally involve this::

        from pubsub import pub
        from pubsub.utils.topictreeprinter import TopicTreePrinter
        traverser = pub.TopicTreeTraverser( TopicTreePrinter(**kwargs) )
        traverser.traverse( pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot() )

    With printTreeDocs, it looks like this::

        from pubsub import pub
        from pubsub.utils import printTreeDocs

    The kwargs are the same as for TopicTreePrinter constructor:
    extra(None), width(70), indentStep(4), bulletTopic, bulletTopicItem,
    bulletTopicArg, fileObj(stdout). If fileObj not given, stdout is used.'''
    if rootTopic is None:
        if topicMgr is None:
            from intraimport import parentImport
            pub = parentImport('pub')
            topicMgr = pub.getDefaultTopicMgr()
        rootTopic = topicMgr.getRootTopic()

    printer = TopicTreePrinter(**kwargs)
    from core.topictreetraverser import TopicTreeTraverser
    traverser = TopicTreeTraverser(printer)
Example #5
def useNotifyByWriteFile(fileObj=None, prefix=None, 
    publisher=None, all=True, **kwargs):
    '''Will cause all pubsub notifications of pubsub "actions" (such as
    new topic created, message sent, listener died etc) to be written to
    specified file (or stdout if none given). The fileObj need only
    provide a 'write(string)' method.
    The first two arguments are the same as those of NotifyByWriteFile
    constructor. The 'all' and kwargs arguments are those of pubsub's
    setNotificationFlags(), except that 'all' defaults to True.  See
    useNotifyByPubsubMessage() for an explanation of pubModule (typically
    only if pubsub inside wxPython's wx.lib)'''
    notifHandler = NotifyByWriteFile(fileObj, prefix)

    if publisher is None:
        from intraimport import parentImport
        pub = parentImport('pub')
        publisher = pub.getDefaultPublisher()
    publisher.setNotificationFlags(all=all, **kwargs)
Example #6
def useNotifyByWriteFile(fileObj=None, prefix=None, 
    publisher=None, all=True, **kwargs):
    '''Will cause all pubsub notifications of pubsub "actions" (such as
    new topic created, message sent, listener died etc) to be written to
    specified file (or stdout if none given). The fileObj need only
    provide a 'write(string)' method.
    The first two arguments are the same as those of NotifyByWriteFile
    constructor. The 'all' and kwargs arguments are those of pubsub's
    setNotificationFlags(), except that 'all' defaults to True.  See
    useNotifyByPubsubMessage() for an explanation of pubModule (typically
    only if pubsub inside wxPython's wx.lib)'''
    notifHandler = NotifyByWriteFile(fileObj, prefix)

    if publisher is None:
        from intraimport import parentImport
        pub = parentImport('pub')
        publisher = pub.getDefaultPublisher()
    publisher.setNotificationFlags(all=all, **kwargs)