Example #1
def handle_tags(recid, tags, d):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    need_email = False
    need_author = False

    for tag in tags:
        original_tag = tag
        field_instances = \
            record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        #correct_subfields_aff = []
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_record = {}
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'm' or code == 'u':
                    tag = '371__'
                    if code == 'u': code = 'a'
                    if code == 'm' and not value in list_of_emails:
                        inHepnames_email = get_hepnames_recid_from_email(value)
                        if verbose: print 'inHepnames_email=', inHepnames_email
                        #if not inHepnames_email: need_email = value
                    tag = original_tag
                if tag == '700__' : tag = '100__'
                if code != 'v':
                    correct_subfields = [(code, value)]
                if  tag == '371__':
                    correct_subfields.append(('z', 'current'))
                if code == 'a' and tag == '100__' and not value in list_of_authors:              
                    nicename = re.sub(r'(.*)\, (.*)',r'\2 \1',value)                    
                    correct_subfields.append(('q', nicename))
                    search = "find a " + value
                    search = search + " or ea " + value
                    inHepnames_author = \
                        perform_request_search(p=search, cc='HepNames')
                    if verbose: print 'inHepnames_author=', inHepnames_author
                    if not inHepnames_author: need_author = True
                    if re.search(r"'",value): need_author = False
                if code == 'i' : need_author = False
                record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
            if d:
                if need_author or need_email:
                    if verbose and inHepnames_author:
                        print "Margaret: This author is already in", \
                               inHepnames_author, need_email
                    print print_rec(correct_record)
                    need_email = False
                    need_author = False
    return correct_record
Example #2
def create_xml(experiment,spks,title):
    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}
    common_tags['980__'] = [('a', 'EXPERIMENT')]
    common_tags['702__'] = [('a', spks), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['245__'] = [('a', title)]
    common_tags['119__'] = [('a', experiment),('u', 'J-PARC')]
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    #return common_fields
    print print_rec(common_fields)
Example #3
def create_xml(experiment, spks, title):
    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}

    common_tags['980__'] = [('a', 'EXPERIMENT')]
    common_tags['702__'] = [('a', spks), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['245__'] = [('a', title)]
    common_tags['119__'] = [('a', experiment), ('u', 'J-PARC')]
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    #return common_fields
    print print_rec(common_fields)
Example #4
def create_xml(author, email, affiliation, experiment, inspire_id, orcid,
    '''Create the xml file to upload.'''

    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}
    author2 = re.sub(r'(.*)\, (.*)', r'\2 \1', author)
    common_tags['980__'] = [('a', 'HEPNAMES')]
    common_tags['100__'] = [('a', author), ('q', author2), ('g', 'ACTIVE')]
    if affiliation:
        if isinstance(affiliation, (list, )):
            for aff in affiliation:
                common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('a', aff),
                                        ('z', 'current')]
            common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('a', affiliation),
                                    ('z', 'current')]
        common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('z', 'current')]
    if experiment:
        common_tags['693__'] = [('e', experiment), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['035__'] = [('9', 'INSPIRE'), ('a', inspire_id)]
    if orcid:
        common_tags['035__'] = [('9', 'ORCID'), ('a', orcid)]
    if SOURCE:
        common_tags['670__'] = [('a', SOURCE)]
    if native_name:
        common_tags['880__'] = [('a', native_name)]
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
            subfields = common_tags[key])
    #return common_fields
    return print_rec(common_fields)
def create_xml(recid):
    correct_record = {}
    tag = '8564_'
    record = get_record(recid)
    flag = None
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
    correct_subfields = []
    for field_instance in field_instances:
        correct_subfields = []
#        print field_instance
        for c,v in field_instance[0]:
#            print c,v
            matchObj = re.search(r'inspirehep\.net/record/\d+/files/fermilab-thesis-.*?\.pdf', v, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
            if matchObj:
                print 'yes'
                flag = True
                correct_subfields.append(('y', 'Fulltext'))
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    if flag:
        return print_rec(correct_record)
        return None
def ccreate_xml(recid, rawstring):
    found = False
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    rawstring = rawstring.lower().replace('proc. of the', '').replace(
        'proc. of',
        '').replace('.', ' ').replace('(', '').replace(')',
                                                       '').replace(' -', '')
    for k, v in term_dict.items():
        if k in rawstring:
            rawstring = rawstring.replace(k, v)
    matchobj = re.search('(.*?\d{4})', rawstring)
    if matchobj:
        search = perform_request_search(p=matchobj.group(), cc='Conferences')
        if len(search) == 1:
            for s in search:
                cnums = get_fieldvalues(s, '111__g')
                cnum = cnums[0]
                existing_cnum = get_fieldvalues(recid, '773__w')
                if cnum not in existing_cnum:
                    print recid, cnum
                    found = True

    if found:
        record_add_field(record, '773', '', '', subfields=[('w', cnum)])
        return print_rec(record)
Example #7
def create_xml(recid, tags):
    """Create xml file to replace to 100, 700 block."""

    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    flag = None
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], \
                                                     tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'v':
                        if VERBOSE:
                            print len(AFFILIATIONS_DONE)
                        affiliation_key = re.sub(r'\W+', ' ', value).upper()
                        if not affiliation_key in AFFILIATIONS_DONE:
                            new_values = get_aff(value)
                            AFFILIATIONS_DONE[affiliation_key] = new_values
                        for new_value in AFFILIATIONS_DONE[affiliation_key]:
                            correct_subfields.append(('u', \
                                                     new_value.lstrip(' ')))
                        flag = True
                    except TypeError:
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
            record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    if flag:
        return print_rec(correct_record)
 def test_get_record(self):
     for recid in perform_request_search(p=""):
         # Our bibrecord we want to test
         record = self.records_cache[recid]
         # Reference implementation
         original_record = get_record_original(recid)
         self.assertXmlEqual(record.to_xml(), print_rec(original_record))
def create_xml(recid):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3],
                                                     tag[3], tag[4])
    correct_subfields = []
    for field_instance in field_instances:
        correct_subfields = []
        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
            if volume_letter:
                if code == 'p':
                    correct_subfields.append(('p', repl_journal))
                elif code == 'v':
                    volume = get_fieldvalues(recid, '773__v')
                    for v in volume:
                        if v[0].isalpha():
                            correct_subfields.append(('v', v))
                            new_volume = volume_letter + v
                            correct_subfields.append(('v', new_volume))
                    correct_subfields.append((code, value))
                if code == 'p':
                    correct_subfields.append(('p', repl_journal))
                    correct_subfields.append((code, value))
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4],
    return print_rec(correct_record)
Example #10
 def test_get_record(self):
     for recid in perform_request_search(p=""):
         # Our bibrecord we want to test
         record = self.records_cache[recid]
         # Reference implementation
         original_record = get_record_original(recid)
         self.assertXmlEqual(record.to_xml(), print_rec(original_record))
def create_xml(author, email, affiliation, experiment, inspire_id, orcid):
    '''Create the xml file to upload.'''

    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}
    author2 = re.sub(r'(.*)\, (.*)', r'\2 \1', author)
    common_tags['980__'] = [('a', 'HEPNAMES')]
    common_tags['100__'] = [('a', author), ('q', author2), ('g', 'ACTIVE')]
    if affiliation:
        if isinstance(affiliation, (list,)):
            for aff in affiliation:
                common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('a', aff),
                                        ('z', 'current')]
            common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('a', affiliation),
                                    ('z', 'current')]
        common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('z', 'current')]
    if experiment:
        common_tags['693__'] = [('e', experiment), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['035__'] = [('9', 'INSPIRE'), ('a', inspire_id)]
    if orcid:
        common_tags['035__'] = [('9', 'ORCID'), ('a', orcid)]
    if SOURCE:
        common_tags['670__'] = [('a', SOURCE)]

    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
            subfields = common_tags[key])
    #return common_fields
    return print_rec(common_fields)
def create_xml(recid):
    Searches for duplicate instances of 773 and keeps the good one.
    tag = '773__'
    tag_value = tag + 'p'
    journal = get_fieldvalues(recid, tag_value)
    if len(journal) == 2 and journal[0] == journal[1]:
        record = get_record(recid)
        correct_record = {}
        record_add_field(correct_record, '001', \
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, \
                              tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        c_value = False
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if value == 'To appear in the proceedings of':
                elif (code, value) not in correct_subfields:
                    if code == 'c':
                        if c_value:
                            if len(value) > len(c_value):
                                c_value = value
                            c_value = value
                        correct_subfields.append((code, value))
        if c_value:
            correct_subfields.append(('c', c_value))
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
        return print_rec(correct_record)
    return None
def create_xml(recid, tags, experiment):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    flag = None
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3],
                                                     tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'a':
                    search = 'find a ' + value + ' and exp ' + experiment
                    new_value = convert_search_to_inspire_id(search)
                    if new_value[0]:
                        flag = True
                        correct_subfields.append(('i', new_value[0]))
                    if new_value[1]:
                        flag = True
                        orcid_value = 'ORCID:' + new_value[1]
                        correct_subfields.append(('j', orcid_value))
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
            record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4],
    #return print_rec(correct_record)
    if flag:
        #print print_rec(correct_record)
        return print_rec(correct_record)
def create_xml(recid, IDs, tags):
    Replaces specific inspire-ids in records with nothing
    if VERBOSE:
        print "Working on %s" % recid
    record = get_record(int(recid))
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=recid)
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, \
                                                     tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'i':
                    if value in IDs:
                        if VERBOSE:
                            print "Getting rid of %s from %s!" % (value, recid)
                        correct_subfields.append((code, value))
                    correct_subfields.append((code, value))

            record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    return print_rec(correct_record)
Example #15
def create_xml(author,nicname,vname,email,af,rank,experiment,start):
    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}
    common_tags['980__'] = [('a', 'HEPNAMES')]
    common_tags['100__'] = [('a', author), ('q', nicename), ('g', 'ACTIVE')]
    common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email),('a', af),('r', rank), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['400__'] = [('a', vname)]
    common_tags['693__'] = [('a', experiment),('s', start), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['670__'] = [('a', 'ihep')]
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    #return common_fields
    print print_rec(common_fields)
Example #16
def create_xml(recid, correction_dict):
    """Fix the citations of Fermilab reports."""

    tags = [REF]
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    flag = False
    for (tag, field_instance) in \
            [(tag, field_instance) for tag in tags \
             for field_instance in record_get_field_instances(record, \
             tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])]:
        correct_subfields = []
        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
            if code == 'r' and value.upper() in correction_dict:
                print 'Was:', value
                value = correction_dict[value.upper()]
                print 'Now:', value
                flag = True
            correct_subfields.append((code, value))
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    if flag:
        return print_rec(correct_record)
        return None
def create_xmlrefs(recid):
    subrefs = [
        '%s,%i,' % (old_journal, x) for x in range(vol_change, vol_curr)
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, '999', 'C', '5')
    correct_subfields = []
    for field_instance in field_instances:
        correct_subfields = []
        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
            if code == 's' and any(x for x in subrefs if x in value):
                newval = re.sub(old_journal, repl_journal, value)
                if VERBOSE:
                    print "%s: Replacing %s with %s" % (recid, value, newval)
                correct_subfields.append(('s', newval))
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
    return print_rec(correct_record)
def create_xml(recid=None, osti_id=None, doi=None):
    osti_exists = False
    doi_exists = False
    osti_mismatch = False
    mismatches = []
    osti_subfields = [('9', 'OSTI'), ('a', osti_id)]
    record = get_record(recid)
    record_link = '<a href="http://inspirehep.net/record/%s">%s</a>' % (str(recid),str(recid))
    append_record = {}
    additions = False
    errors = None
    for item in BibFormatObject(recid).fields('035__'):
        if item.has_key('9') and item.has_key('a'):
            if item['9'] == 'OSTI' and item['a'] == osti_id:
                osti_exists = True
            elif item['9'] == 'OSTI' and item['a'] != osti_id:
                osti_mismatch = True
    for item in BibFormatObject(recid).fields('0247_'):
        if item.has_key('2') and item.has_key('a'):
            if item['2'] == 'DOI' and item['a'] == doi:
                doi_exists = True
    if osti_exists is False and osti_mismatch is True:
        print str(recid), "already has a different OSTI ID"
        errors = "doi %s in record %s should match OSTI ID %s, but the record already contains OSTI ID(s) %s<br />" % (doi, record_link, osti_id, ','.join(mismatches))
        return errors
    if doi_exists is False and osti_exists is True:
        print str(recid), "contains an OSTI ID but no doi"
        no_doi = "%s contains OSTI ID %s but not doi %s<br />"  % (record_link, osti_id, doi)
        return no_doi
    if osti_exists is False and osti_mismatch is False:
        record_add_field(append_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
        record_add_field(append_record, '035', '', '', subfields=osti_subfields)
        print "%s: added 035__a:%s" % (str(recid), osti_id)
        return print_rec(append_record)
Example #19
def create_xml(recid, input_dict):
    '''Create marcxml file from.'''

    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))

    eprint = input_dict['eprint']
    input_dict['035__a'] = 'oai:arXiv.org:' + eprint
    input_dict['037__a'] = eprint
    if ARXIV_REGEX_NEW.match(eprint):
        input_dict['037__a'] = 'arXiv:' + eprint

    for tag in input_dict:
        if tag in ('eprint', 'primarch', '0247_a'):
        if tag.startswith('65017a'):
            class_number = 2
            class_number = 9
        subfields = []
        if tag != '269__c':
            subfields.append((class_number, 'arXiv'))
        subfields.append((tag[5], input_dict[tag]))
        if tag == '037__a':
            subfields.append(('c', input_dict['primarch']))
        record_add_field(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], subfields=subfields)
    return print_rec(record)
Example #20
def create_xml(recid, tags):
    """Create xml file to replace to 100, 700 block."""

    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    flag = None
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], \
                                                     tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'v':
                        if VERBOSE:
                            print len(AFFILIATIONS_DONE)
                        affiliation_key = re.sub(r'\W+', ' ', value).upper()
                        if not affiliation_key in AFFILIATIONS_DONE:
                            new_values = get_aff(value)
                            AFFILIATIONS_DONE[affiliation_key] = new_values
                        for new_value in AFFILIATIONS_DONE[affiliation_key]:
                            correct_subfields.append(('u', \
                                                     new_value.lstrip(' ')))
                        flag = True
                    except TypeError:
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
            record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    if flag:
        return print_rec(correct_record)
def create_xml(recid):
    Searches for duplicate instances of 773 and keeps the good one.
    tag = '773__'
    tag_value = tag + 'p'
    journal = get_fieldvalues(recid, tag_value)
    if len(journal) == 2 and journal[0] == journal[1]:
        record = get_record(recid)
        correct_record = {}
        record_add_field(correct_record, '001', \
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, \
                              tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        c_value = False
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if value == 'To appear in the proceedings of':
                elif (code, value) not in correct_subfields:
                    if code == 'c':
                        if c_value:
                            if len(value) > len(c_value):
                                c_value = value
                            c_value = value
                        correct_subfields.append((code, value))
        if c_value:
            correct_subfields.append(('c', c_value))
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
        return print_rec(correct_record)
    return None
Example #22
def create_xml(recid, fname=None, oaff=None):
    affs = [a for a in oaff]
    record = get_record(recid)
    auth_location = record_get_field_instances(record, '100', '', '')[0][4]
    record_delete_field(record, '700', '', '')
    for x in affs:
        record_add_subfield_into(record, '100', 'u', x, field_position_global=auth_location)
    return print_rec(record)
def create_xml(recid, arxiv_ids):
    old_record = get_record(recid)
    attached_files = record_get_field_instances(old_record, tag='856', ind1='4')
    fields_to_add = [f for f in attached_files if check_arxiv_url(f, arxiv_ids)]
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    record_add_fields(record, '856', fields_to_add)
    return print_rec(record)
def create_xml(recid, tags_024):
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))

    for doi in set(tags_024):
        subfields = [('2', 'DOI'), ('a', doi)]
        record_add_field(record, '024', '7', subfields=subfields)

    return print_rec(record)
def create_our_record(recid):
    old_record = get_record(recid)
    instances = record_get_field_instances(old_record, '980')
    new_instances = [l.field for l in set(OurInstance(i) for i in instances
                     if field_get_subfield_instances(i) != [('a', 'unknown')])]

    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    record_add_fields(record, '980', new_instances)
    return print_rec(record)
Example #26
def create_xml(recid, osti_id, new_id, search):
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    new_id  = [('a', osti_id), ('9', 'OSTI')]
    record_add_field(record, '035', '', '', subfields=new_id)
        return print_rec(record)
        print "Something wrong: " + search                    
        return False
Example #27
def create_xml(recid, experiment_id):
    "Create xml to append to INSPIRE record."

    record = {}
    tag_dict = {}
    tag = '035__'
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    tag_dict[tag] = [('9', EXPERIMENT), ('a', experiment_id)]
    record_add_field(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    return print_rec(record)
Example #28
def create_xml(recid, fname=None, oaff=None):
    affs = [a for a in oaff]
    record = get_record(recid)
    auth_location = record_get_field_instances(record, '100', '', '')[0][4]
    record_delete_field(record, '700', '', '')
    for x in affs:
    return print_rec(record)
def move_drafts_articles_to_ready(journal_name, issue):
    Move draft articles to their final "collection".

    To do so we rely on the convention that an admin-chosen keyword
    must be removed from the metadata
    protected_datafields = ['100', '245', '246', '520', '590', '700']
    keyword_to_remove = get_journal_draft_keyword_to_remove(journal_name)
    collections_to_refresh = {}

    categories = get_journal_categories(journal_name, issue)
    for category in categories:
        articles = get_journal_articles(journal_name, issue, category)
        for order, recids in articles.iteritems():
            for recid in recids:
                record_xml = format_record(recid, of='xm')
                if not record_xml:
                new_record_xml_path = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR,
                                                   'webjournal_publish_' + \
                                                   str(recid) + '.xml')
                if os.path.exists(new_record_xml_path):
                    # Do not modify twice
                record_struc = create_record(record_xml)
                record = record_struc[0]
                new_record = update_draft_record_metadata(
                    record, protected_datafields, keyword_to_remove)
                new_record_xml = print_rec(new_record)
                if new_record_xml.find(keyword_to_remove) >= 0:
                    new_record_xml = new_record_xml.replace(
                        keyword_to_remove, '')
                    # Write to file
                    new_record_xml_file = file(new_record_xml_path, 'w')
                    # Submit
                    task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'WebJournal', '-c',
                    task_low_level_submission('bibindex', 'WebJournal', '-i',
                    for collection in get_all_collections_of_a_record(recid):
                        collections_to_refresh[collection] = ''

    # Refresh collections
        (c, '')
        for c in get_journal_collection_to_refresh_on_release(journal_name)
    for collection in collections_to_refresh.keys():
        task_low_level_submission('webcoll', 'WebJournal', '-f', '-p', '2',
                                  '-c', collection)
Example #30
def create_xml(recid, msnet):
    '''Creates xml record to append MSNET ID'''

    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}
    record_add_field(common_fields, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    common_tags['035__'] = [('9', 'MSNET'), ('a', msnet)]
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    return print_rec(common_fields)
def move_drafts_articles_to_ready(journal_name, issue):
    Move draft articles to their final "collection".

    To do so we rely on the convention that an admin-chosen keyword
    must be removed from the metadata
    protected_datafields = ['100', '245', '246', '520', '590', '700']
    keyword_to_remove = get_journal_draft_keyword_to_remove(journal_name)
    collections_to_refresh = {}

    categories = get_journal_categories(journal_name, issue)
    for category in categories:
        articles = get_journal_articles(journal_name, issue, category)
        for order, recids in articles.iteritems():
            for recid in recids:
                record_xml = format_record(recid, of='xm')
                if not record_xml:
                new_record_xml_path = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR,
                                                   'webjournal_publish_' + \
                                                   str(recid) + '.xml')
                if os.path.exists(new_record_xml_path):
                    # Do not modify twice
                record_struc = create_record(record_xml)
                record = record_struc[0]
                new_record = update_draft_record_metadata(record,
                new_record_xml = print_rec(new_record)
                if new_record_xml.find(keyword_to_remove) >= 0:
                    new_record_xml = new_record_xml.replace(keyword_to_remove, '')
                    # Write to file
                    new_record_xml_file = file(new_record_xml_path, 'w')
                    # Submit
                                              '-c', new_record_xml_path)
                                              '-i', str(recid))
                    for collection in get_all_collections_of_a_record(recid):
                        collections_to_refresh[collection] = ''

    # Refresh collections
    collections_to_refresh.update([(c, '') for c in get_journal_collection_to_refresh_on_release(journal_name)])
    for collection in collections_to_refresh.keys():
                                  '-f', '-p', '2','-c', collection)
def filter_marcrec(marcrec, main_field=bconfig.CFG_MAIN_FIELD, others=bconfig.CFG_OTHER_FIELDS):
    """Removes the unwanted fields and returns xml"""
    if isinstance(main_field, basestring):
        main_field = [main_field]
    if isinstance(others, basestring):
        others = [others]
    key_map = ["001"]

    for field in main_field + others:
        tag, ind1, ind2 = bibclassify_engine._parse_marc_code(field)

    return bibrecord.print_rec(marcrec, 1, tags=key_map)
Example #33
def main(recids):
    out = open(DEST_FILE, 'w')

    for done, recid in enumerate(recids):

        if done % 50 == 0:
            print 'done %s of %s' % (done + 1, len(recids))

        xml = print_rec(get_record(recid))

    print 'done'
Example #34
def create_xml(recid):
    Replaces an email with an INSPIRE ID and an ORCID where possible

    tags = ['999C5']
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    time_stamp = record_get_field_value(record, '005')
    record_add_field(correct_record, '005', controlfield_value=time_stamp)
    #We don't want to update records that already have the DOI.
    flag_instances = []
    for (tag, field_instance) in \
            [(tag, field_instance) for tag in tags \
             for field_instance in record_get_field_instances(record, \
             tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])]:
        original_subfields = []
        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
            original_subfields.append((code, value))

        correct_subfields = []

        flag_instance = False
        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
            if code == 'a' and value.startswith('doi:10.18429/JAC') \
                           and value not in JACOW_DOIS:
                doi = fix_jacow_doi(value)
                if doi:
                    print 'DOI missing from INSPIRE', doi
                    value = doi
                    flag_instance = True
            if code in ('m', 'u', 'x', 'r'):
                doi = extract_jacow_doi(value)
                if doi:
                    if ('a', doi) in original_subfields:
                        flag_instance = False
                    elif ('a', doi) not in correct_subfields:
                        correct_subfields.append(('a', doi))
                        flag_instance = True
            if (code, value) in correct_subfields:
                flag_instance = False
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
                #flag_instance = True
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    if any(flag_instances):
        return print_rec(correct_record)
    return None
Example #35
def filter_marcrec(marcrec, main_field=bconfig.CFG_MAIN_FIELD,
    """Removes the unwanted fields and returns xml"""
    if isinstance(main_field, basestring):
        main_field = [main_field]
    if isinstance(others, basestring):
        others = [others]
    key_map = ['001']

    for field in main_field + others:
        tag, ind1, ind2 = bibclassify_engine._parse_marc_code(field)

    return bibrecord.print_rec(marcrec, 1, tags=key_map)
def create_xml(input_dict):
    This function create_xml takes a metadata dictionary.

    #print input_dict
    metadata_dict = extract_metadata(input_dict)
    #print metadata_dict
    if not metadata_dict:
        return None
    record = {}
    except KeyError:
        logging.info('Problem with finding recid: ' + str(input_dict))
        journal = metadata_dict['journal']
        volume = metadata_dict['volume']
        page = metadata_dict['page']
        year = metadata_dict['year']
        pubnote = [('p', journal), ('v', volume), ('c', page)]
        if journal == 'ICRC':
            journal = journal + ' ' + year
            pubnote = [('q', journal), ('v', volume), ('c', page)]
            pubnote.append(('y', year))
        record_add_field(record, '773', '', '', subfields=pubnote)
    except KeyError:
        #logging.info('Problem with extracting j,v,p,y: ' + str(input_dict))
        #return None

        doi = [('a', metadata_dict['doi']), ('2', 'DOI'), ('9', 'ADS')]
    except KeyError:
        logging.info('Problem with extracting doi: ' + str(input_dict))
        return None
    #Sometimes doi can be just '' in ADS xml dump.
    if metadata_dict['doi']:
        record_add_field(record, '024', '7', '', subfields=doi)
        bibcode = [('a', metadata_dict['bibcode']), ('9', 'ADS')]
        record_add_field(record, '035', '', '', subfields=bibcode)
    except KeyError:
        #logging.info('Not adding bibcode: ' + str(input_dict))
        #return None
    return print_rec(record)
Example #37
def create_xml(recid, tags, forceFlag):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    flag = None
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
        correct_subfields = []
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'u' or code == 'v':
                    if  re.search(r'UNDEFINED', value) or forceFlag:
                        new_value = get_aff(value)        
                        if new_value:
                            correct_subfields.append(('v', value))
                            value = new_value
                            code = 'u'
                            flag = True
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
            record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], subfields=correct_subfields)
    #return print_rec(correct_record)
    if flag:
        print print_rec(correct_record)
Example #38
def create_xml(recid, texkey):
    """ Create the marcxml snippet with the new texkey

    @param recid: recid of the record to be updated
    @type: int
    @param texkey: texkey that has been generated
    @type: str

    @return: marcxml with the fields to be record_add_field
    @rtype: str
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    subfields_toadd = [('a', texkey), ('9', 'INSPIRETeX')]
    record_add_field(record, tag='035', subfields=subfields_toadd)
    return print_rec(record)
Example #39
def create_xml(recid, texkey):
    """ Create the marcxml snippet with the new texkey

    @param recid: recid of the record to be updated
    @type: int
    @param texkey: texkey that has been generated
    @type: str

    @return: marcxml with the fields to be record_add_field
    @rtype: str
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    subfields_toadd = [('a', texkey), ('9', 'INSPIRETeX')]
    record_add_field(record, tag='035', subfields=subfields_toadd)
    return print_rec(record)
def osti_add_id():
    search = "037__a:FERMILAB* 8564_y:OSTI -035__9:OSTI"
    x = perform_request_search(p = search, cc = 'HEP')
    x = x[:1000]
    string = ''
    for r in x:
        record = {}
        record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(r))
        for u in get_fieldvalues(r, '8564_u'):
            if re.search('osti.gov', u): 
                matchObj = re.search(r'(\d+)', u)
                if matchObj : 
                    osti_id = matchObj.group(1)
                    new_id  = [('a', osti_id), ('9', 'OSTI')]
                    record_add_field(record, '035', '', '', subfields=new_id)
                    string = string + print_rec(record)
    return string
Example #41
def osti_add_id():
    search = "037__a:FERMILAB* 8564_y:OSTI -035__9:OSTI"
    x = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='HEP')
    x = x[:1000]
    string = ''
    for r in x:
        record = {}
        record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(r))
        for u in get_fieldvalues(r, '8564_u'):
            if re.search('osti.gov', u):
                matchObj = re.search(r'(\d+)', u)
                if matchObj:
                    osti_id = matchObj.group(1)
                    new_id = [('a', osti_id), ('9', 'OSTI')]
                    record_add_field(record, '035', '', '', subfields=new_id)
                    string = string + print_rec(record)
    return string
def create_xml(recid, tags, experiment, author_dict):
    """Create the new author list with IDs."""

    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    time_stamp = record_get_field_value(record, '005')
    record_add_field(correct_record, '005', controlfield_value=time_stamp)
    flag = None
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], tag[3],
        correct_subfields = []
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                if code == 'a':
                    if value not in author_dict:
                        search = 'find a ' + value + ' and exp ' + experiment
                        if VERBOSE:
                            print search
                        author_dict[value] = \
                        if VERBOSE:
                            print author_dict[value]
                    if author_dict[value][0]:
                        flag = True
                        correct_subfields.append(('i', author_dict[value][0]))
                    if author_dict[value][1]:
                        flag = True
                        orcid_value = 'ORCID:' + author_dict[value][1]
                        correct_subfields.append(('k', orcid_value))
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
    #return print_rec(correct_record)
    if flag:
        #print print_rec(correct_record)
        return [print_rec(correct_record), author_dict]
        return [None, author_dict]
def move_drafts_articles_to_ready(journal_name, issue):
    Move draft articles to their final "collection".

    To do so we rely on the convention that an admin-chosen keyword
    must be removed from the metadata
    protected_datafields = ["100", "245", "246", "520", "590", "700"]
    keyword_to_remove = get_journal_draft_keyword_to_remove(journal_name)
    collections_to_refresh = {}

    categories = get_journal_categories(journal_name, issue)
    for category in categories:
        articles = get_journal_articles(journal_name, issue, category)
        for order, recids in articles.iteritems():
            for recid in recids:
                record_xml = format_record(recid, of="xm")
                if not record_xml:
                new_record_xml_path = os.path.join(CFG_TMPDIR, "webjournal_publish_" + str(recid) + ".xml")
                if os.path.exists(new_record_xml_path):
                    # Do not modify twice
                record_struc = create_record(record_xml)
                record = record_struc[0]
                new_record = update_draft_record_metadata(record, protected_datafields, keyword_to_remove)
                new_record_xml = print_rec(new_record)
                if new_record_xml.find(keyword_to_remove) >= 0:
                    new_record_xml = new_record_xml.replace(keyword_to_remove, "")
                    # Write to file
                    new_record_xml_file = file(new_record_xml_path, "w")
                    # Submit
                    task_low_level_submission("bibupload", "WebJournal", "-c", new_record_xml_path)
                    task_low_level_submission("bibindex", "WebJournal", "-i", str(recid))
                    for collection in get_all_collections_of_a_record(recid):
                        collections_to_refresh[collection] = ""

    # Refresh collections
    collections_to_refresh.update([(c, "") for c in get_journal_collection_to_refresh_on_release(journal_name)])
    for collection in collections_to_refresh.keys():
        task_low_level_submission("webcoll", "WebJournal", "-f", "-p", "2", "-c", collection)
def create_xml(osti_id, inspire_id):
    The function checks if the OSTI ID should be added to INSPIRE.
    If so, it builds up that information.

    osti_id = str(osti_id)
    recid = str(inspire_id)
    recid = recid.replace('oai:inspirehep.net:', '')
    search = "001:" + recid
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='Fermilab')
    if len(result) != 1:
        print 'No such INSPIRE record', recid
        return None
    create_osti_id_pdf(recid, osti_id)
    search = "001:" + recid + " 035__a:" + osti_id
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='Fermilab')
    if len(result) == 1:
        return None
    search = "035__9:osti 035__a:" + str(osti_id)
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='Fermilab')
    if len(result) == 1:
        for item in BibFormatObject(int(recid)).fields('035__'):
            if item.has_key('9') and item.has_key('a'):
                if item['9'] == 'OSTI' and item['a'] == osti_id:
                    print 'OSTI ID', osti_id, 'already on', result[0]
        return None
    search = "001:" + recid + " -035__9:OSTI"
    if TEST:
        print search
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='Fermilab')
    if not len(result) == 1:
        print search, result
        print 'Problem with', recid, osti_id
        return False
    if TEST:
        print result
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    new_id = [('a', osti_id), ('9', 'OSTI')]
    record_add_field(record, '035', '', '', subfields=new_id)
    #create_osti_id_pdf(recid, osti_id)
    return print_rec(record)
def create_xml(osti_id, inspire_id):
    The function checks if the OSTI ID should be added to INSPIRE.
    If so, it builds up that information.

    osti_id = str(osti_id)
    recid = str(inspire_id)
    search = "001:" + recid
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='HEP')
    if len(result) != 1:
        print 'No such INSPIRE record', recid
        return None
    create_osti_id_pdf(recid, osti_id)
    search = "001:" + recid + " 035__a:" + osti_id
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='HEP')
    if len(result) == 1:
        return None
    search = "035__9:osti 035__a:" + str(osti_id)
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='HEP')
    if len(result) == 1:
        for item in BibFormatObject(int(recid)).fields('035__'):
            if item.has_key('9') and item.has_key('a'):
                if item['9'] == 'OSTI' and item['a'] == osti_id:
                    print 'OSTI ID', osti_id, 'already on', result[0]
        return None
    search = "001:" + recid + " -035__9:OSTI"
    if TEST:
        print search
    result = perform_request_search(p=search, cc='HEP')
    if not len(result) == 1:
        print search, result
        print 'Problem with', recid, osti_id
        return False
    if TEST:
        print result
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    new_id = [('a', osti_id), ('9', 'OSTI')]
    record_add_field(record, '035', '', '', subfields=new_id)
    #create_osti_id_pdf(recid, osti_id)
    return print_rec(record)
def create_xml(recid=None, osti_id=None, doi=None):
    osti_exists = False
    doi_exists = False
    osti_mismatch = False
    mismatches = []
    osti_subfields = [('9', 'OSTI'), ('a', osti_id)]
    record = get_record(recid)
    record_link = '<a href="http://inspirehep.net/record/%s">%s</a>' % (
        str(recid), str(recid))
    append_record = {}
    additions = False
    errors = None
    for item in BibFormatObject(recid).fields('035__'):
        if item.has_key('9') and item.has_key('a'):
            if item['9'] == 'OSTI' and item['a'] == osti_id:
                osti_exists = True
            elif item['9'] == 'OSTI' and item['a'] != osti_id:
                osti_mismatch = True
    for item in BibFormatObject(recid).fields('0247_'):
        if item.has_key('2') and item.has_key('a'):
            if item['2'] == 'DOI' and item['a'] == doi:
                doi_exists = True
    if osti_exists is False and osti_mismatch is True:
        print str(recid), "already has a different OSTI ID"
        errors = "doi %s in record %s should match OSTI ID %s, but the record already contains OSTI ID(s) %s<br />" % (
            doi, record_link, osti_id, ','.join(mismatches))
        return errors
    if doi_exists is False and osti_exists is True:
        print str(recid), "contains an OSTI ID but no doi"
        no_doi = "%s contains OSTI ID %s but not doi %s<br />" % (record_link,
                                                                  osti_id, doi)
        return no_doi
    if osti_exists is False and osti_mismatch is False:
        record_add_field(append_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
        print "%s: added 035__a:%s" % (str(recid), osti_id)
        return print_rec(append_record)
def create_xml(author,email,af,experiment,inspire_id):
    common_fields = {}
    common_tags = {}
    author2 = re.sub(r'(.*)\, (.*)',r'\2 \1', author)
    common_tags['980__'] = [('a', 'HEPNAMES')]
    common_tags['100__'] = [('a', author), ('q', author2), ('g', 'ACTIVE')]
    aff = aff_from_email(email)
    if aff:
        common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('a', aff), ('z', 'current')]
        common_tags['371__'] = [('m', email), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['693__'] = [('e', experiment), ('z', 'current')]
    common_tags['035__'] = [('9', 'INSPIRE'), ('a', inspire_id)]

    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(common_fields, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    #return common_fields
    return print_rec(common_fields)
Example #48
def add_record_cnum(recid, uid):
    Check if the record has already a cnum. If not generate a new one
    and return the result

    @param recid: recid of the record under check. Used to retrieve cache file
    @type recid: int

    @param uid: id of the user. Used to retrieve cache file
    @type uid: int

    @return: None if cnum already present, new cnum otherwise
    @rtype: None or string
    # Import placed here to avoid circular dependency
    from invenio.sequtils_cnum import CnumSeq, ConferenceNoStartDateError

    record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, \
    undo_list, redo_list = get_cache_file_contents(recid, uid)[1:]


    # Check if record already has a cnum
    tag_111__g_content = record_get_field_value(record, "111", " ", " ", "g")
    if tag_111__g_content:
        cnum_seq = CnumSeq()
            new_cnum = cnum_seq.next_value(
        except ConferenceNoStartDateError:
            return None
        field_add_subfield(record['111'][0], 'g', new_cnum)
        update_cache_file_contents(recid, uid, record_revision,
                                   record, \
                                   pending_changes, \
                                   deactivated_hp_changes, \
                                   undo_list, redo_list)
        return new_cnum
Example #49
def create_xml(input_dict):
    The function create_xml takes an article dictionary from ADS and
    checks to see if it has information that should be added to INSPIRE.
    If so, it builds up that information.
#    print input_dict

    record = {}
    title = [('a', input_dict['title']), ('9', 'OSTI')]
    record_add_field(record, '245', '', '', subfields=title)
    doi = [('a', input_dict['doi']), ('2', 'DOI')]
    record_add_field(record, '024', '7', '', subfields=doi)
    date = [('c', input_dict['date'])]
    record_add_field(record, '269', '', '', subfields=date)
    note = [('h', input_dict['note']), ('9', 'authors')]
    record_add_field(record, '520', '', '', subfields=note)
    collection = [('a',input_dict['collection'])]
    record_add_field(record, '980', '', '', subfields=collection)
    type = [('t', input_dict['type'])]
    record_add_field(record, '336', '', '', subfields=type)
    for i in input_dict['subject']:
#        print i
        subject = [('a', i), ('9', 'OSTI')]
        record_add_field(record, '653', '1', '', subfields=subject)
    firstauthor = [('a', input_dict['firstauthor'][0]), \
                   ('u', input_dict['firstauthor'][1]), \
                   ('v', input_dict['firstauthor'][2])]
    record_add_field(record, '100', '', '', subfields=firstauthor)
    for i in input_dict['otherauthors']:
#        print i
        otherauthors = [('a', i[0]), ('u', i[1]), ('v', i[2])]
        record_add_field(record, '700', '', '', subfields=otherauthors)
#    for key in record:
#        print key, record[key]
#    print record
    return print_rec(record)
Example #50
def add_record_cnum(recid, uid):
    Check if the record has already a cnum. If not generate a new one
    and return the result

    @param recid: recid of the record under check. Used to retrieve cache file
    @type recid: int

    @param uid: id of the user. Used to retrieve cache file
    @type uid: int

    @return: None if cnum already present, new cnum otherwise
    @rtype: None or string
    # Import placed here to avoid circular dependency
    from invenio.sequtils_cnum import CnumSeq, ConferenceNoStartDateError

    record_revision, record, pending_changes, deactivated_hp_changes, \
    undo_list, redo_list = get_cache_contents(recid, uid)[1:]


    # Check if record already has a cnum
    tag_111__g_content = record_get_field_value(record, "111", " ", " ", "g")
    if tag_111__g_content:
        cnum_seq = CnumSeq()
            new_cnum = cnum_seq.next_value(xml_record=wash_for_xml(print_rec(record)))
        except ConferenceNoStartDateError:
            return None
        field_add_subfield(record['111'][0], 'g', new_cnum)
        update_cache_contents(recid, uid, record_revision,
                                   undo_list, redo_list)
        return new_cnum
def create_xml773(recid):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, '773', '', '')
    correct_subfields = []
    for field_instance in field_instances:
        correct_subfields = []
        #        print field_instance[0]
        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
            if code == 'p' and value == old_journal:
                correct_subfields.append(('p', repl_journal))
                if VERBOSE:
                    print "%s: Replacing 773__p %s with %s" % (recid, value,
                correct_subfields.append((code, value))
    return print_rec(correct_record)
def ccreate_xml(recid, rawstring):
    found = False
    record = {}
    record_add_field(record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    rawstring = rawstring.lower().replace('proc. of the', '').replace('proc. of', '').replace('.', ' ').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(' -', '')
    for k,v in term_dict.items():
        if k in rawstring:
            rawstring = rawstring.replace(k,v)
    matchobj = re.search('(.*?\d{4})', rawstring)
    if matchobj:
        search = perform_request_search(p=matchobj.group(), cc='Conferences')
        if len(search) == 1:
            for s in search:
                cnums = get_fieldvalues(s, '111__g')
                cnum = cnums[0]
                existing_cnum = get_fieldvalues(recid, '773__w')
                if cnum not in existing_cnum:
                    print recid, cnum
                    found = True

    if found:
        record_add_field(record, '773', '', '', subfields=[('w', cnum)])
        return print_rec(record)
def create_xml(recid, experiment):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    common_tags = {}
    experiment_tag = {}
    experiment_tag['693__'] = [('e', experiment)]
    tags = ['693__','710__']
    #for tag in tags:
    #    field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
    #    for field_instance in field_instances:
    #        correct_subfields = []
    #        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
    #            correct_subfields.append((code, value))
    #        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    #            subfields=correct_subfields)
    record_add_field(correct_record, '693', '_', '_', \
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    return print_rec(correct_record)
Example #54
def create_xml(recid, experiment):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    common_tags = {}
    experiment_tag = {}
    experiment_tag['693__'] = [('e', experiment)]
    tags = ['693__','710__']
    #for tag in tags:
    #    field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
    #    for field_instance in field_instances:
    #        correct_subfields = []
    #        for code, value in field_instance[0]:
    #            correct_subfields.append((code, value))
    #        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    #            subfields=correct_subfields)
    record_add_field(correct_record, '693', '_', '_', \
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=str(recid))
    for key in common_tags:
        tag = key
        record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    return print_rec(correct_record)
Example #55
def create_xml(recid, old_aff=None, new_aff=None, skip_aff=None):
    record = get_record(recid)
    correct_record = {}
    tags = ('100__', '700__')
    record_add_field(correct_record, '001', controlfield_value=recid)
    for tag in tags:
        field_instances = record_get_field_instances(record, \
                                                     tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4])
        for field_instance in field_instances:
            correct_subfields = []
            skip_aff_exists = False
            for aff in skip_aff:
                if any(val for code, val in field_instance[0] if aff in val):
                    skip_aff_exists = True
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print "%s exists, deleting %s" % (aff, old_aff)
            if skip_aff_exists:
                for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                    if code == 'u':
                        if value != old_aff:
                            correct_subfields.append((code, value))
                        correct_subfields.append((code, value))
                for code, value in field_instance[0]:
                    if code == 'u':
                        if value == old_aff:
                            correct_subfields.append((code, new_aff))
                            if VERBOSE:
                                print "Changing %s to %s" % (old_aff, new_aff)
                            correct_subfields.append((code, value))
                        correct_subfields.append((code, value))
            record_add_field(correct_record, tag[0:3], tag[3], tag[4], \
    return print_rec(correct_record)