Example #1
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Provisioner starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)

    proc = [{
        'name': 'provisioner',
        'module': __name__,
        'class': ProvisionerService.__name__,
        'spawnargs': {
            'query_period': conf.getValue('query_period'),
            'store': get_provisioner_store(conf),
            'site_drivers': get_site_drivers(conf.getValue('sites')),
            'context_client': get_context_client(conf)

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='Provisioner app supervisor',
                                spawnargs={'spawn-procs': proc})

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #2
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Work Producer starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    config_name = __name__
    if os.environ.has_key("ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"):
        config_name = os.environ["ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"]
    conf = ioninit.config(config_name)

    spawnargs = {
        'queue_name_work': conf['queue_name_work'],
        'listen_port': conf['listen_port'],
        'servicename': conf['servicename']

    proc = [{
        'name': 'epu_work_producer',
        'module': __name__,
        'class': EPUWorkProducer.__name__,
        'spawnargs': spawnargs

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='EPU Work Producer app supervisor',
                                spawnargs={'spawn-procs': proc})

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #3
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Controller List service starting, startup type "%s"' %

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)
    controller_list_path = conf.getValue('controller_list_path', None)

    proc = [
            'name': 'epu_controller_list',
            'module': __name__,
            'class': EPUControllerListService.__name__,
            'spawnargs': {
                'controller_list_path': controller_list_path

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='EPU Controller List supervisor',
                                spawnargs={'spawn-procs': proc})

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()
    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #4
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Work Producer starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    config_name = __name__
    if os.environ.has_key("ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"):
        config_name = os.environ["ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"]
    conf = ioninit.config(config_name)

    spawnargs = {'queue_name_work' : conf['queue_name_work'],
                 'listen_port' : conf['listen_port'],
                 'servicename': conf['servicename']}

    proc = [{'name': 'epu_work_producer',
             'module': __name__,
             'class': EPUWorkProducer.__name__,
             'spawnargs': spawnargs

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='EPU Work Producer app supervisor',

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #5
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Controller List service starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)
    controller_list_path = conf.getValue('controller_list_path', None)

    proc = [{'name': 'epu_controller_list',
             'module': __name__,
             'class': EPUControllerListService.__name__,
             'spawnargs': { 'controller_list_path': controller_list_path }

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='EPU Controller List supervisor',

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()
    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #6
File: dtrs.py Project: timf/epu
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU DTRS starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)
    dt_dir = conf.getValue('registry_dir', '/opt/dt-data/dt')

    # Required services.
    proc = [{'name': 'dtrs',
             'module': __name__,
             'class': DeployableTypeRegistryService.__name__,
             'spawnargs': {'registry_dir' : dt_dir}

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='DTRS app supervisor',

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #7
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Queuestat starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)

    proc = [
            "name": "queuestat",
            "module": __name__,
            "class": QueueStatService.__name__,
            "spawnargs": {"interval_seconds": conf.getValue("interval_seconds")},

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(
        name="Queuestat app supervisor", module=app_supervisor.__name__, spawnargs={"spawn-procs": proc}

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()
    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #8
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Worker starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)
    spawnargs = {'queue_name_work' : conf['queue_name_work']}

    # Required services.
    proc = [{'name': 'epu_worker',
             'module': __name__,
             'class': EPUWorkerService.__name__,
             'spawnargs': spawnargs

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='EPU Worker app supervisor',

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #9
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Provisioner starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)

    proc = [{'name': 'provisioner',
             'module': __name__,
             'class': ProvisionerService.__name__,
             'spawnargs': {
                 'query_period' : conf.getValue('query_period'),
                 'store' : get_provisioner_store(conf),
                 'site_drivers' : get_site_drivers(conf.getValue('sites')),
                 'context_client' : get_context_client(conf)}}]

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='Provisioner app supervisor',

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #10
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Controller starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    config_name = __name__
    if os.environ.has_key("ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"):
        config_name = os.environ["ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"]
    conf = ioninit.config(config_name)

    # Required configurations for app-based launch
    spawnargs = {'queue_name_work' : conf.getValue('queue_name_work'),
                 'servicename': conf['servicename'],
                 'engine_class' : conf.getValue('engine_class'),
                 'engine_conf' : conf.getValue('engine_conf')}

    use_cassandra = conf.getValue('cassandra', True)
    if use_cassandra:
            spawnargs['cassandra'] = cassandra.get_config()

        except cassandra.CassandraConfigurationError,e:
            log.error("Problem loading Cassandra config: %s", e)
Example #11
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Worker starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)
    spawnargs = {'queue_name_work': conf['queue_name_work']}

    # Required services.
    proc = [{
        'name': 'epu_worker',
        'module': __name__,
        'class': EPUWorkerService.__name__,
        'spawnargs': spawnargs

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='EPU Worker app supervisor',
                                spawnargs={'spawn-procs': proc})

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()

    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #12
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Queuestat starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    conf = ioninit.config(__name__)

    proc = [
            'name': 'queuestat',
            'module': __name__,
            'class': QueueStatService.__name__,
            'spawnargs': {
                'interval_seconds': conf.getValue('interval_seconds')

    app_supv_desc = ProcessDesc(name='Queuestat app supervisor',
                                spawnargs={'spawn-procs': proc})

    supv_id = yield app_supv_desc.spawn()
    res = (supv_id.full, [app_supv_desc])
Example #13
def start(container, starttype, *args, **kwargs):
    log.info('EPU Controller starting, startup type "%s"' % starttype)

    config_name = __name__
    if os.environ.has_key("ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"):
        config_name = os.environ["ION_CONFIGURATION_SECTION"]
    conf = ioninit.config(config_name)

    # Required configurations for app-based launch
    spawnargs = {
        'queue_name_work': conf.getValue('queue_name_work'),
        'servicename': conf['servicename'],
        'engine_class': conf.getValue('engine_class'),
        'engine_conf': conf.getValue('engine_conf')

    use_cassandra = conf.getValue('cassandra', True)
    if use_cassandra:
            spawnargs['cassandra'] = cassandra.get_config()

        except cassandra.CassandraConfigurationError, e:
            log.error("Problem loading Cassandra config: %s", e)
#!/usr/bin/env python

@file res/scripts/bootstrap-dx.py
@author Paul Hubbard
@brief main module for bootstrapping data exchange

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap

CONF = ioninit.config('startup.bootstrap-dx')

# Static definition of message queues
ion_messaging = ioninit.get_config('messaging_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
dx_services = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

def start():
    Main function of bootstrap. Starts DX system with static config
    logging.info("ION/DX bootstrapping now...")
    startsvcs = []
Example #15
 def test_config_file(self):
     cfg = ioninit.config('ion.services.dm.util.url_manipulation')
     ldir = cfg.getValue('local_dir', None)
     self.failUnless(len(ldir) > 0)
     cname = cfg.getValue('cache_hostname', None)
     self.failUnless(len(cname) > 0)
Example #16
 def setUp(self):
     cfg = ioninit.config('ion.services.dm.util.url_manipulation')
     self.prefix = cfg.getValue('local_dir', None)
@test ion.services.sa.proxy Test of refactored proxy+fetcher+controller
@see http://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/22918-proxy-authentication-using-urllib2
@brief Designed to be an integration test, exercises DX via users' http proxy. Does
not use OOI messaging.

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import threads
from ion.test.iontest import IonTestCase
from twisted.trial import unittest

import logging
logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from ion.core import ioninit
config = ioninit.config('ion.services.sa.proxy')
PROXY_PORT = int(config.getValue('proxy_port', '8100'))
import ion.util.procutils as pu

from pydap.client import open_url
from pydap.util import socks
import pydap.lib

import httplib2
import urllib2

TEST_URL = 'http://amoeba.ucsd.edu:8001/coads.nc'

class PydapIntegrationTest(IonTestCase):
Example #18
def _init_config():
    global CONF
    if CONF is None:
        CONF = ioninit.config(CONF_NAME)
Example #19
import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap

CONF = ioninit.config('startup.bootstrap1')

# Static definition of message queues
ion_messaging = ioninit.get_config('messaging_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
ion_core_services = ioninit.get_config('coreservices_cfg', CONF)
ion_services = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

def main():
    """Main function of bootstrap. Starts system with static config
    logging.info("ION SYSTEM bootstrapping now...")
    startsvcs = []

    yield bootstrap.bootstrap(ion_messaging, startsvcs)

@file ion/services/dm/util/url_manipulation.py
@brief DM routines for manipulating URLs
@author Paul Hubbard
@date 6/4/10

import re
import string
import urlparse
import logging
logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os.path
from ion.core import ioninit

# Read our configuration from the ion.config file.
config = ioninit.config(__name__)
LOCAL_DIR = config.getValue('local_dir', '../../dap_server/data/')
CACHE_HOSTNAME = config.getValue('cache_hostname', 'localhost')
CACHE_PORTNUM = config.getValue('cache_port', '80')

def rewrite_url(dsUrl, newHostname=CACHE_HOSTNAME):
    @brief Given a DAP URL, presume that we host it locally and rewrite it
    to reflect same. Changes hostname to localhost, removes any port,
    rewrites path to be just root. Used by the cache front end, to change
    canonical URLs into local-only URLs.
    @param dsUrl Original URL to rewrite
    @param newHostname Default is localhost, TCP name of server
    @retval String with rewritten URL.
    @todo add CACHE_PORTNUM
 def test_config_file(self):
     cfg =  ioninit.config('ion.services.dm.util.url_manipulation')
     ldir = cfg.getValue('local_dir', None)
     self.failUnless(len(ldir) > 0)
     cname = cfg.getValue('cache_hostname', None)
     self.failUnless(len(cname) > 0)
Example #22
import logging
logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from ion.core.base_process import ProtocolFactory
from ion.services.dm.util.eoi_data_stream_producer import CoordinatorClient

from ion.services.base_service import BaseService
from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver

import base64

# Read configuration file to find TCP server port
from ion.core import ioninit
config = ioninit.config(__name__)
PROXY_PORT = int(config.getValue('proxy_port', '8100'))

class DAPProxyProtocol(LineReceiver):
    Super, super simple HTTP proxy. Goal: Take requests from DAP clients such
    as matlab and netcdf, convert them into OOI messages to the preservation
    service coordinator, and return whatever it gets from same as http.

    Initially written using the twisted proxy classes, but in the end what we
    need here is quite different from what the provide, so its much simpler
    to just implement it as a most-basic protocol.

    @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol
    @see The DAP protocol spec at http://www.opendap.org/pdf/ESE-RFC-004v1.1.pdf
Example #23
#!/usr/bin/env python

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap

CONF = ioninit.config('startup.web')

import gviz_api

from ion.services.dm.presentation import web_service

# Static definition of message queues
ion_messaging = ioninit.get_config('messaging_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
web_services = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

page_template = """
  <script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi" type="text/javascript"></script>
    google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['table']});

    function drawTable() {
      var jscode_table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div_jscode'));
      jscode_table.draw(jscode_data, {showRowNumber: true});
@test ion.services.sa.proxy Test of refactored proxy+fetcher+controller
@see http://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/22918-proxy-authentication-using-urllib2
@brief Designed to be an integration test, exercises DX via users' http proxy. Does
not use OOI messaging.

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import threads
from ion.test.iontest import IonTestCase
from twisted.trial import unittest

import logging
logging = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from ion.core import ioninit
config = ioninit.config('ion.services.sa.proxy')
PROXY_PORT = int(config.getValue('proxy_port', '8100'))
import ion.util.procutils as pu

from pydap.client import open_url
from pydap.util import socks
import pydap.lib

import httplib2
import urllib2

TEST_URL = 'http://amoeba.ucsd.edu:8001/coads.nc'
class PydapIntegrationTest(IonTestCase):
    High-fidelity integration test - use pydap's full DAP client to exercise
Example #25
def _init_config():
    global CONF
    if CONF is None:
        CONF = ioninit.config(CONF_NAME)
Example #26
import random

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core.base_process import BaseProcess, ProcessDesc
from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap

from ion.services.dm.distribution import pubsub_service

from ion.resources.dm_resource_descriptions import PubSubTopicResource, SubscriptionResource

from ion.services.dm.distribution.consumers import example_consumer, forwarding_consumer, latest_consumer, logging_consumer

CONF = ioninit.config('startup.pubsub')

# Static definition of message queues
ion_messaging = ioninit.get_config('messaging_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
dm_services = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
#dm_services = Config(CONF.getValue('services_cfg')).getObject()
#ion_messaging = Config(CONF.getValue('messaging_cfg')).getObject()

def create_producers(proc, n=1):
Example #27
import random

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core.base_process import BaseProcess, ProcessDesc
from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap

from ion.services.dm.distribution import pubsub_service

from ion.resources.dm_resource_descriptions import PubSubTopicResource, SubscriptionResource

from ion.services.dm.distribution.consumers import example_consumer, forwarding_consumer, latest_consumer, logging_consumer

CONF = ioninit.config('startup.pubsub')

# Static definition of message queues
ion_messaging = ioninit.get_config('messaging_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
dm_services = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
#dm_services = Config(CONF.getValue('services_cfg')).getObject()
#ion_messaging = Config(CONF.getValue('messaging_cfg')).getObject()

def create_producers(proc,n=1):
#!/usr/bin/env python

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap

CONF = ioninit.config('startup.web')

import gviz_api

from ion.services.dm.presentation import web_service

# Static definition of message queues
ion_messaging = ioninit.get_config('messaging_cfg', CONF)

# Static definition of service names
web_services = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

page_template = """
  <script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi" type="text/javascript"></script>
    google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['table']});

    function drawTable() {
Example #29
# Python Capability Container start script.
# Starts empty container with system name set.

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap
from ion.util.config import Config

# Use the bootstrap configuration entries from the standard bootstrap
CONF = ioninit.config('ion.core.bootstrap')

# Config files with lists of processes to start
agent_procs = ioninit.get_config('ccagent_cfg', CONF)
svc_procs = ioninit.get_config('services_cfg', CONF)

def main():
    Initializes container
    logging.info("ION CONTAINER initializing...")

    processes = []
    # Disabling ccagent
Example #30
# Starts container with Java Services.

import logging
from twisted.internet import defer

from ion.agents.instrumentagents.simulators.sim_SBE49 import Simulator
from ion.agents.instrumentagents.instrument_agent import InstrumentAgentClient
from ion.core import ioninit
from ion.core import bootstrap
from ion.util.config import Config
from ion.resources.sa_resource_descriptions import InstrumentResource, DataProductResource
from ion.services.sa.instrument_registry import InstrumentRegistryClient
from ion.services.sa.data_product_registry import DataProductRegistryClient

# Use the bootstrap configuration entries from the standard bootstrap
CONF = ioninit.config("ion.core.bootstrap")

# Config files with lists of processes to start
agent_procs = ioninit.get_config("ccagent_cfg", CONF)
demo_procs = [
    {"name": "agent_registry", "module": "ion.services.coi.agent_registry", "class": "ResourceRegistryService"},
    {"name": "instrument_registry", "module": "ion.services.sa.instrument_registry", "class": ""},
    {"name": "data_product_registry", "module": "ion.services.sa.data_product_registry", "class": ""},
    {"name": "instrument_management", "module": "ion.services.sa.instrument_management", "class": ""},
    {"name": "service_registry", "module": "ion.services.coi.service_registry", "class": ""},


from twisted.internet import defer

import inspect

from ion.core.base_process import BaseProcess
from ion.core.base_process import ProtocolFactory
from ion.services.base_service import BaseService, BaseServiceClient

from ion.data.datastore import registry
from ion.data import dataobject

from ion.resources import coi_resource_descriptions

from ion.core import ioninit
CONF = ioninit.config(__name__)

class AgentRegistryService(registry.BaseRegistryService):
    Agent registry service interface
    @todo a agent is a resource and should also be living in the resource registry
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='agent_registry', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

    op_clear_registry = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_clear_registry

    op_register_agent_definition = registry.BaseRegistryService.base_register_resource
    Service operation: Register a agent definition with the registry.
 def setUp(self):
     cfg =  ioninit.config('ion.services.dm.util.url_manipulation')
     self.prefix = cfg.getValue('local_dir', None)