Example #1
 def encPrivateKeyValid(self, encPrivateKey):
     valid = False
         if not encPrivateKey:
             raise EncException("Invalid privateKey")
         base58.alphabet = b'123456789AbCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTuVWXYZaBcdefghijkmnopqrstUvwxyz'
         priKeyTemp = base58.b58decode(encPrivateKey)
         condition1 = len(priKeyTemp) != 41
         condition2 = priKeyTemp[0] != chr(218)
         condition3 = priKeyTemp[1] != chr(55)
         condition4 = priKeyTemp[2] != chr(159)
         condition5 = priKeyTemp[3] != chr(1)
         if condition1 or condition2 or condition3 or condition4 or condition5:
             raise EncException("Invalid privateKey")
         lenth = len(priKeyTemp)
         checkSum = priKeyTemp[lenth - 4:lenth]
         buff = priKeyTemp[0:lenth - 4]
         hash1 = CheckKey().CalHash(KeyType.ED25519, buff)
         hash2 = CheckKey().CalHash(KeyType.ED25519, hash1)
         checkSumCol = hash2[0:4]
         if checkSum != checkSumCol:
             raise EncException("Invalid privateKey")
         valid = True
     except Exception:
         valid = False
     return valid
Example #2
 def encPublicKey(self, keyType, raw_pkey):
     if not raw_pkey:
         raise EncException("Public key is null")
     buff = ""
     buff = buff + chr(176)
     buff = buff + chr(1)
     buff = buff + raw_pkey
     hash1 = CheckKey().CalHash(keyType, buff)
     hash2 = CheckKey().CalHash(keyType, hash1)
     temp = buff + hash2[0:4]
     return temp
Example #3
 def encAddress(self, keyType, raw_pkey):
     buff = ""
     buff = buff + chr(1)
     buff = buff + chr(86)
     buff = buff + chr(1)
     hashPkey = CheckKey().CalHash(keyType, raw_pkey)
     buff = buff + hashPkey[12:32]
     hash1 = CheckKey().CalHash(keyType, buff)
     hash2 = CheckKey().CalHash(keyType, hash1)
     temp = buff + hash2[0:4]
     base58.alphabet = b'123456789AbCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTuVWXYZaBcdefghijkmnopqrstUvwxyz'
     return base58.b58encode(temp)
Example #4
 def encPublicKeyValid(self, encPublicKey):
     valid = False
         if not encPublicKey:
             raise EncException("Invalid publicKey")
         buffPKey = encPublicKey
         if len(buffPKey) < 6 or buffPKey[0] != chr(176) or buffPKey[1] != chr(1):
             raise EncException("Invalid publicKey")
         lenth = len(buffPKey)
         checkSum = buffPKey[lenth - 4:lenth]
         buff = buffPKey[0:lenth - 4]
         hash1 = CheckKey().CalHash(KeyType.ED25519, buff)
         hash2 = CheckKey().CalHash(KeyType.ED25519, hash1)
         checkSumCol = hash2[0:4]
         if checkSum != checkSumCol:
             raise EncException("Invalid publicKey")
         valid = True
     except EncException:
         valid = False
     return valid
Example #5
 def encAddressValid(self, encAddress):
     valid = False
         if not encAddress:
             raise EncException("Invalid address")
         base58.alphabet = b'123456789AbCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTuVWXYZaBcdefghijkmnopqrstUvwxyz'
         adTemp = base58.b58decode(encAddress)
         if len(adTemp) != 27 or adTemp[0] != chr(1) or adTemp[1] != chr(86) or adTemp[2] != chr(1):
             raise EncException("Invalid address")
         lenth = len(adTemp)
         checkSum = adTemp[lenth - 4:lenth]
         buff = adTemp[0:lenth - 4]
         hash1 = CheckKey().CalHash(KeyType.ED25519, buff)
         hash2 = CheckKey().CalHash(KeyType.ED25519, hash1)
         checkSumCol = hash2[0:4]
         if checkSum != checkSumCol:
             raise EncException("Invalid address")
         valid = True
     except EncException:
         valid = False
     return valid
Example #6
 def EncPrivateKey(self, keytype, raw_skey):
     :param keytype: KeyType 用于存储算法类型(Ed25519)和版本号默认1
     :param raw_skey:
     if not raw_skey:
         raise EncException("Private key is null")
     buff = ""
     buff = buff + chr(int(0xDA))
     buff = buff + chr(int(0x37))
     buff = buff + chr(int(0x9F))
     buff = buff + chr(1)
     buff = buff + str(raw_skey)
     buff = buff + chr(0)
     hash1 = CheckKey().CalHash(keytype, buff)
     hash2 = CheckKey().CalHash(keytype, hash1)
     temp = buff + hash2[0:4]
     base58.alphabet = b'123456789AbCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTuVWXYZaBcdefghijkmnopqrstUvwxyz'
     print "this is privateKey :", base58.b58encode(temp)
     return base58.b58encode(temp)
Example #7
 def getPrivateKey(self, bSkey, member):
     if not bSkey:
         raise EncException("Private key cannot be null")
     base58.alphabet = b'123456789AbCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTuVWXYZaBcdefghijkmnopqrstUvwxyz'
     sKeyTemp = base58.b58decode(bSkey)
     if len(sKeyTemp) <= 9:
         raise EncException("Private key (" + bSkey + ") is invalid")
     if ord(sKeyTemp[3]) != 1:
         raise EncException("Private key (" + bSkey + ") is invalid")
     type = KeyType.ED25519
     if not CheckKey().CheckSum(type, sKeyTemp):
         raise EncException("Private key (" + bSkey + ") is invalid")
     rawSkey = sKeyTemp[4:len(sKeyTemp) - 5]
Example #8
 def getPublicKey(self, bPkey=None, member=None):
     if not bPkey:
         raise EncException("public key cannot be null")
     buffPkey = bPkey
     if len(buffPkey) < 6:
         raise EncException("public key (" + bPkey + ") is invalid, please check")
     if buffPkey[0] != chr(0xB0):
         raise EncException("public key (" + bPkey + ") is invalid, please check")
     if buffPkey[1] != chr(1):
         raise EncException("public key (" + bPkey + ") is invalid, please check")
     keyType = KeyType.ED25519
     if not CheckKey().CheckSum(keyType, buffPkey):
         raise EncException("public key (" + bPkey + ") is invalid, please check")
     rawPKey = buffPkey[2:len(buffPkey) - 4]