Example #1
def test(dials_regression):
    from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
    from dials.util import ioutil
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import IndexGenerator
    import numpy
    from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \
    from scitbx import matrix

    # The XDS files to read from
    integrate_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, 'data', 'sim_mx',
    gxparm_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, 'data', 'sim_mx',

    # Read the XDS files
    integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

    # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
    d_min = 1.6
    space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(gxparm_handle)
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
    a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
    b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
    c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
    unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
    UB = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()
    ub_matrix = UB

    # Generate the indices
    index_generator = IndexGenerator(unit_cell, space_group_type, d_min)
    miller_indices = index_generator.to_array()

    # Get individual generated hkl
    gen_h = [hkl[0] for hkl in miller_indices]
    gen_k = [hkl[1] for hkl in miller_indices]
    gen_l = [hkl[2] for hkl in miller_indices]

    # Get individual xds generated hkl
    xds_h = [hkl[0] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]
    xds_k = [hkl[1] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]
    xds_l = [hkl[2] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]

    # Get min/max generated hkl
    min_gen_h, max_gen_h = numpy.min(gen_h), numpy.max(gen_h)
    min_gen_k, max_gen_k = numpy.min(gen_k), numpy.max(gen_k)
    min_gen_l, max_gen_l = numpy.min(gen_l), numpy.max(gen_l)

    # Get min/max xds generated hkl
    min_xds_h, max_xds_h = numpy.min(xds_h), numpy.max(xds_h)
    min_xds_k, max_xds_k = numpy.min(xds_k), numpy.max(xds_k)
    min_xds_l, max_xds_l = numpy.min(xds_l), numpy.max(xds_l)

    # Ensure we have the whole xds range  in the generated set
    assert min_gen_h <= min_xds_h and max_gen_h >= max_xds_h
    assert min_gen_k <= min_xds_k and max_gen_k >= max_xds_k
    assert min_gen_l <= min_xds_l and max_gen_l >= max_xds_l
Example #2
class Test(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def run(self):

        from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
        import os
        import libtbx.load_env
            iotbx_dir = libtbx.env.dist_path('iotbx')
        except KeyError, e:
            print 'FAIL: dials_regression not configured'

        filename = os.path.join(iotbx_dir, 'xds', 'tests', 'INTEGRATE.HKL')
        handle = integrate_hkl.reader()


        from iotbx.reflection_file_reader import any_reflection_file
        file_in = any_reflection_file(filename)
        assert file_in.file_type() == 'xds_integrate_hkl'
        miller_arrays = file_in.as_miller_arrays()
        assert len(miller_arrays) == 10
        assert miller_arrays[0].space_group().type().number(
        ) == handle.space_group
        content = file_in.file_content()
        assert content.beam_vector == (-0.001316, 0.001644, 1.020927)
        assert content.wavelength == 0.9795

        print 'OK'
Example #3
  def __call__(self, params, options):
    ''' Import the integrate.hkl file. '''

    from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from dials.util.command_line import Command
    from cctbx import sgtbx

    # Get the unit cell to calculate the resolution
    uc = self._experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell()

    # Read the INTEGRATE.HKL file
    Command.start('Reading INTEGRATE.HKL')
    handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    hkl    = flex.miller_index(handle.hkl)
    xyzcal = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzcal)
    xyzobs = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzobs)
    iobs   = flex.double(handle.iobs)
    sigma  = flex.double(handle.sigma)
    rlp = flex.double(handle.rlp)
    peak = flex.double(handle.peak) * 0.01
    Command.end('Read %d reflections from INTEGRATE.HKL file.' % len(hkl))

    # Derive the reindex matrix
    rdx = self.derive_reindex_matrix(handle)
    print 'Reindex matrix:\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d' % (rdx.elems)

    # Reindex the reflections
    Command.start('Reindexing reflections')
    cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(sgtbx.rt_mx(sgtbx.rot_mx(rdx.elems)))
    hkl = cb_op.apply(hkl)
    Command.end('Reindexed %d reflections' % len(hkl))

    # Create the reflection list
    Command.start('Creating reflection table')
    table = flex.reflection_table()
    table['id'] = flex.int(len(hkl), 0)
    table['panel'] = flex.size_t(len(hkl), 0)
    table['miller_index'] = hkl
    table['xyzcal.px'] = xyzcal
    table['xyzobs.px.value'] = xyzobs
    table['intensity.cor.value'] = iobs
    table['intensity.cor.variance'] = sigma**2
    table['intensity.prf.value'] = iobs * peak / rlp
    table['intensity.prf.variance'] = (sigma * peak / rlp)**2
    table['lp'] = 1.0 / rlp
    table['d'] = flex.double(uc.d(h) for h in hkl)
    Command.end('Created table with {0} reflections'.format(len(table)))

    # Output the table to pickle file
    if params.output.filename is None:
      params.output.filename = 'integrate_hkl.pickle'
    Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
    Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
Example #4
def test(dials_regression):
    import numpy as np

    from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl, xparm
    from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import coordinate_frame_converter

    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import IndexGenerator
    from dials.util import ioutil

    # The XDS files to read from
    integrate_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, "data", "sim_mx",
    gxparm_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, "data", "sim_mx",

    # Read the XDS files
    integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

    # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
    d_min = 1.6
    space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(gxparm_handle)
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
    unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()

    # Generate the indices
    index_generator = IndexGenerator(unit_cell, space_group_type, d_min)
    miller_indices = index_generator.to_array()

    # Get individual generated hkl
    gen_h = [hkl[0] for hkl in miller_indices]
    gen_k = [hkl[1] for hkl in miller_indices]
    gen_l = [hkl[2] for hkl in miller_indices]

    # Get individual xds generated hkl
    xds_h = [hkl[0] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]
    xds_k = [hkl[1] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]
    xds_l = [hkl[2] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]

    # Get min/max generated hkl
    min_gen_h, max_gen_h = np.min(gen_h), np.max(gen_h)
    min_gen_k, max_gen_k = np.min(gen_k), np.max(gen_k)
    min_gen_l, max_gen_l = np.min(gen_l), np.max(gen_l)

    # Get min/max xds generated hkl
    min_xds_h, max_xds_h = np.min(xds_h), np.max(xds_h)
    min_xds_k, max_xds_k = np.min(xds_k), np.max(xds_k)
    min_xds_l, max_xds_l = np.min(xds_l), np.max(xds_l)

    # Ensure we have the whole xds range  in the generated set
    assert min_gen_h <= min_xds_h and max_gen_h >= max_xds_h
    assert min_gen_k <= min_xds_k and max_gen_k >= max_xds_k
    assert min_gen_l <= min_xds_l and max_gen_l >= max_xds_l
Example #5
    def __call__(self):

        from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
        from scipy.interpolate import griddata
        from scitbx import matrix
        from matplotlib import pylab
        import numpy

        # Read the file
        print("Read INTEGRATE.HKL")
        handle = integrate_hkl.reader()

        # Get the data
        xyzcal = handle.xyzcal
        xyzobs = handle.xyzobs
        iobs = handle.iobs
        sigma = handle.sigma

        width, height = handle.detector_size

        print("Get Diff arrays")
        diff = []
        x = []
        y = []
        for c, o, i, sig in zip(xyzcal, xyzobs, iobs, sigma):

            o = matrix.col(o)
            c = matrix.col(c)

            if o.length() > 0 and c[2] < 10:

                # Calculate the difference
                diff.append((c - o).length())

        print("Create grid array")
        xp = numpy.arange(width * height, dtype=numpy.int32) % width
        yp = numpy.arange(width * height, dtype=numpy.int32) / width
        points = numpy.zeros(shape=(width * height, 2), dtype=numpy.int32)
        points[:, 0] = xp
        points[:, 1] = yp

        print("Grid data")
        grid = griddata((x, y), diff, points, "cubic", 0)
        grid.shape = (height, width)

        pylab.scatter(x, y)
Example #6
  def __call__(self):

    from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata
    from scitbx import matrix
    from matplotlib import pylab
    import numpy

    # Read the file
    print "Read INTEGRATE.HKL"
    handle = integrate_hkl.reader()

    # Get the data
    xyzcal = handle.xyzcal
    xyzobs = handle.xyzobs
    iobs = handle.iobs
    sigma = handle.sigma

    width, height = handle.detector_size

    print "Get Diff arrays"
    diff = []
    x = []
    y = []
    for c, o, i, sig in zip(xyzcal, xyzobs, iobs, sigma):

      o = matrix.col(o)
      c = matrix.col(c)

      if o.length() > 0 and c[2] < 10:

        # Calculate the difference
        diff.append((c - o).length())

    print "Create grid array"
    xp = numpy.arange(width * height, dtype=numpy.int32) % width
    yp = numpy.arange(width * height, dtype=numpy.int32) / width
    points = numpy.zeros(shape=(width * height, 2), dtype=numpy.int32)
    points[:,0] = xp
    points[:,1] = yp

    print "Grid data"
    grid = griddata((x, y), diff, points, 'cubic', 0)
    grid.shape = (height, width)

    pylab.scatter(x, y)
Example #7
 def loadReflections(self):
     Arrays = {}
     for x in self.argList:
         if reader.is_integrate_hkl_file(x):
             Arrays[x] = reader().as_miller_arrays(x)
             hklFile = any_reflection_file(x)
             Arrays[x] = hklFile.as_miller_arrays()
         print('File %s has been loaded' % (x))
         #Printing output file
     print('Labels', file=self.LogFile)
     for n in enumerate(self.argList):
         print('INPUT_FILE: %s   %s' % (n[0], n[1]), file=self.LogFile)
     return Arrays
Example #8
    def __call__(self, params, options):
        ''' Import the integrate.hkl file. '''

        from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.util.command_line import Command
        from cctbx import sgtbx

        # Get the unit cell to calculate the resolution
        uc = self._experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell()

        # Read the INTEGRATE.HKL file
        Command.start('Reading INTEGRATE.HKL')
        handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
        hkl = flex.miller_index(handle.hkl)
        xyzcal = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzcal)
        xyzobs = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzobs)
        iobs = flex.double(handle.iobs)
        sigma = flex.double(handle.sigma)
        rlp = flex.double(handle.rlp)
        peak = flex.double(handle.peak) * 0.01
        if len(handle.iseg):
            panel = flex.size_t(handle.iseg) - 1
            panel = flex.size_t(len(hkl), 0)
        Command.end('Read %d reflections from INTEGRATE.HKL file.' % len(hkl))

        if len(self._experiment.detector) > 1:
            for p_id, p in enumerate(self._experiment.detector):
                sel = (panel == p_id)
                offset = p.get_raw_image_offset()
                    xyzcal.select(sel) - (offset[0], offset[1], 0))
                    xyzobs.select(sel) - (offset[0], offset[1], 0))

        # Derive the reindex matrix
        rdx = self.derive_reindex_matrix(handle)
        print('Reindex matrix:\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d' % (rdx.elems))

        # Reindex the reflections
        Command.start('Reindexing reflections')
        cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(sgtbx.rt_mx(sgtbx.rot_mx(rdx.elems)))
        hkl = cb_op.apply(hkl)
        Command.end('Reindexed %d reflections' % len(hkl))

        # Create the reflection list
        Command.start('Creating reflection table')
        table = flex.reflection_table()
        table['id'] = flex.int(len(hkl), 0)
        table['panel'] = panel
        table['miller_index'] = hkl
        table['xyzcal.px'] = xyzcal
        table['xyzobs.px.value'] = xyzobs
        table['intensity.cor.value'] = iobs
        table['intensity.cor.variance'] = sigma**2
        table['intensity.prf.value'] = iobs * peak / rlp
        table['intensity.prf.variance'] = (sigma * peak / rlp)**2
        table['lp'] = 1.0 / rlp
        table['d'] = flex.double(uc.d(h) for h in hkl)
        Command.end('Created table with {0} reflections'.format(len(table)))

        # Output the table to pickle file
        if params.output.filename is None:
            params.output.filename = 'integrate_hkl.pickle'
        Command.start('Saving reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
        Command.end('Saved reflection table to %s' % params.output.filename)
Example #9
def test(dials_regression, run_in_tmpdir):
    import dxtbx
    from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl, xparm
    from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import coordinate_frame_converter

    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import RotationAngles

    # The XDS files to read from
    integrate_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression,
    gxparm_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, "data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS")

    # Read the XDS files
    integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

    # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
    models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
    beam = models.get_beam()
    gonio = models.get_goniometer()
    scan = models.get_scan()

    # Get the crystal parameters
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
    a_vec = cfc.get("real_space_a")
    b_vec = cfc.get("real_space_b")
    c_vec = cfc.get("real_space_c")
    UB = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()
    ub_matrix = UB

    # Get the number of frames from the max z value
    xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*integrate_handle.xyzcal)
    num_frames = int(math.ceil(max(zcal)))
                          scan.get_image_range()[0] + num_frames - 1))

    # Create the rotation angle object
    ra = RotationAngles(beam.get_s0(), gonio.get_rotation_axis())

    # Setup the matrices
    ub = matrix.sqr(ub_matrix)
    s0 = matrix.col(beam.get_s0())
    m2 = matrix.col(gonio.get_rotation_axis())

    # For all the miller indices
    for h in integrate_handle.hkl:
        h = matrix.col(h)

        # Calculate the angles
        angles = ra(h, ub)

        # For all the angles
        for phi in angles:
            r = m2.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(angle=phi)
            pstar = r * ub * h
            s1 = s0 + pstar
            assert s1.length() == pytest.approx(s0.length(), abs=1e-7)

    # Create a dict of lists of xy for each hkl
    gen_phi = {}
    for h in integrate_handle.hkl:

        # Calculate the angles
        angles = ra(h, ub)
        gen_phi[h] = angles
    #        for phi in angles:
    #            try:
    #                a = gen_phi[h]
    #                a.append(phi)
    #                gen_phi[h] = a
    #            except KeyError:
    #                gen_phi[h] = [phi]

    # For each hkl in the xds file
    for hkl, xyz in zip(integrate_handle.hkl, integrate_handle.xyzcal):

        # Calculate the XDS phi value
        xds_phi = (scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)[0] +
                   xyz[2] * scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)[1])

        # Select the nearest xy to use if there are 2
        my_phi = gen_phi[hkl]
        if len(my_phi) == 2:
            my_phi0 = my_phi[0]
            my_phi1 = my_phi[1]
            diff0 = abs(xds_phi - my_phi0)
            diff1 = abs(xds_phi - my_phi1)
            if diff0 < diff1:
                my_phi = my_phi0
                my_phi = my_phi1
            my_phi = my_phi[0]

        # Check the Phi values are the same
        assert xds_phi == pytest.approx(my_phi, abs=0.1)
Example #10
  def __init__(self):
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import IndexGenerator
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ScanStaticRayPredictor
    from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
    from dials.util import ioutil
    from math import ceil
    import dxtbx
    from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \
    from scitbx import matrix

    # The XDS files to read from
    integrate_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/INTEGRATE.HKL')
    gxparm_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS')

    # Read the XDS files
    self.integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    self.gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

    # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
    models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
    self.beam = models.get_beam()
    self.gonio = models.get_goniometer()
    self.detector = models.get_detector()
    self.scan = models.get_scan()

    # Get crystal parameters
    self.space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
    a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
    b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
    c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
    self.unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
    self.ub_matrix = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()

    # Get the minimum resolution in the integrate file
    d = [self.unit_cell.d(h) for h in self.integrate_handle.hkl]
    self.d_min = min(d)
    # extend the resolution shell by epsilon>0
    # to account for rounding artifacts on 32-bit platforms
    self.d_min = self.d_min - 1e-15

    # Get the number of frames from the max z value
    xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*self.integrate_handle.xyzcal)
                             self.scan.get_image_range()[0] +

    # Print stuff
#        print self.beam
#        print self.gonio
#        print self.detector
#        print self.scan

    # Create the index generator
    self.generate_indices = IndexGenerator(self.unit_cell,
        self.space_group_type, self.d_min)

    s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
    m2 = self.gonio.get_rotation_axis()
    fixed_rotation = self.gonio.get_fixed_rotation()
    setting_rotation = self.gonio.get_setting_rotation()
    UB = self.ub_matrix
    dphi = self.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False)

    # Create the ray predictor
    self.predict_rays = ScanStaticRayPredictor(s0, m2, fixed_rotation,
                                               setting_rotation, dphi)

    # Predict the spot locations
    self.reflections = self.predict_rays(
                            self.generate_indices.to_array(), UB)
from __future__ import print_function

from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
import sys

reader = integrate_hkl.reader()

hkl = []
iobs = []
sigma = []
xyzcal = []
rlp = []
peak = []
corr = []
maxc = []
xyzobs = []
alfbet0 = []
alfbet1 = []
psi = []
for i in range(len(reader.xyzcal)):
    x, y, z = reader.xyzcal[i]
    if z >= 0 and z < 9:
Example #12
    def __call__(self, params, options):
        """Import the integrate.hkl file."""
        # Get the unit cell to calculate the resolution
        uc = self._experiment.crystal.get_unit_cell()

        # Read the INTEGRATE.HKL file
        Command.start("Reading INTEGRATE.HKL")
        handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
        hkl = flex.miller_index(handle.hkl)
        xyzcal = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzcal)
        xyzobs = flex.vec3_double(handle.xyzobs)
        iobs = flex.double(handle.iobs)
        sigma = flex.double(handle.sigma)
        rlp = flex.double(handle.rlp)
        peak = flex.double(handle.peak) * 0.01
        if len(handle.iseg):
            panel = flex.size_t(handle.iseg) - 1
            panel = flex.size_t(len(hkl), 0)
        Command.end(f"Read {len(hkl)} reflections from INTEGRATE.HKL file.")

        if len(self._experiment.detector) > 1:
            for p_id, p in enumerate(self._experiment.detector):
                sel = panel == p_id
                offset = p.get_raw_image_offset()
                xyzcal.set_selected(sel, xyzcal.select(sel) - (offset[0], offset[1], 0))
                xyzobs.set_selected(sel, xyzobs.select(sel) - (offset[0], offset[1], 0))

        # Derive the reindex matrix
        rdx = self.derive_reindex_matrix(handle)
        print("Reindex matrix:\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d" % (rdx.elems))

        # Reindex the reflections
        Command.start("Reindexing reflections")
        cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(sgtbx.rt_mx(sgtbx.rot_mx(rdx.elems)))
        hkl = cb_op.apply(hkl)
        Command.end(f"Reindexed {len(hkl)} reflections")

        # Create the reflection list
        Command.start("Creating reflection table")
        table = flex.reflection_table()
        table["id"] = flex.int(len(hkl), 0)
        table["panel"] = panel
        table["miller_index"] = hkl
        table["xyzcal.px"] = xyzcal
        table["xyzobs.px.value"] = xyzobs
        table["intensity.cor.value"] = iobs
        table["intensity.cor.variance"] = flex.pow2(sigma)
        table["intensity.prf.value"] = iobs * peak / rlp
        table["intensity.prf.variance"] = flex.pow2(sigma * peak / rlp)
        table["lp"] = 1.0 / rlp
        table["d"] = flex.double(uc.d(h) for h in hkl)
        Command.end(f"Created table with {len(table)} reflections")

        # Output the table to pickle file
        if params.output.filename is None:
            params.output.filename = "integrate_hkl.refl"
        Command.start(f"Saving reflection table to {params.output.filename}")
        Command.end(f"Saved reflection table to {params.output.filename}")
Example #13
def run():
  if not have_dials_regression:
    print "Skipping test: dials_regression not available."

  from scitbx import matrix
  from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
  from dials.util import ioutil
  from math import ceil
  from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import RotationAngles
  import dxtbx
  from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \

  # The XDS files to read from
  integrate_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/INTEGRATE.HKL')
  gxparm_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS')

  # Read the XDS files
  integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
  gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

  # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
  models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
  beam = models.get_beam()
  gonio = models.get_goniometer()
  detector = models.get_detector()
  scan = models.get_scan()

  # Get the crystal parameters
  space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(gxparm_handle)
  cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
  a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
  b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
  c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
  unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
  UB = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()
  ub_matrix = UB

  # Get the minimum resolution in the integrate file
  d = [unit_cell.d(h) for h in integrate_handle.hkl]
  d_min = min(d)

  # Get the number of frames from the max z value
  xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*integrate_handle.xyzcal)
  num_frames = int(ceil(max(zcal)))
                      scan.get_image_range()[0] + num_frames - 1))

  # Create the rotation angle object
  ra = RotationAngles(beam.get_s0(), gonio.get_rotation_axis())

  # Setup the matrices
  ub = matrix.sqr(ub_matrix)
  s0 = matrix.col(beam.get_s0())
  m2 = matrix.col(gonio.get_rotation_axis())

  # For all the miller indices
  for h in integrate_handle.hkl:
    h = matrix.col(h)

    # Calculate the angles
    angles = ra(h, ub)

    # For all the angles
    for phi in angles:
      r = m2.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(angle=phi)
      pstar = r * ub * h
      s1 = s0 + pstar
      assert(abs(s1.length() - s0.length()) < 1e-7)

  print "OK"

  # Create a dict of lists of xy for each hkl
  gen_phi = {}
  for h in integrate_handle.hkl:

    # Calculate the angles
    angles = ra(h, ub)
    gen_phi[h] = angles
#        for phi in angles:
#            try:
#                a = gen_phi[h]
#                a.append(phi)
#                gen_phi[h] = a
#            except KeyError:
#                gen_phi[h] = [phi]

  # For each hkl in the xds file
  for hkl, xyz in zip(integrate_handle.hkl,

    # Calculate the XDS phi value
    xds_phi = scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)[0] + \

    # Select the nearest xy to use if there are 2
    my_phi = gen_phi[hkl]
    if len(my_phi) == 2:
      my_phi0 = my_phi[0]
      my_phi1 = my_phi[1]
      diff0 = abs(xds_phi - my_phi0)
      diff1 = abs(xds_phi - my_phi1)
      if diff0 < diff1:
        my_phi = my_phi0
        my_phi = my_phi1
      my_phi = my_phi[0]

    # Check the Phi values are the same
    assert(abs(xds_phi - my_phi) < 0.1)

  # Test Passed
  print "OK"

from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl
import sys

reader = integrate_hkl.reader()

hkl = []
iobs = []
sigma = []
xyzcal = []
rlp = []
peak = []
corr = []
maxc = []
xyzobs = []
alfbet0 = []
alfbet1 = []
psi = []
for i in range(len(reader.xyzcal)):
  x, y, z = reader.xyzcal[i]
  if z >= 0 and z < 9:
Example #15
    def __init__(self, dials_regression):
        import dxtbx
        from iotbx.xds import integrate_hkl, xparm
        from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import coordinate_frame_converter

        from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import (
        from dials.util import ioutil

        # The XDS files to read from
        integrate_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, "data", "sim_mx",
        gxparm_filename = os.path.join(dials_regression, "data", "sim_mx",

        # Read the XDS files
        self.integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
        self.gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

        # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
        models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
        self.beam = models.get_beam()
        self.gonio = models.get_goniometer()
        self.detector = models.get_detector()
        self.scan = models.get_scan()

        # Get crystal parameters
        self.space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(
        cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
        a_vec = cfc.get("real_space_a")
        b_vec = cfc.get("real_space_b")
        c_vec = cfc.get("real_space_c")
        self.unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
        self.ub_matrix = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()

        # Get the minimum resolution in the integrate file
        d = [self.unit_cell.d(h) for h in self.integrate_handle.hkl]
        self.d_min = min(d)
        # extend the resolution shell by epsilon>0
        # to account for rounding artifacts on 32-bit platforms
        self.d_min = self.d_min - 1e-15

        # Get the number of frames from the max z value
        xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*self.integrate_handle.xyzcal)
            self.scan.get_image_range()[0] + int(math.ceil(max(zcal))),

        # Print stuff
        #        print self.beam
        #        print self.gonio
        #        print self.detector
        #        print self.scan

        # Create the index generator
        self.generate_indices = IndexGenerator(self.unit_cell,

        s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
        m2 = self.gonio.get_rotation_axis()
        fixed_rotation = self.gonio.get_fixed_rotation()
        setting_rotation = self.gonio.get_setting_rotation()
        UB = self.ub_matrix
        dphi = self.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False)

        # Create the ray predictor
        self.predict_rays = ScanStaticRayPredictor(s0, m2, fixed_rotation,
                                                   setting_rotation, dphi)

        # Predict the spot locations
        self.reflections = self.predict_rays(self.generate_indices.to_array(),
Example #16
    def __init__(self):
        from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import IndexGenerator
        from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ScanStaticRayPredictor
        from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ray_intersection
        from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
        from dials.util import ioutil
        from math import ceil
        import dxtbx
        from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \
        from scitbx import matrix

        # The XDS files to read from
        integrate_filename = join(dials_regression,
        gxparm_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS')

        # Read the XDS files
        self.integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
        self.gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

        # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
        models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
        self.beam = models.get_beam()
        self.gonio = models.get_goniometer()
        self.detector = models.get_detector()
        self.scan = models.get_scan()

        assert (len(self.detector) == 1)

        #print self.detector

        # Get crystal parameters
        self.space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(
        cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
        a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
        b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
        c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
        self.unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
        self.ub_matrix = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()

        # Get the minimum resolution in the integrate file
        self.d_min = self.detector[0].get_max_resolution_at_corners(

        # Get the number of frames from the max z value
        xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*self.integrate_handle.xyzcal)
             self.scan.get_image_range()[0] + int(ceil(max(zcal)))))

        # Create the index generator
        generate_indices = IndexGenerator(self.unit_cell,
                                          self.space_group_type, self.d_min)

        s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
        m2 = self.gonio.get_rotation_axis()
        fixed_rotation = self.gonio.get_fixed_rotation()
        setting_rotation = self.gonio.get_setting_rotation()
        UB = self.ub_matrix
        dphi = self.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False)

        # Create the ray predictor
        self.predict_rays = ScanStaticRayPredictor(s0, m2, fixed_rotation,
                                                   setting_rotation, dphi)

        # Predict the spot locations
        self.reflections = self.predict_rays(generate_indices.to_array(), UB)

        # Calculate the intersection of the detector and reflection frames
        success = ray_intersection(self.detector, self.reflections)
Example #17
def run():
  if not have_dials_regression:
    print "Skipping test: dials_regression not available."

  from scitbx import matrix
  from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
  from dials.util import ioutil
  from math import ceil
  from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import RotationAngles
  import dxtbx
  from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \

  # The XDS files to read from
  integrate_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/INTEGRATE.HKL')
  gxparm_filename = join(dials_regression, 'data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS')

  # Read the XDS files
  integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
  gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

  # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
  models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
  beam = models.get_beam()
  gonio = models.get_goniometer()
  detector = models.get_detector()
  scan = models.get_scan()

  # Get the crystal parameters
  space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(gxparm_handle)
  cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
  a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
  b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
  c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
  unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
  UB = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()
  ub_matrix = UB

  # Get the minimum resolution in the integrate file
  d = [unit_cell.d(h) for h in integrate_handle.hkl]
  d_min = min(d)

  # Get the number of frames from the max z value
  xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*integrate_handle.xyzcal)
  num_frames = int(ceil(max(zcal)))
                      scan.get_image_range()[0] + num_frames - 1))

  # Create the rotation angle object
  ra = RotationAngles(beam.get_s0(), gonio.get_rotation_axis())

  # Setup the matrices
  ub = matrix.sqr(ub_matrix)
  s0 = matrix.col(beam.get_s0())
  m2 = matrix.col(gonio.get_rotation_axis())

  # For all the miller indices
  for h in integrate_handle.hkl:
    h = matrix.col(h)

    # Calculate the angles
    angles = ra(h, ub)

    # For all the angles
    for phi in angles:
      r = m2.axis_and_angle_as_r3_rotation_matrix(angle=phi)
      pstar = r * ub * h
      s1 = s0 + pstar
      assert(abs(s1.length() - s0.length()) < 1e-7)

  print "OK"

  # Create a dict of lists of xy for each hkl
  gen_phi = {}
  for h in integrate_handle.hkl:

    # Calculate the angles
    angles = ra(h, ub)
    gen_phi[h] = angles
#        for phi in angles:
#            try:
#                a = gen_phi[h]
#                a.append(phi)
#                gen_phi[h] = a
#            except KeyError:
#                gen_phi[h] = [phi]

  # For each hkl in the xds file
  for hkl, xyz in zip(integrate_handle.hkl,

    # Calculate the XDS phi value
    xds_phi = scan.get_oscillation(deg=False)[0] + \

    # Select the nearest xy to use if there are 2
    my_phi = gen_phi[hkl]
    if len(my_phi) == 2:
      my_phi0 = my_phi[0]
      my_phi1 = my_phi[1]
      diff0 = abs(xds_phi - my_phi0)
      diff1 = abs(xds_phi - my_phi1)
      if diff0 < diff1:
        my_phi = my_phi0
        my_phi = my_phi1
      my_phi = my_phi[0]

    # Check the Phi values are the same
    assert(abs(xds_phi - my_phi) < 0.1)

  # Test Passed
  print "OK"
Example #18
def run():
  from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
  from dials.util import ioutil
  from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import IndexGenerator
  from os.path import realpath, dirname, join
  import numpy
  from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \
  from scitbx import matrix

  # The XDS files to read from
  test_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))))
  integrate_filename = join(test_path, 'data/sim_mx/INTEGRATE.HKL')
  gxparm_filename = join(test_path, 'data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS')

  # Read the XDS files
  integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
  gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

  # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
  d_min = 1.6
  space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(gxparm_handle)
  cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
  a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
  b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
  c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
  unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
  UB = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()
  ub_matrix = UB

  # Generate the indices
  index_generator = IndexGenerator(unit_cell, space_group_type, d_min)
  miller_indices = index_generator.to_array()

  # Get individual generated hkl
  gen_h = [hkl[0] for hkl in miller_indices]
  gen_k = [hkl[1] for hkl in miller_indices]
  gen_l = [hkl[2] for hkl in miller_indices]

  # Get individual xds generated hkl
  xds_h = [hkl[0] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]
  xds_k = [hkl[0] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]
  xds_l = [hkl[0] for hkl in integrate_handle.hkl]

  # Get min/max generated hkl
  min_gen_h, max_gen_h = numpy.min(gen_h), numpy.max(gen_h)
  min_gen_k, max_gen_k = numpy.min(gen_k), numpy.max(gen_k)
  min_gen_l, max_gen_l = numpy.min(gen_l), numpy.max(gen_l)

  # Get min/max xds generated hkl
  min_xds_h, max_xds_h = numpy.min(xds_h), numpy.max(xds_h)
  min_xds_k, max_xds_k = numpy.min(xds_k), numpy.max(xds_k)
  min_xds_l, max_xds_l = numpy.min(xds_l), numpy.max(xds_l)

  # Ensure we have the whole xds range  in the generated set
  assert(min_gen_h <= min_xds_h and max_gen_h >= max_xds_h)
  assert(min_gen_k <= min_xds_k and max_gen_k >= max_xds_k)
  assert(min_gen_l <= min_xds_l and max_gen_l >= max_xds_l)

  # Test Passed
  print "OK"
Example #19
  def __init__(self):
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import IndexGenerator
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ScanStaticRayPredictor
    from dials.algorithms.spot_prediction import ray_intersection
    from iotbx.xds import xparm, integrate_hkl
    from dials.util import ioutil
    from math import ceil
    from os.path import realpath, dirname, join
    import dxtbx
    from rstbx.cftbx.coordinate_frame_converter import \
    from scitbx import matrix

    # The XDS files to read from
    test_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))))
    integrate_filename = join(test_path, 'data/sim_mx/INTEGRATE.HKL')
    gxparm_filename = join(test_path, 'data/sim_mx/GXPARM.XDS')

    # Read the XDS files
    self.integrate_handle = integrate_hkl.reader()
    self.gxparm_handle = xparm.reader()

    # Get the parameters we need from the GXPARM file
    models = dxtbx.load(gxparm_filename)
    self.beam = models.get_beam()
    self.gonio = models.get_goniometer()
    self.detector = models.get_detector()
    self.scan = models.get_scan()

    assert(len(self.detector) == 1)

    #print self.detector

    # Get crystal parameters
    self.space_group_type = ioutil.get_space_group_type_from_xparm(
    cfc = coordinate_frame_converter(gxparm_filename)
    a_vec = cfc.get('real_space_a')
    b_vec = cfc.get('real_space_b')
    c_vec = cfc.get('real_space_c')
    self.unit_cell = cfc.get_unit_cell()
    self.ub_matrix = matrix.sqr(a_vec + b_vec + c_vec).inverse()

    # Get the minimum resolution in the integrate file
    self.d_min = self.detector[0].get_max_resolution_at_corners(

    # Get the number of frames from the max z value
    xcal, ycal, zcal = zip(*self.integrate_handle.xyzcal)
                               self.scan.get_image_range()[0] +

    # Create the index generator
    generate_indices = IndexGenerator(self.unit_cell, self.space_group_type,

    s0 = self.beam.get_s0()
    m2 = self.gonio.get_rotation_axis()
    fixed_rotation = self.gonio.get_fixed_rotation()
    UB = self.ub_matrix
    dphi = self.scan.get_oscillation_range(deg=False)

    # Create the ray predictor
    self.predict_rays = ScanStaticRayPredictor(s0, m2, fixed_rotation, dphi)

    # Predict the spot locations
    self.reflections = self.predict_rays(
                                    generate_indices.to_array(), UB)

    # Calculate the intersection of the detector and reflection frames
    success = ray_intersection(self.detector, self.reflections)