def execute(dirpath, name_suffix, root_object, armature_object, skeleton_filepath, mesh_objects, model_locators, used_parts, used_materials, used_bones, used_terrain_points): """Executes export of PIM file for given data. :param dirpath: directory path for PIM file :type dirpath: str :param name_suffix: file name suffix :type name_suffix: str :param root_object: Blender SCS Root empty object :type root_object: bpy.types.Object :param armature_object: Blender Aramture object belonging to this SCS game object :type armature_object: bpy.types.Object :param skeleton_filepath: relative file path of PIS file :type skeleton_filepath: str :param mesh_objects: all the meshes which should be exported for current game object :type mesh_objects: list of bpy.types.Object :param model_locators: all Blender empty objecs which represents model locators and should be exported for current game object :type model_locators: list of bpy.types.Object :param used_parts: parts transitional structure for storing used parts inside this PIM export :type used_parts: :param used_materials: materials transitional structure for storing used materials inside this PIM export :type used_materials: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.materials.MaterialsTrans :param used_bones: bones transitional structure for storing used bones inside this PIM export :type used_bones: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.bones.BonesTrans :param used_terrain_points: terrain points transitional structure for storing used terrain points :type used_terrain_points: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.terrain_points.TerrainPntsTrans :return: True if export was successfull; False otherwise :rtype: bool """ print("\n************************************") print("** SCS PIM.EF Exporter **") print("** (c)2017 SCS Software **") print("************************************\n") scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() format_version = 1 is_skin_used = (armature_object and root_object.scs_props.scs_root_animated == "anim") pim_header = Header("", format_version, pim_global = Globall(used_parts.count(), skeleton_filepath) pim_materials = collections.OrderedDict() # dict of Material class instances representing used materials """:type: dict[str, Material]""" pim_pieces = [] # list of Piece class instances representing mesh pieces """:type: list[Piece]""" pim_parts = {} # list of Part class instances representing used parts """:type: dict[str, Part]""" pim_locators = [] # list of Locator class instances representing model locators """:type: list[Locator]""" objects_with_default_material = {} # stores object names which has no material set missing_mappings_data = {} # indicates if material doesn't have set any uv layer for export bones = skin = skin_stream = None if is_skin_used: # create bones data section bones = Bones() for bone in bones.add_bone( used_bones.add( # create skin data section skin_stream = SkinStream(SkinStream.Types.POSITION) skin = Skin(skin_stream) # create mesh object data sections for mesh_obj in mesh_objects: vert_groups = mesh_obj.vertex_groups # calculate faces flip state from all ancestors of current object scale_sign = 1 parent = mesh_obj while parent and parent.scs_props.empty_object_type != "SCS_Root": for scale_axis in parent.scale: scale_sign *= scale_axis parent = parent.parent winding_order = 1 if scale_sign < 0: winding_order = -1 # calculate transformation matrix for current object (root object transforms are always subtracted!) mesh_transf_mat = root_object.matrix_world.inverted() * mesh_obj.matrix_world """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" # calculate vertex position transformation matrix for this object pos_transf_mat = (Matrix.Scale(scs_globals.export_scale, 4) * _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted()) """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" # calculate vertex normals transformation matrix for this object # NOTE: as normals will be read from none export prepared mesh we have to add rotation and scale from mesh transformation matrix _, rot, scale = mesh_transf_mat.decompose() scale_matrix_x = Matrix.Scale(scale.x, 3, Vector((1, 0, 0))).to_4x4() scale_matrix_y = Matrix.Scale(scale.y, 3, Vector((0, 1, 0))).to_4x4() scale_matrix_z = Matrix.Scale(scale.z, 3, Vector((0, 0, 1))).to_4x4() nor_transf_mat = (_scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() * rot.to_matrix().to_4x4() * scale_matrix_x * scale_matrix_y * scale_matrix_z) """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" # get initial mesh and vertex groups for it mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(mesh_obj) _mesh_utils.bm_prepare_mesh_for_export(mesh, mesh_transf_mat) # get extra mesh only for normals mesh_for_normals = _object_utils.get_mesh(mesh_obj) mesh_for_normals.calc_normals_split() missing_uv_layers = {} # stores missing uvs specified by materials of this object missing_vcolor = False # indicates if object is missing vertex color layer missing_vcolor_a = False # indicates if object is missing vertex color alpha layer missing_skinned_verts = set() # indicates if object is having only partial skin, which is not allowed in our models has_unnormalized_skin = False # indicates if object has vertices which bones weight sum is smaller then one hard_edges = set() mesh_piece = Piece(len(pim_pieces)) """:type: Piece""" for poly in mesh.polygons: mat_index = poly.material_index # check material existence and decide what material name and effect has to be used if mat_index >= len(mesh_obj.material_slots) or mesh_obj.material_slots[mat_index].material is None: # no material or invalid index material = None pim_mat_name = "_default_material_-_default_settings_" pim_mat_effect = "eut2.dif" objects_with_default_material[] = 1 else: material = mesh_obj.material_slots[mat_index].material pim_mat_name = pim_mat_effect = material.scs_props.mat_effect_name # create new pim material if material with that name doesn't yet exists if pim_mat_name not in pim_materials: pim_material = Material(len(pim_materials), pim_mat_name, pim_mat_effect, material) pim_materials[pim_mat_name] = pim_material used_materials.add(pim_mat_name, material) piece_vert_indices = [] vert_normals = [] vert_uvs = [] uvs_aliases = [] uvs_names = collections.OrderedDict() vert_rgbas = [] rgbas_names = collections.OrderedDict() tex_coord_alias_map = pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_tex_coord_map() for loop_i in poly.loop_indices: loop = mesh.loops[loop_i] """:type: bpy.types.MeshLoop""" vert_i = loop.vertex_index # as we are already looping first find out if edge is hard and put it to set if mesh.edges[loop.edge_index].use_edge_sharp: hard_edges.add(loop.edge_index) # get data of current vertex # 1. position -> mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].co position = tuple(pos_transf_mat * mesh.vertices[vert_i].co) # 2. normal -> loop.normal -> calc_normals_split() has to be called before normal = nor_transf_mat * mesh_for_normals.loops[loop_i].normal normal = tuple(Vector(normal).normalized()) vert_normals.append(normal) # 3. uvs -> uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[0].data; uv_lay[loop_i].uv uvs = [] uvs_aliases = [] if len(tex_coord_alias_map) < 1: # no textures or none uses uv mapping in current material effect uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) uvs_names["generated"] = True uvs_aliases.append(["_TEXCOORD0"]) # report missing mappings only on actual materials with textures using uv mappings if material and pim_materials[pim_mat_name].uses_textures_with_uv(): if not in missing_mappings_data: missing_mappings_data[] = {} if not in missing_mappings_data[]: missing_mappings_data[][] = 1 else: for uv_lay_name in mesh.uv_layers.keys(): uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[uv_lay_name] uvs.append(_change_to_scs_uv_coordinates([loop_i].uv)) uvs_names[uv_lay_name] = True aliases = [] if uv_lay_name in tex_coord_alias_map: for alias_index in tex_coord_alias_map[uv_lay_name]: aliases.append("_TEXCOORD" + str(alias_index)) uvs_aliases.append(aliases) vert_uvs.append(uvs) # 4. vcol -> vcol_lay = mesh.vertex_colors[0].data; vcol_lay[loop_i].color rgbas = [] vcol_multi = if _MESH_consts.default_vcol not in mesh.vertex_colors: # get RGB component of RGBA vcol = (1.0,) * 3 missing_vcolor = True else: color = mesh.vertex_colors[_MESH_consts.default_vcol].data[loop_i].color vcol = (color[0] * 2 * vcol_multi, color[1] * 2 * vcol_multi, color[2] * 2 * vcol_multi) if _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix not in mesh.vertex_colors: # get A component of RGBA vcol += (1.0,) missing_vcolor_a = True else: alpha = mesh.vertex_colors[_MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix].data[loop_i].color vcol += ((alpha[0] + alpha[1] + alpha[2]) / 3.0 * 2 * vcol_multi,) # take avg of colors for alpha rgbas.append(vcol) rgbas_names[_MESH_consts.default_vcol] = True # export rest of the vertex colors too, but do not apply extra multiplies of SCS exporter # as rest of the layers are just artist layers for vcol_layer in mesh.vertex_colors: # we already computed thoose so ignore them if in [_MESH_consts.default_vcol, _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix]: continue color =[loop_i].color vcol = (color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0) rgbas.append(vcol) rgbas_names[] = True vert_rgbas.append(rgbas) # save internal vertex index to array to be able to construct triangle afterwards piece_vert_index = mesh_piece.add_vertex(vert_i, position) piece_vert_indices.append(piece_vert_index) if is_skin_used: # get skinning data for vertex and save it to skin stream bone_weights = {} bone_weights_sum = 0 for v_group_entry in mesh.vertices[vert_i].groups: bone_indx = bones.get_bone_index(vert_groups[].name) bone_weight = v_group_entry.weight # proceed only if bone exists in our armature if bone_indx != -1: bone_weights[bone_indx] = bone_weight bone_weights_sum += bone_weight skin_entry = SkinStream.Entry(mesh_piece.get_index(), piece_vert_index, position, bone_weights, bone_weights_sum) skin_stream.add_entry(skin_entry) # report un-skinned vertices (no bones or zero sum weight) or badly skinned model if bone_weights_sum <= 0: missing_skinned_verts.add(vert_i) elif bone_weights_sum < 1: has_unnormalized_skin = True # save to terrain points storage if present in correct vertex group for group in mesh.vertices[vert_i].groups: # if current object doesn't have vertex group found in mesh data, then ignore that group # This can happen if multiple objects are using same mesh and # some of them have vertex groups, but others not. if >= len(mesh_obj.vertex_groups): continue curr_vg_name = mesh_obj.vertex_groups[].name # if vertex group name doesn't match prescribed one ignore this vertex group if not match(_OP_consts.TerrainPoints.vg_name_regex, curr_vg_name): continue # if node index is not in bounds ignore this vertex group node_index = int(curr_vg_name[-1]) if node_index >= _PL_consts.PREFAB_NODE_COUNT_MAX: continue # if no variants defined add globally (without variant block) if len(root_object.scs_object_variant_inventory) == 0: used_terrain_points.add(-1, node_index, position, normal) continue # finally iterate variant parts entries to find where this part is included # and add terrain points to transitional structure # # NOTE: variant index is donated by direct order of variants in inventory # so export in PIT has to use the same order otherwise variant # indices will be misplaced for variant_i, variant in enumerate(root_object.scs_object_variant_inventory): used_terrain_points.ensure_entry(variant_i, node_index) for variant_part in if == mesh_obj.scs_props.scs_part and variant_part.include: used_terrain_points.add(variant_i, node_index, position, normal) break assert mesh_piece.add_face(pim_materials[pim_mat_name], tuple(piece_vert_indices[::winding_order * -1]), # invert indices because of conversion to scs system tuple(vert_normals[::winding_order]), tuple(vert_uvs[::winding_order]), list(uvs_names.keys()), uvs_aliases, tuple(vert_rgbas[::winding_order]), list(rgbas_names.keys()) ) # as we captured all hard edges collect them now and put it into Piece for hard_edge in hard_edges: (vert1_i, vert2_i) = mesh.edges[hard_edge].vertices assert mesh_piece.add_edge(vert1_i, vert2_i, blender_mesh_indices=True) # free normals calculations and eventually remove mesh object _mesh_utils.cleanup_mesh(mesh) _mesh_utils.cleanup_mesh(mesh_for_normals) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = mesh_obj.scs_props.scs_part if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) # put pieces of current mesh to global list pim_pieces.append(mesh_piece) # add pieces of current mesh to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_piece(mesh_piece) # report missing data for each object if len(missing_uv_layers) > 0: for uv_lay_name in missing_uv_layers: lprint("W Object '%s' is missing UV layer '%s' specified by materials: %s\n", (, uv_lay_name, missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name])) if missing_vcolor: lprint("W Object %r is missing vertex color layer with name %r! Default RGB color will be exported (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)!", (, _MESH_consts.default_vcol)) if missing_vcolor_a: lprint("W Object %r is missing vertex color alpha layer with name %r! Default alpha will be exported (0.5)", (, _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix)) if len(missing_skinned_verts) > 0: lprint("E Object %r from SCS Root %r has %s vertices which are not skinned to any bone, expect errors during conversion!", (,, len(missing_skinned_verts))) if has_unnormalized_skin: lprint("W Object %r from SCS Root %r has unormalized skinning, exporting normalized weights!\n\t " "You can normalize weights by selecting object & executing 'Normalize All Vertex Groups'.", (, # report missing data for whole model if len(missing_mappings_data) > 0: for material_name in missing_mappings_data: lprint("W Material '%s' is missing mapping data! Objects using it are exported with default UV:\n\t %s", (material_name, list(missing_mappings_data[material_name].keys()))) if len(objects_with_default_material) > 0: lprint("W Some objects don't use any material. Default material and UV mapping is used on them:\n\t %s", (list(objects_with_default_material.keys()),)) # create locators data sections for loc_obj in model_locators: pos, qua, sca = _get_scs_transformation_components(root_object.matrix_world.inverted() * loc_obj.matrix_world) if sca[0] * sca[1] * sca[2] < 0: lprint("W Model locator %r inside SCS Root Object %r not exported because of invalid scale.\n\t " + "Model locators must have positive scale!", (, continue name = _name_utils.tokenize_name( hookup_string = loc_obj.scs_props.locator_model_hookup if hookup_string != "" and ":" in hookup_string: hookup = hookup_string.split(':', 1)[1].strip() else: if hookup_string != "": lprint("W The Hookup %r has no expected value!", hookup_string) hookup = None # create locator object for export locator = Locator(len(pim_locators), name, hookup) locator.set_position(pos) locator.set_rotation(qua) locator.set_scale(sca) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = loc_obj.scs_props.scs_part if part_name not in pim_parts: assert used_parts.is_present(part_name) pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) # add locator to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_locator(locator) # add locator to locator list pim_locators.append(locator) # create container pim_container = [pim_header.get_as_section(), pim_global.get_as_section()] for mat_name in pim_materials: pim_container.append(pim_materials[mat_name].get_as_section()) for pim_piece in pim_pieces: pim_container.append(pim_piece.get_as_section()) for part_name in used_parts.get_as_list(): # export all parts even empty ones gathered from PIC and PIP if part_name in pim_parts: pim_container.append(pim_parts[part_name].get_as_section()) else: pim_container.append(Part(part_name).get_as_section()) for locator in pim_locators: pim_container.append(locator.get_as_section()) if is_skin_used: pim_container.append(bones.get_as_section()) pim_container.append(skin.get_as_section()) # write to file ind = " " pim_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, + ".pim" + name_suffix) return _pix_container.write_data_to_file(pim_container, pim_filepath, ind)
def execute(dirpath, name_suffix, root_object, armature_object, skeleton_filepath, mesh_objects, model_locators, used_parts, used_materials, used_bones, used_terrain_points): """Executes export of PIM file for given data. :param dirpath: directory path for PIM file :type dirpath: str :param name_suffix: file name suffix :type name_suffix: str :param root_object: Blender SCS Root empty object :type root_object: bpy.types.Object :param armature_object: Blender Aramture object belonging to this SCS game object :type armature_object: bpy.types.Object :param skeleton_filepath: relative file path of PIS file :type skeleton_filepath: str :param mesh_objects: all the meshes which should be exported for current game object :type mesh_objects: list of bpy.types.Object :param model_locators: all Blender empty objecs which represents model locators and should be exported for current game object :type model_locators: list of bpy.types.Object :param used_parts: parts transitional structure for storing used parts inside this PIM export :type used_parts: :param used_materials: materials transitional structure for storing used materials inside this PIM export :type used_materials: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.materials.MaterialsTrans :param used_bones: bones transitional structure for storing used bones inside this PIM export :type used_bones: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.bones.BonesTrans :param used_terrain_points: terrain points transitional structure for storing used terrain points :type used_terrain_points: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.terrain_points.TerrainPntsTrans :return: True if export was successfull; False otherwise :rtype: bool """ print("\n************************************") print("** SCS PIM Exporter **") print("** (c)2017 SCS Software **") print("************************************\n") scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() format_version = 5 is_skin_used = (armature_object and root_object.scs_props.scs_root_animated == "anim") pim_header = Header("", format_version, pim_global = Globall(used_parts.count(), skeleton_filepath) pim_materials = collections.OrderedDict( ) # dict of Material class instances representing used materials """:type: dict[str, Material]""" pim_pieces = [] # list of Piece class instances representing mesh pieces """:type: list[Piece]""" pim_parts = {} # list of Part class instances representing used parts """:type: dict[str, Part]""" pim_locators = [ ] # list of Locator class instances representing model locators """:type: list[Locator]""" objects_with_default_material = { } # stores object names which has no material set missing_mappings_data = { } # indicates if material doesn't have set any uv layer for export invalid_objects_for_tangents = set( ) # stores object names which tangents calculation failed because of N-gons existence bones = skin = skin_stream = None if is_skin_used: invalid_bone_names = set( ) # set for saving bones with invalid names, they are used for reporting to user # create bones data section bones = Bones() for bone in bones.add_bone( used_bones.add( # do bones name checks if _name_utils.tokenize_name( != invalid_bone_names.add( # create skin data section skin_stream = SkinStream(SkinStream.Types.POSITION) skin = Skin(skin_stream) # report invalid bone names if len(invalid_bone_names) > 0: lprint( "W Invalid bone names detected, max. length of valid bone name is 12 and must consists from [a-z, 0-9 and _ ] characters.\n\t " "Conversion will generalize names, however expect problems by re-import! List of invalid bone names for %r:\n\t " "%r", (, list(invalid_bone_names))) # create mesh object data sections for mesh_obj in mesh_objects: lprint("I Preparing mesh object: %r ...", (, )) vert_groups = mesh_obj.vertex_groups mesh_pieces = collections.OrderedDict() # calculate faces flip state from all ancestors of current object scale_sign = 1 parent = mesh_obj while parent and parent.scs_props.empty_object_type != "SCS_Root": for scale_axis in parent.scale: scale_sign *= scale_axis parent = parent.parent face_flip = scale_sign < 0 # calculate transformation matrix for current object (root object transforms are always subtracted!) mesh_transf_mat = root_object.matrix_world.inverted( ) * mesh_obj.matrix_world """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" # calculate vertex position transformation matrix for this object pos_transf_mat = (Matrix.Scale(scs_globals.export_scale, 4) * _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted()) """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" # calculate vertex normals transformation matrix for this object # NOTE: as normals will be read from none export prepared mesh we have to add rotation and scale from mesh transformation matrix _, rot, scale = mesh_transf_mat.decompose() scale_matrix_x = Matrix.Scale(scale.x, 3, Vector((1, 0, 0))).to_4x4() scale_matrix_y = Matrix.Scale(scale.y, 3, Vector((0, 1, 0))).to_4x4() scale_matrix_z = Matrix.Scale(scale.z, 3, Vector((0, 0, 1))).to_4x4() nor_transf_mat = (_scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() * rot.to_matrix().to_4x4() * scale_matrix_x * scale_matrix_y * scale_matrix_z) """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" tangent_transf_mat = _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() """:type: mathutils.Matrix""" # get initial mesh & extra copy of the mesh for normals mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(mesh_obj) mesh_for_normals = mesh.copy() # prepare meshes faces_mapping = _mesh_utils.bm_prepare_mesh_for_export( mesh, mesh_transf_mat, triangulate=True) mesh_for_normals.calc_normals_split() missing_uv_layers = { } # stores missing uvs specified by materials of this object missing_vcolor = False # indicates if object is missing vertex color layer missing_vcolor_a = False # indicates if object is missing vertex color alpha layer missing_skinned_verts = set( ) # indicates if object is having only partial skin, which is not allowed in our models has_unnormalized_skin = False # indicates if object has vertices which bones weight sum is smaller then one for poly in mesh.polygons: mat_index = poly.material_index # check material existence and decide what material name and effect has to be used if mat_index >= len( mesh_obj.material_slots ) or mesh_obj.material_slots[ mat_index].material is None: # no material or invalid index material = None pim_mat_name = "_default_material_-_default_settings_" pim_mat_effect = "eut2.dif" objects_with_default_material[] = 1 else: material = mesh_obj.material_slots[mat_index].material pim_mat_name = pim_mat_effect = material.scs_props.mat_effect_name # create new pim material if material with that name doesn't yet exists if pim_mat_name not in pim_materials: pim_material = Material(len(pim_materials), pim_mat_name, pim_mat_effect, material) pim_materials[pim_mat_name] = pim_material used_materials.add(pim_mat_name, material) # create new piece if piece with this material doesn't exists yet -> split to pieces by material if pim_mat_name not in mesh_pieces: mesh_pieces[pim_mat_name] = Piece( len(pim_pieces) + len(mesh_pieces), pim_materials[pim_mat_name]) nmap_uv_layer = pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_nmap_uv_name() # if there is uv layer used for normal maps and that uv layer exists on mesh then calculate tangents on it otherwise report warning if nmap_uv_layer: if nmap_uv_layer in mesh.uv_layers: try: mesh.calc_tangents(uvmap=nmap_uv_layer) except RuntimeError: invalid_objects_for_tangents.add( else: lprint( "W Unable to calculate normal map tangents for object %r,\n\t " "as it's missing UV layer with name: %r, expect problems!", (, nmap_uv_layer)) mesh_piece = mesh_pieces[pim_mat_name] """:type: Piece""" # get polygon loop indices for normals depending on mapped triangulated face if poly.index in faces_mapping: normals_poly_loop_indices = list(mesh_for_normals.polygons[ faces_mapping[poly.index]].loop_indices) else: normals_poly_loop_indices = list( mesh_for_normals.polygons[poly.index].loop_indices) # vertex data triangle_pvert_indices = [ ] # storing vertex indices for this polygon triangle for loop_i in poly.loop_indices: loop = mesh.loops[loop_i] """:type: bpy.types.MeshLoop""" vert_i = loop.vertex_index # get data of current vertex # 1. position -> mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].co position = tuple(pos_transf_mat * mesh.vertices[vert_i].co) # 2. normal -> mesh_for_normals.loops[loop_i].normal -> calc_normals_split() has to be called before normal = (0, 0, 0) for i, normals_poly_loop_i in enumerate( normals_poly_loop_indices): normal_loop = mesh_for_normals.loops[normals_poly_loop_i] # match by vertex index as triangle will for sure have three unique vertices if vert_i == normal_loop.vertex_index: normal = nor_transf_mat * normal_loop.normal normal = tuple(Vector(normal).normalized()) del normals_poly_loop_indices[i] break else: lprint( "E Normals data gathering went wrong, expect corrupted mesh! Shouldn't happen..." ) # 3. uvs -> uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[0].data; uv_lay[loop_i].uv uvs = [] uvs_aliases = [] tex_coord_alias_map = pim_materials[ pim_mat_name].get_tex_coord_map() if len( tex_coord_alias_map ) < 1: # no textures or none uses uv mapping in current material effect uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) uvs_aliases.append(["_TEXCOORD0"]) # report missing mappings only on actual materials with textures using uv mappings if material and pim_materials[ pim_mat_name].uses_textures_with_uv(): if not in missing_mappings_data: missing_mappings_data[] = {} if not in missing_mappings_data[]: missing_mappings_data[][] = 1 else: for uv_lay_name in tex_coord_alias_map: if uv_lay_name not in mesh.uv_layers: uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) # properly report missing uv layers where name of uv layout is key and materials that misses it are values if uv_lay_name not in missing_uv_layers: missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name] = [] if pim_mat_name not in missing_uv_layers[ uv_lay_name]: # add material if not already there missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name].append( pim_mat_name) else: uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[uv_lay_name] uvs.append( _change_to_scs_uv_coordinates([loop_i].uv)) aliases = [] for alias_index in tex_coord_alias_map[uv_lay_name]: aliases.append("_TEXCOORD" + str(alias_index)) uvs_aliases.append(aliases) # 4. vcol -> vcol_lay = mesh.vertex_colors[0].data; vcol_lay[loop_i].color vcol_multi = if _MESH_consts.default_vcol not in mesh.vertex_colors: # get RGB component of RGBA vcol = (1.0, ) * 3 missing_vcolor = True else: color = mesh.vertex_colors[ _MESH_consts.default_vcol].data[loop_i].color vcol = (color[0] * 2 * vcol_multi, color[1] * 2 * vcol_multi, color[2] * 2 * vcol_multi) if _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix not in mesh.vertex_colors: # get A component of RGBA vcol += (1.0, ) missing_vcolor_a = True else: alpha = mesh.vertex_colors[ _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix].data[loop_i].color vcol += ((alpha[0] + alpha[1] + alpha[2]) / 3.0 * 2 * vcol_multi, ) # take avg of colors for alpha # 5. tangent -> loop.tangent; loop.bitangent_sign -> calc_tangents() has to be called before if pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_nmap_uv_name( ): # calculate tangents only if needed tangent = tuple(tangent_transf_mat * loop.tangent) tangent = tuple(Vector(tangent).normalized()) tangent = (tangent[0], tangent[1], tangent[2], loop.bitangent_sign) else: tangent = None # 6. There we go, vertex data collected! Now create internal vertex index, for triangle and skin stream construction piece_vert_index = mesh_piece.add_vertex( vert_i, position, normal, uvs, uvs_aliases, vcol, tangent) # 7. Add vertex to triangle creation list triangle_pvert_indices.append(piece_vert_index) # 8. Get skinning data for vertex and save it to skin stream if is_skin_used: bone_weights = {} bone_weights_sum = 0 for v_group_entry in mesh.vertices[vert_i].groups: bone_indx = bones.get_bone_index( vert_groups[].name) bone_weight = v_group_entry.weight # proceed only if bone exists in our armature if bone_indx != -1: bone_weights[bone_indx] = bone_weight bone_weights_sum += bone_weight skin_entry = SkinStream.Entry(mesh_piece.get_index(), piece_vert_index, position, bone_weights, bone_weights_sum) skin_stream.add_entry(skin_entry) # report un-skinned vertices (no bones or zero sum weight) or badly skinned model if bone_weights_sum <= 0: missing_skinned_verts.add(vert_i) elif bone_weights_sum < 1: has_unnormalized_skin = True # Addition - Terrain Points: save vertex to terrain points storage, if present in correct vertex group for group in mesh.vertices[vert_i].groups: # if current object doesn't have vertex group found in mesh data, then ignore that group # This can happen if multiple objects are using same mesh and # some of them have vertex groups, but others not. if >= len(mesh_obj.vertex_groups): continue curr_vg_name = mesh_obj.vertex_groups[].name # if vertex group name doesn't match prescribed one ignore this vertex group if not match(_OP_consts.TerrainPoints.vg_name_regex, curr_vg_name): continue # if node index is not in bounds ignore this vertex group node_index = int(curr_vg_name[-1]) if node_index >= _PL_consts.PREFAB_NODE_COUNT_MAX: continue # if no variants defined add globally (without variant block) if len(root_object.scs_object_variant_inventory) == 0: used_terrain_points.add(-1, node_index, position, normal) continue # finally iterate variant parts entries to find where this part is included # and add terrain points to transitional structure # # NOTE: variant index is donated by direct order of variants in inventory # so export in PIT has to use the same order otherwise variant # indices will be misplaced for variant_i, variant in enumerate( root_object.scs_object_variant_inventory): used_terrain_points.ensure_entry(variant_i, node_index) for variant_part in if == mesh_obj.scs_props.scs_part and variant_part.include: used_terrain_points.add( variant_i, node_index, position, normal) break # triangles if face_flip: mesh_piece.add_triangle(tuple(triangle_pvert_indices)) else: mesh_piece.add_triangle( tuple(triangle_pvert_indices[::-1] )) # yep it's weird but it simply works vice versa # free normals calculations _mesh_utils.cleanup_mesh(mesh) _mesh_utils.cleanup_mesh(mesh_for_normals) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = used_parts.ensure_part(mesh_obj) if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) mesh_pieces = mesh_pieces.values() for piece in mesh_pieces: # now as pieces are created we can check for it's flaws if piece.get_vertex_count() > 65536: lprint( "E Object %r has exceeded maximum vertex count (65536), expect errors during conversion!", (, )) # put pieces of current mesh to global list pim_pieces.append(piece) # add pieces of current mesh to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_piece(piece) # report missing data for each object if len(missing_uv_layers) > 0: for uv_lay_name in missing_uv_layers: lprint( "W Object %r is missing UV layer %r specified by materials: %r", (, uv_lay_name, missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name])) if missing_vcolor: lprint( "W Object %r is missing vertex color layer with name %r! Default RGB color will be exported (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)!", (, _MESH_consts.default_vcol)) if missing_vcolor_a: lprint( "W Object %r is missing vertex color alpha layer with name %r! Default alpha will be exported (0.5)", (, _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix)) if len(missing_skinned_verts) > 0: lprint( "E Object %r from SCS Root %r has %s vertices which are not skinned to any bone, expect errors during conversion!", (,, len(missing_skinned_verts))) if has_unnormalized_skin: lprint( "W Object %r from SCS Root %r has unormalized skinning, exporting normalized weights!\n\t " "You can normalize weights by selecting object & executing 'Normalize All Vertex Groups'.", (, # report missing data for whole model if len(missing_mappings_data) > 0: for material_name in missing_mappings_data: lprint( "W Material '%s' is missing mapping data! Objects using it are exported with default UV:\n\t %s", (material_name, list(missing_mappings_data[material_name].keys()))) if len(objects_with_default_material) > 0: lprint( "W Some objects don't use any material. Default material and UV mapping is used on them:\n\t %s", (list(objects_with_default_material.keys()), )) if len(invalid_objects_for_tangents) > 0: lprint( "E N-gons present in some objects, thus normal map tangent calculation failed.\n\t " "Visualization in game will be distorted for this objects:\n\t %s", (list(invalid_objects_for_tangents), )) # create locators data sections for loc_obj in model_locators: pos, qua, sca = _get_scs_transformation_components( root_object.matrix_world.inverted() * loc_obj.matrix_world) if sca[0] * sca[1] * sca[2] < 0: lprint( "W Model locator %r inside SCS Root Object %r not exported because of invalid scale.\n\t " + "Model locators must have positive scale!", (, continue name = _name_utils.tokenize_name( hookup_string = loc_obj.scs_props.locator_model_hookup hookup_id = None if hookup_string != "": hookup_id = _hookup_name_to_hookup_id(hookup_string) if hookup_id is None: lprint("W Model locator %r has unexpected hookup value %r.", (, loc_obj.scs_props.locator_model_hookup)) # create locator object for export locator = Locator(len(pim_locators), name, hookup_id) locator.set_position(pos) locator.set_rotation(qua) locator.set_scale(sca) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = used_parts.ensure_part(loc_obj) if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) # add locator to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_locator(locator) # add locator to locator list pim_locators.append(locator) # create container pim_container = [pim_header.get_as_section(), pim_global.get_as_section()] for mat_name in pim_materials: pim_container.append(pim_materials[mat_name].get_as_section()) for pim_piece in pim_pieces: pim_container.append(pim_piece.get_as_section()) for part_name in used_parts.get_as_list(): # export all parts even empty ones used only in PIC and/or PIP if part_name in pim_parts: pim_container.append(pim_parts[part_name].get_as_section()) else: pim_container.append(Part(part_name).get_as_section()) for locator in pim_locators: pim_container.append(locator.get_as_section()) if is_skin_used: pim_container.append(bones.get_as_section()) pim_container.append(skin.get_as_section()) # write to file ind = " " pim_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, + ".pim" + name_suffix) return _pix_container.write_data_to_file(pim_container, pim_filepath, ind)
def execute(dirpath, root_object, armature_object, skeleton_filepath, mesh_objects, model_locators, used_parts, used_materials, used_bones, used_terrain_points): """Executes export of PIM file for given data. :param dirpath: directory path for PIM file :type dirpath: str :param root_object: Blender SCS Root empty object :type root_object: bpy.types.Object :param armature_object: Blender Aramture object belonging to this SCS game object :type armature_object: bpy.types.Object :param skeleton_filepath: relative file path of PIS file :type skeleton_filepath: str :param mesh_objects: all the meshes which should be exported for current game object :type mesh_objects: list of bpy.types.Object :param model_locators: all Blender empty objecs which represents model locators and should be exported for current game object :type model_locators: list of bpy.types.Object :param used_parts: parts transitional structure for storing used parts inside this PIM export :type used_parts: :param used_materials: materials transitional structure for storing used materials inside this PIM export :type used_materials: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.materials.MaterialsTrans :param used_bones: bones transitional structure for storing used bones inside this PIM export :type used_bones: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.bones.BonesTrans :param used_terrain_points: terrain points transitional structure for storing used terrain points :type used_terrain_points: io_scs_tools.exp.transition_structs.terrain_points.TerrainPntsTrans :return: True if export was successfull; False otherwise :rtype: bool """ print("\n************************************") print("** SCS PIM Exporter **") print("** (c)2015 SCS Software **") print("************************************\n") scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() if scs_globals.output_type == "5": format_version = 5 format_type = "" else: format_version = 1 format_type = "def" is_skin_used = (armature_object and root_object.scs_props.scs_root_animated == "anim") pim_header = Header(format_type, format_version, pim_global = Globall(skeleton_filepath) pim_materials = collections.OrderedDict() # dict of Material class instances representing used materials """:type: dict[str, Material]""" pim_pieces = [] # list of Piece class instances representing mesh pieces """:type: list[Piece]""" pim_parts = {} # list of Part class instances representing used parts """:type: dict[str, Part]""" pim_locators = [] # list of Locator class instances representing model locators """:type: list[Locator]""" objects_with_default_material = {} # stores object names which has no material set missing_mappings_data = {} # indicates if material doesn't have set any uv layer for export bones = skin = skin_stream = None if is_skin_used: # create bones data section bones = Bones() for bone in bones.add_bone( used_bones.add( # create skin data section skin_stream = SkinStream(SkinStream.Types.POSITION) skin = Skin(skin_stream) # create mesh object data sections for mesh_obj in mesh_objects: vert_groups = mesh_obj.vertex_groups mesh_pieces = collections.OrderedDict() # calculate faces flip state from all ancestors of current object scale_sign = 1 parent = mesh_obj while parent and parent.scs_props.empty_object_type != "SCS_Root": for scale_axis in parent.scale: scale_sign *= scale_axis parent = parent.parent face_flip = scale_sign < 0 # calculate transformation matrix for current object (root object transforms are always subtracted!) mesh_transf_mat = root_object.matrix_world.inverted() * mesh_obj.matrix_world # calculate transformation matrices for this object pos_transf_mat = (Matrix.Scale(scs_globals.export_scale, 4) * _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted()) nor_transf_mat = _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() # get initial mesh and vertex groups for it mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(mesh_obj) _mesh_utils.bm_prepare_mesh_for_export(mesh, mesh_transf_mat, face_flip) mesh.calc_normals_split() missing_uv_layers = {} # stores missing uvs specified by materials of this object missing_vcolor = False # indicates if object is missing vertex color layer missing_vcolor_a = False # indicates if object is missing vertex color alpha layer for poly in mesh.polygons: mat_index = poly.material_index # check material existence and decide what material name and effect has to be used if mat_index >= len(mesh_obj.material_slots) or mesh_obj.material_slots[mat_index].material is None: # no material or invalid index material = None pim_mat_name = "_not_existing_material_" pim_mat_effect = "eut2.dif" objects_with_default_material[] = 1 else: material = mesh_obj.material_slots[mat_index].material pim_mat_name = pim_mat_effect = material.scs_props.mat_effect_name # create new pim material if material with that name doesn't yet exists if pim_mat_name not in pim_materials: pim_material = Material(len(pim_materials), pim_mat_name, pim_mat_effect, material) pim_materials[pim_mat_name] = pim_material used_materials.add(pim_mat_name, material) # create new piece if piece with this material doesn't exists yet -> split to pieces by material if pim_mat_name not in mesh_pieces: mesh_pieces[pim_mat_name] = Piece(len(pim_pieces) + len(mesh_pieces), pim_materials[pim_mat_name]) nmap_uv_layer = pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_nmap_uv_name() if nmap_uv_layer: # if there is uv layer used for normal maps then calculate tangents on it mesh.calc_tangents(uvmap=nmap_uv_layer) mesh_piece = mesh_pieces[pim_mat_name] """:type: Piece""" piece_vert_indices = [] for loop_i in poly.loop_indices: loop = mesh.loops[loop_i] """:type: bpy.types.MeshLoop""" vert_i = loop.vertex_index # get data of current vertex # 1. position -> mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].co position = tuple(pos_transf_mat * mesh.vertices[vert_i].co) # 2. normal -> loop.normal -> calc_normals_split() has to be called before normal = nor_transf_mat * loop.normal normal = tuple(Vector(normal).normalized()) # 3. uvs -> uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[0].data; uv_lay[loop_i].uv uvs = [] uvs_aliases = [] tex_coord_alias_map = pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_tex_coord_map() if len(tex_coord_alias_map) < 1: # no textures or none uses uv mapping in current material effect uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) uvs_aliases.append(["_TEXCOORD0"]) # report missing mappings only on actual materials with textures using uv mappings if material and pim_materials[pim_mat_name].uses_textures_with_uv(): if not in missing_mappings_data: missing_mappings_data[] = {} if not in missing_mappings_data[]: missing_mappings_data[][] = 1 else: for uv_lay_name in tex_coord_alias_map: if uv_lay_name not in mesh.uv_layers: uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) # properly report missing uv layers where name of uv layout is key and materials that misses it are values if uv_lay_name not in missing_uv_layers: missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name] = [] if pim_mat_name not in missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name]: # add material if not already there missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name].append(pim_mat_name) else: uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[uv_lay_name] uvs.append(_change_to_scs_uv_coordinates([loop_i].uv)) aliases = [] for alias_index in tex_coord_alias_map[uv_lay_name]: aliases.append("_TEXCOORD" + str(alias_index)) uvs_aliases.append(aliases) # 4. vcol -> vcol_lay = mesh.vertex_colors[0].data; vcol_lay[loop_i].color vcol_multi = if _MESH_consts.default_vcol not in mesh.vertex_colors: # get RGB component of RGBA vcol = (1.0,) * 3 missing_vcolor = True else: color = mesh.vertex_colors[_MESH_consts.default_vcol].data[loop_i].color vcol = (color[0] * 2 * vcol_multi, color[1] * 2 * vcol_multi, color[2] * 2 * vcol_multi) if _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix not in mesh.vertex_colors: # get A component of RGBA vcol += (1.0,) missing_vcolor_a = True else: alpha = mesh.vertex_colors[_MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix].data[loop_i].color vcol += ((alpha[0] + alpha[1] + alpha[2]) / 3.0 * 2 * vcol_multi,) # take avg of colors for alpha # 5. tangent -> loop.tangent; loop.bitangent_sign -> calc_tangents() has to be called before if pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_nmap_uv_name(): # calculate tangents only if needed tangent = tuple(nor_transf_mat * loop.tangent) tangent = tuple(Vector(tangent).normalized()) tangent = (tangent[0], tangent[1], tangent[2], loop.bitangent_sign) else: tangent = None # save internal vertex index to array to be able to construct triangle afterwards piece_vert_index = mesh_piece.add_vertex(vert_i, position, normal, uvs, uvs_aliases, vcol, tangent) piece_vert_indices.append(piece_vert_index) if is_skin_used: # get skinning data for vertex and save it to skin stream bone_weights = {} for v_group_entry in mesh.vertices[vert_i].groups: bone_indx = bones.get_bone_index(vert_groups[].name) bone_weight = v_group_entry.weight # proceed only if bone exists in our armature if bone_indx != -1: bone_weights[bone_indx] = bone_weight skin_entry = SkinStream.Entry(mesh_piece.get_index(), piece_vert_index, position, bone_weights) skin_stream.add_entry(skin_entry) # save to terrain points storage if present in correct vertex group for group in mesh.vertices[vert_i].groups: curr_vg_name = mesh_obj.vertex_groups[].name # if vertex group name doesn't match prescribed one ignore this vertex group if not match(_OP_consts.TerrainPoints.vg_name_regex, curr_vg_name): continue # if node index is not in bounds ignore this vertex group node_index = int(curr_vg_name[-1]) if node_index >= _PL_consts.PREFAB_NODE_COUNT_MAX: continue # if no variants defined add globally (without variant block) if len(root_object.scs_object_variant_inventory) == 0: used_terrain_points.add(-1, node_index, position, normal) continue # finally iterate variant parts entries to find where this part is included # and add terrain points to transitional structure # # NOTE: variant index is donated by direct order of variants in inventory # so export in PIT has to use the same order otherwise variant # indices will be misplaced for variant_i, variant in enumerate(root_object.scs_object_variant_inventory): used_terrain_points.ensure_entry(variant_i, node_index) for variant_part in if == mesh_obj.scs_props.scs_part and variant_part.include: used_terrain_points.add(variant_i, node_index, position, normal) break mesh_piece.add_triangle(tuple(piece_vert_indices[::-1])) # invert indices because of normals flip # free normals calculations _mesh_utils.cleanup_mesh(mesh) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = mesh_obj.scs_props.scs_part if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) mesh_pieces = mesh_pieces.values() for piece in mesh_pieces: # put pieces of current mesh to global list pim_pieces.append(piece) # add pieces of current mesh to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_piece(piece) # report missing data for each object if len(missing_uv_layers) > 0: for uv_lay_name in missing_uv_layers: lprint("W Object '%s' is missing UV layer '%s' specified by materials: %s\n", (, uv_lay_name, missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name])) if missing_vcolor: lprint("W Object %r is missing vertex color layer with name %r! Default RGB color will be exported (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)!", (, _MESH_consts.default_vcol)) if missing_vcolor_a: lprint("W Object %r is missing vertex color alpha layer with name %r! Default alpha will be exported (0.5)", (, _MESH_consts.default_vcol + _MESH_consts.vcol_a_suffix)) # report missing data for whole model if len(missing_mappings_data) > 0: for material_name in missing_mappings_data: lprint("W Material '%s' is missing mapping data! Objects using it are exported with default UV:\n\t %s", (material_name, list(missing_mappings_data[material_name].keys()))) if len(objects_with_default_material) > 0: lprint("W Some objects don't use any material. Default material and UV mapping is used on them:\n\t %s", (list(objects_with_default_material.keys()),)) # create locators data sections for loc_obj in model_locators: pos, qua, sca = _get_scs_transformation_components(root_object.matrix_world.inverted() * loc_obj.matrix_world) if sca[0] * sca[1] * sca[2] < 0: lprint("W Model locator %r inside SCS Root Object %r not exported because of invalid scale.\n\t " + "Model locators must have positive scale!", (, continue name = _name_utils.tokenize_name( hookup_string = loc_obj.scs_props.locator_model_hookup if hookup_string != "" and ":" in hookup_string: hookup = hookup_string.split(':', 1)[1].strip() else: if hookup_string != "": lprint("W The Hookup %r has no expected value!", hookup_string) hookup = None # create locator object for export locator = Locator(len(pim_locators), name, hookup) locator.set_position(pos) locator.set_rotation(qua) locator.set_scale(sca) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = loc_obj.scs_props.scs_part if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) # add locator to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_locator(locator) # add locator to locator list pim_locators.append(locator) # create container pim_container = [pim_header.get_as_section(), pim_global.get_as_section()] for mat_name in pim_materials: pim_container.append(pim_materials[mat_name].get_as_section()) for pim_piece in pim_pieces: pim_container.append(pim_piece.get_as_section()) for part_name in used_parts.get_as_list(): # export all parts even empty ones gathered from PIC and PIP if part_name in pim_parts: pim_container.append(pim_parts[part_name].get_as_section()) else: pim_container.append(Part(part_name).get_as_section()) for locator in pim_locators: pim_container.append(locator.get_as_section()) if is_skin_used: pim_container.append(bones.get_as_section()) pim_container.append(skin.get_as_section()) # write to file ind = " " pim_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, + ".pim") return _pix_container.write_data_to_file(pim_container, pim_filepath, ind)
def _fill_piece_sections_7(root_object, object_list, bone_list, scene, vg_list, used_materials, offset_matrix, scs_globals, output_type): """ Fills up "Piece" sections for file version 7 (exchange format). :param object_list: :param bone_list: :param scene: :param vg_list: :param used_materials: :param offset_matrix: :return: """ piece_sections = [] # container for all "Pieces" global_vertex_count = 0 global_face_count = 0 global_edge_count = 0 piece_index_obj = {} skin_list = [] skin_weights_cnt = 0 skin_clones_cnt = 0 for piece_index, obj in enumerate(object_list): mat_world = obj.matrix_world piece_index_obj[piece_index] = obj object_materials = _object_utils.get_object_materials( obj) # get object materials # Get Object's Mesh data and list of temporarily disabled "Edge Split" Modifiers... mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(obj) # VERTICES # TEMPORAL VERTEX STREAM DATA FORMAT: # example: ('_POSITION', [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ...]) # example: ('_SCALAR', [(0.0), (0.0), ...]) stream_pos = ('_POSITION', []) # stream_nor = ('_NORMAL', []) # if scs_globals.export_vertex_groups: vg_layers_for_export, streams_vg = _object_utils.get_stream_vgs( obj) # get Vertex Group layers (SCALARs) vertex_stream_count = 1 vertex_streams = [] stream_vg_container = [] # print('bone_list: %s' % str(bone_list.keys)) for vert_i, vert in enumerate(mesh.vertices): position = offset_matrix.inverted() * mesh.vertices[vert_i].co # scs_position = io_utils.change_to_scs_xyz_coordinates(mat_world * position, scs_globals.export_scale) ## POSITION scs_position = Matrix.Scale( scs_globals.export_scale, 4) * _convert_utils.scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted( ) * mat_world * position # POSITION stream_pos[1].append(scs_position) # stream_nor[1].append(io_utils.get_vertex_normal(mesh, vert_i)) # NORMAL if scs_globals.export_vertex_groups: if streams_vg: vg_i = 0 for vg in vg_layers_for_export: # weights (even unused) all vertices become 0.0 if in vg_list: vg_weight = (_object_utils.get_vertex_group( vg, vert_i), ) # SCALARs key = str("_SCALAR" + str(vg_i)) if vg_i == len(stream_vg_container) and len( stream_vg_container) != len( vg_layers_for_export): stream_vg_container.append( (, key, [vg_weight])) else: stream_vg_container[vg_i][2].append(vg_weight) vg_i += 1 # SKINNING (OLD STYLE FOR PIM VER. 7) # if scs_globals.export_anim_file == 'anim': if root_object.scs_props.scs_root_animated == 'anim': skin_vector = scs_position # NOTE: Vertex position - from Maya scaled *10 (old & unused in game engine) skin_weights = [] for group in vert.groups: for vg in vg_layers_for_export: if vg.index == for bone_i, bone in enumerate(bone_list): if == skin_weights.append((bone_i, group.weight)) skin_weights_cnt += 1 # print('vert: %i - group: %r (%i) - %s' % (vert_i,, bone_i, str(group.weight))) break break skin_clones = ((piece_index, vert_i), ) skin_clones_cnt += 1 skin_list.append((skin_vector, skin_weights, skin_clones)) # ## vertex_streams.append(stream_pos) # print('\nstream_pos:\n %s' % str(stream_pos)) # vertex_streams.append(stream_nor) # print('\nstream_nor:\n %s' % str(stream_nor)) for vg_stream in stream_vg_container: vertex_stream_count += 1 vertex_streams.append(vg_stream) # print('\nvg_stream:\n %s' % str(vg_stream)) # FACES # TEMPORAL FACE STREAM DATA FORMAT: # faces = [face_data, face_data, ...] # face_data = (material, [vertex indices], [face-vertex streams]) # face_streams = [('_UV0', [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), ...]), ...] # example: [(0, [0, 1, 2], [('_UV0', [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)]), ('_UV0', [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)])]), (), ...] faces = [] face_cnt = 0 uv_layers_exists = 1 rgb_layers_exists = 1 # print('used_materials: %s' % str(used_materials)) for face_i, face in enumerate(mesh.polygons): face_cnt += 1 streams_uv = None streams_vcolor = None if uv_layers_exists: requested_uv_layers, streams_uv = _mesh_utils.get_stream_uvs( mesh, scs_globals.active_uv_only) # get UV layers (UVs) if not streams_uv: uv_layers_exists = 0 if rgb_layers_exists and scs_globals.export_vertex_color: if scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgb': rgb_all_layers, streams_vcolor = _mesh_utils.get_stream_rgb( mesh, output_type, False) # get Vertex Color layers (RGB) elif scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgbda': rgb_all_layers, streams_vcolor = _mesh_utils.get_stream_rgb( mesh, output_type, True) # get Vertex Color layers ( # RGBdA) else: streams_vcolor = None # TODO: Alpha from another layer if not streams_vcolor: rgb_layers_exists = 0 mat_index = used_materials.index( object_materials[face.material_index]) # print('face-mat_index: %s; object_materials[f-m_i]: %s; used_materials.index(o_m[f-m_i]): %s' % (face.material_index, # object_materials[face.material_index], used_materials.index(object_materials[face.material_index]))) face_verts = [] for vert in face.vertices: face_verts.append(vert) face_verts = face_verts[::-1] # revert vertex order in face # print('face_verts: %s' % str(face_verts)) face_streams = [] stream_fv_nor = ("_NORMAL", []) stream_fv_uv_container = [] stream_fv_rgb_container = [] stream_names = {} for loop_index in range(face.loop_start, face.loop_start + face.loop_total): # edge_index = mesh.loops[loop_index].edge_index vert_index = mesh.loops[loop_index].vertex_index # print('face i.: %s\tloop i.: %s\tedge i.: %s\tvert i.: %s' % (face_i, loop_index, edge_index, vert_index)) # Normals stream_fv_nor[1].append( offset_matrix.inverted() * Vector(_mesh_utils.get_vertex_normal(mesh, vert_index))) # UV Layers if streams_uv: for uv_i, uv_l in enumerate(requested_uv_layers): uv_values = _mesh_utils.get_face_vertex_uv(, loop_index, uv_i) key = str("_UV" + str(uv_i)) if uv_i == len(stream_fv_uv_container ) and len(stream_fv_uv_container ) != len(requested_uv_layers): stream_fv_uv_container.append((key, [uv_values])) stream_names[key] = else: stream_fv_uv_container[uv_i][1].append(uv_values) # Vertex Color Layers (RGB) if scs_globals.export_vertex_color: if streams_vcolor: for rgb_i, rgb_l in enumerate(rgb_all_layers): if scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgb': rgb_values = _mesh_utils.get_face_vertex_color(, loop_index, False, rgb_i) key = str("_RGB" + str(rgb_i)) elif scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgbda': rgb_values = _mesh_utils.get_face_vertex_color(, loop_index, True, rgb_i) key = str("_RGBA" + str(rgb_i)) else: streams_vcolor = None # TODO: Alpha from another layer if rgb_i == len(stream_fv_rgb_container ) and len(stream_fv_rgb_container ) != len(rgb_all_layers): stream_fv_rgb_container.append( (key, [rgb_values])) stream_names[key] = else: stream_fv_rgb_container[rgb_i][1].append( rgb_values) # Data Assembling face_streams.append(stream_fv_nor) for stream in stream_fv_uv_container: face_streams.append(stream) for stream in stream_fv_rgb_container: face_streams.append(stream) face_data = (mat_index, face_verts, face_streams) faces.append(face_data) # SHARP EDGES sharp_edges = [] for edge in mesh.edges: if edge.use_edge_sharp: sharp_edges.append(edge.vertices[:]) # BUILD FACE SECTION faces_container = _SectionData("Faces") faces_container.props.append(("StreamCount", len(faces[0][2]))) for face_i, face_data in enumerate(faces): face_container = _SectionData("Face") face_container.props.append(("Index", face_i)) face_container.props.append(("Material", face_data[0])) face_container.props.append(("Indices", face_data[1])) for stream in face_data[2]: if stream[0] in stream_names: face_container.sections.append( _pix_container.make_vertex_stream( stream, stream_names[stream[0]])) else: face_container.sections.append( _pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream)) faces_container.sections.append(face_container) # BUILD PIECE SECTION piece_section = _SectionData("Piece") piece_section.props.append(("Index", piece_index)) global_vertex_count += len(stream_pos[1]) piece_section.props.append(("VertexCount", len(stream_pos[1]))) global_face_count += face_cnt piece_section.props.append(("FaceCount", face_cnt)) global_edge_count += len(sharp_edges) piece_section.props.append(("EdgeCount", len(sharp_edges))) piece_section.props.append(("StreamCount", vertex_stream_count)) piece_section.props.append(("", "")) # vertex streams... for stream in vertex_streams: if len(stream) == 3: # print('\nstream:\n %s' % str(stream)) piece_section.sections.append( _pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream[1:], stream[0])) else: piece_section.sections.append( _pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream)) # faces... piece_section.sections.append(faces_container) # BUILD AND STORE EDGE SECTION if sharp_edges: edges_container = _SectionData("Edges") for edge in sharp_edges: piece_section.sections.append(edges_container) # STORE PIECE SECTION piece_sections.append(piece_section) # add a piece return piece_sections, global_vertex_count, global_face_count, global_edge_count, piece_index_obj, skin_list, skin_weights_cnt, skin_clones_cnt
def _fill_piece_sections_5(root_object, object_list, bone_list, scene, used_materials, offset_matrix, scs_globals): """Fills up "Piece" sections for file version 5. :param root_object: SCS Root Object :type root_object: bpy.types.Object :param object_list: Object for export :type object_list: list of Objects :param bone_list: Bones for export :type bone_list: list :param scene: Blender Scene to operate on :type scene: bpy.types.Scene :param used_materials: All Materials used in 'SCS Game Object' :type used_materials: list :param offset_matrix: Matrix for specifying of pivot point :type offset_matrix: Matrix :param scs_globals: SCS Tools Globals :type scs_globals: GlobalSCSProps :return: list of parameters :rtype: list """ handle_unused_arg(__file__, _fill_piece_sections_5.__name__, "used_materials", used_materials) apply_modifiers = scs_globals.apply_modifiers exclude_edgesplit = scs_globals.exclude_edgesplit include_edgesplit = scs_globals.include_edgesplit piece_sections = [] piece_index_obj = {} piece_index = global_vertex_count = global_face_count = 0 # ----- START: SOLVE THIS! skin_list = [] skin_weights_cnt = skin_clones_cnt = 0 # ----- END: SOLVE THIS! print_info = False if print_info: print('used_materials: %s\n' % str(used_materials)) print('object_list: %s\n' % str(object_list)) # For each object... for obj_i, obj in enumerate(object_list): piece_index_obj[obj_i] = obj # Get all Materials from Object as they're set in material slots... object_materials = _object_utils.get_object_materials(obj) if print_info: print(' object_materials: %s' % str(object_materials)) # Make Material dictionary (needed for getting rid of Material duplicities)... material_dict = _make_material_dict(object_materials) if print_info: for item in material_dict: print(' "%s" = %s' % (str(item), str(material_dict[item]))) print('') # Get Object's Mesh data and list of temporarily disabled "Edge Split" Modifiers... mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(obj) # SORT GEOMETRY piece_dict, skin_list, skin_weights_cnt, skin_clones_cnt = _get_geometry_dict( root_object, obj, mesh, offset_matrix, material_dict, used_materials, bone_list, scs_globals) # DUMP if 0: for piece in piece_dict: print('Pm: %r' % piece) for data in piece_dict[piece]: print(' Da: %r' % str(data)) if data == 'hash_dict': if len(piece_dict[piece][data]) > 0: for val in piece_dict[piece][data]: print(' HD: %s:%s' % (str(val), str(piece_dict[piece][data][val]))) else: print(' NO "hash_dict" Data!') elif data == 'verts': if len(piece_dict[piece][data]) > 0: for val in piece_dict[piece][data]: print(' Ve: %s' % str(val)) else: print(' NO "verts" Data!') elif data == 'faces': if len(piece_dict[piece][data]) > 0: for val in piece_dict[piece][data]: print(' Fa: %s' % str(val)) else: print(' NO "faces" Data!') print('') print('') # CREATE SECTIONS for piece in piece_dict: vertex_count = len(piece_dict[piece]['verts']) global_vertex_count += vertex_count face_count = len(piece_dict[piece]['faces']) global_face_count += face_count stream_sections = [] # VERTEX STREAMS verts_data = {} for val in piece_dict[piece]['verts']: facevert_common_data, facevert_unique_data = val for data_key in facevert_common_data: # print(' data_key: %s' % str(data_key)) if data_key == '_VG': pass else: if data_key not in verts_data: verts_data[data_key] = [] verts_data[data_key].append( facevert_common_data[data_key]) for data_key in facevert_unique_data: # print(' data_key: %s' % str(data_key)) if data_key == '_UV': for layer_i, layer in enumerate( facevert_unique_data[data_key]): layer_data_key = str(data_key + str(layer_i)) if layer_data_key not in verts_data: verts_data[layer_data_key] = [] verts_data[layer_data_key].append( facevert_unique_data[data_key][layer]) if data_key == '_RGBA': for layer_i, layer in enumerate( facevert_unique_data[data_key]): if len(facevert_unique_data[data_key]) > 1: layer_data_key = str(data_key + str(layer_i)) else: layer_data_key = data_key if layer_data_key not in verts_data: verts_data[layer_data_key] = [] verts_data[layer_data_key].append( facevert_unique_data[data_key][layer]) lprint('S verts_data: %s', (str(verts_data), )) data_types = ('_POSITION', '_NORMAL', '_UV', '_UV0', '_UV1', '_UV2', '_UV3', '_UV4', '_UV5', '_UV6', '_UV7', '_UV8', '_UV9', '_RGBA', '_RGBA0', '_RGBA1', '_RGBA2', '_RGBA3', '_RGBA4', '_RGBA5', '_RGBA6', '_RGBA7', '_RGBA8', '_RGBA9', '_VG') add_uv = True add_rgba = False for data_type in data_types: if '_RGBA' not in verts_data: add_rgba = True if data_type in verts_data: if data_type.startswith('_UV'): add_uv = False stream_sections.append( _pix_container.make_stream_section( verts_data[data_type], data_type, (data_type, ))) else: stream_sections.append( _pix_container.make_stream_section( verts_data[data_type], data_type, ())) # ADD DEFAULT UV LAYER if add_uv: lprint('I Adding default UV layer.') uv_dummy_data = [] for vert in range(len(piece_dict[piece]['verts'])): uv_dummy_data.append(Vector((0.0, 0.0))) stream_sections.append( _pix_container.make_stream_section(uv_dummy_data, '_UV0', ('_UV0', ))) # ADD DEFAULT RGBA LAYER if add_rgba: lprint('I Adding default RGBA (vertex color) layer.') rgba_dummy_data = [] for vert in range(len(piece_dict[piece]['verts'])): rgba_dummy_data.append(Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))) stream_sections.append( _pix_container.make_stream_section(rgba_dummy_data, '_RGBA', ())) # PIECE PROPERTIES piece_section = _SectionData("Piece") piece_section.props.append(("Index", piece_index)) piece_section.props.append( ("Material", piece_dict[piece]['material_index'])) piece_section.props.append(("VertexCount", vertex_count)) piece_section.props.append(("TriangleCount", face_count)) piece_section.props.append(("StreamCount", len(stream_sections))) piece_section.props.append(("", "")) piece_index += 1 for stream_section in stream_sections: piece_section.sections.append(stream_section) # FACE STREAM stream_section = _SectionData("Triangles") = piece_dict[piece]['faces'] piece_section.sections.append(stream_section) piece_sections.append(piece_section) return piece_sections, global_vertex_count, global_face_count, piece_index_obj, skin_list, skin_weights_cnt, skin_clones_cnt
def execute(dirpath, root_object, mesh_objects, model_locators, used_parts, used_materials): """Executes export of PIM file for given data. :param dirpath: directory path for PIM file :type dirpath: str :param root_object: Blender SCS Root empty object :type root_object: bpy.types.Object :param mesh_objects: all the meshes which should be exported for current game object :type mesh_objects: list of bpy.types.Object :param model_locators: all Blender empty objecs which represents model locators and should be exported for current game object :type model_locators: list of bpy.types.Object :return: True if export was successfull; False otherwise :rtype: bool """ print("\n************************************") print("** SCS PIM Exporter **") print("** (c)2015 SCS Software **") print("************************************\n") scs_globals = _get_scs_globals() if scs_globals.output_type == "5": format_version = 5 format_type = "" else: format_version = 1 format_type = "def" pim_header = Header(format_type, format_version, pim_global = Globall( + ".pis") pim_materials = collections.OrderedDict( ) # dict of Material class instances representing used materials """:type: dict of Material""" pim_pieces = [] # list of Piece class instances representing mesh pieces """:type: list of Piece""" pim_parts = collections.OrderedDict( ) # list of Part class instances representing used parts """:type: dict of Part""" pim_locators = [ ] # list of Locator class instances representing model locators """:type: list of Locator""" objects_with_default_material = { } # stores object names which has no material set missing_mappings_data = { } # indicates if material doesn't have set any uv layer for export # create mesh object data sections for mesh_obj in mesh_objects: mesh_pieces = collections.OrderedDict() # get initial mesh mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(mesh_obj) _mesh_utils.bm_triangulate(mesh) mesh.calc_normals_split() # calculate transformation matrices for this object pos_transf_mat = (Matrix.Scale(scs_globals.export_scale, 4) * _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() * root_object.matrix_world.inverted() * mesh_obj.matrix_world) nor_transf_mat = ( _scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() * root_object.matrix_world. inverted().to_quaternion().to_matrix().to_4x4() * mesh_obj.matrix_world.to_quaternion().to_matrix().to_4x4()) missing_uv_layers = { } # stores missing uvs specified by materials of this object missing_vcolor = False # indicates if object is missing vertex colors for poly in mesh.polygons: mat_index = poly.material_index # check material existance and decide what material name and effect has to be used if mat_index >= len( mesh_obj.material_slots ) or mesh_obj.material_slots[ mat_index].material is None: # no material or invalid index material = None pim_mat_name = "_not_existing_material_" pim_mat_effect = "eut2.dif" objects_with_default_material[] = 1 else: material = mesh_obj.material_slots[mat_index].material pim_mat_name = pim_mat_effect = material.scs_props.mat_effect_name # create new pim material if material with that name doesn't yet exists if pim_mat_name not in pim_materials: pim_material = Material(len(pim_materials), pim_mat_name, pim_mat_effect, material) pim_materials[pim_mat_name] = pim_material used_materials.append(pim_mat_name) # create new piece if piece with this material doesn't exists yet -> split to pieces by material if pim_mat_name not in mesh_pieces: mesh_pieces[pim_mat_name] = Piece( len(pim_pieces) + len(mesh_pieces), pim_materials[pim_mat_name]) nmap_uv_layer = pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_nmap_uv_name() if nmap_uv_layer: # if there is uv layer used for normal maps then calculate tangents on it mesh.calc_tangents(uvmap=nmap_uv_layer) mesh_piece = mesh_pieces[pim_mat_name] """:type: Piece""" piece_vert_indices = [] for loop_i in poly.loop_indices: loop = mesh.loops[loop_i] """:type: bpy.types.MeshLoop""" vert_i = loop.vertex_index # get data of current vertex # 1. position -> mesh.vertices[loop.vertex_index].co position = tuple(pos_transf_mat * mesh.vertices[vert_i].co) # 2. normal -> loop.normal -> calc_normals_split() has to be called before normal = nor_transf_mat * loop.normal normal = tuple(Vector(normal).normalized()) # 3. uvs -> uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[0].data; uv_lay[loop_i].uv uvs = [] uvs_aliases = [] tex_coord_alias_map = pim_materials[ pim_mat_name].get_tex_coord_map() if len(tex_coord_alias_map ) < 1: # no textures for current material effect uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) uvs_aliases.append(["_TEXCOORD0"]) # report missing mappings only on actual materials with texture entries if material and pim_materials[pim_mat_name].uses_textures( ): if not in missing_mappings_data: missing_mappings_data[] = {} if not in missing_mappings_data[]: missing_mappings_data[][] = 1 else: for uv_lay_name in tex_coord_alias_map: if uv_lay_name not in mesh.uv_layers: uvs.append((0.0, 0.0)) # properly report missing uv layers where name of uv layout is key and materials that misses it are values if uv_lay_name not in missing_uv_layers: missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name] = [] if pim_mat_name not in missing_uv_layers[ uv_lay_name]: # add material if not already there missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name].append( pim_mat_name) else: uv_lay = mesh.uv_layers[uv_lay_name] uvs.append( _change_to_scs_uv_coordinates([loop_i].uv)) aliases = [] for alias_index in tex_coord_alias_map[uv_lay_name]: aliases.append("_TEXCOORD" + str(alias_index)) uvs_aliases.append(aliases) # 4. vcol -> vcol_lay = mesh.vertex_colors[0].data; vcol_lay[loop_i].color if len(mesh.vertex_colors) < 1: vcol = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) missing_vcolor = True else: multiplier = color = mesh.vertex_colors[0].data[loop_i].color vcol = (color[0] * multiplier, color[1] * multiplier, color[2] * multiplier, 1.0) # 5. tangent -> loop.tangent; loop.bitangent_sign -> calc_tangents() has to be called before if pim_materials[pim_mat_name].get_nmap_uv_name( ): # calculate tangents only if needed tangent = tuple(nor_transf_mat * loop.tangent) tangent = tuple(Vector(tangent).normalized()) tangent = (tangent[0], tangent[1], tangent[2], loop.bitangent_sign) else: tangent = None # save internal vertex index to array to be able to construct triangle afterwards piece_vert_index = mesh_piece.add_vertex( vert_i, position, normal, uvs, uvs_aliases, vcol, tangent) piece_vert_indices.append(piece_vert_index) mesh_piece.add_triangle(tuple(piece_vert_indices[::-1]) ) # invert indices because of normals flip # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = mesh_obj.scs_props.scs_part if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) used_parts[part_name] = 1 mesh_pieces = mesh_pieces.values() for piece in mesh_pieces: # put pieces of current mesh to global list pim_pieces.append(piece) # add pieces of current mesh to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_piece(piece) # report missing data for each object if len(missing_uv_layers) > 0: for uv_lay_name in missing_uv_layers: lprint( "W Object '%s' is missing UV layer '%s' specified by materials: %s\n", (, uv_lay_name, missing_uv_layers[uv_lay_name])) if missing_vcolor: lprint( "W Object '%s' is missing vertex color layer! Default color will be exported (1, 1, 1, 1)!", (, )) # report mising data for whole model if len(missing_mappings_data) > 0: for material_name in missing_mappings_data: lprint( "W Material '%s' is missing mapping data! Objects using it are exported with default UV:\n\t %s", (material_name, list(missing_mappings_data[material_name].keys()))) if len(objects_with_default_material) > 0: lprint( "W Some objects don't use any material. Default material and UV mapping is used on them:\n\t %s", (list(objects_with_default_material.keys()), )) # create locators data sections for loc_obj in model_locators: name = _name_utils.tokenize_name( hookup_string = loc_obj.scs_props.locator_model_hookup if hookup_string != "" and ":" in hookup_string: hookup = hookup_string.split(':', 1)[1].strip() else: if hookup_string != "": lprint("W The Hookup %r has no expected value!", hookup_string) hookup = None pos, qua, sca = _get_scs_transformation_components( loc_obj.matrix_world) # create locator object for export locator = Locator(len(pim_locators), name, hookup) locator.set_position(pos) locator.set_rotation(qua) locator.set_scale(sca) # create part if it doesn't exists yet part_name = loc_obj.scs_props.scs_part if part_name not in pim_parts: pim_parts[part_name] = Part(part_name) used_parts[part_name] = 1 # add locator to part pim_part = pim_parts[part_name] pim_part.add_locator(locator) # add locator to locator list pim_locators.append(locator) # create container pim_container = [pim_header.get_as_section(), pim_global.get_as_section()] for mat_name in pim_materials: pim_container.append(pim_materials[mat_name].get_as_section()) for pim_piece in pim_pieces: pim_container.append(pim_piece.get_as_section()) for part_name in used_parts: pim_container.append(pim_parts[part_name].get_as_section()) for locator in pim_locators: pim_container.append(locator.get_as_section()) # write to file ind = " " pim_filepath = dirpath + os.sep + + ".pim" return _pix_container.write_data_to_file(pim_container, pim_filepath, ind)
def _fill_piece_sections_7(root_object, object_list, bone_list, scene, vg_list, used_materials, offset_matrix, scs_globals, output_type): """ Fills up "Piece" sections for file version 7 (exchange format). :param object_list: :param bone_list: :param scene: :param vg_list: :param used_materials: :param offset_matrix: :return: """ piece_sections = [] # container for all "Pieces" global_vertex_count = 0 global_face_count = 0 global_edge_count = 0 piece_index_obj = {} skin_list = [] skin_weights_cnt = 0 skin_clones_cnt = 0 for piece_index, obj in enumerate(object_list): mat_world = obj.matrix_world piece_index_obj[piece_index] = obj object_materials = _object_utils.get_object_materials(obj) # get object materials # Get Object's Mesh data and list of temporarily disabled "Edge Split" Modifiers... mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(obj) # VERTICES # TEMPORAL VERTEX STREAM DATA FORMAT: # example: ('_POSITION', [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ...]) # example: ('_SCALAR', [(0.0), (0.0), ...]) stream_pos = ('_POSITION', []) # stream_nor = ('_NORMAL', []) # if scs_globals.export_vertex_groups: vg_layers_for_export, streams_vg = _object_utils.get_stream_vgs(obj) # get Vertex Group layers (SCALARs) vertex_stream_count = 1 vertex_streams = [] stream_vg_container = [] # print('bone_list: %s' % str(bone_list.keys)) for vert_i, vert in enumerate(mesh.vertices): position = offset_matrix.inverted() * mesh.vertices[vert_i].co # scs_position = io_utils.change_to_scs_xyz_coordinates(mat_world * position, scs_globals.export_scale) ## POSITION scs_position = Matrix.Scale(scs_globals.export_scale, 4) * _convert_utils.scs_to_blend_matrix().inverted() * mat_world * position # POSITION stream_pos[1].append(scs_position) # stream_nor[1].append(io_utils.get_vertex_normal(mesh, vert_i)) # NORMAL if scs_globals.export_vertex_groups: if streams_vg: vg_i = 0 for vg in vg_layers_for_export: # weights (even unused) all vertices become 0.0 if in vg_list: vg_weight = (_object_utils.get_vertex_group(vg, vert_i),) # SCALARs key = str("_SCALAR" + str(vg_i)) if vg_i == len(stream_vg_container) and len(stream_vg_container) != len(vg_layers_for_export): stream_vg_container.append((, key, [vg_weight])) else: stream_vg_container[vg_i][2].append(vg_weight) vg_i += 1 # SKINNING (OLD STYLE FOR PIM VER. 7) # if scs_globals.export_anim_file == 'anim': if root_object.scs_props.scs_root_animated == 'anim': skin_vector = scs_position # NOTE: Vertex position - from Maya scaled *10 (old & unused in game engine) skin_weights = [] for group in vert.groups: for vg in vg_layers_for_export: if vg.index == for bone_i, bone in enumerate(bone_list): if == skin_weights.append((bone_i, group.weight)) skin_weights_cnt += 1 # print('vert: %i - group: %r (%i) - %s' % (vert_i,, bone_i, str(group.weight))) break break skin_clones = ((piece_index, vert_i), ) skin_clones_cnt += 1 skin_list.append((skin_vector, skin_weights, skin_clones)) # ## vertex_streams.append(stream_pos) # print('\nstream_pos:\n %s' % str(stream_pos)) # vertex_streams.append(stream_nor) # print('\nstream_nor:\n %s' % str(stream_nor)) for vg_stream in stream_vg_container: vertex_stream_count += 1 vertex_streams.append(vg_stream) # print('\nvg_stream:\n %s' % str(vg_stream)) # FACES # TEMPORAL FACE STREAM DATA FORMAT: # faces = [face_data, face_data, ...] # face_data = (material, [vertex indices], [face-vertex streams]) # face_streams = [('_UV0', [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), ...]), ...] # example: [(0, [0, 1, 2], [('_UV0', [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)]), ('_UV0', [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)])]), (), ...] faces = [] face_cnt = 0 uv_layers_exists = 1 rgb_layers_exists = 1 # print('used_materials: %s' % str(used_materials)) for face_i, face in enumerate(mesh.polygons): face_cnt += 1 streams_uv = None streams_vcolor = None if uv_layers_exists: requested_uv_layers, streams_uv = _mesh_utils.get_stream_uvs(mesh, scs_globals.active_uv_only) # get UV layers (UVs) if not streams_uv: uv_layers_exists = 0 if rgb_layers_exists and scs_globals.export_vertex_color: if scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgb': rgb_all_layers, streams_vcolor = _mesh_utils.get_stream_rgb(mesh, output_type, False) # get Vertex Color layers (RGB) elif scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgbda': rgb_all_layers, streams_vcolor = _mesh_utils.get_stream_rgb(mesh, output_type, True) # get Vertex Color layers ( # RGBdA) else: streams_vcolor = None # TODO: Alpha from another layer if not streams_vcolor: rgb_layers_exists = 0 mat_index = used_materials.index(object_materials[face.material_index]) # print('face-mat_index: %s; object_materials[f-m_i]: %s; used_materials.index(o_m[f-m_i]): %s' % (face.material_index, # object_materials[face.material_index], used_materials.index(object_materials[face.material_index]))) face_verts = [] for vert in face.vertices: face_verts.append(vert) face_verts = face_verts[::-1] # revert vertex order in face # print('face_verts: %s' % str(face_verts)) face_streams = [] stream_fv_nor = ("_NORMAL", []) stream_fv_uv_container = [] stream_fv_rgb_container = [] stream_names = {} for loop_index in range(face.loop_start, face.loop_start + face.loop_total): # edge_index = mesh.loops[loop_index].edge_index vert_index = mesh.loops[loop_index].vertex_index # print('face i.: %s\tloop i.: %s\tedge i.: %s\tvert i.: %s' % (face_i, loop_index, edge_index, vert_index)) # Normals stream_fv_nor[1].append(offset_matrix.inverted() * Vector(_mesh_utils.get_vertex_normal(mesh, vert_index))) # UV Layers if streams_uv: for uv_i, uv_l in enumerate(requested_uv_layers): uv_values = _mesh_utils.get_face_vertex_uv(, loop_index, uv_i) key = str("_UV" + str(uv_i)) if uv_i == len(stream_fv_uv_container) and len(stream_fv_uv_container) != len(requested_uv_layers): stream_fv_uv_container.append((key, [uv_values])) stream_names[key] = else: stream_fv_uv_container[uv_i][1].append(uv_values) # Vertex Color Layers (RGB) if scs_globals.export_vertex_color: if streams_vcolor: for rgb_i, rgb_l in enumerate(rgb_all_layers): if scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgb': rgb_values = _mesh_utils.get_face_vertex_color(, loop_index, False, rgb_i) key = str("_RGB" + str(rgb_i)) elif scs_globals.export_vertex_color_type_7 == 'rgbda': rgb_values = _mesh_utils.get_face_vertex_color(, loop_index, True, rgb_i) key = str("_RGBA" + str(rgb_i)) else: streams_vcolor = None # TODO: Alpha from another layer if rgb_i == len(stream_fv_rgb_container) and len(stream_fv_rgb_container) != len(rgb_all_layers): stream_fv_rgb_container.append((key, [rgb_values])) stream_names[key] = else: stream_fv_rgb_container[rgb_i][1].append(rgb_values) # Data Assembling face_streams.append(stream_fv_nor) for stream in stream_fv_uv_container: face_streams.append(stream) for stream in stream_fv_rgb_container: face_streams.append(stream) face_data = (mat_index, face_verts, face_streams) faces.append(face_data) # SHARP EDGES sharp_edges = [] for edge in mesh.edges: if edge.use_edge_sharp: sharp_edges.append(edge.vertices[:]) # BUILD FACE SECTION faces_container = _SectionData("Faces") faces_container.props.append(("StreamCount", len(faces[0][2]))) for face_i, face_data in enumerate(faces): face_container = _SectionData("Face") face_container.props.append(("Index", face_i)) face_container.props.append(("Material", face_data[0])) face_container.props.append(("Indices", face_data[1])) for stream in face_data[2]: if stream[0] in stream_names: face_container.sections.append(_pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream, stream_names[stream[0]])) else: face_container.sections.append(_pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream)) faces_container.sections.append(face_container) # BUILD PIECE SECTION piece_section = _SectionData("Piece") piece_section.props.append(("Index", piece_index)) global_vertex_count += len(stream_pos[1]) piece_section.props.append(("VertexCount", len(stream_pos[1]))) global_face_count += face_cnt piece_section.props.append(("FaceCount", face_cnt)) global_edge_count += len(sharp_edges) piece_section.props.append(("EdgeCount", len(sharp_edges))) piece_section.props.append(("StreamCount", vertex_stream_count)) piece_section.props.append(("", "")) # vertex streams... for stream in vertex_streams: if len(stream) == 3: # print('\nstream:\n %s' % str(stream)) piece_section.sections.append(_pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream[1:], stream[0])) else: piece_section.sections.append(_pix_container.make_vertex_stream(stream)) # faces... piece_section.sections.append(faces_container) # BUILD AND STORE EDGE SECTION if sharp_edges: edges_container = _SectionData("Edges") for edge in sharp_edges: piece_section.sections.append(edges_container) # STORE PIECE SECTION piece_sections.append(piece_section) # add a piece return piece_sections, global_vertex_count, global_face_count, global_edge_count, piece_index_obj, skin_list, skin_weights_cnt, skin_clones_cnt
def _fill_piece_sections_5(root_object, object_list, bone_list, scene, used_materials, offset_matrix, scs_globals): """Fills up "Piece" sections for file version 5. :param root_object: SCS Root Object :type root_object: bpy.types.Object :param object_list: Object for export :type object_list: list of Objects :param bone_list: Bones for export :type bone_list: list :param scene: Blender Scene to operate on :type scene: bpy.types.Scene :param used_materials: All Materials used in 'SCS Game Object' :type used_materials: list :param offset_matrix: Matrix for specifying of pivot point :type offset_matrix: Matrix :param scs_globals: SCS Tools Globals :type scs_globals: GlobalSCSProps :return: list of parameters :rtype: list """ handle_unused_arg(__file__, _fill_piece_sections_5.__name__, "used_materials", used_materials) apply_modifiers = scs_globals.apply_modifiers exclude_edgesplit = scs_globals.exclude_edgesplit include_edgesplit = scs_globals.include_edgesplit piece_sections = [] piece_index_obj = {} piece_index = global_vertex_count = global_face_count = 0 # ----- START: SOLVE THIS! skin_list = [] skin_weights_cnt = skin_clones_cnt = 0 # ----- END: SOLVE THIS! print_info = False if print_info: print('used_materials: %s\n' % str(used_materials)) print('object_list: %s\n' % str(object_list)) # For each object... for obj_i, obj in enumerate(object_list): piece_index_obj[obj_i] = obj # Get all Materials from Object as they're set in material slots... object_materials = _object_utils.get_object_materials(obj) if print_info: print(' object_materials: %s' % str(object_materials)) # Make Material dictionary (needed for getting rid of Material duplicities)... material_dict = _make_material_dict(object_materials) if print_info: for item in material_dict: print(' "%s" = %s' % (str(item), str(material_dict[item]))) print('') # Get Object's Mesh data and list of temporarily disabled "Edge Split" Modifiers... mesh = _object_utils.get_mesh(obj) # SORT GEOMETRY piece_dict, skin_list, skin_weights_cnt, skin_clones_cnt = _get_geometry_dict(root_object, obj, mesh, offset_matrix, material_dict, used_materials, bone_list, scs_globals) # DUMP if 0: for piece in piece_dict: print('Pm: %r' % piece) for data in piece_dict[piece]: print(' Da: %r' % str(data)) if data == 'hash_dict': if len(piece_dict[piece][data]) > 0: for val in piece_dict[piece][data]: print(' HD: %s:%s' % (str(val), str(piece_dict[piece][data][val]))) else: print(' NO "hash_dict" Data!') elif data == 'verts': if len(piece_dict[piece][data]) > 0: for val in piece_dict[piece][data]: print(' Ve: %s' % str(val)) else: print(' NO "verts" Data!') elif data == 'faces': if len(piece_dict[piece][data]) > 0: for val in piece_dict[piece][data]: print(' Fa: %s' % str(val)) else: print(' NO "faces" Data!') print('') print('') # CREATE SECTIONS for piece in piece_dict: vertex_count = len(piece_dict[piece]['verts']) global_vertex_count += vertex_count face_count = len(piece_dict[piece]['faces']) global_face_count += face_count stream_sections = [] # VERTEX STREAMS verts_data = {} for val in piece_dict[piece]['verts']: facevert_common_data, facevert_unique_data = val for data_key in facevert_common_data: # print(' data_key: %s' % str(data_key)) if data_key == '_VG': pass else: if data_key not in verts_data: verts_data[data_key] = [] verts_data[data_key].append(facevert_common_data[data_key]) for data_key in facevert_unique_data: # print(' data_key: %s' % str(data_key)) if data_key == '_UV': for layer_i, layer in enumerate(facevert_unique_data[data_key]): layer_data_key = str(data_key + str(layer_i)) if layer_data_key not in verts_data: verts_data[layer_data_key] = [] verts_data[layer_data_key].append(facevert_unique_data[data_key][layer]) if data_key == '_RGBA': for layer_i, layer in enumerate(facevert_unique_data[data_key]): if len(facevert_unique_data[data_key]) > 1: layer_data_key = str(data_key + str(layer_i)) else: layer_data_key = data_key if layer_data_key not in verts_data: verts_data[layer_data_key] = [] verts_data[layer_data_key].append(facevert_unique_data[data_key][layer]) lprint('S verts_data: %s', (str(verts_data),)) data_types = ( '_POSITION', '_NORMAL', '_UV', '_UV0', '_UV1', '_UV2', '_UV3', '_UV4', '_UV5', '_UV6', '_UV7', '_UV8', '_UV9', '_RGBA', '_RGBA0', '_RGBA1', '_RGBA2', '_RGBA3', '_RGBA4', '_RGBA5', '_RGBA6', '_RGBA7', '_RGBA8', '_RGBA9', '_VG') add_uv = True add_rgba = False for data_type in data_types: if '_RGBA' not in verts_data: add_rgba = True if data_type in verts_data: if data_type.startswith('_UV'): add_uv = False stream_sections.append(_pix_container.make_stream_section(verts_data[data_type], data_type, (data_type,))) else: stream_sections.append(_pix_container.make_stream_section(verts_data[data_type], data_type, ())) # ADD DEFAULT UV LAYER if add_uv: lprint('I Adding default UV layer.') uv_dummy_data = [] for vert in range(len(piece_dict[piece]['verts'])): uv_dummy_data.append(Vector((0.0, 0.0))) stream_sections.append(_pix_container.make_stream_section(uv_dummy_data, '_UV0', ('_UV0',))) # ADD DEFAULT RGBA LAYER if add_rgba: lprint('I Adding default RGBA (vertex color) layer.') rgba_dummy_data = [] for vert in range(len(piece_dict[piece]['verts'])): rgba_dummy_data.append(Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))) stream_sections.append(_pix_container.make_stream_section(rgba_dummy_data, '_RGBA', ())) # PIECE PROPERTIES piece_section = _SectionData("Piece") piece_section.props.append(("Index", piece_index)) piece_section.props.append(("Material", piece_dict[piece]['material_index'])) piece_section.props.append(("VertexCount", vertex_count)) piece_section.props.append(("TriangleCount", face_count)) piece_section.props.append(("StreamCount", len(stream_sections))) piece_section.props.append(("", "")) piece_index += 1 for stream_section in stream_sections: piece_section.sections.append(stream_section) # FACE STREAM stream_section = _SectionData("Triangles") = piece_dict[piece]['faces'] piece_section.sections.append(stream_section) piece_sections.append(piece_section) return piece_sections, global_vertex_count, global_face_count, piece_index_obj, skin_list, skin_weights_cnt, skin_clones_cnt