Example #1
	def test_investment_options_isvalid_trial_numbers(self):
		'''test if the class raises error when the input trial numbers cannot be conveted to integer'''

		self.assertRaises(invalid_trial_numbers, lambda: investment_options('[1, 10, 100, 1000]', 'invalid'))
Example #2
	def test_investment_options_invalid_list_value(self):
		'''test if the class raises error when the list has invalid elements'''

		self.assertRaises(invalid_list_value, lambda: investment_options('[1, 10, 100, invalid]', '10000'))
Example #3
	def test_investment_options_isvalid(self):
		'''test if the class has an expected return when input is in right format'''
		investment_test = investment_options('[1, 10, 100, 1000]', '10000')
		self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(investment_test.positions, np.array([1, 10, 100, 1000])))
		self.assertTrue(investment_test.num_trials, 10000)
Example #4
	def test_investment_options_invalid_list_bound(self):
		'''test if the class raises error when input string cannot be converted to a list'''

		self.assertRaises(invalid_list_bound, lambda: investment_options('[1, 10, 100, 1000', '10000'))
Example #5
from investment import investment_options
import exception_user
from exception_user import invalid_list_bound, invalid_list_value, invalid_trial_numbers

Main program for assignment 8.
Also see readme.txt for instructions.

	while True:
		positions = raw_input('Input a list of the number of shares: ')
		num_trials = raw_input('Input how many times to ramdomly repeat the test: ')
			investment_list = investment_options(positions, num_trials)
			with open('results.txt', 'w') as f:   #save the results to result.txt
				for i in range(len(investment_list.positions)):
					daily_ret = investment_operating.num_trials_investment(investment_list.positions[i], investment_list.position_value[i], investment_list.num_trials)
					investment_operating.plot_investment(investment_list.positions[i], investment_list.position_value[i], investment_list.num_trials)
					print 'the mean of the daily return is: ' + str(np.mean(daily_ret))
					print 'the stadard deviation of the daily return is: ' + str(np.std(daily_ret))
					f.write('\n' + 'Positions: ' + str(investment_list.positions[i]) + ' Position values: '+ str(investment_list.position_value[i]) + ' trial numbers: ' + str(investment_list.num_trials))
					f.write('\n' + 'the mean of the daily return is: ' + str(np.mean(daily_ret)))
					f.write('\n' + 'the stadard deviation of the daily return is: ' + str(np.std(daily_ret)))
		except invalid_list_bound:
			print 'Invalid list bound!'
		except invalid_list_value:
			print 'Invalid list value!'
		except invalid_trial_numbers:
			print 'Invalid trial number!'