Example #1
 def replaced_stdin_objects_dont_explode(self, mock_sys):
     # Replace sys.stdin with an object lacking .fileno(), which
     # normally causes an AttributeError unless we are being careful.
     mock_sys.stdin = object()
     # Test. If bug is present, this will error.
     runner = Local(Context())
     eq_(runner.should_use_pty(pty=True, fallback=True), False)
Example #2
 def replaced_stdin_objects_dont_explode(self, mock_sys):
     # Replace sys.stdin with an object lacking .isatty(), which
     # normally causes an AttributeError unless we are being careful.
     mock_sys.stdin = object()
     # Test. If bug is present, this will error.
     runner = Local(Context())
     eq_(runner.should_use_pty(pty=True, fallback=True), False)