Example #1
class FormatSMVRigakuSaturn(FormatSMVRigaku):
    """A class for reading SMV format Rigaku Saturn images, and correctly
    constructing a model for the experiment from this."""
    def understand(image_file):
        """Check to see if this looks like a Rigaku Saturn SMV format image,
        i.e. we can make sense of it. Essentially that will be if it contains
        all of the keys we are looking for."""

        size, header = FormatSMVRigaku.get_smv_header(image_file)

        wanted_header_items = [

        if any(item not in header for item in wanted_header_items):
            return False

        detector_prefix = header["DETECTOR_NAMES"].split()[0].strip()

        more_wanted_header_items = [

        if any(f"{detector_prefix}{item}" not in header
               for item in more_wanted_header_items):
            return False


        for header_item in descriptive_items:
            test = f"{detector_prefix}{header_item}"
            if test in header and "saturn" in header[test].lower():
                return True

        return False

    def detectorbase_start(self):
        self.detectorbase = SaturnImage(self._image_file)
        self.detectorbase.open_file = self.open_file

    def _goniometer(self):
        """Initialize the structure for the goniometer - this will need to
        correctly compose the axes given in the image header. In this case
        this is made rather straightforward as the image header has the
        calculated rotation axis stored in it. We could work from the
        rest of the header and construct a goniometer model."""

        axis = tuple(
            map(float, self._header_dictionary["ROTATION_VECTOR"].split()))

        return self._goniometer_factory.known_axis(axis)

    def _detector(self):
        """Return a model for the detector, allowing for two-theta offsets
        and the detector position. This will be rather more complex..."""

        detector_name = self._header_dictionary["DETECTOR_NAMES"].split(

        detector_axes = self.get_detector_axes(detector_name)
        detector_fast = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[:3]))
        detector_slow = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[3:]))

        # apply spatial distortion
        distortion = self.get_distortion(detector_name)
        detector_fast, detector_slow = (
            distortion[0] * detector_fast + distortion[1] * detector_slow,
            distortion[2] * detector_fast + distortion[3] * detector_slow,

        beam_pixels = self.get_beam_pixels(detector_name)
        pixel_size = self.get_pixel_size(detector_name)
        detector_origin = -(beam_pixels[0] * pixel_size[0] * detector_fast +
                            beam_pixels[1] * pixel_size[1] * detector_slow)

        gonio_axes = self.get_gonio_axes(detector_name)
        gonio_values = self.get_gonio_values(detector_name)
        gonio_units = self._header_dictionary["%sGONIO_UNITS" %
        gonio_num_axes = int(self._header_dictionary["%sGONIO_NUM_VALUES" %

        image_size = self.get_image_size(detector_name)

        rotations = []
        translations = []

        for j, unit in enumerate(gonio_units):
            axis = matrix.col(gonio_axes[3 * j:3 * (j + 1)])
            value = gonio_values[j]

            if unit == "deg":
                    axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(value, deg=True))
                translations.append(matrix.col((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
            elif unit == "mm":
                    matrix.sqr((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
                translations.append(value * axis)
                raise RuntimeError("unknown axis unit %s" % unit)


        for j in range(gonio_num_axes):
            detector_fast = rotations[j] * detector_fast
            detector_slow = rotations[j] * detector_slow
            detector_origin = rotations[j] * detector_origin
            detector_origin = translations[j] + detector_origin

        overload = int(float(self._header_dictionary["SATURATED_VALUE"]))
        underload = 0

        return self._detector_factory.complex(
            (underload, overload),

    def _beam(self):
        """Return a simple model for the beam."""

        beam_direction = self.get_beam_direction()
        p_fraction, p_plane = self.get_beam_polarization()
        wavelength = float(self._header_dictionary["SCAN_WAVELENGTH"])

        return self._beam_factory.complex(beam_direction, p_fraction, p_plane,

    def _scan(self):
        """Return the scan information for this image."""
        epoch = time.strptime(self._header_dictionary["DTREK_DATE_TIME"],
                              "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
        return self._create_single_SVM_scan(epoch, local_time=False)
class FormatSMVRigakuSaturnNoTS(FormatSMVRigaku):
  '''A class for reading SMV format Rigaku Saturn images, and correctly
  constructing a model for the experiment from this.'''

  def understand(image_file):
    '''Check to see if this looks like a Rigaku Saturn SMV format image,
    i.e. we can make sense of it. Essentially that will be if it contains
    all of the keys we are looking for.'''

    size, header = FormatSMVRigaku.get_smv_header(image_file)

    if 'DTREK_DATE_TIME' in header:
      return False

    wanted_header_items = [
        'SOURCE_POLARZ', 'DIM', 'SIZE1', 'SIZE2',

    for header_item in wanted_header_items:
      if not header_item in header:
        return False

    detector_prefix = header['DETECTOR_NAMES'].split()[0].strip()

    more_wanted_header_items = [

    for header_item in more_wanted_header_items:
      if not '%s%s' % (detector_prefix, header_item) in header:
        return False

    descriptive_items = [

    for header_item in descriptive_items:
      test = '%s%s' % (detector_prefix, header_item)
      if test in header and 'saturn' in header[test].lower():
        return True

    return False

  def __init__(self, image_file):
    '''Initialise the image structure from the given file, including a
    proper model of the experiment. Easy from Rigaku Saturn images as
    they contain everything pretty much we need...'''


    FormatSMVRigaku.__init__(self, image_file)


  def _start(self):


  def detectorbase_start(self):
    from iotbx.detectors.saturn import SaturnImage
    self.detectorbase = SaturnImage(self._image_file)

  def _goniometer(self):
    '''Initialize the structure for the goniometer - this will need to
    correctly compose the axes given in the image header. In this case
    this is made rather straightforward as the image header has the
    calculated rotation axis stored in it. We could work from the
    rest of the header and construct a goniometer model.'''

    axis = tuple(map(float, self._header_dictionary[

    return self._goniometer_factory.known_axis(axis)

  def _detector(self):
    '''Return a model for the detector, allowing for two-theta offsets
    and the detector position. This will be rather more complex...'''

    detector_name = self._header_dictionary[

    detector_axes = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sDETECTOR_VECTORS' % detector_name].split())

    detector_fast = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[:3]))
    detector_slow = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[3:]))

    beam_pixels = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_INFO' % detector_name].split()[:2])
    pixel_size = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_INFO' % detector_name].split()[2:])
    image_size = map(int, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sDETECTOR_DIMENSIONS' % detector_name].split())

    detector_origin = - (beam_pixels[0] * pixel_size[0] * detector_fast + \
                         beam_pixels[1] * pixel_size[1] * detector_slow)

    gonio_axes = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_VECTORS' % detector_name].split())
    gonio_values = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_VALUES' % detector_name].split())
    gonio_units = self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_UNITS' % detector_name].split()
    gonio_num_axes = int(self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_NUM_VALUES' % detector_name])

    rotations = []
    translations = []

    for j, unit in enumerate(gonio_units):
      axis = matrix.col(gonio_axes[3 * j:3 * (j + 1)])
      if unit == 'deg':
            gonio_values[j], deg = True))
        translations.append(matrix.col((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
      elif unit == 'mm':
        rotations.append(matrix.sqr((1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                     0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                     0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
        translations.append(gonio_values[j] * axis)
        raise RuntimeError, 'unknown axis unit %s' % unit


    for j in range(gonio_num_axes):
      detector_fast = rotations[j] * detector_fast
      detector_slow = rotations[j] * detector_slow
      detector_origin = rotations[j] * detector_origin
      detector_origin = translations[j] + detector_origin

    overload = int(float(self._header_dictionary['SATURATED_VALUE']))
    underload = 0

    return self._detector_factory.complex(
        'CCD', detector_origin.elems, detector_fast.elems,
        detector_slow.elems, pixel_size, image_size, (underload, overload))

  def _beam(self):
    '''Return a simple model for the beam.'''

    beam_direction = map(float, self._header_dictionary[

    polarization = map(float, self._header_dictionary[

    p_fraction = polarization[0]
    p_plane = polarization[1:]

    wavelength = float(self._header_dictionary['SCAN_WAVELENGTH'])

    return self._beam_factory.complex(
        beam_direction, p_fraction, p_plane, wavelength)

  def _scan(self):
    '''Return the scan information for this image.'''
    #import calendar

    rotation = map(float, self._header_dictionary['ROTATION'].split())

    format = self._scan_factory.format('SMV')
    epoch = 0

    exposure_time = rotation[3]
    osc_start = rotation[0]
    osc_range = rotation[2]

    return self._scan_factory.single(
        self._image_file, format, exposure_time,
        osc_start, osc_range, epoch)

  def get_raw_data(self):
    '''Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a
    flex array of integers.)'''

    from boost.python import streambuf
    from dxtbx import read_uint16, read_uint16_bs, is_big_endian
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    assert(len(self.get_detector()) == 1)
    image_pedestal = int(self._header_dictionary['DARK_PEDESTAL'])
    panel = self.get_detector()[0]
    size = panel.get_image_size()
    f = FormatSMVRigaku.open_file(self._image_file, 'rb')

    if self._header_dictionary['BYTE_ORDER'] == 'big_endian':
      big_endian = True
      big_endian = False

    if big_endian == is_big_endian():
      raw_data = read_uint16(streambuf(f), int(size[0] * size[1]))
      raw_data = read_uint16_bs(streambuf(f), int(size[0] * size[1]))

    # apply image pedestal, will result in *negative pixel values*

    raw_data -= image_pedestal

    image_size = panel.get_image_size()
    raw_data.reshape(flex.grid(image_size[1], image_size[0]))

    return raw_data
Example #3
class FormatSMVRigakuSaturn(FormatSMVRigaku):
    '''A class for reading SMV format Rigaku Saturn images, and correctly
  constructing a model for the experiment from this.'''
    def understand(image_file):
        '''Check to see if this looks like a Rigaku Saturn SMV format image,
    i.e. we can make sense of it. Essentially that will be if it contains
    all of the keys we are looking for.'''

        size, header = FormatSMVRigaku.get_smv_header(image_file)

        wanted_header_items = [

        for header_item in wanted_header_items:
            if not header_item in header:
                return False

        detector_prefix = header['DETECTOR_NAMES'].split()[0].strip()

        more_wanted_header_items = [

        for header_item in more_wanted_header_items:
            if not '%s%s' % (detector_prefix, header_item) in header:
                return False


        for header_item in descriptive_items:
            test = '%s%s' % (detector_prefix, header_item)
            if test in header and 'saturn' in header[test].lower():
                return True

        return False

    def __init__(self, image_file, **kwargs):
        '''Initialise the image structure from the given file, including a
    proper model of the experiment. Easy from Rigaku Saturn images as
    they contain everything pretty much we need...'''

        from dxtbx import IncorrectFormatError
        if not self.understand(image_file):
            raise IncorrectFormatError(self, image_file)

        FormatSMVRigaku.__init__(self, image_file, **kwargs)


    def _start(self):


    def detectorbase_start(self):
        from iotbx.detectors.saturn import SaturnImage
        self.detectorbase = SaturnImage(self._image_file)
        self.detectorbase.open_file = self.open_file

    def _goniometer(self):
        '''Initialize the structure for the goniometer - this will need to
    correctly compose the axes given in the image header. In this case
    this is made rather straightforward as the image header has the
    calculated rotation axis stored in it. We could work from the
    rest of the header and construct a goniometer model.'''

        axis = tuple(
            map(float, self._header_dictionary['ROTATION_VECTOR'].split()))

        return self._goniometer_factory.known_axis(axis)

    def _detector(self):
        '''Return a model for the detector, allowing for two-theta offsets
    and the detector position. This will be rather more complex...'''

        detector_name = self._header_dictionary['DETECTOR_NAMES'].split(

        detector_axes = map(
            float, self._header_dictionary['%sDETECTOR_VECTORS' %

        detector_fast = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[:3]))
        detector_slow = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[3:]))

        beam_pixels = map(
            float, self._header_dictionary['%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_INFO' %
        pixel_size = map(
            float, self._header_dictionary['%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_INFO' %
        reindex = map(
            float, self._header_dictionary['%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_VECTORS' %
        image_size = map(
            int, self._header_dictionary['%sDETECTOR_DIMENSIONS' %

        _fast = reindex[0] * detector_fast + reindex[1] * detector_slow
        _slow = reindex[2] * detector_fast + reindex[3] * detector_slow

        detector_fast, detector_slow = _fast, _slow
        detector_origin = - (beam_pixels[0] * pixel_size[0] * detector_fast + \
                             beam_pixels[1] * pixel_size[1] * detector_slow)

        gonio_axes = map(
            self._header_dictionary['%sGONIO_VECTORS' % detector_name].split())
        gonio_values = map(
            self._header_dictionary['%sGONIO_VALUES' % detector_name].split())
        gonio_units = self._header_dictionary['%sGONIO_UNITS' %
        gonio_num_axes = int(self._header_dictionary['%sGONIO_NUM_VALUES' %

        rotations = []
        translations = []

        for j, unit in enumerate(gonio_units):
            axis = matrix.col(gonio_axes[3 * j:3 * (j + 1)])
            value = gonio_values[j]

            if unit == 'deg':
                    axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(value, deg=True))
                translations.append(matrix.col((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
            elif unit == 'mm':
                    matrix.sqr((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
                translations.append(value * axis)
                raise RuntimeError('unknown axis unit %s' % unit)


        for j in range(gonio_num_axes):
            detector_fast = rotations[j] * detector_fast
            detector_slow = rotations[j] * detector_slow
            detector_origin = rotations[j] * detector_origin
            detector_origin = translations[j] + detector_origin

        overload = int(float(self._header_dictionary['SATURATED_VALUE']))
        underload = 0

        return self._detector_factory.complex('CCD', detector_origin.elems,
                                              detector_slow.elems, pixel_size,
                                              (underload, overload))

    def _beam(self):
        '''Return a simple model for the beam.'''

        beam_direction = map(
            float, self._header_dictionary['SOURCE_VECTORS'].split()[:3])

        polarization = map(float,

        p_fraction = polarization[0]
        p_plane = polarization[1:]

        wavelength = float(self._header_dictionary['SCAN_WAVELENGTH'])

        return self._beam_factory.complex(beam_direction, p_fraction, p_plane,

    def _scan(self):
        '''Return the scan information for this image.'''
        import calendar

        rotation = map(float, self._header_dictionary['ROTATION'].split())

        format = self._scan_factory.format('SMV')
        epoch = calendar.timegm(
                          '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S'))

        exposure_time = rotation[3]
        osc_start = rotation[0]
        osc_range = rotation[2]

        return self._scan_factory.single(self._image_file, format,
                                         exposure_time, osc_start, osc_range,
class FormatSMVRigakuSaturnNoTS(FormatSMVRigaku):
  '''A class for reading SMV format Rigaku Saturn images, and correctly
  constructing a model for the experiment from this.'''

  def understand(image_file):
    '''Check to see if this looks like a Rigaku Saturn SMV format image,
    i.e. we can make sense of it. Essentially that will be if it contains
    all of the keys we are looking for.'''

    size, header = FormatSMVRigaku.get_smv_header(image_file)

    if 'DTREK_DATE_TIME' in header:
      return False

    wanted_header_items = [
        'SOURCE_POLARZ', 'DIM', 'SIZE1', 'SIZE2',

    for header_item in wanted_header_items:
      if not header_item in header:
        return False

    detector_prefix = header['DETECTOR_NAMES'].split()[0].strip()

    more_wanted_header_items = [

    for header_item in more_wanted_header_items:
      if not '%s%s' % (detector_prefix, header_item) in header:
        return False

    descriptive_items = [

    for header_item in descriptive_items:
      test = '%s%s' % (detector_prefix, header_item)
      if test in header and 'saturn' in header[test].lower():
        return True

    return False

  def __init__(self, image_file, **kwargs):
    '''Initialise the image structure from the given file, including a
    proper model of the experiment. Easy from Rigaku Saturn images as
    they contain everything pretty much we need...'''


    FormatSMVRigaku.__init__(self, image_file, **kwargs)


  def _start(self):


  def detectorbase_start(self):
    from iotbx.detectors.saturn import SaturnImage
    self.detectorbase = SaturnImage(self._image_file)

  def _goniometer(self):
    '''Initialize the structure for the goniometer - this will need to
    correctly compose the axes given in the image header. In this case
    this is made rather straightforward as the image header has the
    calculated rotation axis stored in it. We could work from the
    rest of the header and construct a goniometer model.'''

    axis = tuple(map(float, self._header_dictionary[

    return self._goniometer_factory.known_axis(axis)

  def _detector(self):
    '''Return a model for the detector, allowing for two-theta offsets
    and the detector position. This will be rather more complex...'''

    detector_name = self._header_dictionary[

    detector_axes = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sDETECTOR_VECTORS' % detector_name].split())

    detector_fast = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[:3]))
    detector_slow = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[3:]))

    beam_pixels = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_INFO' % detector_name].split()[:2])
    pixel_size = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sSPATIAL_DISTORTION_INFO' % detector_name].split()[2:])
    image_size = map(int, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sDETECTOR_DIMENSIONS' % detector_name].split())

    detector_origin = - (beam_pixels[0] * pixel_size[0] * detector_fast + \
                         beam_pixels[1] * pixel_size[1] * detector_slow)

    gonio_axes = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_VECTORS' % detector_name].split())
    gonio_values = map(float, self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_VALUES' % detector_name].split())
    gonio_units = self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_UNITS' % detector_name].split()
    gonio_num_axes = int(self._header_dictionary[
        '%sGONIO_NUM_VALUES' % detector_name])

    rotations = []
    translations = []

    for j, unit in enumerate(gonio_units):
      axis = matrix.col(gonio_axes[3 * j:3 * (j + 1)])
      if unit == 'deg':
            gonio_values[j], deg = True))
        translations.append(matrix.col((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
      elif unit == 'mm':
        rotations.append(matrix.sqr((1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                     0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                     0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
        translations.append(gonio_values[j] * axis)
        raise RuntimeError, 'unknown axis unit %s' % unit


    for j in range(gonio_num_axes):
      detector_fast = rotations[j] * detector_fast
      detector_slow = rotations[j] * detector_slow
      detector_origin = rotations[j] * detector_origin
      detector_origin = translations[j] + detector_origin

    overload = int(float(self._header_dictionary['SATURATED_VALUE']))
    underload = 0

    return self._detector_factory.complex(
        'CCD', detector_origin.elems, detector_fast.elems,
        detector_slow.elems, pixel_size, image_size, (underload, overload))

  def _beam(self):
    '''Return a simple model for the beam.'''

    beam_direction = map(float, self._header_dictionary[

    polarization = map(float, self._header_dictionary[

    p_fraction = polarization[0]
    p_plane = polarization[1:]

    wavelength = float(self._header_dictionary['SCAN_WAVELENGTH'])

    return self._beam_factory.complex(
        beam_direction, p_fraction, p_plane, wavelength)

  def _scan(self):
    '''Return the scan information for this image.'''
    #import calendar

    rotation = map(float, self._header_dictionary['ROTATION'].split())

    format = self._scan_factory.format('SMV')
    epoch = 0

    exposure_time = rotation[3]
    osc_start = rotation[0]
    osc_range = rotation[2]

    return self._scan_factory.single(
        self._image_file, format, exposure_time,
        osc_start, osc_range, epoch)

  def get_raw_data(self):
    '''Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a
    flex array of integers.)'''

    from boost.python import streambuf
    from dxtbx import read_uint16, read_uint16_bs, is_big_endian
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    assert(len(self.get_detector()) == 1)
    image_pedestal = int(self._header_dictionary['DARK_PEDESTAL'])
    panel = self.get_detector()[0]
    size = panel.get_image_size()
    f = FormatSMVRigaku.open_file(self._image_file, 'rb')

    if self._header_dictionary['BYTE_ORDER'] == 'big_endian':
      big_endian = True
      big_endian = False

    if big_endian == is_big_endian():
      raw_data = read_uint16(streambuf(f), int(size[0] * size[1]))
      raw_data = read_uint16_bs(streambuf(f), int(size[0] * size[1]))

    # apply image pedestal, will result in *negative pixel values*

    raw_data -= image_pedestal

    image_size = panel.get_image_size()
    raw_data.reshape(flex.grid(image_size[1], image_size[0]))

    return raw_data
class FormatSMVRigakuSaturnNoTS(FormatSMVRigaku):
    """A class for reading SMV format Rigaku Saturn images, and correctly
    constructing a model for the experiment from this."""

    def understand(image_file):
        """Check to see if this looks like a Rigaku Saturn SMV format image,
        i.e. we can make sense of it. Essentially that will be if it contains
        all of the keys we are looking for."""

        size, header = FormatSMVRigaku.get_smv_header(image_file)

        if "DTREK_DATE_TIME" in header:
            return False

        wanted_header_items = [

        if any(item not in header for item in wanted_header_items):
            return False

        detector_prefix = header["DETECTOR_NAMES"].split()[0].strip()

        more_wanted_header_items = [

        if any(
            "%s%s" % (detector_prefix, item) not in header
            for item in more_wanted_header_items
            return False


        for header_item in descriptive_items:
            test = "%s%s" % (detector_prefix, header_item)
            if test in header and "saturn" in header[test].lower():
                return True

        return False

    def __init__(self, image_file, **kwargs):
        """Initialise the image structure from the given file, including a
        proper model of the experiment. Easy from Rigaku Saturn images as
        they contain everything pretty much we need..."""

        from dxtbx import IncorrectFormatError

        if not self.understand(image_file):
            raise IncorrectFormatError(self, image_file)

        FormatSMVRigaku.__init__(self, image_file, **kwargs)

    def detectorbase_start(self):
        from iotbx.detectors.saturn import SaturnImage

        self.detectorbase = SaturnImage(self._image_file)
        self.detectorbase.open_file = self.open_file

    def _goniometer(self):
        """Initialize the structure for the goniometer - this will need to
        correctly compose the axes given in the image header. In this case
        this is made rather straightforward as the image header has the
        calculated rotation axis stored in it. We could work from the
        rest of the header and construct a goniometer model."""

        axis = tuple(map(float, self._header_dictionary["ROTATION_VECTOR"].split()))

        return self._goniometer_factory.known_axis(axis)

    def _detector(self):
        """Return a model for the detector, allowing for two-theta offsets
        and the detector position. This will be rather more complex..."""

        detector_name = self._header_dictionary["DETECTOR_NAMES"].split()[0].strip()

        detector_axes = self.get_detector_axes(detector_name)
        detector_fast = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[:3]))
        detector_slow = matrix.col(tuple(detector_axes[3:]))

        beam_pixels = self.get_beam_pixels(detector_name)
        pixel_size = self.get_pixel_size(detector_name)
        image_size = self.get_image_size(detector_name)

        detector_origin = -(
            beam_pixels[0] * pixel_size[0] * detector_fast
            + beam_pixels[1] * pixel_size[1] * detector_slow

        gonio_axes = self.get_gonio_axes(detector_name)
        gonio_values = self.get_gonio_values(detector_name)
        gonio_units = self._header_dictionary["%sGONIO_UNITS" % detector_name].split()
        gonio_num_axes = int(
            self._header_dictionary["%sGONIO_NUM_VALUES" % detector_name]

        rotations = []
        translations = []

        for j, unit in enumerate(gonio_units):
            axis = matrix.col(gonio_axes[3 * j : 3 * (j + 1)])
            if unit == "deg":
                    axis.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(gonio_values[j], deg=True)
                translations.append(matrix.col((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
            elif unit == "mm":
                    matrix.sqr((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
                translations.append(gonio_values[j] * axis)
                raise RuntimeError("unknown axis unit %s" % unit)


        for j in range(gonio_num_axes):
            detector_fast = rotations[j] * detector_fast
            detector_slow = rotations[j] * detector_slow
            detector_origin = rotations[j] * detector_origin
            detector_origin = translations[j] + detector_origin

        overload = int(float(self._header_dictionary["SATURATED_VALUE"]))
        underload = 0

        return self._detector_factory.complex(
            (underload, overload),

    def _beam(self):
        """Return a simple model for the beam."""

        beam_direction = self.get_beam_direction()
        p_fraction, p_plane = self.get_beam_polarization()

        wavelength = float(self._header_dictionary["SCAN_WAVELENGTH"])

        return self._beam_factory.complex(
            beam_direction, p_fraction, p_plane, wavelength

    def _scan(self):
        """Return the scan information for this image."""

        rotation = self.get_rotation()

        format = self._scan_factory.format("SMV")
        epoch = 0

        exposure_time = rotation[3]
        osc_start = rotation[0]
        osc_range = rotation[2]

        return self._scan_factory.single(
            self._image_file, format, exposure_time, osc_start, osc_range, epoch

    def get_raw_data(self):
        """Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a
        flex array of integers.)"""

        assert len(self.get_detector()) == 1
        panel = self.get_detector()[0]
        image_size = panel.get_image_size()
        raw_data = self._get_endianic_raw_data(size=image_size)

        # apply image pedestal, will result in *negative pixel values*
        image_pedestal = int(self._header_dictionary["DARK_PEDESTAL"])
        raw_data -= image_pedestal

        return raw_data