Example #1
def send_pending_linkbacks_notification(linkback_type):
    Send notification emails to all linkback moderators for all pending linkbacks
    @param linkback_type: of CFG_WEBLINKBACK_LIST_TYPE
    pending_linkbacks = get_all_linkbacks(

    if pending_linkbacks:
        pending_count = len(pending_linkbacks)
        cutoff_text = ''
        if pending_count > CFG_WEBLINKBACK_MAX_LINKBACKS_IN_EMAIL:
            cutoff_text = ' (Printing only the first %s requests)' % CFG_WEBLINKBACK_MAX_LINKBACKS_IN_EMAIL

        content = """There are %(count)s new %(linkback_type)s requests which you should approve or reject%(cutoff)s:
                  """ % {
            'count': pending_count,
            'linkback_type': linkback_type,
            'cutoff': cutoff_text

        for pending_linkback in pending_linkbacks[
            content += """
                       For %(recordURL)s from %(origin_url)s.
                       """ % {
                'recordURL': generate_redirect_url(pending_linkback[2]),
                'origin_url': pending_linkback[1]

        for email in acc_get_authorized_emails('moderatelinkbacks'):
            send_email(CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, email,
                       'Pending ' + linkback_type + ' requests', content)
Example #2
def send_pending_linkbacks_notification(linkback_type):
    Send notification emails to all linkback moderators for all pending linkbacks
    @param linkback_type: of CFG_WEBLINKBACK_LIST_TYPE
    pending_linkbacks = get_all_linkbacks(linkback_type=CFG_WEBLINKBACK_TYPE['TRACKBACK'], status=CFG_WEBLINKBACK_STATUS['PENDING'])

    if pending_linkbacks:
        pending_count = len(pending_linkbacks)
        cutoff_text = ''
        if pending_count > CFG_WEBLINKBACK_MAX_LINKBACKS_IN_EMAIL:
            cutoff_text = ' (Printing only the first %s requests)' % CFG_WEBLINKBACK_MAX_LINKBACKS_IN_EMAIL

        content = """There are %(count)s new %(linkback_type)s requests which you should approve or reject%(cutoff)s:
                  """ % {'count': pending_count,
                         'linkback_type': linkback_type,
                         'cutoff': cutoff_text}

        for pending_linkback in pending_linkbacks[0:CFG_WEBLINKBACK_MAX_LINKBACKS_IN_EMAIL]:
            content += """
                       For %(recordURL)s from %(origin_url)s.
                       """ % {'recordURL': generate_redirect_url(pending_linkback[2]),
                              'origin_url': pending_linkback[1]}

        for email in acc_get_authorized_emails('moderatelinkbacks'):
            send_email(CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, email, 'Pending ' + linkback_type + ' requests', content)
Example #3
def get_user_collections(req):
    Return collections for which the user is moderator
    user_info = collect_user_info(req)
    res = []
    collections = run_sql('SELECT name FROM collection')
    for collection in collections:
        collection_emails = acc_get_authorized_emails('moderatecomments', collection=collection[0])
        if user_info['email'] in collection_emails or isUserAdmin(user_info):
    return res