Example #1
def fundamentals_from_fids(fids_list, sandbox=False):

    if sandbox == False:
        intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = config('INTRINIO_KEY')

        security_api = intrinio_sdk.SecurityApi()
    elif sandbox == True:
        intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = config('INTRINIO_SANDBOX_KEY')

        security_api = intrinio_sdk.SecurityApi()

    # Initialize api's
    fapi = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()

    fund_dict = {}
    for id in fids_list:
        for attempt in range(5):
                fundamentals_ret = fapi.get_fundamental_standardized_financials(id)
                print('Connection error. Retry attempt {}'.format(attempt))
        fund_get = fundamentals_ret.standardized_financials_dict
        fund_info = fundamentals_ret.fundamental_dict
        funds = {}
        funds['date'] = fund_info['filing_date']
        funds['fiscal_year'] = fund_info['fiscal_year']
        funds['quarter'] = fund_info['fiscal_period']
        for f in fund_get:
            funds[f['data_tag']['tag'].lower()] = f['value']
        fund_dict[id] = funds
    return fund_dict
import pandas as pd
import intrinio_sdk

    'api_key'] = 'OjJiZDM3OWU0ZTI0YmM5YTdhNzY1NjIwZjczZGRjMjg0'
security_api = intrinio_sdk.SecurityApi()
company_api = intrinio_sdk.CompanyApi()
fundamentals_api = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()

def get_intrinio_hp(query):
    identifier = str(query).upper()
    tag = 'adj_close_price'
    api_response = security_api.get_security_historical_data(identifier,
    hist_prices = pd.DataFrame(api_response.historical_data_dict)
    return hist_prices

def get_intrinio_volume(query):
    identifier = str(query).upper()
    api_response = security_api.get_security_price_technicals_adtv(identifier,
    volume = pd.DataFrame(api_response.technicals_dict)
    return volume

def get_intrinio_wr(query):
    identifier = str(query).upper()
def find_fundamentals(tkr_id, sandbox=False, nocomm=False):
    Returns a list of available fundamental financial indicators for the
    specified company.
    -- tkr_id: stock ticker name. 'AAPL' for Apple inc, 'XOM' for Exxon Mobile Corp. etc.
            (if using a developer sandbox key, only DOW 30 will be available)
    -- sandbox: Use this to turn sandbox mode on and off if you have a developers 
        sandbox api key. Limited to DOW 30, but much less strict limits on api calls.
    *In .env file name main key INTRINIO_KEY and developer sandbox key INTRINIO_SANDBOX_KEY

    # Sandbox check and get env key
    if sandbox == False:
        intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = config(

        security_api = intrinio_sdk.SecurityApi()
    elif sandbox == True:
        intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = config(

        security_api = intrinio_sdk.SecurityApi()

    # Initialize api's
    capi = intrinio_sdk.CompanyApi()
    fapi = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()

    # Set parameters to get most recent financial report
    fund_params = {
        'identifier': tkr_id,
        'filed_after': '2018-06-01',
        'filed_before': '2018-11-01',
        'reported_only': False,
        #     'fiscal_year'  :fiscal_year,
        'statement_code': 'income_statement',
        'type': '',
        'start_date': '',
        'end_date': '',
        'page_size': 1,
        'next_page': ''

    # Get most recent financials report
    fundamentals = capi.get_company_fundamentals(**fund_params)
    id_to_check = fundamentals.fundamentals[0].id
    fun_check = fapi.get_fundamental_standardized_financials(id_to_check)

    available_fun = []

    common = ['date', 'fiscal_year', 'quarter']

    # Make list of available fundamentals and add above
    for fun in fun_check.standardized_financials:
    if nocomm == False:
        for fun in common:
    return (available_fun)
Example #4
def gather_financial_statement_company_compare(api_key, ticker, statement,
                                               year, period,
    Given the tickers, statement, year and period returns all the
        information from the Intrinio API fundamental reported financials
        for that time and those tickers in either a dictionary or a pandas
        dataframe format.

    api_key : str
        API key (sandbox or production) from Intrinio
    ticker : list
        a list of the ticker symbols you would like to study
    statement : str
        the statement that you want to study
        options: 'income_statement', 'cash_flow_statement',
    year : str
        the year you want the information from
    period : str
        the period you want the information from
    output_format : str (optional, default = 'dict')
        the output format for the data, options are 'dict' for dictionary or
        'pddf' for pandas dataframe

    object of type output_format
        information about the given statement for the given tickers at the
        given time in the specified output format

    >>> gather_financial_statement_company_compare(api_key,
    ['AAPL', 'CSCO'], 'income_statement', '2019', 'Q1')
    statements = ['income_statement', 'balance_sheet_statement',

    inputs = {'api_key': api_key, 'statement': statement, 'year': year,
              'period': period}

    intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = api_key
    fundamentals_api = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()

    # Check if api_key, statement, year, period are strings
    for inst in inputs.keys():
        if not isinstance(inputs[inst], str):
            raise TypeError("Invalid data format: " + inst +
                            " must be a string")

    # test if the API Key works
    except Exception:
        msg_apy = "Invalid API Key: please input a valid API key as a string"
        return msg_apy

    # Check if ticker is a list

    if not isinstance(ticker, list):
        raise TypeError("Invalid data format: ticker must be a list")

    # Check if the elements in the ticker list are strings
    for comp in ticker:
        if not isinstance(comp, str):
            raise TypeError(
                'Invalid data format: ticker must be a list of strings')

    # Check if the year is a 4-digits number
    if not len(year) == 4:
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid data format: year must be a string of 4 digits")

    # Check if the output_format is either 'dict' or 'pddf'
    if output_format not in ['dict', 'pddf']:
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid data format: output_format must be 'dict' or 'pddf'"

    # Check if the statement is valid
    if statement not in statements:
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid data format: statement must be a valid type"

    # link with the API
    intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = api_key
    fundamentals_api = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()

    # result will contain a dictionnary for each company.
    # This dictionnary will contain all the information for one company
    result = []

    # for every company
    for comp in ticker:
        # key is the appropriate key to select the information we want
        key = comp + '-' + str(statement) + '-' + str(year) + '-' + str(period)
            # get the object that we want from the API
            fund = fundamentals_api.get_fundamental_reported_financials(
        except Exception:
            msg = "Invalid agruments: please make sure that your statement"
            msg = msg + "/year/period are valid"
            return msg

        my_fund = fund.reported_financials

        # This dictionary will contain all the information for one company
        dict = {}
        dict['ticker'] = comp
        dict['statement'] = statement
        dict['year'] = year
        dict['period'] = period

        # we store all the values, balances, names and the tags
        for i in range(len(my_fund)):
            value = my_fund[i].value
            tag_dic = my_fund[i].xbrl_tag
            balance = tag_dic.balance
            name = tag_dic.name
            tag = tag_dic.tag
            # tag is a key of this dictionnary

            # if the tag is several times in the original object, we keep
            # one tag and the value is the sum or the substraction of
            # all the values of this tag (depending on the value of balance)
            if tag in dict.keys():
                if balance == 'credit':
                    value = dict[tag]['value'] - value
                    value = dict[tag]['value'] + value
            dict[tag] = {'value': value, 'balance': balance, 'name': name}

    if output_format == 'dict':
        return result

    # if the wanted type of the output is a dataframe
        # initialize a new empty dictionnary that we will convert into a
        # dataframe
        # this dictionnary will have the following structure
        # {'name': [name1, name2], 'revenue' :
        # [revenu_company_1, revenue_company_2], ...}
        df = {}

        # for every company
        for i in range(len(result)):

            # select all the information about this company
            sub_dict = result[i]

            # For all the tags that we have for this company
            for val in sub_dict.keys():

                # if the key is already in the df dictionary
                if val in df.keys():

                    # if the value that corresponds to the key is a string
                    # which means that the key is 'ticker', 'statement',
                    # 'year' or 'period'
                    if type(sub_dict[val]) == str:

                        # We append the value of the key

                    # if the value of the key is a dictionary

                        # only take the value that corresponds to the key
                        # 'value'

                # This step is to make sure that all the values in this
                # dictionary (which are lists) are the same length
                # if the tag of the company is not already in the df dictionary

                    if type(sub_dict[val]) == str:
                        # We have to put as many 'None' as the number of
                        # companies for which we already collected the
                        # information
                        df[val] = [None for j in range(i)] + [sub_dict[val]]
                        df[val] = [None for j in range(
                            i)] + [sub_dict[val]['value']]
                        # We add some 'None' to make sure that all the values
                        # are the same length in this dictionary
            for val in df.keys():
                # The length of each value should be i+1
                # (=number of companies we studied)
                if len(df[val]) != i+1:

    return pd.DataFrame(df)
Example #5
def gather_financial_statement_time_series(
        api_key, ticker, statement, year, period, output_format='pddf'):
    Given the tickers, statement, year and period returns the complete
    financial information from the Intrinio API stock data
    api_key : str
      API key (sandbox or production) from Intrinio
    ticker : str
      the ticker symbol you would like to get information for
    statement : str
      the statement that you want to study
      options: 'income_statement', 'cash_flow_statement',
    year : list
      the list containing the years as strings
    period : list
      the list of quarters (as strings) for which you want information
    output_format : str (optional, default = 'pddf')
      the output format for the data, options are 'dict' for dictionary
      or 'pddf' for pandas dataframe
    object of type output_format
      information about the given statement for the given ticker
      at the given times in the specified output format
    >>> gather_financial_statement_time_series(api_key, ticker='AAPL',
    statement='income_statement', year=['2018', '2019'],
    period=['Q1'], output_format='dict')
    # https://data.intrinio.com/data-tags
    available_statements = [
        'income_statement', 'cash_flow_statement', 'balance_sheet_statement'
    inputs = {'api_key': api_key, 'ticker': ticker, 'statement': statement}
    # Check if api_key, ticker and statement are strings
    for inst in inputs.keys():
        if isinstance(inputs[inst], int):
            raise TypeError(
                "Invalid data format: " + inst +
                " must be a string")
        elif isinstance(inputs[inst], float):
            raise TypeError(
                "Invalid data format: " + inst +
                " must be a string")
        elif not isinstance(inputs[inst], str):
            raise NameError("Invalid data format: " + inst +
                            " must be a string")
    # Check if the output_format is either 'dict' or 'pddf'
    if output_format not in ['dict', 'pddf']:
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid data format: output_format" +
            "must be 'dict' or 'pddf'")
    # Check that the value of statement is valid
    if statement not in available_statements:
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid data format: statement must be one of" +
            "'income_statement', 'cash_flow_statement' or " +
    # Check that year is a list
    if isinstance(year, int):
        raise TypeError("Invalid data format: year must be a string")
    elif isinstance(year, float):
        raise TypeError("Invalid data format: year must be a string")
    if not type(year) is list:
        raise NameError("Invalid data format: year must be a list of strings")
    # Check that period is a list
    if not type(period) is list:
        raise NameError(
            "Invalid data format: " +
            "period must be a list of strings")
    # Check that the length of year is 4
    for y in year:
        if not len(y) == 4:
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid data format: " +
                "year must be a string of 4 digits")
    # Initialize API key
    intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = api_key
    fundamentals_api = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()
    # Empty list to store results: reformat later to dataframe
    results = []
    # Outer loop over years, inner loop over quarters
    for i in year:
        for j in period:
            # define key to obtain relevant information
            key = str(ticker) + '-' + str(statement) + \
                '-' + str(i) + '-' + str(j)
            # Obtain req. object from API
                # put stock prices into a variable
                funda = fundamentals_api.get_fundamental_reported_financials(
            except Exception:
                    "Invalid API Key: please input a valid API key as a string"
            my_fund = funda.reported_financials
            # Empty dictionary to append the results : convert to df at the
            # last stage
            my_dict = {}
            my_dict['ticker'] = ticker
            my_dict['statement'] = statement
            my_dict['year'] = i
            my_dict['period'] = j
            for n in range(0, len(my_fund)):
                my_dict[str(my_fund[n].xbrl_tag.tag)] = []
            # add values to the dictionary
            for k in range(0, len(my_fund)):
                for key, val in my_dict.items():
                    if my_fund[k].xbrl_tag.tag == key:
                        my_dict[key] = [sum(my_dict[key])]
    final_df = pd.DataFrame(results)
    # if_else for output format
    if output_format == 'pddf':
        return final_df
        return results
Example #6
from intrinio_sdk.rest import ApiException
from exception.exceptions import DataError, ValidationError
from connectors import intrinio_util
from support.financial_cache import cache
from datetime import timedelta

log = logging.getLogger()

    API_KEY = os.environ['INTRINIO_API_KEY']
except KeyError as ke:
    raise ValidationError("INTRINIO_API_KEY was not set", None)

intrinio_sdk.ApiClient().configuration.api_key['api_key'] = API_KEY

FUNDAMENTALS_API = intrinio_sdk.FundamentalsApi()
COMPANY_API = intrinio_sdk.CompanyApi()
SECURITY_API = intrinio_sdk.SecurityApi()

  Testing APIs using requests package

def retry_server_errors(func):
        decorator that will retry intrinio server side errors, and let
        others pass through.

        Retries the error up to 5 times and sleeps 2 seconds between retries