def __main__(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Command-line Interface for IoTDM Python Client") parser.add_argument('protocol', help='Protocol for Requests', choices=['http', 'coap'], type=str) parser.add_argument('--from', '-fr', dest='from', help='From Which IP Address', type=str) parser.add_argument('--to', '-t', dest='host', help='To Which IP Address', type=str) parser.add_argument('--path', '-pa', dest='path', help='path', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--name', '-nm', dest='name', help='Resource Name', type=str) parser.add_argument('--op', '-o', dest='operation', help='Operation', choices=['restconf', 'kill', 'create', 'retrieve', 'update', 'delete'], type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', dest='port', help='Port Number', type=str) parser.add_argument('--primitiveContent', '-pc', dest='payload', help='payload', type=str) parser.add_argument('--requestIdentifier', '-rqi', dest='rqi', help='Request ID', type=str) parser.add_argument('--resourceType', '-ty', dest='ty', help='Resource Type', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() url = '%s://%s' %(args.protocol, if args.operation == 'restconf': iotdm_api.restConf(url,, 'admin', 'admin') if args.operation == 'kill': iotdm_api.cleanup(url, 'admin', 'admin') if args.operation == 'create': url = url + ':%s/%s' %(args.port, args.path) iotdm_api.create(url, args.ty,, args.payload) if args.operation == 'retrieve': url = url + ':%s/%s' %(args.port, args.path) iotdm_api.retrieve(url) if args.operation == 'update': url = url + ':%s/%s' %(args.port, args.path) iotdm_api.update(url, args.ty, args.payload) if args.operation == 'delete': url = url + ':%s/%s' %(args.port, args.path) iotdm_api.delete(url)
# File to demonstate operation of Python API using HTTP protocol to talk to host # To operate run IoTDM server on localhost as described at: # # Contents of this file is based on: # # December 2016 # Author: Iain Sharp import iotdm_api from import * from onem2m_xml_protocols.container import * from onem2m_xml_protocols.contentinstance import * # Build the root CSE base of a tree by Restconf: iotdm_api.restConf('http://localhost', 'InCSE1', 'admin', 'admin') # Creation of an AE named "myAE" under the CSE base "InCSE1". AE = ae() AE.set_api("Nk836-t071-fc022") AE.set_rr(True) AE.set_rn("myAE") payload = AE.to_JSON() iotdm_api.create("http://localhost:8282/InCSE1", 2, payload, origin="AE-ID", requestID="12345") # Creation of a Container named "myContainer" with a maximum number of bytes of 32, under "myAE". container = cnt()
def test_0_CSE_Provisioning(self): iotdm_api.restConf('http://localhost', 'ODL-oneM2M-Cse', 'admin', 'admin')
import iotdm_api from import ae from onem2m_xml_protocols.container import cnt from onem2m_xml_protocols.contentinstance import cin from onem2m_xml_protocols.subscription import sub from onem2m_xml_protocols.remotecse import csr from onem2m_xml_protocols.acp import acp from onem2m_xml_protocols.acp import acr from import grp from onem2m_xml_protocols.node import nod from onem2m_xml_protocols.firmware import fwr # RestConf calls require admin access iotdm_api.restConf('http://localhost', 'InCSE1', 'admin', 'admin') # Clean-up of resource tree iotdm_api.cleanup('http://localhost', 'admin', 'admin') # CoAP Creation of an AE named "myAE" under the CSE base "InCSE1". AE = ae() AE.set_api("Nk836-t071-fc022") AE.set_rr(True) AE.set_rn("myAE") payload = AE.to_JSON() iotdm_api.create("coap://localhost:5683/InCSE1", 2, payload, origin="AE-ID", requestID="12345") # Creation of a Container named "mySubContainer" with a maximum number of instances of 5, under "myContainer". container = cnt()