Example #1
class StrictIota(with_metaclass(ApiMeta)):
  API to send HTTP requests for communicating with an IOTA node.

  This implementation only exposes the "core" API methods.  For a more
  feature-complete implementation, use :py:class:`Iota` instead.

    - https://iota.readme.io/docs/getting-started
    commands = discover_commands('iota.commands.core')

    def __init__(self, adapter, testnet=False):
        # type: (AdapterSpec, bool) -> None
    :param adapter:
      URI string or BaseAdapter instance.

    :param testnet:
      Whether to use testnet settings for this instance.
        super(StrictIota, self).__init__()

        if not isinstance(adapter, BaseAdapter):
            adapter = resolve_adapter(adapter)

        self.adapter = adapter  # type: BaseAdapter
        self.testnet = testnet

    def __getattr__(self, command):
        # type: (Text) -> BaseCommand
    Creates a pre-configured command instance.

    This method will only return commands supported by the API class.

    If you want to execute an arbitrary API command, use

    :param command:
      The name of the command to create.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/making-requests
        # Fix an error when invoking :py:func:`help`.
        # https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.lib.py/issues/41
        if command == '__name__':
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            return None

            command_class = self.commands[command]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidCommand(
                '{cls} does not support {command!r} command.'.format(
                ), )

        return command_class(self.adapter)

    def create_command(self, command):
        # type: (Text) -> CustomCommand
    Creates a pre-configured CustomCommand instance.

    This method is useful for invoking undocumented or experimental
    methods, or if you just want to troll your node for awhile.

    :param command:
      The name of the command to create.
        return CustomCommand(self.adapter, command)

    def default_min_weight_magnitude(self):
        # type: () -> int
    Returns the default ``min_weight_magnitude`` value to use for API
        return 9 if self.testnet else 14

    def add_neighbors(self, uris):
        # type: (Iterable[Text]) -> dict
    Add one or more neighbors to the node.  Lasts until the node is

    :param uris:
      Use format ``udp://<ip address>:<port>``.
      Example: ``add_neighbors(['udp://example.com:14265'])``

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/addneighors
        return core.AddNeighborsCommand(self.adapter)(uris=uris)

    def attach_to_tangle(
        # type: (TransactionHash, TransactionHash, Iterable[TryteString], int) -> dict
    Attaches the specified transactions (trytes) to the Tangle by doing
    Proof of Work. You need to supply branchTransaction as well as
    trunkTransaction (basically the tips which you're going to
    validate and reference with this transaction) - both of which
    you'll get through the getTransactionsToApprove API call.

    The returned value is a different set of tryte values which you can
    input into :py:meth:`broadcast_transactions` and

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/attachtotangle
        if min_weight_magnitude is None:
            min_weight_magnitude = self.default_min_weight_magnitude

        return core.AttachToTangleCommand(self.adapter)(

    def broadcast_transactions(self, trytes):
        # type: (Iterable[TryteString]) -> dict
    Broadcast a list of transactions to all neighbors.

    The input trytes for this call are provided by

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/broadcasttransactions
        return core.BroadcastTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(trytes=trytes)

    def check_consistency(self, tails):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> dict
    Used to ensure tail resolves to a consistent ledger which is necessary to
    validate before attempting promotionChecks transaction hashes for

    This is called with a pending transaction (or more of them) and it will
    tell you if it is still possible for this transaction (or all the
    transactions simultaneously if you give more than one) to be confirmed, or
    not (because it conflicts with another already confirmed transaction).

    :param tails:
      Transaction hashes. Must be tail transactions.

      Dict containing the following::
            'state': bool,

            'info': str,
              This field will only exist set if `state` is False.
        return core.CheckConsistencyCommand(self.adapter)(tails=tails, )

    def find_transactions(
        # type: (Optional[Iterable[TransactionHash]], Optional[Iterable[Address]], Optional[Iterable[Tag]], Optional[Iterable[TransactionHash]]) -> dict
    Find the transactions which match the specified input and return.

    All input values are lists, for which a list of return values
    (transaction hashes), in the same order, is returned for all
    individual elements.

    Using multiple of these input fields returns the intersection of
    the values.

    :param bundles:
      List of transaction IDs.

    :param addresses:
      List of addresses.

    :param tags:
      List of tags.

    :param approvees:
      List of approvee transaction IDs.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/findtransactions
        return core.FindTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_balances(self, addresses, threshold=100):
        # type: (Iterable[Address], int) -> dict
    Similar to :py:meth:`get_inclusion_states`. Returns the confirmed
    balance which a list of addresses have at the latest confirmed

    In addition to the balances, it also returns the milestone as well
    as the index with which the confirmed balance was determined.
    The balances are returned as a list in the same order as the
    addresses were provided as input.

    :param addresses:
      List of addresses to get the confirmed balance for.

    :param threshold:
      Confirmation threshold.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/getbalances
        return core.GetBalancesCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_inclusion_states(self, transactions, tips):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash], Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> dict
    Get the inclusion states of a set of transactions. This is for
    determining if a transaction was accepted and confirmed by the
    network or not. You can search for multiple tips (and thus,
    milestones) to get past inclusion states of transactions.

    :param transactions:
      List of transactions you want to get the inclusion state for.

    :param tips:
      List of tips (including milestones) you want to search for the
      inclusion state.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/getinclusionstates
        return core.GetInclusionStatesCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_neighbors(self):
        # type: () -> dict
    Returns the set of neighbors the node is connected with, as well as
    their activity count.

    The activity counter is reset after restarting IRI.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/getneighborsactivity
        return core.GetNeighborsCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_node_info(self):
        # type: () -> dict
    Returns information about the node.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/getnodeinfo
        return core.GetNodeInfoCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_tips(self):
        # type: () -> dict
    Returns the list of tips (transactions which have no other
    transactions referencing them).

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/gettips
      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/glossary#iota-terms
        return core.GetTipsCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_transactions_to_approve(self, depth):
        # type: (int) -> dict
    Tip selection which returns ``trunkTransaction`` and

    :param depth:
      Determines how many bundles to go back to when finding the
      transactions to approve.

      The higher the depth value, the more "babysitting" the node will
      perform for the network (as it will confirm more transactions
      that way).

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/gettransactionstoapprove
        return core.GetTransactionsToApproveCommand(self.adapter)(depth=depth)

    def get_trytes(self, hashes):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> dict
    Returns the raw transaction data (trytes) of one or more

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/gettrytes
        return core.GetTrytesCommand(self.adapter)(hashes=hashes)

    def interrupt_attaching_to_tangle(self):
        # type: () -> dict
    Interrupts and completely aborts the :py:meth:`attach_to_tangle`

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/interruptattachingtotangle
        return core.InterruptAttachingToTangleCommand(self.adapter)()

    def remove_neighbors(self, uris):
        # type: (Iterable[Text]) -> dict
    Removes one or more neighbors from the node.  Lasts until the node
    is restarted.

    :param uris:
      Use format ``udp://<ip address>:<port>``.
      Example: `remove_neighbors(['udp://example.com:14265'])`

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/removeneighors
        return core.RemoveNeighborsCommand(self.adapter)(uris=uris)

    def store_transactions(self, trytes):
        # type: (Iterable[TryteString]) -> dict
    Store transactions into local storage.

    The input trytes for this call are provided by

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/storetransactions
        return core.StoreTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(trytes=trytes)

    def were_addresses_spent_from(self, addresses):
        # type: (Iterable[Address]) -> dict
    Check if a list of addresses was ever spent from, in the current
    epoch, or in previous epochs.

    :param addresses:
      List of addresses to check.

      - https://iota.readme.io/docs/wereaddressesspentfrom
        return core.WereAddressesSpentFromCommand(self.adapter)(
            addresses=addresses, )
Example #2
class MultisigIota(Iota):
  Extends the IOTA API so that it can send multi-signature

  **CAUTION:** Make sure you understand how multisig works before
  attempting to use it.  If you are not careful, you could easily
  compromise the security of your private keys, send IOTAs to
  unspendable addresses, etc.

    - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/multisigs.md
  commands = discover_commands('iota.multisig.commands')

  def create_multisig_address(self, digests):
    # type: (Iterable[Digest]) -> dict
    Generates a multisig address from a collection of digests.

    :param digests:
      Digests to use to create the multisig address.

      IMPORTANT: In order to spend IOTAs from a multisig address, the
      signature must be generated from the corresponding private keys
      in the exact same order.

      Dict with the following items::

           'address': MultisigAddress,
             The generated multisig address.
    return commands.CreateMultisigAddressCommand(self.adapter)(
      digests = digests,

  def get_digests(
      index = 0,
      count = 1,
      security_level = AddressGenerator.DEFAULT_SECURITY_LEVEL,
    # type: (int, int, int) -> dict
    Generates one or more key digests from the seed.

    Digests are safe to share; use them to generate multisig addresses.

    :param index:
      The starting key index.

    :param count:
      Number of digests to generate.

    :param security_level:
      Number of iterations to use when generating new addresses.

      Larger values take longer, but the resulting signatures are more

      This value must be between 1 and 3, inclusive.

      Dict with the following items::

           'digests': List[Digest],
             Always contains a list, even if only one digest was
    return commands.GetDigestsCommand(self.adapter)(
      seed          = self.seed,
      index         = index,
      count         = count,
      securityLevel = security_level,

  def get_private_keys(
      index = 0,
      count = 1,
      security_level = AddressGenerator.DEFAULT_SECURITY_LEVEL,
    # type: (int, int, int) -> dict
    Generates one or more private keys from the seed.

    As the name implies, private keys should not be shared.  However,
    in a few cases it may be necessary (e.g., for M-of-N transactions).

    :param index:
      The starting key index.

    :param count:
      Number of keys to generate.

    :param security_level:
      Number of iterations to use when generating new keys.

      Larger values take longer, but the resulting signatures are more

      This value must be between 1 and 3, inclusive.

      Dict with the following items::

           'keys': List[PrivateKey],
             Always contains a list, even if only one key was

      - :py:class:`iota.crypto.signing.KeyGenerator`
      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/multisigs.md#how-m-of-n-works
    return commands.GetPrivateKeysCommand(self.adapter)(
      seed          = self.seed,
      index         = index,
      count         = count,
      securityLevel = security_level,

  def prepare_multisig_transfer(
      change_address = None,
    # type: (Iterable[ProposedTransaction], MultisigAddress, Optional[Address]) -> dict
    Prepares a bundle that authorizes the spending of IOTAs from a
    multisig address.

    Note: if you want to spend IOTAs from non-multisig addresses, or if
    you want to create 0-value transfers (i.e., that don't require
    inputs), you can use :py:meth:`iota.api.Iota.prepare_transfer`

    :param transfers:
      Transaction objects to prepare.

      Important: Must include at least one transaction that spends
      IOTAs (has a nonzero ``value``).  If you want to prepare a bundle
      that does not spend any IOTAs, use
      :py:meth:`iota.api.prepare_transfer` instead.

    :param multisig_input:
      The multisig address to use as the input for the transfers.

      Note: a bundle may contain only one multisig input.

    :param change_address:
      If inputs are provided, any unspent amount will be sent to this
      address.  If the bundle has no unspent inputs, ``change_address`
      is ignored.

      Unlike :py:meth:`iota.api.Iota.prepare_transfer`, this method
      will NOT generate a change address automatically.  If there are
      unspent inputs and ``change_address`` is empty, an exception will
      be raised.

      This is because multisig transactions typically involve multiple
      individuals, and it would be unfair to the participants if we
      generated a change address automatically using the seed of
      whoever happened to run the ``prepare_multisig_transfer`` method!

      Note: this is not a substitute for due diligence! Always verify
      the details of every transaction in a bundle (including the
      change transaction) before signing the input(s)!

      Dict containing the following values::

           'trytes': List[TransactionTrytes],
             Finalized bundle, as trytes.
             The input transactions are not signed.

      In order to authorize the spending of IOTAs from the multisig
      input, you must generate the correct private keys and invoke the
      :py:meth:`iota.crypto.types.PrivateKey.sign_input_at` method for
      each key, in the correct order.

      Once the correct signatures are applied, you can then perform
      proof of work (``attachToTangle``) and broadcast the bundle using
    return commands.PrepareMultisigTransferCommand(self.adapter)(
      changeAddress = change_address,
      multisigInput = multisig_input,
      transfers     = transfers,
Example #3
class Iota(StrictIota):
  Implements the core API, plus additional wrapper methods for common

    - https://iota.readme.io/docs/getting-started
    - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md
    commands = discover_commands('iota.commands.extended')

    def __init__(self, adapter, seed=None, testnet=False):
        # type: (AdapterSpec, Optional[TrytesCompatible], bool) -> None
    :param seed:
      Seed used to generate new addresses.
      If not provided, a random one will be generated.

      Note: This value is never transferred to the node/network.
        super(Iota, self).__init__(adapter, testnet)

        self.seed = Seed(seed) if seed else Seed.random()
        self.helpers = Helpers(self)

    def broadcast_and_store(self, trytes):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionTrytes]) -> dict
    Broadcasts and stores a set of transaction trytes.

      Dict with the following structure::

           'trytes': List[TransactionTrytes],
             List of TransactionTrytes that were broadcast.
             Same as the input ``trytes``.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#broadcastandstore
        return extended.BroadcastAndStoreCommand(self.adapter)(trytes=trytes)

    def get_account_data(self, start=0, stop=None, inclusion_states=False):
        # type: (int, Optional[int], bool) -> dict
    More comprehensive version of :py:meth:`get_transfers` that returns
    addresses and account balance in addition to bundles.

    This function is useful in getting all the relevant information of
    your account.

    :param start:
      Starting key index.

    :param stop:
      Stop before this index.
      Note that this parameter behaves like the ``stop`` attribute in a
      :py:class:`slice` object; the stop index is *not* included in the

      If ``None`` (default), then this method will check every address
      until it finds one without any transfers.

    :param inclusion_states:
      Whether to also fetch the inclusion states of the transfers.

      This requires an additional API call to the node, so it is
      disabled by default.

      Dict containing the following values::

           'addresses': List[Address],
             List of generated addresses.
             Note that this list may include unused addresses.

           'balance': int,
             Total account balance.  Might be 0.

           'bundles': List[Bundle],
             List of bundles with transactions to/from this account.
        return extended.GetAccountDataCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_bundles(self, transaction):
        # type: (TransactionHash) -> dict
    Returns the bundle(s) associated with the specified transaction

    :param transaction:
      Transaction hash.  Must be a tail transaction.

      Dict with the following structure::

           'bundles': List[Bundle],
             List of matching bundles.  Note that this value is always
             a list, even if only one bundle was found.

      - :py:class:`iota.adapter.BadApiResponse` if any of the
        bundles fails validation.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#getbundle
        return extended.GetBundlesCommand(

    def get_inputs(self, start=0, stop=None, threshold=None):
        # type: (int, Optional[int], Optional[int]) -> dict
    Gets all possible inputs of a seed and returns them with the total

    This is either done deterministically (by generating all addresses
    until :py:meth:`find_transactions` returns an empty result), or by
    providing a key range to search.

    :param start:
      Starting key index.
      Defaults to 0.

    :param stop:
      Stop before this index.
      Note that this parameter behaves like the ``stop`` attribute in a
      :py:class:`slice` object; the stop index is *not* included in the

      If ``None`` (default), then this method will not stop until it
      finds an unused address.

    :param threshold:
      If set, determines the minimum threshold for a successful result:

      - As soon as this threshold is reached, iteration will stop.
      - If the command runs out of addresses before the threshold is
        reached, an exception is raised.

      Note that this method does not attempt to "optimize" the result
      (e.g., smallest number of inputs, get as close to ``threshold``
      as possible, etc.); it simply accumulates inputs in order until
      the threshold is met.

      If ``threshold`` is 0, the first address in the key range with
      a non-zero balance will be returned (if it exists).

      If ``threshold`` is ``None`` (default), this method will return
      **all** inputs in the specified key range.

      Dict with the following structure::

           'inputs': List[Address],
             Addresses with nonzero balances that can be used as

           'totalBalance': int,
             Aggregate balance from all matching addresses.

      Note that each Address in the result has its ``balance``
      attribute set.


         response = iota.get_inputs(...)

         input0 = response['inputs'][0] # type: Address
         input0.balance # 42

      - :py:class:`iota.adapter.BadApiResponse` if ``threshold`` is not
        met.  Not applicable if ``threshold`` is ``None``.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#getinputs
        return extended.GetInputsCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_latest_inclusion(self, hashes):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> Dict[TransactionHash, bool]
    Fetches the inclusion state for the specified transaction hashes,
    as of the latest milestone that the node has processed.

    Effectively, this is ``getNodeInfo`` + ``getInclusionStates``.

    :param hashes:
      Iterable of transaction hashes.

      Dict with one boolean per transaction hash in ``hashes``::

           <TransactionHash>: <bool>,
        return extended.GetLatestInclusionCommand(self.adapter)(hashes=hashes)

    def get_new_addresses(
        # type: (int, Optional[int], int, bool) -> dict
    Generates one or more new addresses from the seed.

    :param index:
      Specify the index of the new address (must be >= 1).

    :param count:
      Number of addresses to generate (must be >= 1).

      Note: This is more efficient than calling ``get_new_address``
      inside a loop.

      If ``None``, this method will scan the Tangle to find the next
      available unused address and return that.

    :param security_level:
      Number of iterations to use when generating new addresses.

      Larger values take longer, but the resulting signatures are more

      This value must be between 1 and 3, inclusive.

    :param checksum:
      Specify whether to return the address with the checksum.
      Defaults to False.

      Dict with the following items::

           'addresses': List[Address],
             Always a list, even if only one address was generated.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#getnewaddress
        return extended.GetNewAddressesCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_transfers(self, start=0, stop=None, inclusion_states=False):
        # type: (int, Optional[int], bool) -> dict
    Returns all transfers associated with the seed.

    :param start:
      Starting key index.

    :param stop:
      Stop before this index.
      Note that this parameter behaves like the ``stop`` attribute in a
      :py:class:`slice` object; the stop index is *not* included in the

      If ``None`` (default), then this method will check every address
      until it finds one without any transfers.

    :param inclusion_states:
      Whether to also fetch the inclusion states of the transfers.

      This requires an additional API call to the node, so it is
      disabled by default.

      Dict containing the following values::

           'bundles': List[Bundle],
             Matching bundles, sorted by tail transaction timestamp.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#gettransfers
        return extended.GetTransfersCommand(self.adapter)(

    def prepare_transfer(self, transfers, inputs=None, change_address=None):
        # type: (Iterable[ProposedTransaction], Optional[Iterable[Address]], Optional[Address]) -> dict
    Prepares transactions to be broadcast to the Tangle, by generating
    the correct bundle, as well as choosing and signing the inputs (for
    value transfers).

    :param transfers:
      Transaction objects to prepare.

    :param inputs:
      List of addresses used to fund the transfer.
      Ignored for zero-value transfers.

      If not provided, addresses will be selected automatically by
      scanning the Tangle for unspent inputs.  Note: this could take
      awhile to complete.

    :param change_address:
      If inputs are provided, any unspent amount will be sent to this

      If not specified, a change address will be generated

      Dict containing the following values::

           'trytes': List[TransactionTrytes],
             Raw trytes for the transactions in the bundle, ready to
             be provided to :py:meth:`send_trytes`.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#preparetransfers
        return extended.PrepareTransferCommand(self.adapter)(

    def promote_transaction(
        # type: (TransactionHash, int, Optional[int]) -> dict
    Promotes a transaction by adding spam on top of it.

      Dict containing the following values::

           'bundle': Bundle,
             The newly-published bundle.
        if min_weight_magnitude is None:
            min_weight_magnitude = self.default_min_weight_magnitude

        return extended.PromoteTransactionCommand(self.adapter)(

    def replay_bundle(
        # type: (TransactionHash, int, Optional[int]) -> dict
    Takes a tail transaction hash as input, gets the bundle associated
    with the transaction and then replays the bundle by attaching it to
    the Tangle.

    :param transaction:
      Transaction hash.  Must be a tail.

    :param depth:
      Depth at which to attach the bundle.

    :param min_weight_magnitude:
      Min weight magnitude, used by the node to calibrate Proof of

      If not provided, a default value will be used.

      Dict containing the following values::

           'trytes': List[TransactionTrytes],
             Raw trytes that were published to the Tangle.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#replaytransfer
        if min_weight_magnitude is None:
            min_weight_magnitude = self.default_min_weight_magnitude

        return extended.ReplayBundleCommand(self.adapter)(

    def send_transfer(
        # type: (int, Iterable[ProposedTransaction], Optional[Iterable[Address]], Optional[Address], Optional[int]) -> dict
    Prepares a set of transfers and creates the bundle, then attaches
    the bundle to the Tangle, and broadcasts and stores the

    :param depth:
      Depth at which to attach the bundle.

    :param transfers:
      Transfers to include in the bundle.

    :param inputs:
      List of inputs used to fund the transfer.
      Not needed for zero-value transfers.

    :param change_address:
      If inputs are provided, any unspent amount will be sent to this

      If not specified, a change address will be generated

    :param min_weight_magnitude:
      Min weight magnitude, used by the node to calibrate Proof of

      If not provided, a default value will be used.

      Dict containing the following values::

           'bundle': Bundle,
             The newly-published bundle.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#sendtransfer
        if min_weight_magnitude is None:
            min_weight_magnitude = self.default_min_weight_magnitude

        return extended.SendTransferCommand(self.adapter)(

    def send_trytes(self, trytes, depth, min_weight_magnitude=None):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionTrytes], int, Optional[int]) -> dict
    Attaches transaction trytes to the Tangle, then broadcasts and
    stores them.

    :param trytes:
      Transaction encoded as a tryte sequence.

    :param depth:
      Depth at which to attach the bundle.

    :param min_weight_magnitude:
      Min weight magnitude, used by the node to calibrate Proof of

      If not provided, a default value will be used.

      Dict containing the following values::

           'trytes': List[TransactionTrytes],
             Raw trytes that were published to the Tangle.

      - https://github.com/iotaledger/wiki/blob/master/api-proposal.md#sendtrytes
        if min_weight_magnitude is None:
            min_weight_magnitude = self.default_min_weight_magnitude

        return extended.SendTrytesCommand(self.adapter)(

    def is_reattachable(self, addresses):
        # type: (Iterable[Address]) -> dict
    This API function helps you to determine whether you should replay a
     transaction or make a completely new transaction with a different seed.
     What this function does, is it takes one or more input addresses (i.e. from spent transactions)
     as input and then checks whether any transactions with a value transferred are confirmed.
     If yes, it means that this input address has already been successfully used in a different
     transaction and as such you should no longer replay the transaction.

    :param addresses:
      List of addresses.

      Dict containing the following values::
           'reattachable': List[bool],
           Always a list, even if only one address was queried.
        return extended.IsReattachableCommand(
Example #4
class StrictIota(object):
    API to send HTTP requests for communicating with an IOTA node.

    This implementation only exposes the "core" API methods.  For a more
    feature-complete implementation, use :py:class:`Iota` instead.


    - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference
    commands = discover_commands('iota.commands.core')

    def __init__(self, adapter, testnet=False, local_pow=False):
        # type: (AdapterSpec, bool, bool) -> None
        :param adapter:
            URI string or BaseAdapter instance.

        :param testnet:
            Whether to use testnet settings for this instance.
        super(StrictIota, self).__init__()

        if not isinstance(adapter, BaseAdapter):
            adapter = resolve_adapter(adapter)

        self.adapter = adapter  # type: BaseAdapter
        # Note that the `local_pow` parameter is passed to adapter,
        # the api class has no notion about it. The reason being,
        # that this parameter is used in `AttachToTangeCommand` calls,
        # that is called from various api calls (`attach_to_tangle`,
        # `send_trytes` or `send_transfer`). Inside `AttachToTangeCommand`,
        # we no longer have access to the attributes of the API class, therefore
        # `local_pow` needs to be associated with the adapter.
        # Logically, `local_pow` will decide if the api call does pow
        # via pyota-pow extension, or sends the request to a node.
        # But technically, the parameter belongs to the adapter.
        self.testnet = testnet

    def __getattr__(self, command):
        # type: (Text) -> BaseCommand
        Creates a pre-configured command instance.

        This method will only return commands supported by the API

        If you want to execute an arbitrary API command, use

        :param command:
            The name of the command to create.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference
        # Fix an error when invoking :py:func:`help`.
        # https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.py/issues/41
        if command == '__name__':
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            return None

        # Fix an error when invoking dunder methods.
        # https://github.com/iotaledger/iota.py/issues/206
        if command.startswith("__"):
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
            return super(StrictIota, self).__getattr__(command)

            command_class = self.commands[command]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidCommand(
                '{cls} does not support {command!r} command.'.format(
                ), )

        return command_class(self.adapter)

    def create_command(self, command):
        # type: (Text) -> CustomCommand
        Creates a pre-configured CustomCommand instance.

        This method is useful for invoking undocumented or experimental
        methods, or if you just want to troll your node for awhile.

        :param command:
            The name of the command to create.
        return CustomCommand(self.adapter, command)

    def set_local_pow(self, local_pow):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        Sets the local_pow attribute of the adapter of the api instance.
        If it is true, attach_to_tangle command calls external interface
        to perform pow, instead of sending the request to a node.
        By default, it is set to false.
        This particular method is needed if one wants to change
        local_pow behavior dynamically.

    def default_min_weight_magnitude(self):
        # type: () -> int
        Returns the default ``min_weight_magnitude`` value to use for
        API requests.
        return 9 if self.testnet else 14

    def add_neighbors(self, uris):
        # type: (Iterable[Text]) -> dict
        Add one or more neighbors to the node.  Lasts until the node is

        :param uris:
            Use format ``<protocol>://<ip address>:<port>``.
            Example: ``add_neighbors(['udp://example.com:14265'])``

            .. note::
                These URIs are for node-to-node communication (e.g.,
                weird things will happen if you specify a node's HTTP
                API URI here).


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#addneighbors
        return core.AddNeighborsCommand(self.adapter)(uris=uris)

    def attach_to_tangle(
            trunk_transaction,  # type: TransactionHash
            branch_transaction,  # type: TransactionHash
            trytes,  # type: Iterable[TryteString]
            min_weight_magnitude=None,  # type: Optional[int]
        # type: (...) -> dict
        Attaches the specified transactions (trytes) to the Tangle by
        doing Proof of Work. You need to supply branchTransaction as
        well as trunkTransaction (basically the tips which you're going
        to validate and reference with this transaction) - both of which
        you'll get through the getTransactionsToApprove API call.

        The returned value is a different set of tryte values which you
        can input into :py:meth:`broadcast_transactions` and


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#attachtotangle
        if min_weight_magnitude is None:
            min_weight_magnitude = self.default_min_weight_magnitude

        return core.AttachToTangleCommand(self.adapter)(

    def broadcast_transactions(self, trytes):
        # type: (Iterable[TryteString]) -> dict
        Broadcast a list of transactions to all neighbors.

        The input trytes for this call are provided by


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#broadcasttransactions
        return core.BroadcastTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(trytes=trytes)

    def check_consistency(self, tails):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> dict
        Used to ensure tail resolves to a consistent ledger which is
        necessary to validate before attempting promotionChecks
        transaction hashes for promotability.

        This is called with a pending transaction (or more of them) and
        it will tell you if it is still possible for this transaction
        (or all the transactions simultaneously if you give more than
        one) to be confirmed, or not (because it conflicts with another
        already confirmed transaction).

        :param tails:
            Transaction hashes. Must be tail transactions.

            Dict with the following structure::

                    'state': bool,

                    'info': str,
                        This field will only exist set if ``state`` is


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#checkconsistency
        return core.CheckConsistencyCommand(self.adapter)(tails=tails, )

    def find_transactions(
            bundles=None,  # type: Optional[Iterable[BundleHash]]
            addresses=None,  # type: Optional[Iterable[Address]]
            tags=None,  # type: Optional[Iterable[Tag]]
            approvees=None,  # type: Optional[Iterable[TransactionHash]]
        # type: (...) -> dict
        Find the transactions which match the specified input and

        All input values are lists, for which a list of return values
        (transaction hashes), in the same order, is returned for all
        individual elements.

        Using multiple of these input fields returns the intersection of
        the values.

        :param bundles:
          List of bundle IDs.

        :param addresses:
            List of addresses.

        :param tags:
            List of tags.

        :param approvees:
            List of approvee transaction IDs.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#findtransactions
        return core.FindTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_balances(
            addresses,  # type: Iterable[Address]
            threshold=100,  # type: int
            tips=None,  # type: Optional[Iterable[TransactionHash]]
        # type: (...) -> dict
        Similar to :py:meth:`get_inclusion_states`. Returns the
        confirmed balance which a list of addresses have at the latest
        confirmed milestone.

        In addition to the balances, it also returns the milestone as
        well as the index with which the confirmed balance was
        determined.  The balances are returned as a list in the same
        order as the addresses were provided as input.

        :param addresses:
            List of addresses to get the confirmed balance for.

        :param threshold:
            Confirmation threshold between 0 and 100.

        :param tips:
            Tips whose history of transactions to traverse to find the balance.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#getbalances
        return core.GetBalancesCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_inclusion_states(self, transactions, tips):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash], Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> dict
        Get the inclusion states of a set of transactions. This is for
        determining if a transaction was accepted and confirmed by the
        network or not. You can search for multiple tips (and thus,
        milestones) to get past inclusion states of transactions.

        :param transactions:
            List of transactions you want to get the inclusion state

        :param tips:
            List of tips (including milestones) you want to search for
            the inclusion state.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#getinclusionstates
        return core.GetInclusionStatesCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_missing_transactions(self):
        # type: () -> dict
        Returns all transaction hashes that a node is currently requesting
        from its neighbors.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#getmissingtransactions
        return core.GetMissingTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_neighbors(self):
        # type: () -> dict
        Returns the set of neighbors the node is connected with, as well
        as their activity count.

        The activity counter is reset after restarting IRI.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#getneighbors
        return core.GetNeighborsCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_node_api_configuration(self):
        # type: () -> dict
        Returns a node's API configuration settings.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#getnodeapiconfiguration
        return core.GetNodeAPIConfigurationCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_node_info(self):
        # type: () -> dict
        Returns information about the node.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#getnodeinfo
        return core.GetNodeInfoCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_tips(self):
        # type: () -> dict
        Returns the list of tips (transactions which have no other
        transactions referencing them).


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#gettips
        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/dev-essentials/0.1/references/glossary
        return core.GetTipsCommand(self.adapter)()

    def get_transactions_to_approve(self, depth, reference=None):
        # type: (int, Optional[TransactionHash]) -> dict
        Tip selection which returns ``trunkTransaction`` and

        :param depth:
          Determines how many bundles to go back to when finding the
          transactions to approve.

          The higher the depth value, the more "babysitting" the node
          will perform for the network (as it will confirm more
          transactions that way).

        :param reference:
          Transaction hash from which to start the weighted random walk.
          Use this parameter to make sure the returned tip transaction hashes
          approve a given reference transaction.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#gettransactionstoapprove
        return core.GetTransactionsToApproveCommand(self.adapter)(

    def get_trytes(self, hashes):
        # type: (Iterable[TransactionHash]) -> dict
        Returns the raw transaction data (trytes) of one or more


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#gettrytes
        return core.GetTrytesCommand(self.adapter)(hashes=hashes)

    def interrupt_attaching_to_tangle(self):
        # type: () -> dict
        Interrupts and completely aborts the :py:meth:`attach_to_tangle`


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#interruptattachingtotangle
        return core.InterruptAttachingToTangleCommand(self.adapter)()

    def remove_neighbors(self, uris):
        # type: (Iterable[Text]) -> dict
        Removes one or more neighbors from the node.  Lasts until the
        node is restarted.

        :param uris:
            Use format ``<protocol>://<ip address>:<port>``.
            Example: `remove_neighbors(['udp://example.com:14265'])`


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#removeneighbors
        return core.RemoveNeighborsCommand(self.adapter)(uris=uris)

    def store_transactions(self, trytes):
        # type: (Iterable[TryteString]) -> dict
        Store transactions into local storage.

        The input trytes for this call are provided by


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#storetransactions
        return core.StoreTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(trytes=trytes)

    def were_addresses_spent_from(self, addresses):
        # type: (Iterable[Address]) -> dict
        Check if a list of addresses was ever spent from, in the current
        epoch, or in previous epochs.

        :param addresses:
            List of addresses to check.


        - https://docs.iota.org/docs/node-software/0.1/iri/references/api-reference#wereaddressesspentfrom
        return core.WereAddressesSpentFromCommand(self.adapter)(
            addresses=addresses, )