SUPPORT_AUTH_URL = "" SUPPORT_UPLOAD_URL = "" REFERENCE_LIST_URL = "" PRODUCT_UPDATE_BASEURL = "" PRODUCT_UPDATE_PATH = "products/main.json" ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES = { 'auth.user': lambda u: urlresolvers.reverse('configure_account'), } try: # this file is generated and placed into /opt/ion/iondb/ by the CMake process and .deb pkg installation import iondb.version as version #@UnresolvedImport GITHASH = version.IonVersionGetGitHash() VERSION = 'v' + '.'.join([ version.IonVersionGetMajor(), version.IonVersionGetMinor(), version.IonVersionGetRelease(), version.IonVersionGetGitHash() ]) RELVERSION = '.'.join( [version.IonVersionGetMajor(), version.IonVersionGetMinor()]) except: GITHASH = '' VERSION = '' RELVERSION = '' pass
EULA_TEXT_URL = "products/LICENSE.txt" PLAN_CSV_VERSION = "2.1" SUPPORTED_PLAN_CSV_VERSION = ["1.0","2.0","2.1"] SAMPLE_CSV_VERSION = "1.0" SUPPORTED_SAMPLE_CSV_VERSION = ["1.0"] ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES = { 'auth.user': lambda u: urlresolvers.reverse('configure_account'), } try: # this file is generated and placed into /opt/ion/iondb/ by the CMake process and .deb pkg installation import iondb.version as version # @UnresolvedImport GITHASH = version.IonVersionGetGitHash() VERSION = 'v' + '.'.join([version.IonVersionGetMajor(), version.IonVersionGetMinor(), version.IonVersionGetRelease(), version.IonVersionGetGitHash()]) RELVERSION = '.'.join([version.IonVersionGetMajor(), version.IonVersionGetMinor()]) except: GITHASH = '' VERSION = '' RELVERSION = '' pass # TEST_RUNNER = "iondb.test_runner.IonTestSuiteRunner" CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '' },