def test_acc_get_uid_from_request(self):
        """webapikey - Login user from request using REST key"""
        path = '/search'
        params = 'ln=es&sc=1&c=Articles & Preprints&action_search=Buscar&p=ellis'

        self.assertEqual(0, len(web_api_key.show_web_api_keys(uid=self.id_admin)))
        web_api_key.create_new_web_api_key(self.id_admin, "Test key I")

        key_info = run_sql("SELECT id FROM webapikey WHERE id_user=%s", (self.id_admin,))
        url = web_api_key.build_web_request(path, params, api_key=key_info[0][0])
        url = string.split(url, '?')
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(url[0], url[1])
        self.assertEqual(uid, self.id_admin)

        url = web_api_key.build_web_request(path, params, api_key=key_info[0][0])
        url += "123" # corrupt the key
        url = string.split(url, '?')
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(url[0], url[1])
        self.assertEqual(uid, -1)

        path = '/bad'
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(path, "")
        self.assertEqual(uid, -1)
        params = { 'nocache': 'yes', 'limit': 123 }
        url = web_api_key.build_web_request(path, params, api_key=key_info[0][0])
        url = string.split(url, '?')
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(url[0], url[1])
        self.assertEqual(uid, -1)

        run_sql("DELETE FROM webapikey")
Example #2
    def test_acc_get_uid_from_request(self):
        """webapikey - Login user from request using REST key"""
        path = '/search'
        params = 'ln=es&sc=1&c=Articles & Preprints&action_search=Buscar&p=ellis'

        web_api_key.create_new_web_api_key(self.id_admin, "Test key I")

        key_info = run_sql("SELECT id FROM webapikey WHERE id_user=%s",
                           (self.id_admin, ))
        url = web_api_key.build_web_request(path,
        url = string.split(url, '?')
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(url[0], url[1])
        self.assertEqual(uid, self.id_admin)

        url = web_api_key.build_web_request(path,
        url += "123"  # corrupt the key
        url = string.split(url, '?')
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(url[0], url[1])
        self.assertEqual(uid, -1)

        path = '/bad'
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(path, "")
        self.assertEqual(uid, -1)
        params = {'nocache': 'yes', 'limit': 123}
        url = web_api_key.build_web_request(path,
        url = string.split(url, '?')
        uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(url[0], url[1])
        self.assertEqual(uid, -1)

        run_sql("DELETE FROM webapikey")
    def _handler(req):
        """ This handler is invoked by mod_python with the apache request."""
        allowed_methods = ("GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT")
        #req.allow_methods(allowed_methods, 1)
        #if req.method not in allowed_methods:
        #    raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

        if req.method == 'OPTIONS':
            ## OPTIONS is used to now which method are allowed
            req.headers_out['Allow'] = ', '.join(allowed_methods)
            raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.OK

        # Set user agent for, which needs it here
        os.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = req.headers_in.get('User-Agent', '')

        # Check if REST authentication can be performed
        if req.args:
            args = cgi.parse_qs(req.args)
            if 'apikey' in args and req.is_https():
                uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(req.uri, req.args)
                if uid < 0:
                    raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
                    setUid(req=req, uid=uid)

        guest_p = isGuestUser(getUid(req), run_on_slave=False)

        uri = req.uri
        if uri == '/':
            path = ['']
            ## Let's collapse multiple slashes into a single /
            uri = RE_SLASHES.sub('/', uri)
            path = uri[1:].split('/')

            ## If the site is under maintainance mode let's return
            ## 503 to casual crawler to avoid having the site being
            ## indexed
            req.status = 503

        g ='User-Agent', "MSIE 6.0"))
        bad_msie = g and float( < 9.0
        if uri.startswith('/yours') or not guest_p:
            ## Private/personalized request should not be cached
            if bad_msie and req.is_https():
                req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
                req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
                req.headers_out['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
                req.headers_out['Vary'] = '*'
        elif not (bad_msie and req.is_https()):
            req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=3600'
            req.headers_out['Vary'] = 'Cookie, ETag, Cache-Control'

            if req.header_only and not RE_SPECIAL_URI.match(req.uri):
                return root._traverse(req, path, True, guest_p)
                ## bibdocfile have a special treatment for HEAD
                return root._traverse(req, path, False, guest_p)
        except TraversalError:
            raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
        except apache.SERVER_RETURN:
            ## This is one of mod_python way of communicating
        except IOError, exc:
            if 'Write failed, client closed connection' not in "%s" % exc:
                ## Workaround for considering as false positive exceptions
                ## rised by mod_python when the user close the connection
                ## or in some other rare and not well identified cases.
                register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
    def _handler(req):
        """ This handler is invoked by mod_python with the apache request."""
        allowed_methods = ("GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT")
        req.allow_methods(allowed_methods, 1)
        if req.method not in allowed_methods:
            raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

        if req.method == 'OPTIONS':
            ## OPTIONS is used to now which method are allowed
            req.headers_out['Allow'] = ', '.join(allowed_methods)
            raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.OK

        # Set user agent for, which needs it here
        os.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = req.headers_in.get('User-Agent', '')

        # Check if REST authentication can be performed
        if req.args:
            args = cgi.parse_qs(req.args)
            if 'apikey' in args and req.is_https():
                uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(req.uri, req.args)
                if uid < 0:
                    raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
                    setUid(req=req, uid=uid)

        guest_p = isGuestUser(getUid(req), run_on_slave=False)

        uri = req.uri
        if uri == '/':
            path = ['']
            ## Let's collapse multiple slashes into a single /
            uri = RE_SLASHES.sub('/', uri)
            path = uri[1:].split('/')

            ## If the site is under maintainance mode let's return
            ## 503 to casual crawler to avoid having the site being
            ## indexed
            req.status = 503

        g ='User-Agent', "MSIE 6.0"))
        bad_msie = g and float( < 9.0
        if uri.startswith('/yours') or not guest_p:
            ## Private/personalized request should not be cached
            if bad_msie and req.is_https():
                req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
                req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
                req.headers_out['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
                req.headers_out['Vary'] = '*'
        elif not (bad_msie and req.is_https()):
            req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=3600'
            req.headers_out['Vary'] = 'Cookie, ETag, Cache-Control'

            if req.header_only and not RE_SPECIAL_URI.match(req.uri):
                return root._traverse(req, path, True, guest_p)
                ## bibdocfile have a special treatment for HEAD
                return root._traverse(req, path, False, guest_p)
        except TraversalError:
            raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
        except apache.SERVER_RETURN:
            ## This is one of mod_python way of communicating
        except IOError, exc:
            if 'Write failed, client closed connection' not in "%s" % exc:
                ## Workaround for considering as false positive exceptions
                ## rised by mod_python when the user close the connection
                ## or in some other rare and not well identified cases.
                register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)