def get_customevent_trend(args):
    Returns trend data for a custom event over a give
    timestamp range.

    @param args['id']: The event id
    @type args['id']: str

    @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point
    @type args['t_start']: str

    @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point
    @type args['t_end']: str

    @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time
    @type args['granularity']: str

    @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string
    @type args['t_format']: str

    @param args['cols']: Columns and it's content that will be include
                         if don't exist or it's empty it will include all cols
    @type args['cols']: [ [ str, str ], ]
    # Get a MySQL friendly date
    lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat()
    upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat()
    tbl_name = get_customevent_table(args['id'])
    col_names = get_customevent_args(args['id'])

    sql_query = ["SELECT creation_time FROM %s WHERE creation_time > '%s'" % (tbl_name, lower)]
    sql_query.append("AND creation_time < '%s'" % upper)
    sql_param = []
    for col_bool, col_title, col_content in args['cols']:
        if not col_title in col_names:
        if col_content:
            if col_bool == "and" or col_bool == "":
                sql_query.append("AND `%s`" % escape_string(col_title))
            elif col_bool == "or":
                sql_query.append("OR `%s`" % escape_string(col_title))
            elif col_bool == "and_not":
                sql_query.append("AND NOT `%s`" % escape_string(col_title))
            sql_query.append(" LIKE %s")
            sql_param.append("%" + col_content + "%")
    sql_query.append("ORDER BY creation_time DESC")
    sql = ' '.join(sql_query)

    dates = [x[0] for x in run_sql(sql, tuple(sql_param))]
    return _get_trend_from_actions(dates, 0, args['t_start'], args['t_end'], args['granularity'], args['t_format'])
 def records_updater(record):
     (bskid, id_owner, id_record, order, date_modification) = record
     return "(%i,%i,%i,%i,'%s')" % (
        def basket_updater(basket):
            (bskid, name, is_public, id_owner, date_modification) = basket
                print "#####################"
                print "id basket:"
                print bskid
                print "id user"
                print id_owner
                print "#########################"

            return "(%i,'%s',%i,'%s')" % (
Example #4
def create_customevent(id=None, name=None, cols=[]):
    Creates a new custom event by setting up the necessary MySQL tables.

    @param id: Proposed human-readable id of the new event.
    @type id: str

    @param name: Optionally, a descriptive name.
    @type name: str

    @param cols: Optionally, the name of the additional columns.
    @type cols: [str]

    @return: A status message
    @type: str
    if id is None:
        return "Please specify a human-readable ID for the event."

    # Only accept id and name with standard characters
    if not"[^\w]", str(id) + str(name)) is None:
        return "Please note that both event id and event name needs to be written without any non-standard characters."

    # Make sure the chosen id is not already taken
    if len(run_sql("SELECT NULL FROM staEVENT WHERE id = %s", (id,))) != 0:
        return "Event id [%s] already exists! Aborted." % id

    # Check if the cols are valid titles
    for argument in cols:
        if (argument == "creation_time") or (argument == "id"):
            return "Invalid column title: %s! Aborted." % argument

    # Insert a new row into the events table describing the new event
    sql_param = [id]
    if name is not None:
        sql_name = "%s"
        sql_name = "NULL"
    if len(cols) != 0:
        sql_cols = "%s"
        sql_cols = "NULL"
    run_sql("INSERT INTO staEVENT (id, name, cols) VALUES (%s, " + sql_name + ", " + sql_cols + ")", tuple(sql_param))

    tbl_name = get_customevent_table(id)

    # Create a table for the new event
    sql_query = ["CREATE TABLE %s (" % tbl_name]
    sql_query.append("id MEDIUMINT unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,")
    sql_query.append("creation_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(),")
    for argument in cols:
        arg = escape_string(argument)
        sql_query.append("`%s` MEDIUMTEXT NULL," % arg)
        sql_query.append("INDEX `%s` (`%s`(50))," % (arg, arg))
    sql_query.append("PRIMARY KEY (id))")
    sql_str = " ".join(sql_query)

    # We're done! Print notice containing the name of the event.
    return ("Event table [%s] successfully created.\n" + "Please use event id [%s] when registering an event.") % (
def get_customevent_dump(args):
    Similar to a get_event_trend implemention, but NO refining aka frequency
    handling is carried out what so ever. This is just a dump. A dump!

    @param args['id']: The event id
    @type args['id']: str

    @param args['t_start']: Date and time of start point
    @type args['t_start']: str

    @param args['t_end']: Date and time of end point
    @type args['t_end']: str

    @param args['granularity']: Granularity of date and time
    @type args['granularity']: str

    @param args['t_format']: Date and time formatting string
    @type args['t_format']: str

    @param args['cols']: Columns and it's content that will be include
                         if don't exist or it's empty it will include all cols
    @type args['cols']: [ [ str, str ], ]
    # Get a MySQL friendly date
    lower = _to_datetime(args['t_start'], args['t_format']).isoformat()
    upper = _to_datetime(args['t_end'], args['t_format']).isoformat()

    # Get customevents
    # events_list = [(creation_time, event, [arg1, arg2, ...]), ...]
    event_list = []
    event_cols = {}
    for id, i in [ (args['ids'][i], str(i)) for i in range(len(args['ids']))]:
        # Get all the event arguments and creation times
        tbl_name = get_customevent_table(id)
        col_names = get_customevent_args(id)
        sql_query = ["SELECT * FROM %s WHERE creation_time > '%s'" % (tbl_name, lower)] # Note: SELECT * technique is okay here
        sql_query.append("AND creation_time < '%s'" % upper)
        sql_param = []
        for col_bool, col_title, col_content in args['cols'+i]:
            if not col_title in col_names: continue
            if col_content:
                if col_bool == "and" or col_bool == "":
                    sql_query.append("AND `%s`" % escape_string(col_title))
                elif col_bool == "or":
                    sql_query.append("OR `%s`" % escape_string(col_title))
                elif col_bool == "and_not":
                    sql_query.append("AND NOT `%s`" % escape_string(col_title))
                sql_query.append(" LIKE %s")
                sql_param.append("%" + col_content + "%")
        sql_query.append("ORDER BY creation_time DESC")
        sql = ' '.join(sql_query)
        res = run_sql(sql, tuple(sql_param))

        for row in res:
        # Get the event col names
            event_cols[id] = cPickle.loads(run_sql("SELECT cols FROM staEVENT WHERE id = %s", (id,))[0][0])
        except TypeError:
            event_cols[id] = ["Unnamed"]

    output = []
    for row in event_list:
        temp = [row[1], row[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')]

        arguments = ["%s: %s" % (event_cols[row[1]][i], row[2][i]) for i in range(len(row[2]))]


    return output